Chapter 121 Her New Nest
"Shangguan Jueshi, has your house arrived yet?"

After sitting for so long, she was almost starved to death. It was a pity to leave the big villa alone last time. How much property does Shangguan Jueshi have? We must find time to understand it carefully and start planning .

"It's our home, it's coming soon!" Shangguan Jues corrected, but Ye Qingxin rolled her eyes, and her home will belong to her when the property is distributed in the future.

"Shangguan Jueshi, why did you bring me to the seaside! I suddenly thought of a song, the sea, the sea... is my hometown, Shangguan Jueshi, don't you want to say that we take the sea as our home here!"

Listening to the crisp sound of waves, it is melodious and touching; the sea breeze blows gently across the face, not too big or too small, with appropriate strength, just like enjoying a massage, very comfortable and pleasant.

Ye Qingxin looked at the sea outside the window, her vision was vast, and she felt at ease, as if all her troubles were swept into the sea with the waves, the sea has a charm that makes people forget the tranquility.

Looking at this huge beach again, the strange thing is that there is no one there. It is usually crowded with people, but here it is unexpectedly calm.

Shouldn't she really want her to sleep in a tent by the sea?

"You are right, this is our home!"

Shangguan Jueshi pointed to a villa over there, and Ye Qingxin followed his line of sight, and saw an exquisite villa standing there, with unique decorations that caught the eye.

"Wow, Shangguan Jueshi, I didn't expect you to have a good eye! I thought you were a big iceberg, but I didn't expect you to have romantic cells. This place is nice, I like it very much, it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery is pleasant!"

Ye Qingxin fell in love with the unique and exquisite villa immediately after seeing that unique and exquisite villa, while Shangguan Jueshi felt relieved when he saw that she liked it so much.

I was afraid that it would be too boring for her to sit alone in that big villa, but here is different, she can find fun for herself every day, which belongs to the world of the two of them.

"Shangguan Jueshi, I have decided!"

Ye Qingxin looked like she had made a decision, but Shangguan Jueshi looked blank, not knowing what she had decided.

"Shangguan Jueshi, I've decided. When we get divorced in the future, I don't want anything. Just give me your seaside villa." Ye Qingxin said, and Shangguan Jueshi's expectant face instantly collapsed. , Isn't it hard for her not to say the word "divorce"?

"What? You don't want to?"

Seeing that he hadn't responded yet, Ye Qingxin turned her head and asked.

She didn't want any money, so she just fell in love with this villa. This guy must be stingy and refuse to give it!

"Let's talk about it later when we get divorced!"

After Shangguan Jueshi finished speaking, he parked the car beside the villa, got out of the car, and Ye Qingxin opened the car door straight away, and ran towards the beach with longing eyes. She stretched her hands and shouted loudly, "Ah ! Ah! Ah!"

And Shangguan Jueshi stood behind and looked at her, with a hint of love in his eyes.

Let her play here by herself for a while, then he went to get her something to eat, and he walked in.

"Wow, wow, the sea water is so cold!"

Ye Qingxin dragged her shoes and socks, and ran back and forth on the beach with her bare feet. The sand was so exciting and refreshing.

Walking over with bare feet, a wave hit, the sea water spread over, wet her little feet, a chill hit her, and she gasped.

This winter, playing this is the most exciting.

Ye Qingxin played alone at the beach for nearly 15 minutes, until she ran out of strength, she sat down on the lounge chair over there.

Looking at everything around here, she really felt refreshed. She didn't expect Shangguan Jueshi to be so flirtatious. She likes this small nest very much. Living here is like a vacation. Suddenly, she didn't feel so disgusted, and she didn't worry about it. have to go home.

Be sure to notify Lu Manman when you have time, and idiot Liu to come over and be happy.

But has Shangguan Jueshi cooked the meal? She is so hungry!

Ye Qingxin caressed her lower abdomen and stood up feebly, just in time to see Shangguan Jueshi coming out.

"Shangguan Jueshi, is it time to eat? I'm so hungry that I have no energy left."

Ye Qingxin walked over lazily, she was so hungry that she didn't eat a meal.


She was only playing outside just now, and she hasn't visited inside yet. This yard is a small flower garden, not too big or too small, with just the right size, and a parking lot.

Once stepping inside, there is a warm feeling immediately. The decoration of this room is very warm, unlike the big villa in Shangguan Jushi's house, which is always monotonous, unpopular, and empty.

She is quite satisfied with this new nest, so she will visit after eating.

"Finally there is meat to eat!"

Ye Qingxin looked at the plates on the table, two dishes, two meats, and some soup, she quickly sat down and rearranged the dishes.

"Shangguan Jueshi, you like to be vegetarian, but I like to eat meat!"

Ye Qingxin brought the two plates of meat and put them in front of her. As for the remaining two plates of dishes, she pushed them in front of Shangguan Jueshi, and put the two bowls of soup in the middle. She looked at the arrangement , with a satisfied face, she eats her meat, he eats his vegetarian food, it is the most suitable, she quickly picks up the chopsticks and prepares to eat.

