Chapter 113 Trial Marriage Contract
Hearing the deep meaning in Jue Shi's words, he must have fallen in love with his girl!
Because he loves her, he let her go and doted on her. The gamble he made this time may not even feel sure to him, but it also shows that he has deep feelings for Xin'er.

It's a pity that the girl Xin'er just doesn't know how to cherish, Ye Maosheng couldn't let go when thinking of what she did.

If she had to force them to get married, she didn't know what else she would do. She reacted very much to getting married, but she couldn't untie her knot if she didn't get married.

"Jazz, you have also seen that this girl is reacting very much to this marriage. I am worried that if I force her like this again, she will do even more outrageous things. What do you think?"

Ye Maosheng asked, he couldn't think of a better way to solve this matter for a while, I don't know if Jazz has an idea.

In the end, I was able to come up with a way to get the best of both worlds, let the girl compromise, and at the same time avoid bad luck.

"Dad, Qingxin hasn't known me for long, and we have had so many unpleasant things before, she must have something against me in her heart, it's hard for her to accept me for a while, or delay the wedding, give her some time to think about it, Let us also get along well."

Shangguan Jueshi suggested that since she reacted so strongly to this marriage, he could delay it and give her enough time to accept him.

"No, this marriage cannot be postponed. On the contrary, the sooner the better, otherwise the safety of my heart is still not safe."

Ye Maosheng objected, as long as the marriage is done before April, then the bad luck can be resolved.

And Shangguan Jueshi frowned deeply, a little embarrassed, after all he didn't like to see her marrying him unwillingly.

Just when Shangguan Jueshi and Ye Maosheng were troubled by this matter, Leng Yisheng who was at the side smiled and said casually, jingling his fingers, "What's the problem, it's very simple!"

He is the best at this kind of thing, and it is best to ask him.

"Yisheng, what method have you thought of, tell me quickly!"

Hearing Yi Sheng say it so easily, it seems that he has figured out a way, Ye Maosheng asked anxiously.

But Shangguan Jueshi gave him a cold look and warned him not to make up his mind.

He can only watch dramas and sabotage, what method can he come up with!

"Jazz, don't look at me so badly! It's about your life's happiness, brother, how dare I joke!"

Leng Yisheng spread his hands, and said with an innocent face, although he was frustrated in love and wanted to have someone to accompany him, but he would not confuse his brother's marriage, he couldn't do such a thing.

"Yisheng, tell me, let's see if it works!"

Whether this method is useful or not, you have to listen to it.

"This method works 100%! It's a very popular trial marriage now—as the name suggests, it's an experimental marriage, not bound by the law. It's an experience where a man and a woman officially enter the wedding banquet hall to let each other know each other. It can also be said to be cohabitation. In such a situation For Jazz and Qingxin, it is the best."

Jazz doesn't understand these things, but he is much better at it.

But Shangguan Jueshi frowned, thought about it carefully, and felt that this method was indeed feasible.

He glanced at Leng Yisheng with satisfaction, Leng Yisheng raised his head with a small case expression on his face.

"If you are not bound by the law, then it is not a marriage. I don't know if this bad luck can be resolved!" Ye Maosheng questioned. This method sounds good, but after all, this trial marriage is not a real marriage. Worrying about what might go wrong.

"It's not easy. We can also get the certificate first and then try the marriage. Let Jushi and Qingxin get the marriage certificate, and set a clear time limit. If the two parties still can't accept each other by then, then divorce! Of course, within this time limit Inside, both of you can sign a contract, negotiate the content of the contract, and try to meet the requirements of both parties, so it will be OK!"

Leng Yisheng continued, making an OK gesture, the corners of his mouth full of amusement, watching his brother get married, he is still a bachelor, how could he let him get his wish easily, no matter what, he had to make a little trouble for him.

But Shangguan Jueshi glanced at him fiercely, knowing that he didn't really want to help.

Once they're married, there's no reason for a divorce, and he won't let that happen.

"Sounds good! But isn't this a little rash!" Ye Maosheng looked worried. This method sounds very good, but it's too childish if you say it's over and leave it. Xin'er still can't accept Jue Shi's divorce, so how can she marry in the future!

"It's the most normal to get in touch now." Leng Yisheng said with a relaxed face, and Shangguan Jueshi's face turned a little cold when he heard what he said, and warned him again not to talk nonsense, he would come up with bad ideas .

Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian came to the living room, and just overheard their discussion, they were delighted, it was the first time they saw Leng Yisheng, this guy was not so annoying, and finally spoke human words once.

Unexpectedly, he and Lu Manman had exactly the same idea, and it seemed that her old man had the same idea. In this way, she would not have to act in Shangguan Jueshi, which would save a lot of effort.

