Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 118 Getting a Marriage Certificate

Chapter 118 Getting a Marriage Certificate
Along the way, Shangguan Jueshi didn't speak again, and Ye Qingxin kept thinking about what Shangguan Jueshi said just now, and felt numb, cool, and slightly tingling in her heart, and she was in no mood to joke anymore.

Neither of them opened their mouths to speak, they just kept silent. The road was terribly quiet, everything the car passed was quiet, and the green trees and grass around them also stopped moving, as if they were all frozen.

They arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau at almost ten o'clock. Shangguan Jueshi got out of the car first, and opened the car door for Ye Qingxin as always. Ye Qingxin pouted and put away her displeasure. affected by his words.

"Let's go!"

Shangguan Jueshi finally opened his mouth, because there were a lot of people coming to the Civil Affairs Bureau, fearing that something might happen to Ye Qingxin, Shangguan Jueshi took her hand, and Ye Qingxin watched her hand being tightly wrapped by him, I can't tell the joy in my heart.

"Shangguan Jueshi, there are so many people here to register their marriage today! Look how happy they are! Don't be so straight, or they will think you are here for a divorce." Ye Qingxin looked around and couldn't help but say .

Looking at the people coming and going, they all had smiles on their faces, some were waiting nervously with longing, some went home happily after receiving their certificates, and looking at the two of them again, Shangguan Jueshi always had a calm face , with a serious expression on their faces, those who didn't know really thought they were here for a divorce.

"Didn't you say we were a trial marriage?"

There was an element of anger in Shangguan Jueshi's tone, and when he thought that the words on the left and right of her mouth were all about trial marriage, a burst of bitterness and helplessness spread in his eyes.

"But we also got the certificate! This is no different from real marriage, okay?"

Ye Qingxin said with a pouted mouth, faintly feeling that Shangguan Jueshi's words were very obscene, like a thorn that kept poking her heart.

"What do you really think?"

Shangguan Jue Shi paused, stared at her, and asked seriously, his eyes couldn't hide the light and joy, and he couldn't help but clenched his hands a little bit.

"Otherwise, what would I think! You see that everyone else is smiling to get the certificate, but you are the only one with a straight face. The picture is so discordant." Ye Qingxin couldn't help complaining, and Shangguan Jueshi couldn't bear it because of her. After saying those words, he was in a good mood again, and the lines on his face softened a little.

Walking to the gate, Ye Qingxin paused, her heart was so indescribably nervous that even her palms were sweating; today was the day when she and Shangguan Jueshi received the certificate, and she was actually a little secretly happy.

"Are you nervous?"

Feeling the wetness of her palms, are you nervous about registering your marriage with him?Thinking of this possibility, joy flashed across his eyes.

In fact, not only she was nervous, but he was also very nervous, but his nervousness never showed.

He had inadvertently imagined this scene countless times last night, and today he was finally able to hold her hand and walk in here together. At this moment, his heart was disturbed, and he had never been so shocked and indescribably surprised.

"Of course I'm nervous. It's the day I get my certificate. It's such an important day. Anyone would be nervous? Only you, Wannian Bingshan, are not moved at all."

Ye Qingxin took it for granted that although she was against it before, when Shangguan Jueshi took her hand and walked here today, she found that she was not as disgusted as she imagined, but began to accept it silently in her heart.

Even looking forward to their future life, I can't help but outline the home that belongs to the two of them in my mind.

Startled by her own thoughts, Ye Qingxin was taken aback, what happened to her?Why did she think so many outrageous things? Before she recovered, she found a burning heat in her palm, which made her stretch out her hand in fright, but Shangguan Jue held her hand tightly, not allowing her to shrink back.

"Can you feel it?"

Shangguan Jueshi held her hand and placed it in his heart, looked into her eyes, and murmured.

The blue eyes were like the deep blue sea, drawing her in vividly.

There was a burst of rapid beating in the palm of her hand, so fast, it felt as if his heart was beating in her hand, scorching hot, her heart suddenly moved, and the deer bumped wildly.

Was he telling her that he was nervous too?

Feeling that there are more and more people around, and some eyes are still on them, Ye Qingxin's face flushed, and she quickly retracted her hands, "Shangguan Jueshi, you can see that there are more and more people, let's hurry in and line up ! Otherwise, I don’t know when the queue will end.”

Ye Qingxin took Shangguan Jueshi's hand and ran inside quickly. This emotion was like she was snapping up snacks in the mall at that time. Seeing her in such a hurry, the smile on the corner of Shangguan Jueshi's mouth deepened, and the haze in his heart dissipated instantly. .

Walking inside, looking at the long queue in front of her, Ye Qingxin looked troubled. Seeing that the people behind were still queuing up, she dragged Shangguan Jueshi to occupy a seat after thinking about it.

Never be taken first.

"Shangguan Jueshi, it's all your fault. If it wasn't for you dawdling outside just now, we wouldn't have to wait so late in the queue. I don't know if we can make it in the morning."

