Chapter 141 The Lost Men Get Together

Chapter 145 The Lost Men Gather Together

"Gu Changye, if you really don't know any female friends, I can introduce you to them. There are quite a few beauties in our circle, and all of them have hot bodies, which are definitely in line with your appetite!"

Seeing that Gu Changye didn't make a sound, Lu Manman thought he was bothered by this matter, so he spoke.

For the sake of cleaning the house for her with all his heart, she will be a matchmaker once and help him once.

In addition, it happened that a friend in her circle, Felina, asked her to help keep an eye out for any outstanding men so that she could introduce them to her, and this happened to happen to Gu Changye.

Maybe as long as she hooks up with it, it will be done.

"If I said, I only want you, a troublemaker, you little pepper! I don't want anything else!"

Gu Changye said displeasedly, a faint anger bursting up in his heart, he clenched his fists to restrain his anger, for fear that he would lose his mind like before and hurt her with his unscrupulous words.

He just fell in love with her, this little woman who only makes her angry, this little pepper who can worry about nothing, why doesn't she understand his intentions!
There was a bitterness on the corner of Gu Changye's mouth, he didn't know what to do with her.

But Lu Manman was startled, and fell into his gentle eyes, facing his affection, her heart couldn't help shrinking, it beat so fast at that moment!
Because of the tense relationship, she subconsciously looked away, and at this moment, her mobile phone rang, and she turned her face away, pretending to be calm.

"Hey, Ye Xiaoniu, I'm going up right now!"

It was Ye Xiaoniu who called to find her, Lu Manman stood up and glanced at Gu Changye.

"Gu Changye, Ye Xiaoniu is looking for me, I'll go up first."

After finishing speaking, Lu Manman walked away, walking in a hurry, afraid that if he took a step slower, he would be affected by Gu Changye's words again.

Seeing her leaving back until she disappeared, Gu Changye showed a wry smile. After she left, there was still her fragrance in the air. She just left. Did he fail in his confession?

Gu Changye reached out and brushed his hot forehead with a look of failure!
No matter how difficult things are, he can handle them well, but she alone can't handle them well!His road to love is really endless!
At this time, Leng Yisheng went downstairs with a troubled expression.

He was about to go out to get something, when he happened to pass by the garden, and saw Gu Changye sitting there alone, feeling a little lonely!
He must have read it wrong!Why did Gu Changye sit there alone, and instantly saw his comrades on the same front.

Didn't he pull Lu Manman out just now? Why is he the only one left now?I've never seen him show such a complicated expression before, so it's possible that he has encountered some difficult things.

Leng Yisheng looked puzzled, he simply walked over, ready to take a look, but Gu Changye closed his eyes and leaned against him, unable to see his expression.

"Long Ye, are you sitting here thinking of spring alone?"

Leng Yisheng sat down, he had been here for a while, but he didn't notice it at all, so he simply elbowed him.

Except for his work status, he is usually not seen thinking so deeply.

"You're not in the ward with your idiot Liu, what are you doing out there!"

Gu Changye opened his eyes, feeling that the light was a bit dazzling. He just reorganized his thoughts just now, and now he has a plan.

Since she doesn't accept him now, he will slowly approach her and prepare everything for her until she is completely used to it and cannot lose him.

Subtly and subtly let himself into her heart little by little, occupying a very important position.

Thinking of this, the corners of Gu Changye's mouth slightly raised, and his face regained his confidence.

But what happened to Yisheng?He managed to help him create an opportunity, why did he come down alone, and didn't make good use of it.

Fortunately, he is in a better situation than Yisheng. At least Lu Manman doesn't have a boyfriend yet, and his chances of pursuing him are obviously much higher than Yisheng's. Compared with this, he feels a little more confident in his heart.

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you don't say anything, it's not like you don't know that there is another Ye Qingxin among us, and Si Lian listens to her very much. I have nothing to do with her!" Speaking of this, Leng Yisheng sighed for a long time. It was a panic.

His road to love is worrying!There is no light at all.

