Chapter 136
Those who are familiar with it all know that Lu Manman's wine is not very good, and it will definitely not be a good thing for her.

I don't know if Gu Changye escaped by chance that night, but she has seen it several times, and when she thinks of Lu Manman's state of madness after drunk, she wants to beat her to death.

I don't know if Gu Changye was spoiled by her.

"I'm really flattering Miss Lu's wine!" As soon as Lu Manman was mentioned, Gu Changye smiled slightly, his tone was gentle, and he felt an indescribable joy in his heart.

Even he himself didn't notice his abnormal behavior, when he thought of what happened that night, that troublesome guy who would make troubles, Gu Changye couldn't hide his smile.

I have to say that her wine taste is really bad!

"Haha, you must have been spoiled by him. Let me tell you, Lu Manman's wine quality is the worst among the few of us. When he is drunk, he will only go crazy with alcohol! It's endless!"

Hearing what Gu Changye said, Ye Qingxin laughed and said, Gu Changye is quite a gentleman, so he didn't leave Lu Manman on the road halfway.

If it were someone else, they would not have this patience long ago.


Gu Changye's expression of sympathy made him really overwhelmed. He was so tormented that night that he had no energy for the next day.

It's only been two or three days, and I don't know if she turned the house into a garbage dump again, and I don't know how she became a woman.

However, she suddenly noticed the strange expression on Gu Changye's face, and the radiance of love radiated from all over her body, which made her pay attention, especially when Lu Manman was mentioned, those wise and bright eyes shone brightly. Did she look at it? wrong?

Couldn't it be what happened to the two of them that night!

After all, lonely men and widows live together, and it is possible to keep each other warm with dry wood and raging fire in this winter.

Ye Qingxin was taken aback by this thought in her heart, and she cautiously asked, "Mr. Gu, Lu Manman was drunk at my house that night, did he do anything rebellious to you?"

Ye Qingxin laughed a few times, but did not forget to pay attention to his facial expression.

Sure enough, when her question was mentioned, Gu Changye's expression flustered for a moment, and then his expression returned to gentleness.

"No, it's just that she is drunk and always gets up in the middle of the night to mess around!"

Gu Changye said lightly, downplaying what happened that night, but Ye Qingxin always felt that it was not that simple.

Something must have happened!Gu Changye's mouth was so tight, it seemed that he couldn't get anything out of his mouth, so he had to ask Lu Manman.

"That's good! Lu Manman's wine in my family is very bad, and I like to mess around when I'm drunk, so don't take it to heart."

Ye Qingxin smiled and said, she thought that Lu Manman must have stalked Gu Changye like an octopus that night, but Gu Changye had a good temper and didn't say anything.

"I understand!"

Gu Changye said modestly, although he said so on the surface, but in his heart he overturned the bottle of vinegar. She was drunk and hugged people?
Thinking about what happened that night, it was indeed the case, and she kept pestering him, so did she hug people like this when she was drunk in the past?

Especially men!If it were any other man, seeing such a beauty, he would have already attacked her. At this moment, his heart felt as if blocked by a stone, making him uncomfortable.

No, you must remind her to pay attention to safety.

"By the way, the road to my house is coming soon..."

"Ye Xiaoniu, why are you speaking ill of me behind my back? I've heard you speak ill of me from afar."

At this time, a hearty laughter sounded outside the door. Lu Manman was wearing a red dress to wrap her graceful figure. Shoes, coquettish and fashionable.

Lu Manman brushed the hair on his forehead, revealing those beautiful eyes, and walked in.

When Gu Changye heard Lu Manman's voice, his face changed slightly. Didn't expect her to come?
He had this intuition before, and it seemed that his intuition was not wrong.

"Lu Manman, you're finally here, I thought you weren't here to care about me!"

Lu Manman opened the curtain, and Gu Changye, who was standing there at first glance, had a look of surprise in his eyes, why is he here?

