Chapter 165 What the hell are you doing?


Seeing that something was wrong between the two of them, Ye Qingxin hummed, but the two of them still remained silent, as if they had been electrocuted, and they were about to flirt with each other, and her brother's happiness was about to suffer!

She spoke loudly in time.

As soon as she made a sound, the electric current that seemed to be in a line in the air was severed, cut in half abruptly, and the current could not pass through, and then returned to its original state.

Liu Silian withdrew her hand in a panic, looked away, blushing.

When Yisheng held her hand just now, she felt numb all over her body, as if she had been electrocuted. Thinking about it now, it felt a little weird, but she didn't know why it was so strange!
Seeing that his love was about to be conveyed to her heart, but he was disturbed by this wild cat again. He could clearly feel just now that Si Lian still treats him a little differently.

This little wild cat is really troublesome!Every time something bad happens at the most critical time, he must let her and Juzzi have a baby early, so stop causing trouble!

This idea became more and more rooted in Leng Yisheng's heart, he gave her a hard look, while Ye Qingxin looked up, pretending not to see anything.

Liu Silian hurriedly walked back to Ye Qingxin's side, brooding over the feeling of being paralyzed by the electric shock just now!

"Leng Yisheng, you finally recovered your fighting spirit! Congratulations!"

Ye Qingxin smiled at him and Leng Yisheng gave her a blank look, it's not her fault!He acted like he didn't intend to talk to her!

This little wild cat is really hateful, and I don't understand why Jue Shi has taken a fancy to her, she is so tricky and savage!
"Leng Yisheng, what's in here?"

Knowing that Leng Yisheng was angry with her, but Ye Qingxin didn't care, and continued to want to talk to him!

And Leng Yisheng glanced at the gift box in her hand, something flashed in his eyes instantly, he had a smirk on his face, "You will know if you open it and have a look!"

Wasn't this guy unwilling to talk to her just now?How come I get excited when I see this gift box!Could it be that there is something weird in it!
Looking at his smug eyes again, Ye Qingxin became more and more sure that this gift must not be a good thing!

But the weirder it was, the more she couldn't suppress her curiosity, and the more she thought about it, the more she took it apart.

"What? You dare not open it and take a look?"

Leng Yisheng looked at her who didn't dare to open it, and said aggressively on purpose!
"If I dare not, open it!"

Knowing that it was Leng Yisheng who provoked her on purpose, but she still couldn't hold back her breath, she was accidentally fooled, and she still wanted to see it in her heart.

Ye Qingxin untied the colorful rope tied outside the gift box, and then tore it open, but she didn't expect that there was a layer of paper box inside, and when she opened it again, there was still a layer of paper box, "Leng Yisheng, what the hell did you give me?" What the hell! It's so difficult!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but said rudely, there are several layers of boxes, and it's not over yet, what is so mysterious!
"If you open it again, it will definitely refresh your eyes."

Leng Yisheng smiled wickedly, this gift was carefully selected by him, it was a very miraculous gift.

He believed that his big gift would definitely give them a big surprise, maybe they would love it so much!

"Tch, I haven't seen anything!"

Ye Qingxin said, she didn't believe that she hadn't seen this thing before, but what kind of crap is this, it has to be packaged so tightly.

"Si Lian, I'm thirsty, can you go get me a can of beer from the refrigerator!"

Leng Yisheng opened his mouth and said to Liu Silian who was on the side, this thing is something his Si Lian can't see!

As for the little wild cat has become a wife, it doesn't matter if you look at it, you can't bring his family's thoughts to ruin!He didn't expect her Si Lian and Ye Haoxuan to get tired of being together, thinking of Ye Haoxuan was like a knife stabbing his heart.

"Okay, I'll get it!"

And Liu Silian was anxious to take a look, but Yisheng asked her so much, so she couldn't refuse.

Seeing that Qingxin hasn't been opened yet, it won't be too late when she helps Yisheng get it first!

Liu Silian stretched her feet, stood up, and walked to the kitchen!
And Ye Qingxin looked at Leng Yisheng who was at the side while tearing it apart, "Leng Yisheng, you deliberately pushed Si Lian away, don't think I don't know what the hell is going on inside you!"