This little wild cat went too far, and said he would not intervene, but he still stood by Ye Haoxuan. It's no wonder that whoever made them all surnamed Ye was helping his family.

"It's not easy. If you find a way to distract Ye Qingxin, she won't focus on you anymore." Gu Changye said casually, so he could take advantage of it.

Usually he has a lot of ghost ideas, why does his IQ drop to zero when he encounters Liu fool.

Fortunately, he hasn't fallen too deep yet, and he still has the brain to think about it, so he's not that stupid. As for Yi Sheng, he's an idiot right now.

"Chang Ye, I can't see it! But what can I do to distract Ye Qingxin?"

Leng Yisheng chuckled a few times, never thought that Chang Ye would come up with such a bad idea, it really shouldn't be underestimated!

But Ye Qingxin is not so easy to deal with, what to do to distract her.

"The bet between Shangguan Liunian and Jazz is about to start right now. We can't do nothing, or you can arrange the two of them to have a child. In this way, Ye Qingxin will have no chance to meddle in your affairs."

Gu Changye said seriously, although they have already mastered their own power, but compared with the sphere of influence owned by the Shangguan family, it is still far away, so they have to prepare with both hands, while constantly strengthening their own power. , but also to make this plan, there is at least half of the chance to win power, and deal with Shangguan Liunian and the others.

At the moment, Jue Shi and Ye Qingxin are married again, if they have children before Shangguan Liunian, then their chances of winning will be great.

I'm afraid that Jazz will not agree!After all, he wouldn't risk anything with the people he loved.

"But it's not that you don't know that Jushi and Ye Qingxin are currently in the trial marriage stage. Ye Qingxin agreed to the trial marriage with great difficulty. Do you think it is possible for her to conceive Jushi's child immediately? This is harder than going to heaven! "

Of course Leng Yisheng knew the purpose of Chang Ye's doing this, and considered their current situation, but they had all seen Ye Qingxin's temperament, if she really pissed her off, no one would have a good life at that time.

Besides, Ye Qingxin still doesn't know their background, if she is involved, she will be in a dangerous situation, which is the reason why Jazz didn't tell her.

If it was before, Jazz would definitely let Ye Qingxin conceive a child without saying a word, but now that he is in love with Ye Qingxin, things will not be so easy to do, Jazz definitely does not want Ye Qingxin to fall into a dangerous situation, you know The child is not a success just because she is pregnant. If the old temptress finds out, then the ten months will not be so easy. According to her ruthless methods, Ye Qingxin may be killed. On this point, Jue Shi is sure Ye Qingxin would not be allowed to take the slightest risk.

"So it's up to you!"

Gu Changye patted him on the shoulder, looking optimistic about Leng Yisheng.

"I, what can I do! If Zazzi knows that I have tampered with it, then I won't be able to afford it!"

Leng Yisheng shook his body, let's save this matter, he still wants to live a few more years.

When he thought of the last time he was on the top, he still had lingering fears.

What's more, it's about Ye Qingxin's safety this time, he can't do it indiscriminately, otherwise something will happen to Ye Qingxin, not only Jushi blames him, but maybe his family Silian won't forgive him.

"Don't you want to be with your idiot Liu?" Gu Changye spread his hands, with a look of you thinking, anyway, he has already said what should be said, and it's up to him to do it or not.

This is a way to get the best of both worlds. Besides, as long as they protect Ye Qingxin and keep her identity from being revealed, things might not be as bad as they thought.

Man will conquer the sky!

Besides, since she has become the woman of Jue Shi, sooner or later she will have to face these bloody storms!
"Think about it, let me think about it again!"

Leng Yisheng frowned, he had to think about this matter carefully, after all it was related to their safety.

"Don't think about it for too long, or your idiot Liu will change his surname to Ye." Gu Changye did not forget to remind, after all, Ye Haoxuan is not a simple person. After Yisheng's troubles today, he will be more vigilant in the future .

"Long Ye, if you don't hit me, you will die!"

Leng Yisheng rolled his eyes at him, but he didn't see that he was very disappointed now, and he still didn't forget to hit him.

