Chapter 507 Return of Tianjiao
Time is like water, time is like a shuttle.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.

Lei Ling lived very comfortably during his stay at the Jiang family.

There are more and more beautiful women around me.

All day long, he walked around the Jiang family to see who was upset, and beat him up when he went up.

When you see a pretty girl, go up and grab it.

The Jiang family complained a lot.

This is something that has never happened since the establishment of the Jiang family!

On this day, those trembling young men from the Jiang family who were hiding in the dark finally came out.

Breathing the fresh air, I felt like I was reborn.

"Great, those peerless geniuses of my Jiang family are finally coming back,

Our hard days are finally over. "

A young man with a swollen face like a pig's head said with tears streaming down his face.

"Damn Lei Ling, just wait, your days are coming to an end."

A lame teenager gritted his teeth.

"My brother Chong is finally coming back, he will definitely save me from this devil."

A girl standing at the back of Lei Ling's maid line, looked at Lei Ling who was hugging left and right in front of her with resentment, and hummed softly:
"Ignorant slut, how can I be worse than them?"

"Oh, what should I do, if brother Xing comes back.

Can I stay with Young Master Ling again? "

A delicate girl in Lei Ling's arms had a troubled expression on her face.

"It's over, it's over, although Ling Shao is invincible in the world, if my Jiang family's Tianjiao goes together, he will definitely not be able to beat him.

I have to ask my mother to let him protect Young Master Ling. "

The girl standing behind Lei Ling fanning her fan looked at Lei Ling worriedly.

The boys and girls of the Jiang family have different thoughts.

But without exception, they all went to the portal, and together with the elders of the clan, welcomed the return of the Tianjiao.

Lei Ling and Lei Han sat under Jiang Yuerong's throne, cooking tea and chatting.

Looking at the calm Lei Ling, Lei Han showed some worry on his face:
"Ling'er, you've had enough trouble during this time, why don't we go back first.

Now that the arrogance of all parties has returned, the battle will be even more intense.

Nanzhou needs you! "

Jiang Yuerong originally thought that Lei Ling would refuse directly, and then said something domineeringly.

They are all rubbish, he is all trash, if they dare to mess with this young master, this young master blows their dog heads and so on, it will be awesome.

Unexpectedly, Lei Ling stepped down from the donkey, nodded and said:

"Well, it's time to go back. Nanzhou needs me, and the people of the human race need me. I can't just care about my own happiness."

Seeing his serious appearance, a blush flashed across Jiang Yuerong's face.

This son of mine seems a bit shameless!

Seeing that Lei Ling agreed to leave, Lei Han was overjoyed, but then frowned again:
"Ling'er, I've memorized the way in, but I looked again these days and found that the enchantment formation of the Jiang family has changed.

can you get out "

"Small meaning, I have a maid by my side, and her great-grandfather is in charge of guarding the perimeter.

Yesterday, I already made Jiang Hai dizzy.

You can go out anytime you want.

Dad, are you staying here with my mother, or are you going with me? "

Lei Ling's words turned the two elders into petrification.

Especially Jiang Yuerong, she felt that she was not well.

Before Lei Ling was domineering in the Jiang family, she still thought her son was mighty, domineering and handsome!
Co-author, you are a bullying master!

Already ready to run away.
"Father stay with your mother, I thought that this time I could marry your mother in a good way.

I didn't expect there to be such a temple of heavenly women. Since I can't take your mother away, my father is here to accompany her.

Leave all my outside business to you.

You can do whatever you want. "

Lei Han looked at Jiang Yuerong affectionately, with a sweet smile on his fat face.

Jiang Yuerong rolled her eyes and said angrily:
"Get out, I want you, a fat pig, to play with me?

Go with your son and take care of him. "

With a look of grievance on Lei Han's face, he could only look to Lei Ling for help.

"Mother, just let Dad stay with you here, his strength is too weak after all.

Now that Tianjiao is back, they don't care about balance or anything like that.

I have made too many enemies, father may be in danger outside, it is safest to stay here with you. "

Lei Ling looked at Jiang Yuerong and blamed himself:
"Mother, I'm sorry, I was planning to rescue you this time.

But things are much more troublesome than I imagined, please bear with me for a while.

When I return next time, I will definitely rescue you from here. "

"Ling'er, don't worry about your mother's affairs, alas... take good care of yourself.

If you can't beat others, come to your mother, as long as you are in the Temple of Heaven, no one can hurt you. "

Jiang Yuerong closed her eyes slowly, not letting the tears flow.