Finally, there is only the best layer of packaging left. The big gift box was unpacked just now, and it is not too small now.

What kind of gift needs to be so tightly pretended can finally be revealed.

"What you and Jazz need! This gift is guaranteed to surprise you."

Leng Yisheng said with a mysterious face, but Ye Qingxin knew he wouldn't say it, if he didn't say it, she could see for herself.

Exactly what they need.

Ye Qingxin tore off the last layer of protection, and said in disappointment, "Baby!"

At a glance, I saw a doll inside, and it was quite ordinary. I didn't expect that it was just a doll packed with so many layers of things. .

This guy made so many layers of wrapping paper, just trying to make a fool of himself!

"Leng Yisheng, what a surprise this is! It's just a doll! You can't be so stingy! You gave such a doll as our wedding gift!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help complaining, she thought she was a little girl, give her a doll!And why is he so stingy!Is he willing to give this gift?Don't lose it!

"This is not an ordinary doll! Take a closer look!"

There was a smile on the corner of Leng Yisheng's mouth, with an evil smile on his face, this doll cost him a lot of money, no ordinary doll could compare to it, buying all the dolls in the world cost more than this amount.

Ye Qingxin suddenly felt a malicious intention, but this is a doll at all!I can't see anything special about it!But this Leng Yisheng said so, there should be something special about it!

If it's an ordinary doll, why pack it so tightly? Just buy one from the store. Besides, is Leng Yisheng that kind of stingy person?Especially since Jazz is still his good brother, of course he is going to make a big deal.

If he doesn't buy it, it's all right, once he buys it, it will be amazing!
This was specially consigned by him. This is a limited edition this year, and there is only one of them. Many people rushed to buy it, but he snatched it.

But this big gift was originally what he wanted to use. At that time, when he thought of Si Lian becoming Ye Haoxuan's boyfriend, he was heartbroken and couldn't sleep all day and night, so he wanted to buy this special gift. Baby, please satisfy the regret in your heart, at least you can spend the long lonely night with him every night.

Unexpectedly, it happened to be the day when Jazz and Wildcat received the certificate. He felt that they needed the doll more than he did, so he had to reluctantly part with it. He hoped that they would like this gift, and they would definitely like it.

"What's special, but it's covered with a veil!"

Ye Qingxin took the doll out of the box, it didn't weigh much, after a closer look, there was no difference, but why did the doll have to cover the veil!

"Take off her veil, press the middle of it, and let her record a video for you!" Leng Yisheng taught her how to use it, with a smile in her eyes, and Ye Qingxin listened to his words, and gave the veil to her Got it down, but haven't clicked the center button yet.

On the contrary, I was frightened by the appearance of the doll.

"Why doesn't this doll have a fixed face shape! No nose, no eyes, no mouth, nothing!"

Ye Qingxin took off the veil, but she didn't expect to see a doll without a face, it shouldn't be said to be an unfinished doll, she has never seen a doll like this before.

She had a bad premonition in her heart!What the hell is this? A doll is not like a doll!

And every part of her body is weird and hard!Clay dolls!But it looks like a rag doll again!I don't know what material it is made of.

"That's what's special about it, you click the button in the middle and let her record a video for you."

Leng Yisheng continued, she will see the effect later.

I just don't know if Jazz saw it, would he really want to beat him to death!He's ready to run away.

And Ye Qingxin saw that he was so eager to ask her to press the button, she stretched out her hand and then retracted it, her intuition told her not to click this thing, otherwise something bad would happen!

"Leng Yisheng, did you get something in there to scare me!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help asking, she wanted to press it but was afraid of what the hell he would do!It made her feel itchy.

"No! I guarantee it with my personality!"

Leng Yisheng assured with a face, seeing her hand go in quickly, but unexpectedly she retracted again, he also wanted to see how the effect was, he had seen the manual, but he hadn't. Really like this.

He also wants to follow to see the effect!

"Do you have personality? You really didn't lie to me?"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help saying in disgust, but he said that, so there shouldn't be anything scary about it.