When Gu Changye saw her coming, he smiled like a spring breeze and expressed his welcome. However, he quickly scanned her attire from beginning to end. When he was so thin, his thick eyebrows couldn't help but frown.

It has to be said that every time she appears on the stage, she always surprises people unintentionally and brings beauty enjoyment, but seeing her dressed so beautifully and being watched by others, he feels indescribably sour.

"Gu Changye, why are you here?"

Lu Manman lifted the hem of her skirt, put her feet together, and pulled out a slender arc, which was very attractive. She sat directly on the edge of the bed, looked at Gu Changye and asked.

How come it seems that you can bump into him everywhere!Unexpectedly, he would still have leisure time here, Lu Manman smiled slightly, as if he had a plan in his heart.

"Miss Lu, aren't you happy to see me?" Gu Changye asked back. He didn't feel anything after not seeing her for the past two days, but when he saw her today, she still gave people a stunning look when she appeared.

Especially her random movement now, he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

This troublesome spirit is really too heartless. After all, he took care of her for a long time that night, and even helped her with housework. She forgot all about it when she turned around.

This woman's heart must be hard, as hard as iron.

"Happy, I'm too late to be happy!"

Lu Manman said with joy on his face, someone was her nanny for free, so it's no wonder she was unhappy.

And Gu Changye looked at her pretended performance, and felt something was wrong.

If it were any other pretentious woman, he would be very disgusted, but the strange thing is that he felt comfortable with her performance.

As expected, Lu Manman went straight to the topic.

"Mr. Gu, let's see when you have time, or go to my house for a while, I want to thank you for taking care of me that day!"

Lu Manman opened those innocent eyes and said with a smile.

With her fake smile, Gu Changye knew that she had no good intentions. This woman really knew how to make good plans. This invitation must be to let him go to her house to help her with housework.

And Ye Qingxin was lying there, listening to what they said to each other, there must be a lot of tricks in it.

What kind of man Lu Manman has never seen before, rich and handsome, in her circle, there are many such high-quality men, but she has never seen her be so attentive to a man, maybe something really happened that night, Could it be that Lu Manman got rid of Gu Changye.


Gu Changye readily agreed, knowing that he was in a loss-making business, but he couldn't help but agree.

He has always been careful and careful, and was frightened by his sudden and unusual behavior.

"This is what you said, so it's settled, you will go back with me later!"

Seeing that Gu Changye agreed so readily, Lu Manman said in time for fear that he would change his mind.

How could a man as shrewd and wise as Gu Changye agree to her?She clearly knew that she pulled him to go with him to serve her, but she didn't expect him to agree so soon.

This is a nanny for nothing, so there is no need to use it for nothing.

While Ye Qingxin listened to their conversation, she was not as ambiguous as she imagined, but felt that there was a sense of calculation. Could it be that their relationship is not what she thought?

"Ye Xiaoniu, what's wrong with you, why did you come to the hospital on the first day of your newlyweds, you're so bad! This marriage has come crashing down."

Lu Manman couldn't help but said, it's really pitiful to see Ye Qingxin lying on her stomach and unable to move.


"Lu Manman, if you don't speak poisonous words, you will die!"

Ye Xiaoniu couldn't help cursing, she was hurt like this, and she was still in the mood to tease her, thinking as badly as Leng Yisheng, it was a pity that these two were not together.

On the other hand, Gu Changye's face was a bit ugly. This woman's words were too harsh, but Gu Changye felt a little displeased with her leaving him alone.
"Hehe, I'm just kidding, but what's the matter with your injury? Why did you fall like this, ouch, it's so pitiful!!"

Lu Manman couldn't help teasing again, seeing such a situation, I really feel sorry for her, they say marriage is a tomb, she was injured and hospitalized in just one day, luckily she didn't jump into this hell.

But Ye Xiaoniu probably felt better.

"Lu Manman, pay attention to the occasion when you speak. You didn't see that Mr. Gu is still here and couldn't help reminding."

This family is always happy to get married, but she was sent to the hospital on the first day. The marriage is indeed a grave!

