Chapter 206 Someone Looks Sad

"Yisheng, eat it! You are wasting the bread that my sister-in-law carefully spread for you! You have to know that Shangguan Jue has never enjoyed such treatment. You have trampled my good intentions on the ground. I want to follow Shangguan Jue." The world said."

Ye Qingxin put the spread bread on his plate, said aggrievedly, and was about to pick up her mobile phone to make a call.

As soon as Leng Yisheng mentioned Shangguan Jueshi's name, he immediately became timid. He gave Ye Qingxin a dry look, and had no choice but to pick up the spread bread.

If Jazz knows that her little wild cat treats him so attentively and enjoys the treatment he has never had before, and if he knows that he has refused, Jazz probably doesn’t know how to punish him, more things are worse than less For one thing, who made their couple perverted.

Liu Silian wanted to remind him, but Ye Qingxin glanced at him, so she could only obediently eat the bread with her head down.

"Cough cough! Ye Qingxin, you want to sweeten me to death!" Leng Yisheng didn't think much, just bit down, who knew that her mouth was full of sweet and greasy, and if she choked her throat, she knew she was uneasy and kind.

Leng Yisheng picked up the milk and took a big sip, looked at Liu Silian with an aggrieved face, but Silian could only pretend that nothing happened because of the presence of their siblings.

Not being comforted, Leng Yisheng's face turned ugly again. He really couldn't get used to this little wild cat. This time he decided to let her have a baby as soon as possible, so that she can be busy and wipe her butt later. No time to mind his business.

"By the way, Si Lian, my elder brother will take you on a date later, so that you can live a two-person world!"

Ye Qingxin said while eating, deliberately amplifying her voice, and when Leng Yisheng heard that the two of them were going on a date, her face changed, her eyes dimmed, you must know that this date is the most likely to have intimate behavior, and Ye Haoxuan This hypocrite is very unreliable, who knows if he will take this opportunity to take advantage of Si Lian.

No, he can't just watch the two of them have a more intimate relationship in front of his eyes. He will definitely let them fail on this date.

"Si Lian, have you thought about where to go to play?"

Ye Haoxuan on the side asked for Si Lian's opinion. He had already planned it out, but he didn't know if Si Lian had any ideas. If she wanted to go somewhere, he could change the plan at any time.

After all, the most important thing about their date is for her to have fun.

"Let me tell you, Si Lian likes to go to amusement parks the most. She likes those entertainment venues, such as the Ferris wheel and rapids, doesn't she? Si Lian?"

Before Si Lian could speak, Leng Yisheng spoke for her first, and Ye Qingxin gave him a blank look, this guy actually knows so much, it seems that he has done enough work.

But I have to admit that Si Lian really likes these things, Ye Qingxin sent a look to Ye Haoxuan who was at the side: Brother, be careful!You can see that Leng Yisheng knows idiot Liu better than you.

Although she secretly told her eldest brother a lot about Si Lian's preferences, but it's useless to memorize these things, and she has to take action.

Look at how Leng Yisheng does it, it hurts at the slightest bit, if the old man doesn't work hard, he will really lose.

"En, en!" Upon hearing these entertainment programs, Liu Silian's eyes lit up, and he nodded in agreement.

She didn't expect Yisheng to know her so well. She thought it was just talking, but she didn't expect him to take it to heart.

And Ye Haoxuan looked surprised, he didn't expect that Si Lian would like these things, he thought that he planned to take her to the underwater world for sightseeing, it would be more leisurely, who would have thought that Si Lian would like such exciting sports.

If she really likes it, he can change it, but when he thinks that Leng Yisheng understands Si Lian better than him, the smile on his face is replaced by depression. I understand, but I didn't expect Leng Yisheng to understand better than him.

"Si Lian, then let's go to the playground." Ye Haoxuan said softly, and Liu Si Lian nodded in satisfaction.

Leng Yisheng thought he was proud once, but he didn't know that when he heard that the two of them were going on a date, he lost more than half of the confidence he had just gained from beating Ye Haoxuan, so he wouldn't just watch them go on a date , the playground has the most people, and he can find another way by then.

Leng Yisheng recalculated in his heart, and regained his high spirits.

"Si Lian, you are my sister-in-law now. From now on, my elder brother will be handed over to you. You have to take good care of him in the future!"