Regarding her distribution, Shangguan Jueshi couldn't help but frowned, he didn't mind, it's just that she only ate meat and didn't eat vegetables, she was so malnourished.

Because of being too hungry, Ye Qingxin ate a lot of rice, but the meat tasted so good, I have to admit that Shangguan Jueshi's craftsmanship is really amazing.

Shangguan Jueshi was no longer surprised to see her eating so much, he picked up a vegetable and put it in her rice bowl.

And Ye Qingxin looked at the green vegetables in the bowl, raised her head, frowned, and said vaguely, "Shangguan Jueshi, I don't eat vegetables! Eat it yourself!"

As she spoke, she couldn't help but spray a few grains of rice out of her mouth, and she was about to take the food back and return it to Shangguan Jueshi.

"If you still want to eat what I cook in the future, you should eat vegetables honestly, so as to be nutritious."

Shangguan Jueshi said seriously, he insisted on her eating green vegetables.

Eating meat will not make you fat, and eating more vegetables will certainly not help your absorption.

And when Ye Qingxin heard that he didn't cook in the future, who would cook the food in the future!She only knows how to eat, and Shangguan Jueshi is really thinking about her body, she can't use the treaty to subdue him unreasonably, and when this matter gets to the old man's ears, she will be whipped again.

Ye Qingxin looked at the vegetables in her hands, she just took them back, put them in her mouth and ate them herself, and then continued eating the meat.

For this meal, Shangguan Jueshi helped her pick up vegetables from time to time, so Ye Qingxin had to eat obediently, and the vegetables fried by Shangguan Jueshi were very green and crisp, which was quite delicious.


She ate two bowls of rice, and she finished the other two plates of meat. She also drank a lot of soup, and her stomach was almost full.

Ye Qingxin stood up and stood up, eating too much at once to support herself!

"I'm full, Shangguan Jueshi, wait for you to wash the dishes!"

Ye Qingxin stood up, snorting from time to time.

Because she was too full and couldn't sit down, she could only walk around the house, "Shangguan Jueshi, where is my room?"

Ye Qingxin asked curiously. She only saw one big bedroom, but the rest of the rooms were locked, so she couldn't see it. Which room did she live in?


Shangguan Jueshi pointed to the opposite side, Ye Qingxin walked in, and all he saw were Shangguan Jueshi's things, this is his room!

"This is your bedroom! Where is my bedroom?"

Ye Qingxin came out and asked.

"Mine is yours."

Shangguan Jueshi packed the dishes and just walked out of the kitchen.

"What, what is mine is yours, Shangguan Jueshi, we are a trial marriage! It is stated in the contract that we are a couple in name only, don't you want to say nothing?"

When Ye Qingxin heard that the two of them were going to live in the same room, she reacted violently.

They are a trial marriage, but they are not really married, so why do they live in the same room.

"Since acting has to be a full set, if you disagree, I won't be rude to you, but the two of us will live in the same room, and it's not that we haven't slept together, or you are afraid."

Shangguan Jueshi looked relaxed, but Ye Qingxin was so angry that her nose was about to smoke when she heard what he said.

What do you mean they haven't slept together?People who don't know think that the two of them really have something to do!

Why is this guy out of tune? He deliberately wants to be misunderstood.

"Who's scared!" Ye Qingxin said dissatisfied.

"Since you're not afraid anymore, then you have nothing to worry about."

After Shangguan Jueshi finished speaking, he went into the kitchen to clean up.

And Ye Qingxin was so angry that she stomped her feet, Shangguan Jueshi, you provoked me again!
You really want to sleep with me, don't you?Tonight, my old lady kicked you out of bed, Ye Qingxin tilted her head with a smug expression on her face.

Shangguan Jueshi washed her dishes, and she went out to play. She had just arrived at the door, but suddenly a few people came outside, all carrying her luggage.

"What are you doing!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help asking, looking at the luggage on the ground, she recognized it as hers at a glance.

"Miss Ye, we have delivered your luggage, so let's go first."

After speaking, those people left.

"Hey, don't go, I still have something to ask!"

Ye Qingxin wanted to ask something else, but those people had left, and then looked at the luggage on the ground, what the hell is going on!

Didn't the old man say to leave it at home and go through a ceremony to wait for her to go back, so why did he send her luggage here.

The old man raped her again!As soon as she left, he sent someone to bring all the luggage over, which was obviously to kick her out.

Ye Qingxin blushed with anger, it was too much, the old man was too much, is she his own daughter, he just sold her.

Ye Qingxin was so angry that she walked back, she must make a phone call to find out.

But after making several phone calls, no one answered the phone at home, which is good enough!

All of them will only bully her!Ye Qingxin was so angry that she lay down on the sofa, and she would not go back unless she went back. Vacationing here is fine.

There is no need to be dragged up by the old man to practice exercises early in the morning. You can do whatever you want without restriction.

After thinking through all this, Ye Qingxin decided to stay here and not go home.

(End of this chapter)

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