Everyone in the Jiang family went to the portal to wait for Tianjiao's return.

A small boat slowly left Jiang's house.

Lei Ling stood at the bow of the boat with a pretty girl in his arms, full of vigor and vigor, as if he was pointing out the country.

There is no sense of escape at all.

At the stern, Jiang Hai crouched beside the boatman, his face full of hatred.

The one Lei Ling hugged was his daughter.

I don't know what happened to his daughter.

Then he fell in love with Lei Ling like a demon.

Lei Ling could do whatever she asked her to do.

When Tianjiao returned, he was afraid that Lei Ling would plot against him, and wanted to use him to escape.

It closed early.

But her daughter tricked him out by using the pretext of being pregnant.

Then he was given medicine.

Can this shit still work?

Jiang Hai was about to collapse.

"Master, Qian Nu doesn't want to leave you, Qian Nu wants to leave Jiang's house with you."

Jiang Hai's daughter, Jiang Qian, nestled in Lei Ling's arms, looking at him beggingly, her eyes full of fanaticism and obsession.

"It's dangerous outside, Sissy, you'd better stay at Jiang's house to be safe, and by the way, let me take care of my father and mother.

Don't worry, the master will come back after a while,

When the time comes, you have to dress up beautifully, and the master will definitely love you well. "

Lei Ling lifted Jiang Qian's chin, and glanced at Jiang Hai provocatively.

Jiang Hai almost exploded.

This dog thief actually trained his own daughter to become a slave girl.

The most frightening thing is that his daughter seems to be completely domesticated.

If this gets out, where will his old face be put!

Lei Ling domesticated many women in the Jiang family.

Let them become his slaves, and get a lot of secrets out of their mouths.

To be able to enslave such a woman in such a short period of time.

Relying on their Lei family's traditional training methods is far from enough.

Lei Ling also used past life hypnotism.

He has devoured a large number of Tianjiao, his soul power is extremely powerful, and he has also experienced heart demons and soul tribulations.

Cooperate with his understanding of psychology.

Dealing with these young girls who don't know much about the world is simply a piece of cake.

"Master, Qiannu is at your command."

Jiang Qian has been completely tamed by Lei Ling, in her eyes, only Lei Ling is there.

Her father was just a cat and a dog.

Outside the portal.

One by one, the Jiang family's Tianjiao came out.

I thought there were cheers waiting for them.

Unexpectedly, it was the sound of crying.

The ones who cried the most were of course those young men.

During this time, they have been pressed and rubbed on the ground by Lei Ling.

He also suffered multiple blows mentally.

Live a life worse than a dog.

Some girls also lowered their heads and wept.

Some are really crying.

These are just comparisons, and they don't look very good.

They were all arranged by Lei Ling to work as coolies.

Wash your feet!
Collect dew to make tea!
Let's cook!
Etc., etc.

They are wronged!
Although they are not as good as those first-line beauties.

But it's also a little beauty!

She is usually like a little princess.

Now it is treated like this.

It's better to be ignored like those ugly girls who can't catch Lei Ling's eyes.

Some are fake crying.

There are several types of these women.

Some of them are the girlfriends of Tianjiao.

Now that my man is back, if I don't cry a few times, talk about my grievances.

That will definitely be killed.

Some are more favored.

If you don't cry at this time, and don't draw a clear line with Lei Ling, then wait for the end.

Others go with the flow.

After all, this is the Jiang family, and the elders are all watching.

In order not to be put on small shoes in the future, I have to cry.

Anyway, everyone has their own goals and ideas.

Wept directly into one piece.

The elders did not stop.

These days, Lei Ling is really too arrogant.

Now that the Tianjiao are all back, if they don't give him some flair, he would think that there is no one in the Jiang family.

"Patriarch, Great Elder, what happened?"

The pride of the Jiang family asked suspiciously.


The head of the Jiang family shook his head and sighed, but did not answer.

At that time, the Great Elder explained what Lei Ling had done before.

The boys and girls of the Jiang family cried even more miserably.

They shouted the names of Tianjiao they were familiar with, and let them make decisions for themselves.

Some even knelt directly to the ground.

"How dare you bully my Jiang family while I'm not here? What a shameless villain!"

A Tianjiao of the Jiang family stepped on the ground and rushed to the Tiannv Hall first.

The rest of the Tianjiao also had unkind faces, and they turned into Changhong and flew towards the Tiannv Temple.