Ye Qingxin did not forget to continue talking, Leng Yisheng stared at her fiercely, knowing that she was deliberately trying to hit her.

Does this little wild cat's mouth itch if he doesn't speak? If she isn't a noble woman, I really want to slap her!

Leng Yisheng looked at the ring on Si Lian's ring finger, and felt panicked. Does Ye Haoxuan have no money? He is so stingy, giving such a small ring, and the style is so out, he really dares to show it!
If it were him, he would definitely give a unique one. Only by belittling Ye Haoxuan can Leng Yisheng feel temporarily relieved.

"I know!" Liu Silian said shyly, she took care of Brother Haoxuan, and it was almost Brother Haoxuan who usually took care of her.

After they had breakfast, Ye Haoxuan and Liu Sixian were ready to go out after packing their things, "Qingxin, you really don't plan to go play with me?"

After leaving the door, Liu Silian couldn't help but asked, it's fun to go to the amusement park this time, it's a pity that Qingxin doesn't go together, and there are only her and Brother Haoxuan getting along alone, she is still somewhat nervous of.

If she fell in love with her, she would have no scruples.

And Leng Yisheng also greeted Ye Maosheng and walked out the door, just in time to interrupt, "Si Lian, you still want to take her light bulb with you, it will only get in the way if she goes."

Leng Yisheng said with a grumpy face, while Ye Qingxin winked at her, not knowing who likes being a light bulb.

"Si Lian, this is a date between you and my brother, you two must have fun! The relationship will be deep if you go out more often, and others have to be self-aware if they want to interfere." Pointingly said, specially emphasizing each word so that someone could hear it clearly, and when Leng Yisheng heard his words, his eyes lit up, this dead wild cat, specially stepped on his pain point, thinking of the future between the two of them They are all in and out, and he is very stubborn.

"If this relationship is really that good, there is no way to break it, but someone might be able to." Leng Yisheng hooked the corner of his mouth, and fought back unwillingly, and said that Si Lian was caught because he didn't understand his feelings for the time being. The two of them, brother and sister, lead the way, and when she knows what she wants, she will definitely choose him without hesitation.

If it weren't for this dead wild cat always causing trouble, Si Lian might be his fiancee now, so until the day they get married, he won't give up, he will fight them to the end.

"That's better than someone just looking sad!" Ye Qingxin laughed a few times, and Leng Yisheng stared at her, and was poked at the pain point again.

Liu Silian watched the two of them arguing with each other sentence by sentence, and she was used to it, "Si Lian, get in the car!"

The corner of Ye Haoxuan's mouth twitched, and he spoke in a timely manner.

Liu Silian got into the car, with her head sticking out of the window, she didn't forget to wave goodbye to them, "Qingxin, Yisheng, let's go play, goodbye!"

Leng Yisheng smiled and waved at her, but when he saw Shang Ye Qingxin's big face, he suddenly lost interest.

Seeing Ye Haoxuan's car leave, he should also follow, he naturally wouldn't just watch the two of them go carefree, he feels stuck here alone.

Leng Yisheng took out the car keys from his pocket, and was about to leave, but Ye Qingxin blocked his way, "Yisheng, sister-in-law has something to tell you, let's have a good chat."

According to her understanding of Leng Yisheng, it was absolutely abnormal for this guy to be so magnanimous just now, and she didn't know what the hell he was planning, so she wanted to trip him.

"But I have nothing to say to you. I still have something to do. Tell me after you think it over, or I'll report to Lord Sir right now, saying that you have nothing to say to him but you have a lot to say to me."

Leng Yisheng lacked interest, don't think that he doesn't know what kind of evil Siye Mao is up to, it must be trying to hold him back, for fear that he will cause damage.

But don't think you can hold him back like this, she will come out against Jazz, and so will he!


Ye Qingxin pointed a finger at him, then put it down unwillingly, Leng Yisheng dared to use Shangguan Jueshi to suppress her, if Shangguan Jueshi knew, she would definitely not be able to bear it, so she had to give up.

"I have something to do, so I'll leave first. If you have anything to say, go tell Juzzi, I'm not interested." Leng Yisheng laughed, feeling particularly happy.

Every time Ye Qingxin pokes the pain point, finally seeing her deflated, Leng Yisheng is rarely happy.

Listening to that arrogant laughter, and seeing his leaving back, Ye Qing stomped her feet angrily, this Leng Yisheng has learned to be smart!

