Chapter 199

And Qin Lanhua never thought that her daughter would sing this song, so she was confused. Is this girl Meng'er out of her mind, or is she fascinated by men? Does she know what she is talking about? ah!

"Meng'er, you are crazy! Do you know what you are talking about? Why are you responsible for the mistakes made by that stinky girl Xia Jin! That stinky girl has nothing to do with us at all." Qin Lanhua said She pulled aside and couldn't help but say.

What is this girl doing now?Because a man doesn't even want his own life now, she doesn't want her life, she still wants to live a few more years.

Usually, this girl is wishing that Xia Jin will end badly, but today she is so kind-hearted and wants to save Xia Jin, that stinky girl, what is this girl Menger thinking about.

Qin Lanhua knew her daughter best. After she realized it, she realized that something was wrong with her daughter. She must be planning something, calculations are calculations, but they can't risk their lives.

"Mom, how can you say that! Although we have no blood relationship with sister Xia Jin, we have lived together for a while. Although sister Xia Jin has a cold personality, she has taken good care of me. I have always thought of her Treat her as my own sister, if she really did something wrong, I will bear it with her, Mr. Shangguan, please don't blame my sister, if you want to blame, blame me!"

Qin Meng spoke in tears, and even knelt in front of Shangguan Liunian to plead guilty.

And Qin Lanhua's eyes showed admiration, it's really a pity that her daughter doesn't become an actress, her old lady can hardly see her tricks.

Meng'er did this to change Shangguan Liunian's impression of her, but she had to wonder, would this man in front of her really be moved?

Shangguan Liunian stood there, watching their mother and daughter self-directed and acted, and a deep smile appeared in his eyes. It's really a pity that this woman doesn't act.

"Do you know what she did wrong? She can only apologize with death. Are you sure you want to die for her?"

Shangguan Liunian's sharp blue eyes were narrowed, with a dangerous aura, and his face was full of bloodthirsty light, which made Qin Lanhua and her daughter fall down in fright.

die!When Qin Lanhua heard the word "death", she was so frightened that she almost lost her soul. This stinky girl, Meng'er, thought she was smart, but now she is fine, and she almost lost her life.

But Qin Meng turned pale with fright, she didn't want to die yet!But she had already let go of the words just now. She originally wanted to make Shangguan Liunian change her view of her and look at her differently. Why did things not develop as she thought? Could it be that Shangguan Liunian really wanted her to take the blame for that woman Xia Jin? , could it be that she is really going to die!
"Mr. Shangguan, please be generous and let us go. My Meng'er is still young and doesn't know how to speak properly. This child just talks nonsense when he is confused. We really have nothing to do with that girl Xia Jin. She never She left us completely a few years ago, and now we have our own family, if you do something that offends you, just go to her and we will definitely not interfere." Qin Lanhua By the way, they took Qin Meng to kneel and kowtow to apologize, leaving the relationship completely behind.

Qin Meng was very upset, she never would have been so cruel and indifferent without him, she made a wrong calculation and now she is pushing herself on the cusp of the storm.

But she didn't realize that she was being smart, her lowered eyes hid a deep hatred, Xia Jin, it's you again!If it wasn't for you, wouldn't we be in trouble now!But he forgot who followed up so shamelessly just now, and now he blamed all the faults on Xia Jin.

Seeing their humble behavior at this time, Shangguan Liunian twitched his lips. It seemed that they were quite frightened. An ungrateful person like this has no right to waste his time. If she was here, she would definitely not compromise.

Shangguan Liunian had those stubborn eyes in his eyes. She looked weak, but in her bones she revealed a tenacity that would not admit defeat. This may be why he has been chasing her for so many years, because he admires her tenacity, even I really want to get rid of this tenacity, and I want to see her powerless appearance.

"Mr. Shangguan, please don't remember the villain's mistakes, please let us mother and daughter go! We offended you because we didn't know Taishan, we know we were wrong, please forgive us!" Qin Lanhua sold her old face , pleading vigorously, and although Qin Mengtou was pressed and kowtowed by her tightly, her face was full of unwillingness.