But she only heard the first half of the content, and she was overjoyed. As for what they said in the second half, she didn't care much.

"Dad, I agree with this approach!"

Ye Qingxin raised her hands in agreement, and when she appeared, everyone's eyes fell on her one after another, with a look of surprise on their faces, they didn't expect this girl to hear this and express their approval.

Ye Qingxin walked over and sat beside Ye Maosheng.

Seeing her lively and energetic, Shangguan Jueshi felt relieved, and looked at her with tenderness in his eyes.

She came back anyway, and she still had him in her heart.

Being stared at by him like this, Ye Qingxin's heart couldn't help "thumping", "thumping", she looked awkward, and gave him a dry look.

Why is this guy staring at her like that? She didn't run away, so what!

Remembering what Lu Manman mentioned to him, pay attention to Shangguan Jueshi's expression when he looked at her, and carefully found that Shangguan Jueshi's eyes are really different today, very soft and soft, through his eyes, you can still see him Is it because she is back?

Is it true that as Lu Manman said, Shangguan Jueshi is interested in her, betting that she will come back?

Thinking about it made her head dizzy, it's more important to do serious business first, so Ye Qingxin put this matter to the back of her mind.

"Dad, I agree with this approach. Shangguan Jushi and I don't know each other very well. If you let me get married like this, I will go crazy and I will die of depression. If you don't want me to be unhappy, then you can make me happy." I have a trial marriage, so it is beneficial and harmless to me and Shangguan Jueshi, during this period, we can get to know each other, maybe when we try to match each other, we will live like this."

Ye Qingxin took Ye Maosheng's arm and said coquettishly.

Unexpectedly, her casual remark set off a turbulent wave in Shangguan Jueshi's heart and stirred up thousands of thoughts.

And Shangguan Jueshi listened to the first half of what she said, so unwilling to marry him, his lowered eyes were full of dimness, but when he heard her say that they might live together, his frowning brows relaxed, and the corners of his mouth With a smile on his face, he was very satisfied with what she said.

He looked at her firmly, as if saying that they would live a happy life. Facing his burning eyes, Ye Qingxin was startled and quickly looked away.

"Xin'er, you agree to a trial marriage?"

This girl refused to let her get married, but now she was asked to try marriage, but she agreed so quickly.

But whether this trial marriage will be too rash, Ye Maosheng still has a layer of worries in his heart.

"Well, I promise, I promise! Dad, you just promise, I finally found such a good method, and I am willing to promise, so you just agree!"

Seeing that the old man was still hesitating, Ye Qingxin continued.

"Jess, what do you think?" Ye Maosheng looked at Shangguan Jues, and asked, this girl agreed, but we have to see what Jus thinks.

Ye Qingxin glanced at him, waiting for his next words.

"I have no opinion!"

She thinks it's fine, as long as she is willing to stay by his side.

When he said this, Shangguan Jueshi's eyes kept falling on her, like the shrewd eyes of a hunter catching prey, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Ye Qingxin looked surprised, she never thought that Shangguan Jueshi would agree so quickly without even thinking about it, isn't he always not doing business that loses money?
How could she agree so readily? She faintly felt that she had overlooked something.

"Okay, since you both agreed, and I have no objection, this matter is settled, Xin'er, then you and Jue Shi will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate tomorrow! This time you agreed, you can't go back on your word .”

Ye Maosheng warned in advance, now that she has personally agreed, she has no reason to quibble.

"I still need to get a certificate! Isn't this a trial marriage? Why do I need to get a certificate!"

As soon as Ye Qingxin heard that she was going to get the certificate, she lost her composure, and screamed because of being too excited.

It is said that it is a trial marriage, that is an experimental marriage, not bound by the law, if you get a certificate, then it is not a legally formal couple, then it is not called a trial marriage.

"You girl, you agreed just now. Only by obtaining the certificate can you truly resolve your bad luck. First obtain the certificate and then try marriage, and then divorce after that time. There is a time limit. You can decide how long you want to last, but at least one year!" Ye Maosheng explained, and Ye Qingxin looked dull, what's going on.

"Then I will be at a disadvantage. I will be taken advantage of by him at that time, and I will be divorced and become a second-hand woman. Then my conditions for choosing a spouse will be greatly reduced!" Ye Qingxin said with a disadvantaged face. , if it is known that she was married, then how can she get married?

And Shangguan Jueshi listened to what she said with an ugly expression on his face.

She still wants to marry someone else, don't even think about it!
Second-hand woman, Leng Yisheng on the opposite side couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this novel term.

(End of this chapter)

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