Chapter 148 Xia Hibiscus Fleeting Years
"I knew it was right to come to you first!"

Lu Manman smiled, stood up, walked towards Qi Jue, and took the documents in his hand.

"I really don't know what to say about you, just be sure and I will find information for you!"

Qi Jue chuckled softly, and there was a trace of imperceptible pampering in his eyes.

"Who made you my boss! If I don't look for you, who will I look for!"

Lu Manman gave him a thumbs up with a familiar face.

Then I lowered my head and began to look at the materials, because time is running out, and knowing yourself and your enemy is the only way to win every battle.

She flipped through the file, and when she saw the portrait on it, she was startled, and couldn't help calling out a name, "Shangguan Jueshi?"

Isn't the person here Ye Xiaoniu's husband?Lu Manman screamed when he saw those blue eyes and the familiar outline.

If her client was Shangguan Jueshi, then she didn't need to do anything at all, as long as Ye Xiaoniu said something in front of Shangguan Jueshi.

"Do you know Shangguan Jues?"

Qi Jue was surprised, he never thought that Manman would know him, but the person here is not Shangguan Jueshi, but Shangguan Liunian!

"It's my good friend's... just met by chance!"

Realizing that he had said something wrong, Lu Manman changed his words in time, with a sly look on his face, and he almost told about Ye Xiaoniu. Only a few of them knew about the trial marriage.

Fortunately, she stopped in time, otherwise it would have been really bad.

And Qi Jue listened to her words expectantly, but she didn't expect that she suddenly didn't continue, as if she was deliberately hiding something, but he didn't have much to do, since she didn't say anything, he wouldn't reveal it to his face to ask.

"But look carefully, the person above is not him!"

Qi Jue reminded that he was about the same age as Fleeing Nian, had visited his house before, and had heard about Shangguan Jueshi, but the relationship between the two brothers didn't seem to be very good now.

Fleeting Nian also rarely comes here to discuss business, presumably this time it has something to do with Shangguan Jueshi.

"If it wasn't him, who would it be!"

What does he mean by that?These blue eyes are clearly the characteristics of Shangguan Jueshi!

Lu Manman took a closer look. At first glance, he really thought it was Shangguan Jueshi, but upon closer inspection, there was something different.

The man above looks a lot like Shangguan Jueshi, especially the pair of blue eyes, and the similar silhouette, but if you look closely, there is really a difference. Shangguan Jueshi's indifference is directly revealed and born The air of a king; but the man above seems to be easy to talk, but he is more unpredictable than Shangguan Jueshi, very obscure, she has seen countless people, but she can guarantee that this man is more cold-blooded and ruthless than anyone else.

He is even worse than Shangguan Jueshi.

But how could these two look so alike, Lu Manman looked down, and his name was written on the bottom - Shangguan Liunian!
It's also Shangguan's surname, so it must have something to do with Shangguan Jueshi!

"Why are Shangguan Jueshi and Shangguan Liunian so similar? What is their relationship?"

Lu Manman couldn't help but ask, these two people have the same surname, and they have such similar looks, no one believes that they are not related.

But I didn't hear Ye Xiaoniu mention about Shangguan Jueshi's family background. It seems that I need to find a time to talk to Ye Xiaoniu about this matter, otherwise she won't even know who her husband is, so as not to be deceived.

"They are half-brothers!"

Qi Jue opened his mouth to explain, but Lu Manman looked shocked, didn't this Shangguan Jueshi say that there is no one at home?Don't you have an older brother? Why haven't you heard him mention it? Maybe the two have grudges.

Looking at the information below, this Shangguan Liunian is actually one of the European nobles - the Shangguan family, which is a well-known Shangguan family and has an unshakable status in Europe. I didn't expect Ye Xiaoniu's husband to have such a great background.

But why didn't Shangguan Jueshi mention a word!Half-brothers, plus they are still nobles, the relationship is definitely not much better, so the struggle is inevitable. It is possible that the relationship between the two is not good. They competed for family property, and Shangguan Jueshi finally failed.

So he felt ashamed and didn't say anything?

Lu Manman imagined all kinds of possibilities in his head, and now Ye Xiaoniu was involved, so he had to tell her anyway.