Because their crying and crying attracted the attention of many people, but due to the presence of many sturdy bodyguards, the onlookers did not dare to speak indiscriminately, for fear of being implicated.

Hearing the noise coming from his ears, Shangguan Liunian's handsome face was very displeased, and he uttered a word coldly, "Get out!"

"Thank you Mr. Shangguan for your kindness!"

When she heard Shangguan Liunian said that she would let them go, Qin Lanhua expressed gratitude, "Meng'er, why don't you thank Mr. Shangguan quickly."

"Thank you, Mr. Shangguan!"

Qin Meng raised her head, with tears in her eyes, staring at Shangguan Liunian with reluctance, her face full of grievances, as if silently accusing him of his indifference to her.

And Shangguan Liunian didn't have time to look at her cute and pitiful appearance, and he didn't even look at her current appearance, the make-up was all over, she looked like a ghost, and the word "pretty" didn't match her.

Looking at the back of Shangguan Liunian leaving, Qin Meng's footsteps moved involuntarily, and wanted to follow. How could he be so indifferent to her!

"Meng'er, don't you want to die! You don't want to live, I want to live a few more years!"

Qin Lanhua held her back and shouted loudly, isn't this girl idle enough to be thrilling today?To actually want to follow up, she was frightened out of courage today.

Being so fascinated by a man, she almost killed her.

"Mom, but I'm really moved." Qin Meng said with an aggrieved face. She finally wanted to fight for it, but she didn't know that Shangguan Liunian didn't even look at her. Big joke.

"Heartbeat! Save your energy! With your ghostly appearance now, people will fall in love with you, unless they are blind." Qin Lanhua said bluntly, what kind of thick eyebrow makeup does this stinky girl like most, just now I couldn't bear to look at him even when I cried.

"Mom, how can you accuse me!" She was already disappointed enough, but she still said that, besides, she was pretty good-looking, so there was nothing wrong with her.

Seeing that Qin Meng still didn't give up, Qin Lanhua took out a mirror from her bag and held it in front of her eyes, "Look at this ghostly appearance now, who would like you! I just wanted to remind you a few words Pay attention to your appearance, but you brat don't know where to throw the man's soul when you see it."

"Mom, why didn't you tell me earlier, how can I meet people now! No wonder Mr. Shangguan doesn't like me." Qin Meng couldn't help complaining when he saw himself in the mirror with a look of distress.

She said that although she looks a bit worse than Xia Jin, she has a good charm. Men usually soften their hearts when they cry. It must be because she cried too many times just now, and she looked embarrassed. Mr. Shangguan saw Her bad side is why she is so indifferent to her.

She took out the facial tissue and wiped it, and then took out the foundation and wiped it again. She must dress herself up and show her best side.

"Meng'er, no matter how beautifully you dress up, people won't pay attention to you. That man is too dangerous for us to mess with. Let's go home quickly so that we don't get into trouble later." Qin Lanhua was scared Terrified, she trembled when she thought of Shangguan Liunian's bloodthirsty expression just now.

This place can't stay any longer, leave now.

"But, but I..." Qin Meng looked at the direction where Shangguan Liunian left, with a look of reluctance.

"But what, didn't you see that man wanted the lives of our mother and daughter just now? Meng'er, wake up, that man is not something you can mess with. If you don't want to live, just stay here and don't drag me into the water."

Qin Lanhua put down her harsh words, Meng'er was still so obsessed, she didn't want to die.

After Qin Lanhua finished speaking, she was ready to leave, but Qin Meng looked at the direction where Shangguan Liunian left just now, and then at Qin Lanhua, with a look of hesitation, but when she thought about what happened just now, she still had lingering fears, and quickly followed Qin Lanhua's direction pace.

"Mom, wait for me!" Afraid of being left behind, Qin Meng trotted over, while Qin Lanhua in front of her stopped when she heard her voice.

"Mom, I was wrong. It's all my fault, which made you suffer." Qin Meng took the initiative to hold Qin Lanhua's arm, her mouth was very sweet, and she still had to reach out to her mother for her expenses in the future.