"Why don't you want to see what's special about her?"

Leng Yisheng looked at her with a hesitant look on her face, obviously a little moved, and couldn't help but seduce her.

"Is it really good to just press it?"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help asking again, she really wanted to press it down, but she just felt something was wrong in her heart!
"Yisheng, your beer!"

Just when Ye Qingxin was hesitating, Liu Silian had already walked out of the refrigerator, handed him the beer, and then sat back to the original seat, wanting to see what the gift was.

"Qingxin, is this a gift from Yisheng? Why does it look so strange?"

Liu Silian looked at the doll in her hand, thought it was not a gift, but besides the real doll, there was nothing else in Qingxin's hand.

"There is no face, how strange! But what is in the middle, can I press it?"

Liu Silian took Ye Qingxin's hand over, with a curious look on her face, seeing a button on it, she couldn't help but press it.

"Si Lian, don't press it!"

Leng Yisheng saw that she was about to press down, and wanted to stop it quickly, but Liu Silian's hand was too fast, and she had already pressed down.


Plans can't keep up with changes.


Leng Yisheng wanted to die, she never thought that Si Lian would come out suddenly, and she pressed the button, she didn't want others to see her kawaii appearance, before it changed, he wanted to get it quickly .

"Hey, you can still take pictures!"

Suddenly a screen appeared in the middle of the doll, it lit up, and it started recording Liu Silian.

"It's fun!"

Liu Silian looked at herself inside, and smiled foolishly, so this doll is a video camera!

Suddenly the screen was switched, and a string of data came up.

"Si Lian, give it to me!"

Leng Yisheng came over and wanted to take the doll away, but it would be too late, and how could Ye Qingxin let him take it away so easily and snatch the doll away.

This guy, if she insists on pressing it down, why is idiot Liu so nervous when he presses it down? What the hell is he doing!
"Wild cat, return it to me quickly!"

Leng Yisheng said eagerly, but when Ye Qingxin saw that he was going to snatch it, she quickly stood up and jumped under the sofa, "Leng Yisheng, this is a gift from you, and now it's mine. How can I pay you back!"

There is no reason to take back what was sent out.

"Wild cat, give it to me quickly. I can't give you this gift. I want to take it back. I'll buy you any gift you want. Hurry up and get it now!"

Leng Yisheng looked at the strings of data that kept emerging, and it had already shown 100% 99, almost [-], and it was almost completed, there is still time to stop it!
"No! I want this, Leng Yisheng, what the hell are you doing! Why do you insist on me pressing it, but when Si Lian presses it down, you become so nervous!"

Ye Qingxin asked, feeling that he must be hiding something, otherwise why is he so anxious to go back now!

But Leng Yisheng wanted to come over to snatch it, so she ran away.

"I don't have time to explain to you now, and it won't be too late, give it to me quickly!"

Leng Yisheng's expression of wanting to die is complete, he is just stealing chickens and losing money now!

"If you don't give it, you won't give it! Si Lian stop her for me!"

Seeing that he was about to run towards her, Ye Qingxin said hastily, and as soon as Liu Silian heard her words, he immediately stretched out his hand to block Leng Yisheng.

"Si Lian, don't make trouble! Let me go!"

Leng Yisheng didn't dare to touch her, and said in a low voice.

He moved his position and wanted to go to the other side, but was hugged by Liu Silian, "Don't let go, Qingxin said that I can't let you pass!"

Liu Silian refused, but Leng Yisheng had nothing to do with her.

Look at the doll Ye Qingxin is holding in her hand, it shows a red light, and suddenly a childish voice comes out, "It's done, it's done! Transformation!"

Leng Yisheng breathed out, it's too late to say anything now!

Ye Qingxin's hands were empty, and she felt that the doll in her hand jumped out suddenly, and a bright light radiated out, so dazzling that they couldn't open their eyes.

The doll began to change slowly, the whole body exuded white silver light, from a small one to bigger, bigger, the height began to change little by little, almost the same height as Liu Silian, and then her mouth, nose, eyes... ...began to emerge slowly, and began to have its own appearance!


(End of this chapter)

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