"What's the matter! Mr. Gu is well-informed, and he can appreciate all these things."

Lu Manman said with a nonchalant face, but she didn't say anything, so why is Gu Changye so embarrassed.

When Gu Changye heard what she said, the smile on his face froze.

"Theoretical experience is there, but it has not been practiced yet."

Gu Changye said with embarrassment, he subconsciously didn't want her to misunderstand, but he was still a very innocent man.


Lu Manman looked shocked, as if he still didn't understand the meaning of his words.

"I'll go out and have a look, you guys talk."

After Gu Changye finished speaking, he walked out straight away, leaving Lu Manman alone still thinking.

"Ye Xiaoniu, what did he mean just now? What theoretical experience and actual combat?" Lu Manman asked with a puzzled face, still unable to understand what Gu Changye said before leaving.

There is a kind of bull's head that can't match the horse's mouth! …………… And they don’t seem to have touched on this issue.

"It means that people still have pure water!"

Ye Qingxin smiled and said, Gu Changye spoke quite humorously, but it is really hard to imagine that he is still pure water!
Her family, Shangguan Jueshi, shouldn't be the same!Ye Qingxin immediately thought of Shangguan Jueshi, what was she thinking!

What does he have to do with her?She wouldn't have anything to do with him anyway.

"No way? You are so old, what kind of international joke!"

Lu Manman opened his mouth in disbelief, as if he heard something explosive.

Gu Changye actually………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Because of the shock, she couldn't help but amplify her voice, and Gu Changye, who had just walked to the door, heard this sentence clearly.

This god makes up the knife!His handsome smiling face instantly turned into a bitter face!
This woman Lu Manman actually said that he is old, he is only in his early thirties, okay, this is the golden age of a man, but in her mouth, he is old.

Thinking of being despised by her age, Gu Changye's heart is really terrified!
This woman's mouth is very poisonous, I can't listen to it anymore, otherwise he will doubt his own charm!Gu Changye quickened his pace and left quickly.

"You don't care if it's pure water or mixed water, Lu Manman, I've never seen you so close to a man! You even invited him to sit at your house and said! Is there something wrong with the two of you!"

Ye Qingxin asked forcefully, she faintly felt that the matter was not that simple, there must be something she didn't know about it!

This girl Lu Manman is very attractive, but few men make her fall in love with her. She has never agreed to how many tall, handsome and handsome young men pursue her, but why is she so attentive to Gu Changye this time? .

"What a big cat! I only met him once, do you think I fell in love with him at first sight?"

Lu Manman said with a sullen face that she just wanted Gu Changye to help her clean up.

"Maybe! And what happened to you that night? Lonely men and widows are in the same place, and the dry vegetables are on fire. Didn't you do anything?"

Ye Qingxin mentioned, and Lu Manman's embarrassing appearance after drunk, clinging like an octopus, didn't she do something to Gu Changye?
"How do I know what happened! You don't know that I forgot everything when I was drunk, sister, I didn't lose my virginity!"

Lu Manman laughed and said, thinking about what happened that day, it was really funny. When she saw Gu Changye on her bed, she thought something happened to the two of them. Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise she would not Know what to do.

"So you're saying that Gu Changye was at your house that night? Did you two sleep together?"

Ye Qingxin covered her mouth and said in surprise.

"Aren't you also sleeping with Shangguan Jueshi!"

Lu Manman said indifferently, seeing her fuss, although they slept together, nothing happened.

Besides, Ye Xiaoniu also slept with Shangguan Jueshi!
"It's different!"

"What's the difference? If the two of you didn't do anything, we didn't do anything!"

Lu Manman continued, and Ye Qingxin felt so sorry when she heard that nothing happened to them. It seemed that she couldn't find any gossip.

……………………… The days without gossip are so boring…………………………………………

……………………………so boring……………………………………………

………………………………so boring………………

Ye Qingxin kept chanting a little song.

 Today's update is slow, Xiao Wu went to the hospital to hang liquid, if you like it, reward it, save it!thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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