"Hit you, I can gain a sense of superiority from you!" Gu Changye smiled, at least his pursuit of the long road became clearer.

However, when he thought of Lu Manman's face-to-face rejection of his first confession, it was still a shock, but it was better than Yisheng's idiot Liu who became someone else's girlfriend. Yisheng found a sense of superiority here.

"Look for a sense of superiority from me..." Leng Yisheng looked puzzled, but his mind suddenly flashed with excitement.

"Changye, don't you also fall in love?" Leng Yisheng raised his brows and asked excitedly.

You must know that Chang Ye is a boring gourd, but he is a serious cleanliness obsessive, and he is very picky about women. Could it be that he is really in love?

Leng Yisheng shook his head, still can't believe it!But he knew there was something in his words!

"What do you think?" Gu Changye smiled deeply, without saying anything directly.

Seeing his astonished expression, there is no surprise, he is also a normal man, why can't he fall in love.

Does he look so abnormal?When Lu Manman heard his confession just now, he was also shocked. He is a man, and it is normal to like women, but why in their eyes, it seems that he has done something unreasonable!

He just thinks women are troublesome, but he never said that he won't marry!

These one or two performances are really hurtful.

"Long Ye, don't you like that long road?"

Lu Manman was pulled out by Changye just now, could it be her?
Apart from her, I really can't think of any other possibility. The person Changye has known for the longest time is Lu Manman.

"En!" Gu Changye nodded, with indescribable love in his eyes.

"Long Ye can't tell, you actually have such a strong taste, and you like such hot girls, but do you think you can eat spicy food?" Leng Yisheng sighed, still thinking it was too incredible.

I thought that Chang Ye would like the kind of girl who is a lady, virtuous and dignified, but I didn't expect him to have such a strong taste, so he likes hot and spicy ones, but can he bear it?He can't remember when he could eat spicy food.

"You can eat an idiot, and you don't know the taste. I eat a chili, and the taste is exciting. It's much easier."

Gu Changye said humorously, besides, it's good to change the taste once in a while.

"You are not allowed to say that my family's Si Lian is an idiot!" Upon hearing Gu Changye's bad words about Liu Si Lian, Leng Yisheng came forward to defend him, and his family's Si Lian was just inflexible sometimes.

"Okay, okay, I look at you as a baby, but if you don't work harder, you will become someone else's." Gu Changye never forgot to make sarcastic remarks, and when Leng Yisheng heard about this, his brows frowned.

"Chang Ye, don't talk about me first, talk about yours, how come you fell in love with that hot girl, you have only met twice."

Leng Yisheng gossiped.

"You and fool Liu have only met a few times, and you also like him, so there is no need to discuss this issue."

Gu Changye said with a smile around his hands, there is no reason for this.

"That's right, but is it because you don't have much contact with women, is it your illusion? I think you should try to contact more girls, maybe you will find that she is not your taste."

Leng Yisheng was a little worried, as for himself, he often wandered among women, this feeling is easy to distinguish, but Changye is different, he rarely contacts girls, maybe he was just temporarily attracted by Lu Manman's charm attracted.

"I only know that my heart will be moved here!" Gu Changye pointed to his heart, why even Yisheng felt this way, I don't believe that he is really moved by Lu Manman!
From the first time we met, that unintentional kiss made him remember her taste, and that kind of beautiful touch has been deeply seared in his heart, and what happened next, he can no longer control himself heart out.

"Then it's true. Did you confess to Lu Manman? What did she say?"

But he never thought that Chang Ye would fall in love with Lu Manman, the two of them are completely out of tune.

Fortunately, they all have a partner now, but everyone they met was so difficult to deal with. The luck of the three brothers is really great.

Ye Qingxin is cunning, shrewd, savage and capricious, and Jue Shi almost has nothing to do with her; as for Lu Manman, who is hot-tempered, passionate, sexy and charming, he can play tricks, and he will have a good night in the future, but his Si Lian is obsessed. Confused, completely confused about his own mind, he didn't even know what to do.

"It's a failure!" Gu Changye shook his head helplessly.

"Brother, I will accompany you!"

(End of this chapter)

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