No, you must inform your brother and let him take precautions!

Ye Qingxin immediately made a call. At this time, Ye Haoxuan and Ye Haoxuan were in the car, and the phone in Ye Haoxuan's pocket kept ringing, "Si Lian, I'm driving, please answer it for me!"

Because there were too many people in front of him, we couldn't ignore it, so Ye Haoxuan asked Liu Silian to pick it up for him.

"Okay, brother Haoxuan, where is your phone?"

Liu Silian nodded, but hearing the ringtone, it seemed to be in the pocket on the other side.

"It's in my left pocket." Ye Haoxuan said, and Liu Silian leaned his head over and fumbled for the phone.

But Ye Haoxuan showed embarrassment and didn't say anything.

She picked it up and took a look, with a joyful expression on her face, "Brother Haoxuan, you are calling from Qingxin!"

She quickly swiped the screen and answered the call. Maybe she changed her mind and wanted to play with them.

"Qingxin, did you change your mind when you called and want to play with us?"

Thinking of this possibility, Liu Silian asked excitedly.

"Idiot Liu, why are you answering the call? My brother, I have important information to tell him, so hurry up and tell him."

Ye Qingxin was surprised, she never thought that idiot Liu answered the phone, but it can be seen from this that the relationship between the two has taken a big step forward!

This development is indeed good, but it cannot be ignored.

"Oh, good! Brother Haoxuan, I want to tell you something important, please listen."

Liu Silian held the phone to Ye Haoxuan's ear, Qingxin, what is the important matter, so anxious!
"Xin'er, what's the matter?"

Afraid that her hands would get sore, Ye Haoxuan put on a bluetooth headset, which would be much more convenient, and what Xin'er said might be related to Si Lian, so it's better not to let her hear it.

"Brother, brother, where are you now? You just left, and Leng Yisheng also left. I was afraid that he would follow you, so I specially called you to inform you. You have to be careful, lest you Let him screw it up."

Ye Qingxin said anxiously, while Ye Haoxuan frowned, looked in the viewing mirror, there was indeed a car following behind, and that car was indeed Leng Yisheng's, he did not expect him to be so fast I came after him.

"He has come after him."

"This flirt, he moves so fast. Hurry up and get rid of him, brother, or you won't have a good date today."

Ye Qingxin was stunned, she didn't expect that Leng Yisheng would follow her so quickly, and she was still talking to her just now!

"Okay, don't worry! It's okay, I'll hang up first, and I'll flick my tail first."

Ye Haoxuan smiled, and glanced at the car behind him. If he wanted to follow him, he had to see who he was following. You must know that although he is a doctor, he still has another identity - a racing driver. Ye Haoxuan smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. It seems very easy.

"Brother Haoxuan, what did Si Lian say? Is she coming or not?"

Liu Silian leaned over and asked softly, why did Brother Haoxuan and Qingxin talk so mysteriously, what can't she know.

"She's staying with Dad at home! And her injury is just not suitable for these strenuous exercises. She asked me to play with you, and we will go play together next time when she recovers from her injury."

Ye Haoxuan said casually, and Liu Silian said oh, although he was a little disappointed, he was still very happy.

"Si Lian, do you want to have something more fun?"

Ye Haoxuan asked, but Liu Silian looked puzzled.


Brother Haoxuan doesn't seem like the kind of person who knows how to play, but this kind of Brother Haoxuan makes her feel more at ease.

"Sit still, I'm going to drive for some excitement, and I'm going to get rid of the car behind me." Ye Haoxuan smiled, trying to get her ready, but Liu Silian leaned over and looked at the car behind him. The car seems to be following them!
But this car looks so familiar, I can't remember it for a while.

"Okay, Brother Haoxuan, let's start! It's fun just thinking about it." Liu Silian nodded excitedly. She has no other skills. She always pays more attention to racing than others, and she is definitely the one in this field. field.

"Brother Haoxuan, do you see that there are three forked roads, and there are a lot of people flowing there. If we don't go straight later, we can take this opportunity to explore."

Liu Silian did not forget to make suggestions, she is the best at crossing paths.

And Ye Haoxuan smiled, he had exactly this intention, if Leng Yisheng knew that Si Lian would help find a way to get rid of him, I don't know what he was thinking!

(End of this chapter)

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