Ye Qingxin complained in a low voice, even she didn't realize that she was angry at this time, as if she was acting like a baby with Shangguan Jueshi.

The corner of Shangguan Jueshi's mouth slightly raised, he didn't know who had been dawdling at home for so long just now.

"Are you in such a hurry?"

If he wants to advance, there is no way, but seeing her in such a hurry, he really wants to watch for a while, after all, he rarely sees her so anxious about the two of them.

"Of course, can you not be in a hurry to get the certificate!"

After Ye Qingxin finished speaking, she realized that something was wrong with her words, as if she really wanted to marry herself off.

"I mean, my dad is still waiting for news at home! Hurry up and tell him after receiving it."

Ye Qingxin quickly added in an unnatural tone.

The more she explained, the darker she became. She lowered her head and pretended to be nonchalant, but her hands were unconsciously twirling and her face was tangled. What was she talking about? There was a feeling that there was no silver 300 taels here. .

But Shangguan Jueshi smiled lightly, which made Ye Qingxin feel uncomfortable.

"What are you laughing at! Don't laugh!"

Ye Qingxin ordered, facing his eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, she felt that he had seen through her heart, which made her very uncomfortable.

"I'm glad we registered today, and I'm even happier to see you in such a hurry."

Shangguan Jueshi said seriously, but Ye Qingxin was startled, her heart shrank suddenly, a little shocked.

He is happy?Why is he happy?Just when Ye Qingxin tilted her head and couldn't figure it out, Shangguan Jueshi suddenly pulled her to the front.

"Come on, let's go to the front!"

Shangguan Jueshi came to the front of the team and stood at the very front, but the people behind wanted to say something, but Shangguan Jueshi turned his head and swept his head away, his sharp blue eyes were filled with evil smiles, and he was very cold, making him People were terrified, and the people behind them dared not speak out.

"Hey, Shangguan Jueshi, you are so worthless! You actually jumped in line!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but said, it's very impolite to jump in the queue, but he is the person who saves the most time, and there is still an advantage in bringing Guan Jueshi out.

"How about we go to the back row?"

Shangguan Jueshi narrowed his eyes slightly, raised the corner of his mouth, and asked.

"Don't, don't, don't, you have made such a big sacrifice, the front is fine."

As soon as Ye Qingxin heard that he was going back, she didn't move, she took up her seat and didn't know how long she would be waiting in the back. Such unqualified things were done by Shangguan Jueshi, and it had nothing to do with her. Even if he loses face, it is not to lose his face.

And Shangguan Jueshi looked at her innocent expression, and the smile in the corner of his eyes deepened.

"Put the documents and copies here!"

The staff member said, perhaps because there were too many people, her tone seemed a little impatient at this time, and her movements were a little slow.

But when she looked up and saw Shangguan Jueshi's stern face, she became energetic in an instant, her attitude changed 360 degrees, and her movements became agile.

"Shangguan Jueshi, you have such an iceberg face, even ghosts and ghosts are afraid of you!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but teased, remembering that when she first saw him, she was also intimidated by his powerful aura.

"As long as you're not afraid!"

Shangguan Jueshi murmured softly, but Ye Qingxin looked away unnaturally.

"Pay the fee first, then fill out the form."

I saw Shangguan Jueshi took out a black card from his pocket, and the eyes of the people present were shining brightly. The payment only cost [-] yuan. Unexpectedly, he actually took such a black card.

Noticing other gazes, Ye Qingxin couldn't help but glared at him, does this guy need to show off his wealth so much?Don't be afraid of being robbed halfway.

But if he wanted to steal money from Shangguan Jueshi, he probably didn't intend to go back alive.

The two of them filled out forms, signed autographs, and were taken for a photo.

"Shangguan Jueshi, how much is the certificate?"

"Nine nine! It's so cheap! Such an important thing as marriage is only nine nine!"

Ye Qingxin was surprised, she didn't expect it to be so cheap, no wonder the other person's eyes were so strange just now, it was only nine yuan, and this guy took such a black card.

"No, no, I have to take pictures later, I want to take beautiful pictures!"

Ye Qingxin quickly took out the mirror and the comb from her bag, and combed the mirror.

As Shangguan Jueshi watched her move, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Ye Qingxin reorganized and arranged for the two of them to take pictures. They stood on the platform, and Ye Qingxin let out a breath, a little nervous.

"Shangguan Jueshi, don't put on a straight face. Smile as much as you want, lest your iceberg face affect my beauty." Ye Qingxin reminded in a low voice, while Shangguan Jueshi just pursed the corners of his mouth slightly and smiled lightly smiled.

I only saw the flash light and took a picture of this scene.

After waiting for a while, they got the photos and the marriage certificate. Looking at the two red books, they felt an indescribable feeling in their hearts.

"Shangguan Jueshi, you are quite photogenic!"

Ye Qingxin looked at the group photo they took just now, and saw Shangguan Jueshi in it smiling, really handsome.

Looking at the marriage certificate in his hand, Shangguan Jueshi couldn't hide the joy on his face, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief that all this was successfully completed.

(End of this chapter)

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