"Manman, how long do you plan to stay here? Maybe he is waiting for you at the coffee shop opposite the company now! Whether you can persuade him to invest in our company this time is up to you."

Seeing her still standing there, Qi Jue reminded her.

In fact, according to the relationship between the two of them, as long as he said something, Liu Nian would definitely cooperate with him without saying a word, but Liu Nian specifically pointed at Man Man, and I don't know why.

However, he also told Liu Nian in advance that Lu Manman is a woman he values ​​very much, and he hopes he will not make things difficult for her.

"Wow, no way! I'm going now!"

As soon as he heard Qi Jue's words, Lu Manman took the information and ran away, but Qi Jue couldn't help chuckling when he saw her running out in such a hurry.

Lu Manman read the information while walking, this Shangguan Liunian is simply a fighter among perverts, he is young and has a promising career, but this man is not easy to deal with!

If it was Shangguan Jueshi, she could at least find out something from it, but this man is cryptic and indifferent, these information are completely unreliable!

But after all, this is her only chance to become famous, so she has to give it a try!

Lu Manman walked out of the company in a hurry. Because the relationship was too tense, she didn't notice a figure following her behind.

Arriving at the appointed place, after walking into the door of the coffee shop, Lu Manman tidied up her attire, took a deep breath, and regained her confidence. In fact, she had met many customers, but nothing like the first time. as nervous.

Lu Manman was prepared in his heart, summoned up his courage and walked in. Originally, he went to the front desk to ask questions, but he didn't expect to see Shangguan Liunian sitting by the window at the first sight. It's hard to be ignored.

Shangguan Liunian wore a long black mink suit, with a circle of fluffy fur around the neckline. He sat there, sipping coffee, with a silent face and a noble demeanor.

A handsome western face, exquisite and charming outline, deep blue eyes, giving people a feeling of incomprehensibility.

At first glance, it is really exactly the same as Shangguan Jueshi, but gradually walking over, I found that the appearance is still a little different.

Lu Manman had a polite face, controlling her own unique aura, "Hello, Mr. Shangguan, I am Lu Manman!"

Regarding Lu Manman's arrival, Shangguan Liunian put down the coffee in his hand, raised his head and glanced at her, compared the seats on the side, and said coldly, "Please sit down!"

Gives a feeling of alienation.

Lu Manman sat down with a smile on her face. In fact, sitting in front of such a big man was quite stressful, but seeing him look like Shangguan Jueshi relieved her a lot of pressure.

But the two brothers really look alike, if possible, she would like to take out her phone to take a picture and show it to Ye Xiaoniu when she goes back.

Lu Manman kept his eyes on Shangguan Liunian, sizing him up, "Why, Miss Lu, do you know me?"

Shangguan Liunian opened his mouth suddenly, his blue eyes flashed with a faint light, and he kept staring at Lu Manman, as if he wanted to see something from her face.

It was only then that Lu Manman realized that she was a little rude, but she was still too surprised, this man gave people an invisible pressure all the time.

"No no!"

Lu Manman hastily denied that she didn't know the relationship between Shangguan Liunian and Shangguan Jueshi now, so of course she couldn't tell him that she knew Shangguan Jueshi, so as not to cause trouble for Ye Xiaoniu and the others.

"Miss Lu, what would you like to drink?"

Shangguan Liunian asked politely, his attitude changed very quickly, instead of feeling relaxed, Lu Manman felt pressured by Shangguan Liunian's sudden enthusiasm.

"Have a cup of Blue Mountain Coffee!"

Lu Manman smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, trying to relax herself. Since entering here just now, facing such a powerful humanoid sculpture, she has never been tense, and every pore on her body is trembling.

Shangguan Liunian snapped his fingers at the waiter behind him, and the waiter went down.

"Mr. Shangguan, please allow me to introduce myself, I am..."

Lu Manman was about to re-introduce herself, and wanted to give Shangguan Liunian a good impression, but what Shangguan Liunian said next left her mouth wide open, dumbfounded like a papaya.

"I know you are Qi Jue's woman!"

Shangguan Liunian spoke lightly, his eyes were sharp and as deep as ice, this woman does have a personality.

