Chapter 202 Engagement
"Yisheng, you're here. I was just thinking about how I could miss you on such a beautiful day today. You are so filial, you never forget to bring me good wine every time you come."

Leng Yisheng's appearance is always the most sensational, and Ye Maosheng likes him even more when he sees him.

Ye Qingxin glanced at him sullenly, and really wanted to remind the old man that he didn't really want to come to see you, he came for your daughter-in-law, it seems that he wants to find a private time to talk to the old man Tell him to put him on his guard.

Lest I drink a glass of fine wine when I get there, and lose my daughter-in-law.

"Uncle, what are you talking about! We are all one family, we should, come, come, this is a new wine blended today, you must try it and give me your opinion."

Leng Yisheng walked towards them, and from the corner of his eyes, he did not forget to glance at Liu Silian who was sitting next to Ye Haoxuan, and Ye Haoxuan noticed Leng Yisheng's gaze, and at this moment, his lowered hands naturally fell on hers. On his shoulders, his eyes were full of smiles, and he did not forget to swear his sovereignty.

This unintentional performance was undoubtedly provoking him, staring at the pair of extra hands, Leng Yisheng's eyes were sharp, wishing to chop off that hand.

Ye Haoxuan, an insidious villain, dares to take advantage of Si Lian.

But Liu Silian raised his head and glanced at her with a smile. Leng Yisheng met her smile, and his depressed mood dissipated immediately, but the good times didn't last long.

"Si Lian, try this." Ye Haoxuan on the side picked up an oyster and put it in her mouth, Liu Si Lian naturally put Leng Yisheng down while eating.

"good to eat!"

Seeing the two of them acting so intimately, Leng Yisheng regained his gloomy expression.

Look at the rest of them, they are all in pairs, he is the only one who is alone, and his heart is even more unbalanced. These two are specially here to stimulate him, and what's more, this guy is Jazz , A typical example of forgetting righteousness at the sight of sex, forgetting about brothers when you have a wife, and adding insult to injury.

Why is it so easy to marry a wife, why is it so difficult to come to him, he just can't figure it out, he used to be romantic and proud, they only had jealousy, but now they see him jealous, is he the old man in the previous life? His beard was plucked, otherwise how could he have decayed like this.

"Leng Yisheng, I don't remember inviting you over!" Ye Qingxin who was on the side did not forget to tease that Leng Yisheng was the chief culprit who caused her to fall into the grave of marriage, so he must be severely abused no matter what.

"Xin'er, what are you talking about! I asked Yisheng to come here." Ye Maosheng said at the side, and Leng Yisheng gave Ye Qingxin a thoughtful look, and Shangguan Jueshi looked at her. Seeing the two of them frowning, he didn't like her eyes to accommodate other men, his cold and stern eyes swept towards Leng Yisheng fiercely, Leng Yisheng was frightened away.

Shangguan Jueshi put his big hand on her waist, and pulled her over with one swoop, "If you keep staring at other men like this, I will be angry."

Shangguan Jueshi clung to her ear, not forgetting to warn, Ye Qingxin glanced at him, he didn't seem to be joking, so he consciously nestled next to him, he couldn't say anything about Shangguan Jueshi's domineering behavior pleasure.

On the other hand, Ye Maosheng looked at his son and daughter, both of them were full of happiness, and his face was overflowing with happiness.

Both of these are settled, even if they leave him, they will have no regrets.

"Uncle, how about you try this taste!"

Everyone else is in pairs, but he is the only one who can only drink with Uncle Ye.

Leng Yisheng poured a glass and handed it to him. Ye Maosheng took it, took a sip, and praised him all the way after drinking, "Not bad, not bad, Yi Sheng, you are really amazing! If any girl can marry you , I’m really happy, but it’s a pity that I only have one daughter, otherwise I would have wanted to marry my daughter to you.”

Old man, they don't want your daughter, they are here for your daughter-in-law, and you actually lured wolves into the house!You won't be able to hold your grandson by then, don't regret it!

Ye Qingxin gave Leng Yisheng a blank look, everyone here knew that Leng Yisheng came after idiot Liu, only the old man was confused.

Leng Yisheng kept laughing dryly, and glanced at Liu Silian who was at the side from time to time, but it was a pity that Ye Haoxuan blocked his sight impartially, Leng Yisheng glared at Ye Haoxuan, his eyes sparkled.

This went back and forth, confronted countless times, and the flames burst out.

