Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 178 Xia Jin, I Know You Are Inside

Chapter 178 Xia Jin, I Know You Are Inside
It may take some time for Shangguan Liunian to arrive here, if he really arrives here, then Xia Jin is really doomed, so he has to help Xia Jin escape before Shangguan Liunian arrives.

"Qingxin, what are you doing! Why did you run away without saying a word, it's easy for me to find!"

Liu Silian ran over panting, saw Ye Qingxin was still walking around and quickly grabbed her hand, she had gone around a lot just now, and finally found her, where is she planning to go now!

Ye Qingxin couldn't help being startled when her hand was suddenly held like this, but when she saw Liu Silian, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Sooner or later, she will be scared to death by idiot Liu, people are scared to death!

Liu idiot always does this trick behind her back from time to time, and sooner or later she may be scared into a heart attack.

"Si Lian, come here! I have something to tell you."

Afraid of being discovered by others, Ye Qingxin pulled Liu Silian to a corner aside, hiding her face.

And Liu Silian followed her, seeing her so mysterious appearance, she looked puzzled, and couldn't help asking, "Qingxin, what are you doing?"

"Si Lian, listen to me now, I bumped into Xia Jin just now, did you see, these people are going to arrest her, we want to help her escape!"

Ye Qingxin said calmly, pointing to the bodyguards not far away.

"Xia Jin! You said you saw Xia Jin, where is she!"

When Liu Silian heard the news about Xia Jin, she screamed, and Ye Qingxin quickly covered her mouth, this idiot wanted to kill her!

Oops, her little heart was raised again by her fright, Ye Qingxin was speechless to her.

Looking at those bodyguards again, as soon as they heard Xia Jin's name, they really came over, looking at them from time to time, while Ye Qingxin embraced Liu Silian, pretending to be nonchalant, and passed them.

"Don't look back!"

Liu Silian wanted to look back to see if those people had left, Ye Qingxin ordered in a low voice, fearing that something might go wrong, she casually dragged Liu Silian into a hair accessories shop.

As for the bodyguards just now, they realized that nothing happened, so they didn't pay any more attention to them, and continued to stare around.

"Idiot Liu, if we have any problems, you will kill us! I told you that those people want to arrest Xia Jin, and you still scream so loudly. You want to make everyone panic You know! Sooner or later, I will be scared to death by you."

Ye Qingxin couldn't help complaining, but Liu Silian shrugged and pulled her ears, with an apologetic expression on her face!

"Qingxin, I didn't do it on purpose! You know Xia Jin hasn't seen you for so many years, I was just excited! Don't be angry! But Xia Jin, where is she now?"

Liu Silian covered her mouth and asked in a low voice, she hadn't seen Xia Jin for so many years, and she was shocked to hear her suddenly.

"I don't know. I only saw her once before, and then she ran away. She must not be able to leave the shopping mall now. Shangguan Liunian will come to catch her soon. We have to catch her before Shangguan Liunian arrives. Xia Jin escorted them out safely."

Ye Qingxin said in a low voice, there are not many people in this shopping mall now, if Shangguan has passed away, it will be hard to say, this scene is like she was playing catch with Shangguan Jueshi back then, it is very exciting!
If you don't pay attention, you will be caught. That time, she was able to escape from Shangguan Liunian with the help of her elder brother and the help of idiot Liu. But this time it was different. Xia Jin was alone, so they Find a way to help her.

"Shangguan Liunian wants to arrest Xia Jin? Why? The brothers of the Shangguan family are all out of their minds. Why do they always want to arrest people? Last time I was here, Shangguan Jueshi wanted to arrest you. To catch Xia Jin, everyone is crazy!"

Liu Silian tilted her head and couldn't help but said, no wonder this scene feels familiar, last time Qingxin played hide-and-seek with Shangguan Liunian here, all of them are big and big, I didn't expect it to be so fun!

But after saying this, she felt that the wind was blowing on her head, so she better shut up!

"Si Lian, according to you, what should we do to help Xia Jin?"