Beautiful and enchanting, with a unique personality, no wonder she is her friend!

"No, I'm his employee, and I'm here to discuss the contract today."

Lu Manman hurriedly explained that he was very dissatisfied with Shangguan Liunian's statement, what is Qi Jue's woman.

It seems that their relationship is very abnormal, they are just an ordinary relationship between superiors and subordinates, but once it comes to his mouth, there is something else.

Lu Manman was still very dissatisfied with Shangguan Liunian's self-assertion.

"Miss, your coffee!"

Lu Manman originally wanted to get straight to the point, but at this moment the waiter brought a cup of coffee, so she could only temporarily stop talking.

"Thank you!" Lu Manman thanked, picked up the coffee on the table casually, and took a sip.

If it was another client, she would have to coax and lie, but facing such a shrewd person as Shangguan Liunian, it was useless for her to say more, so all the preparations she had just now were useless at all, and she just cut to the chase.

No matter how much you say, it depends on his mood. Lu Manman took a sip, put down the coffee, and said, "Mr. Shangguan, for your contract with Tianyu, you are..."

At this time, Ruan Mianmian, who was hiding in the dark, saw Lu Manman taking a sip of coffee, and a flash of success flashed in his eyes, Lu Manman, I think you are still pretending to be arrogant, this time I will let the boss see through your true colors.

What she hates the most is Lu Manman's always pretending to be aloof. In this circle, everyone is not the same, only Lu Manman is always pretending, and the boss still takes good care of her. Thinking of this, Ruan Mianmian has a feeling in her heart. Lu Manman was ruined by the impulse.

"Let's not talk about the contract for now, let's talk about other things."

Shangguan Liunian said slowly, while Lu Manman raised his head in astonishment, and looked into his eyes, which were full of doubts.

What are they talking about if they don't talk about the contract!The two of them met for the first time, and there was nothing to talk about at all!

"Mr. Shangguan, if we don't talk about the contract, what are we talking about?"

Because she can't hide what she has to say, she just asks questions, she is a straight person.

Lu Manman chuckled a few times in embarrassment, because she really didn't know what to do, she could only take a sip of coffee casually, trying to resolve the inexplicable embarrassment.

At this time, Ruan Mianmian, who was hiding in the dark, watched Lu Manman drinking coffee continuously, and the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

Lu Manman, you can laugh as much as you want, I will stop you from laughing later, and I will make you make a fool of yourself in public.

Let's see who can protect you this time!
For Lu Manman's frankness, Shangguan Liunian admired it, and hoped that she would also imagine being so honest in the future.

"Miss Lu, why don't we talk about others now, do you know the girl in this photo?"

Shangguan Liunian raised his mouth slightly, took out a photo from his pocket, put it on the table, and wanted to let Lu Manman recognize it.

This woman took care of his daily life at Shangguan's house back then, but she has disappeared since he was poisoned, presumably she was the one who poisoned him in the first place!
That's why she ran away without a trace. When he thought of being betrayed by the people around him, even by someone he trusted, Shangguan Liunian's eyes showed a gloomy coldness, as if they were covered with thick layers of ice, making her feel sad. People shiver with fear.

Because the maids of Shangguan's family are selected after many screenings. At the beginning, this woman was assigned to take care of his daily life by his side. , he made things difficult for her in different ways, trying to destroy her kindness that people most wanted to have, but she kept swallowing her anger and never compromised at all.

Her weak and stubborn eyes have been lingering in his mind, and even burned into his heart, but she betrayed him.

For so many years, he has searched everywhere, but he has not found any news about her. It turned out that he was wearing a human skin mask at that time. No wonder he couldn't find it until he found her related DNA recently. After comparison, we can piece together her real appearance.

It turns out that her name is not Xiao Xia, but Xia Jin. This woman is really easy for her to find. Half of the reason for coming here this time is because of her.

I don't know if it's because of her name change, and I can't find any information about her here. She can only check from her previous background. She has three best friends from college, one of which is Lu Manman, and One is Liu Silian, and the other is Ye Qingxin. We can only find information about her from these three people.

Whether it is life or death, he must find her whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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