"Taking advantage of today's auspicious day, I have an important announcement to make!"

Ye Maosheng stood up and said solemnly, but they all stopped competing and looked at Ye Maosheng, waiting for his next words.

"Old man, what's the important thing? Maybe you want to find the second child."

Ye Qingxin couldn't suppress the curiosity in her heart and couldn't help asking.

Why did the old man act so mysteriously that he didn't even tell her, so could something be wrong?Or he has been lonely for many years and wants to find a companion.

"Stinky girl, stay aside quietly for me."

Ye Maosheng's face is gloomy, this smelly girl can't spit out ivory, why is he looking for a second child, he is already old, besides, he only loves her mother, and he will never marry again, if it spreads Like what words.

Leng Yisheng at the side couldn't help but hold back a smile, the father and daughter of the Ye family are too funny.

After being called out, Ye Qingxin pursed her mouth and sat aside with an innocent face. She was just talking casually out of curiosity, but what was the matter, the old man made it so formal.

"Shangguan Jueshi, what do you think is going to happen?" Ye Qingxin approached and asked.

"Some people are sad and some are happy."

Shangguan Jueshi said calmly, it seems that Yisheng is going to suffer a severe blow tonight, I don't know if he will become decadent because of this, Shangguan Jueshi's eyes fell on him, with a worried expression on his face.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Qingxin tilted her head and asked, why are some people sad and others happy, and what exactly are they talking about.

"You'll know if you take a look." Shangguan Jueshi didn't tell her the answer directly, and Ye Qingxin pouted very dissatisfied.

"Haoxuan, what are you still doing in a daze, don't hurry up."

Ye Maosheng looked at Ye Haoxuan at the side, and he did not forget to remind him that he told Haoxuan about this just now. Hearing Si Lian's tone, she also agreed to get engaged. As for getting married, don't worry, just make an appointment beforehand.

Leng Yisheng who didn't know before heard Ye Maosheng calling Ye Haoxuan, and felt that something was wrong, but when he realized it, it was too late, Ye Haoxuan had already started to act.

"Si Lian, marry me!"

I don't know when Ye Haoxuan had a beautiful bouquet of roses in his hand, 99 red roses dotted with bright lights, it was a ring. Ye Haoxuan put on one knee and proposed to Liu Silian.

"Today is the day when Xiaoer Haoxuan and Si Lian get engaged, everyone is very happy."

Ye Maosheng declared, but at this time Leng Yisheng had a disbelieving and stunned expression on his face, and the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground with a "clap" and shattered due to surprise.

Leng Yisheng kept staring at Liu Silian who was facing him, and Silian happened to meet his gaze, conveying to her through his eyes, seeing the sadness in his eyes, Liu Silian's heart twitched violently. It hurt a bit.

They pass each other's thoughts through each other's eyes.

Si Lian, don't promise him!
Sorry!I just want a safe home!
Si Lian, I can give you what you want, you love me, don't you?


"Si Lian, promise my big brother! Promise my big brother!"

"Idiot Liu, bless you!"

Ye Qingxin and Lu Manman opened their mouths to add to the fun, wishing that Liu Silian would agree quickly, now that the two of them have found their belongings, only idiot Liu is left, if she is with Brother Haoxuan, she will definitely be very happy.

Shangguan Jueshi and Gu Changye who were sitting on the side looked at Leng Yisheng with expressions of sympathy, not knowing what would become of him.

Liu Silian's mind went blank, ignoring the deep affection in Leng Yisheng's eyes, she nodded her head nah, "Brother, quickly help idiot Liu put on the ring, she agreed."

Ye Haoxuan was on one knee, and he also looked nervous, for fear that Si Lian would reject him. The few seconds he was waiting for was extremely tormenting for him.

I have never seen him so nervous when he encounters any big things, but this time, he was nervous and panicked.

When he heard her sister's cry, he seemed to see hope. He raised his head and looked at her blankly, his tone of excitement couldn't be suppressed, "Si Lian, are you really willing to be with me?"

Leng Yisheng still looked at her intently, even if there was a slight chance, he would not give up, he was waiting for her rejection.

But Liu Silian didn't look at him again, he was in a bad mood, he was drinking with his head down, and he couldn't see his expression.


Hearing her nodding in agreement, Leng Yisheng paused for a moment, and then pretended to be drinking the wine as if nothing had happened. Even the best wine was in his mouth right now, and the bitterness could not be resolved.