Ye Qingxin looked at Si Lian at the side, since she fell into a coma last night, her mind seems to be much sharper today, maybe she thought of a solution.

"Qingxin, it's not easy. Let's follow Haoxuan's method last time and get a few more Xia Jins out to make it hard to tell if Shangguan Liunian is real or not! But the most important thing now is to catch Xia Jin in Shangguan Liunian. Before Hibiscus, we have to find her first."

Liu Silian's mind suddenly became sensitive, and he spoke out his thoughts smoothly.

And Ye Qingxin stared at her in disbelief, she didn't expect her thoughts to coincide with Si Lian's, what's wrong with her, it seemed like she had taken a brain-boosting medicine, and she came back to life.

"Si Lian, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Ye Qingxin looked at her and asked, it's good for Silian to become smarter, but will there be any changes in her illness, she has to prevent it!

"No! What are you doing with your heart! Do you think I'm smart? I think so too. When I woke up these two days, I felt that my mind was very clear. I could think of many unexpected things, and even some things could be cleared. Remember carefully, don't worry, I'm fine!" Liu Silian giggled, she had never been so sober at this moment, and Ye Qingxin breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that she was fine.

"It's good that you're fine. If you feel unwell, please tell me!" Ye Qingxin reminded her that what she was most worried about was that her illness would relapse, but looking at it now, she didn't know what was going on, she always felt missing The personalities of the two have all gathered into one person, is this a good thing after all!

"Qingxin, don't worry about me. Although I get confused sometimes, I don't feel any discomfort now. Okay, don't talk about it. Let's find Xia Jin right now."

Liu Silian shook her head with a calm expression, knowing that Qingxin was worried about her, but she was really fine.

"I don't know where Xia Jin is hiding now! The shopping mall is so big, it's very difficult for the two of us to find her, and we have to find her secretly, so that people from Shangguan Liunian can't find out about us. , This is a difficult job for us, and with just the two of us, Xia Jin has not been found by then, and Xia Jin has already been arrested by Shangguan Liunian. If Si Lian were Xia Jin, where would you hide? ?”

Ye Qingxin put her arms around her and couldn't help but analyze, according to Xia Jin's level of care, a thought suddenly flashed into her mind.



The two looked at each other and said in unison.

"That's right, that's right, it's the bathroom, I didn't hide in it last time! Xia Jin must be in the bathroom on this floor, Si Lian, you are getting smarter."

Ye Qingxin smiled and said, she didn't expect that they all wanted to go to the same place.

"Hee hee, I just have a quick brain!"

Liu Silian giggled, with a look of embarrassment.

"Now we have roughly determined the position, but Shangguan Liunian's thinking is too transcendent. He will definitely think of what we can think of. Now we must find Xia Jin and replace her before him."

Ye Qingxin quickly made an analysis, and now that she has a general idea, it will be much easier to act.

"Qingxin, how did you see Xia Jin just now? Let's always dress up like her!" Liu Silian said, looking at where they are now is the hair accessories, which is the most suitable imitation up.

"With long flowing black hair, let's hurry up and buy a few identical wigs, and then buy a wig for Xia Jin, so that she can escape smoothly."

Ye Qingxin carefully recalled the hasty scene when she saw Xia Jin just now, and her deepest impression was her long flowing black hair.

"Time is running out, act now!"

Ye Qingxin said anxiously, and hurriedly bought a lot of hair sets here, and then hurried out, the two of them had a clear division of labor, and searched for the bathrooms one by one.

"Qingxin, I have searched for everyone on this floor, and I called out cautiously, but there is still no sign of Xia Jin. Could it be that we are thinking wrong? Or has she escaped smoothly."

Liu Silian and Ye Qingxin gathered together, they shook their heads, but they both got nothing.

"Impossible! Let's keep looking! Otherwise, when Shangguan Liunian arrives, the whole shopping mall may be turned upside down. It will be a disaster for Xia Jin if she doesn't escape."

Ye Qingxin is still worried. You must know that although Shangguan Liunian looks calm and gentle, his methods are not as powerful as Shangguan Jueshi's, so let's look again!
If Xia Jin really fell into Shangguan Liunian's hands, just think about it and break a cold sweat for her.