They wanted to tear Lei Ling's body into thousands of pieces.

But when they surrounded the Tiannv Temple and yelled for Lei Ling to come out to fight.

But got the news that Lei Ling had already left.

"Hold the grass, isn't this kid too stupid? Run away after beating?"

A Tianjiao was speechless.

"He left soon, so he should be able to catch up."

A hot-tempered Tianjiao left Jiang's house directly, used the secret tracking technique, and went to hunt and kill Lei Ling.

Then several people left one after another to go to support.

"Hmph, isn't his father here? If I catch his father, I don't believe he won't come to rescue him."

Another Tianjiao snorted coldly, and rushed directly into the Tiannv Hall.

The Tiannv Temple is a holy place for the Jiang family.

Generally, others are not allowed to enter casually.

But this Tianjiao has obtained huge benefits in the secret realm, and his strength has been terribly improved.

Has reached the peak supreme state.

With such a powerful strength, he naturally lost his awe of the Tiannv Temple.

The future of this world is theirs.

What is the mere Tiannv Temple?

However, the next moment, he was in tragedy.


A soft shout came from the Tiannv Hall, and the entire Tiannv Hall trembled violently a few times.


The Tianjiao vomited blood and flew out. His body hit the stone statue outside and exploded into a cloud of blood.

"Who dares to trespass on the Heavenly Maiden Hall! Die!"

Jiang Yuerong's icy voice came from the Tiannv Hall.

Shocked everyone's mind.

Looking at the pool of blood, even the patriarch, the great elder, and others trembled in their hearts.

They all knew that Jiang Yuerong was always suffocating in her heart.

She had a fiery temper.

She is for the family, for the creatures in this world.

Willing to settle in the Temple of Heavenly Girls, I sacrificed my youth and freedom.

But his son was assassinated and targeted.

How is she not angry?
That person dared to forcibly break into the Temple of the Heavenly Girl, trying to arrest her man, it was like a bullet at the point of a gun.

She is the converter of Tiannv Temple.

It is the core of Tiannv Temple.

In the Tiannv Temple, she is the supreme existence.

Absolutely invincible.

"Hmph, the goddess is so majestic."

An elder snorted coldly, his eyes full of resentment.

The Tianjiao just now was her junior.


Before she finished speaking, she heard a puff, and a sword light pierced her chest directly.


The elder screamed and was about to fight back.

Unexpectedly, the sword light suddenly exploded and turned into countless small sword lights, directly twisting her body and soul into pieces.

Everyone looked at the girl standing quietly in mid-air.

The girl was carrying a big gourd on her back, and she was wearing a shofar braid, she looked as cute as a porcelain doll.

She held a ball of cotton candy, licked it and said coquettishly:

"Don't be disrespectful to my mother, otherwise Li'er will kill someone."

Everyone was speechless.

You've already killed someone, okay?
This girl's name is Jiang Li, and she is Lei Ling's twin sister of the same father and mother.

"Li'er, didn't I tell you that you are not allowed to attack the elders casually?"

The Great Elder showed displeasure on his face, and taught him a lesson.

Jiang Li didn't kill any cat or dog!

This is an elder of the Jiang family.

"But Great Elder, didn't you tell Li'er to hit Li'er whoever makes her unhappy?

She was fierce to my mother just now, and Li'er was upset, so she beat her.

Li'er didn't know that she couldn't help beating so much! "

Jiang Li said a little aggrieved.

The elder was at a loss for words for a while.

At this time, another elder spoke out to persuade:
"Li'er, your mother made a mistake. She killed a young junior in the clan and should be punished."

Jiang Li stared, she threw the cotton candy in her hand, untied the big gourd behind her back, and said angrily:
"How dare you! Anyone who dares to punish my mother will be killed by me."

"You child, why are you so disobedient?"

The elder had a heartbroken face, and she looked at the patriarch beside him:

"Patriarch, you don't care about her."

"Li'er, take this old witch, Jiang Zixin, for me."

At this time, Jiang Yuerong's voice came from the Tiannv Hall.


When Jiang Li heard this, she took off the stopper from the gourd without hesitation.

Seeing this, Jiang Zixin yelled that it was not good.

He stomped on the ground hard and flew away quickly.

"Jiang Zixin, hurry up."

Jiang Li yelled, and Jiang Zixin, who had already flown out for an unknown distance, felt her body bound by a terrifying force.

Her body backed up involuntarily.

Amidst a series of screams, he got into Jiang Li's gourd.

(End of this chapter)

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