"Si Lian, I will protect you and take care of you in the future." Ye Haoxuan smiled, put the ring on her finger, wrapped her shoulders, and let her lean into his arms.

Fingers clasped together, indescribable joy.

"That's great, idiot Liu, from now on you will be my sister-in-law." Ye Qingxin clapped her hands and applauded, while Liu Silian blushed, she forced a smile, looked at the ring on her finger, not as happy as she imagined .

why!Usually she is always broken in love, but now someone comes to take care of her and wants to marry her, why is she not happy at all.

Or was it because she was with brother Haoxuan since she was a child, and suddenly the two of them were together, and she was not used to it. She made excuses for the vacancy in her heart, yes, it must be like this, but is it really like this?

She raised her head, glanced at Leng Yisheng at the side, and saw him sitting there alone drinking wine, feeling uncomfortable and tingling in her heart.

"Okay, now that both of you are settled, I can rest assured, Si Lian, you will be my daughter-in-law in the future, if Haoxuan does not do well, please tell me, I will Help him teach him a lesson." Ye Maosheng said with a smile, while Liu Silian smiled dryly with embarrassment.

"Come on, come on, come on, let's be happy today, we should have a few drinks."

Leng Yisheng started to boo, he ignored all the eyes, looking for fun alone.

"Yes, Yisheng is right. It's rare to be happy today. We need to have a few drinks. You all stay at home tonight and don't go back." Ye Maosheng also agreed, with another plan in mind.

Everyone raised their glasses together and drank happily.

"It would be great if Xia Jin was here, so that we can be happy together. Now that the three of us are settled, Xia Jin is the only one left." Ye Qingxin said regretfully, but there will be a reunion one day.

"Xia Jin's safety is the most important thing now. Today should be three happy days. Congratulations to Xia Jin for her safe escape."

Lu Manman said happily, hearing what Ye Xiaoniu said today, I was really terrified, but fortunately Xia Jin was safe in the end, this is something to be happy about.

"Yes, three blessings are coming to the door, if you don't get drunk tonight, you won't return!"

Ye Qingxin drank several cups in a row, and the three girls blushed from drinking. Shangguan Jueshi looked at her drinking like this with a helpless expression on his face, and he would be the one who would make trouble.

"Manman, you have a press conference tomorrow, don't drink too much."

Gu Changye said in time that it was really hard to deal with Man Man's drunken madness, otherwise he would be the one to suffer.

"Yeah, I forgot all about it, so I'll drink less."

Lu Manman realized it later, but fortunately Gu Changye reminded her in time, otherwise tomorrow would be a mess.

Ye Qingxin and idiot Liu were both very drunk, and Leng Yisheng was so drunk that he passed out. In the end, Gu Changye carried him back to his room. This guy Yisheng suffered too much tonight. Let him get drunk for a while, at least it won't be so uncomfortable.

And Shangguan Jueshi also went upstairs with Ye Qingxin in his arms. Fortunately, Ye Qingxin was not so crazy after being drunk, she was no different from a dead pig.

"Haoxuan, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and take Si Lian to your room."

Seeing his son still sitting there stupidly, and Si Lian leaning on his shoulder, it is possible that he has always planned to sit like this.

"Father, this is not good!" Ye Haoxuan looked embarrassed, he didn't expect his father to say that, whether it would be bad for a girl's reputation, he was worried about this issue.

"What's wrong? Si Lian is your fiancee now, and she doesn't live in your room. Could it be that you want her to sleep with someone else?"

Ye Maosheng said with a grumpy face, Haoxuan is too shy, this old man should take action as soon as he should, doesn't he realize that everyone is coveting his fiancée.

Don't think he is stupid, he sees it better than anyone else, and Yi Sheng also likes Si Lian, but fortunately they acted in time, otherwise his daughter-in-law would have been snatched away.

If this kid keeps being so scrupulous, his wife will be snatched away by then.

"Of course not." Ye Haoxuan naturally knew who his father was referring to, and everyone could understand Leng Yisheng's affection for Si Lian.

"Then what are you doing in a daze! Hurry up and take him back to the room. It's best to cook the rice with raw rice. I'll wait for my grandson!" Ye Maosheng laughed, he should be confused when he should be confused, and he can't stop for a moment.

But Ye Maosheng's face turned red involuntarily, and looking at Si Lian who was blushing drunk at this time, he hugged her up.


(End of this chapter)

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