"Could it be that she's on the second or third floor?"

Liu Silian tilted her head and said, if you search from the first floor to the first floor, Shangguan Liunian will be here by then.

"I can't say for sure, it's not the way to find it like this!"

Ye Qingxin stood there with a worried expression on her face. If she searched like this, before she could find Xia Jin, Shangguan Liunian would arrive.

Just when they were at a loss, a mother walked by with her little daughter, "Mummy, I accidentally stained my clothes when I went to the bathroom, a beautiful sister Helped me tidy up my clothes, she is very nice, and she also has long hair, which is very beautiful, Mommy, I will also grow long hair in the future."

"it is good!"

At this time, the conversation between mother and daughter fell on their ears, Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian looked at each other, this person must be Xia Jin, right?They have already found out where Xia Jin might go.

Look at the mother and daughter who came out of Fort Kent just now, and Xia Jin is here.

I have to say that Xia Jin is really careful. They just watched from the big bathrooms in this building, but they didn't expect Xia Jin to hide in Fort Kender.

"Si Lian, let's go in quickly."

Ye Qingxin said in a low voice, and promptly pulled Liu Silian in with a calm face, because at this time several bodyguards were wandering back and forth outside the door with Xia Jin's photo in their hands.

"Qingxin, what should I do now! There are people outside!"

Liu Silian was sweating nervously holding Ye Qingxin's hand, if he went out like this, he would definitely be discovered.

"Let's find Xia Jin first."

Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian walked to the bathroom, but the bathroom doors were all closed, but they were sure that Xia Jin was in there.

"Xia Jin, Xia Jin! I'm Ye Xiaoniu!"

"Xia Jin, I'm Liu Silian, did you hear us calling you? Come out quickly!"

Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian tapped each other and called out their names. If Xia Jin heard that it was them, she would definitely come out.

"This is the last one left!"

Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian walked over together and tapped lightly, "Xia Jin, we are Ye Xiaoniu and Liu Silian, come out quickly!"

At this time, Xia Jin, who was inside at this time, broke into a cold sweat when she heard the knock on the door, she must have been discovered!
But when she heard a familiar voice and a familiar name, she was surprised, how could the two of them be here!

The person who called her outside just now seemed to be in love with her!

She put her hand on the handle excitedly, wanting to open it to see them, but her hand stopped again, she looked hesitant, no, I can't drag them both down.

The reason why she has not contacted them for so many years is that she is afraid that someone will find them. Besides, people in this shopping mall are arresting her now. Will not let them go.

Xia Jin bit her lower lip subconsciously, no!She cannot recognize them!They cannot be dragged down.

There was mist in her eyes. For so many years, she knew that Qingxin and Silian were looking for her whereabouts, but she never showed up. She was really sorry for them.

"Xia Jin, Xia Jin! Come out quickly!"

"That's right, Xia Jin, I know you're inside, it's us, no one will catch you."

Seeing that the people inside were silent, when I asked those few people just now, they were all scolded and said they were crazy, but now it is so quiet, Xia Jin must be inside.

Listening to the familiar voice and tone of the two of them, they still haven't changed, they are just as righteous as before, but now she really can't go out, she can't drag them down anymore.

Qingxin, Silian, I'm sorry!I can't go out!You better go now!Just pretend you haven't seen me.

There was a tear shining from the corner of Xia Jin's eye, and she looked guilty.

"Xia Jin, I know you're inside, and I know about you. I know that you came out to meet us because you didn't want to drag us down, but do you think it's okay? Shangguan Liunian has already found us."

As soon as Xia Jin heard that Shangguan Liunian had gone to find them, she immediately turned pale and felt a little unsteady.

The name Shangguan Liunian, this name, has been haunting her day and night like a lingering ghost for so many years, making her sleepless.

Xia Jin held her head in pain, her face was as white as paper, she just wanted to save her father and had to do some wrong things, but he kept chasing him endlessly, these few years, she lived a happy life Life is better than death.

(End of this chapter)

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