"Meng'er, it's good if you can figure it out! That man is too dangerous. Mom has seen such a man, and she can tell at a glance that the man is not so easy to catch up with. Mom is doing this for your own good. Don't you believe me? Eyes?"

Qin Lanhua said, her voice was much softer than before, this girl seemed to have figured it out, after all, she will rely on her to live a good life!

"Mom, I know you are doing it for my own good. I was confused just now, and I will never let you down in the future." Qin Meng took the initiative to admit her mistake. Although she said so, she still missed Shangguan Liunian in her heart.

"Meng'er, there are a lot of men in this world, and he is not the only one who has been in the officialdom for a long time. Mom will definitely ask someone to help you find a good man. What's the use of being handsome? The most important thing is to be rich. Wait for you Now that you have money, are you still afraid that you won't find a man?"

Qin Lanhua enlightened, and Qin Meng nodded timidly, she also felt that it made sense, her mother was right, when she got rich in the future, she wasn't afraid of not being able to find a better partner.

"Mom, I'll listen to you." Qin Meng said with a sensible face, and Qin Lanhua smiled with satisfaction, knowing that her daughter is as smart as her, and it is good for her to know how to choose.

"That's right!"

"Mom, what do you think Xia Jin did to make Shangguan Liunian go into such a fight and want to arrest her?" Qin Meng asked with a puzzled face, when did Xia Jin get into trouble with such a dangerous person as Shangguan Liunian? They were almost implicated, but luckily they were safe in the end.

"I don't know. I remember that old man got sick. Didn't that stinky girl Xia Jin say she was going to work outside to find money? She went there for a few months. I guess it happened during this period. People came here from time to time in the past few years. Inquire about her, you still remember that she hid everywhere as soon as she came back, and you don't know how much trouble this stinky girl has caused outside, but fortunately we will not be dragged down by her now that we have separated from her." Qin Lanhua Yan Xing said happily, but she was also puzzled, although she hated Xia Jin, this stinky girl, but this stinky girl usually abides by her duty and abides by the rules, how did she get 100 million at that time.

What on earth did she do outside to make people chase her so hard.

"I remember, she took 100 million at that time! I don't know if she got it that way." Qin Meng also remembered this, and they took the 100 million in the end.

"Mom, do you think she stole it? Otherwise, why did Shangguan Liunian chase after her!"

Qin Meng guessed, looking at the way Shangguan Liunian gritted her teeth when he mentioned her, she wished Xia Jin would fall into Shangguan Liunian's hands and make her suffer.

"Probably so! This stinky girl is too courageous. If she doesn't mess with anyone, she actually messed with that man just now. If she falls into Shangguan Liunian's hands, she will be crippled if she doesn't die." Qin Lanhua didn't say this. Not with a little sympathy, but with a look of gloating.

"She deserves it! If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have been scared just now." Qin Meng said with a stern face, while Qin Lanhua smiled and agreed.

This stinky girl Xia Jin, please die early, so as not to drag them down.

"Okay, Meng'er, this matter has nothing to do with us and we don't care about it. Aren't you going to an interview? Mom will take you to buy some beautiful clothes." Qin Lanhua said on a whim.

"Mom, you are so kind to me." Qin Meng never thought that Qin Lanhua would say that, with a happy face.

"You are my precious daughter. If I don't treat you well, I will treat you well. Mom has invested all her money in you, so you can give me some credit." Qin Lanhua did not forget to say that she can count on her good life in the future she is gone.

"Mom, don't worry! I will marry a good family in the future, and I will be filial to you. Let you eat well, wear clothes, and live well. We, mother and daughter, will live a good life." Qin Meng said sweetly , and Qin Lanhua listened to what she said with a satisfied face.

She just said that she didn't feel sorry for her in vain!
At this time, Shangguan Liunian came to the place pointed out by Qin's mother and daughter just now - the dormitory for teachers and staff. As soon as he came, the bodyguards surrounded the dormitory.

Looking at this old building, Shangguan Liunian frowned, did she live here?
The arrival of Shangguan Fleeting Years caused a lot of commotion, but the concierge uncle immediately realized that something was wrong outside, why is it so lively today!He felt confused in his heart, so he went out to see what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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