Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 213 Shangguan Jueshi Taught Her Hand in Hand

Chapter 213 Shangguan Jueshi Taught Her Hand in Hand

After lunch, Ye Qingxin sat on the sofa, playing with her mobile phone with great interest, but this time she was not bored playing games, but started to do serious things. She downloaded a cooking software, which contains detailed The instructions are easy to use for beginners.

Ye Qingxin looked at it with interest, seeing that it would be better to do what she wanted to do first, read the instructions inside, and then memorized it word by word in her mind, even afraid that she would forget it later, she started from the desk. Xia picked up a pen and asked for a small book, and wrote down the essentials in the small book.

Because he looked too seriously, even Shangguan Jueshi was sitting next to her and didn't notice it.

After finishing dinner with Ye Maosheng, Shangguan Jueshi walked into the living room. Unexpectedly, he happened to see her fiddling with her mobile phone. He didn't even notice when he came. Shangguan Jueshi looked uncertain, what the hell was it? Let her be so fascinated, he wants to see what is more charming than him.

He simply sat next to her, and even exaggerated his movements deliberately while sitting, but Ye Qingxin still didn't notice his existence, what was it that fascinated her, Shangguan Jueshi also came over to take a look, thinking he saw What kind of fucking handsome guy would it be? I didn't expect her to be learning cooking.

Looking at her serious appearance at this time, it seems that she is really interested in cooking this time. Is she working so hard for him?

But what's the use of seeing these, just talk but don't practice fake moves, if she really wants to learn, he might as well teach her by hand.

"Do you really want to learn how to cook?"

Shangguan Jueshi couldn't help asking, and Ye Qingxin nodded without thinking, "Well, I'm not researching which dish is easier to cook first!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she realized something was wrong with the atmosphere belatedly. When she turned her head, she happened to touch Shangguan Jueshi's face. She was so frightened that her hands trembled, and the small notebook fell to the ground.

"Shangguan Jueshi, do you know that people can scare people to death! Why are you sitting next to me without saying a word!"

Because of being frightened, her voice also raised unconsciously, and she patted her little heart, almost frightened to death.

Wasn't he still chatting and eating with the old man just now?When did it float to her, why didn't she notice it at all.

"I have deliberately enlarged the action just now, but you are too serious to notice that I am coming."

Shangguan Jueshi smiled slightly, if it was something else that attracted her attention so much, he would definitely destroy it secretly without saying a word, but when he thought that she learned to cook for him, he didn't say anything. In her heart, He was the only one I could see.


Fearing that Shangguan Jueshi would find out what she was doing, Ye Qingxin quickly picked up the note she had just made, quickly closed it, and pretended nothing happened.

"Do you really want to learn how to cook?"

Shangguan Jueshi leaned closer, his voice was magnetic.

"Who said that, I don't like it! I can only eat but not cook."

Ye Qingxin denied that she didn't want Shangguan Jueshi to think that she learned how to cook for him, who made him feel too good about himself.

"Then why were you taking notes so hard just now! It's useless to just watch it without practicing it. If you really want to learn, how about I teach you!"

Shangguan Jueshi suggested, and Ye Qingxin was indeed a little moved, but she couldn't hold back her face. Who told her to exaggerate her words just now?
Shangguan Jueshi's culinary skills are so superb, if he gave him two or three pointers, she would definitely be able to improve, but she had already said that just now, if she agreed now, it would be self-defeating.

"I really want to eat your cooking, okay?"

Shangguan Jueshi looked at her affectionately and murmured.

"That's what you said, I'll try it!" Ye Qingxin explained in advance, she naturally knew that Shangguan Jueshi was giving her a step down, but she was still very uncomfortable in her heart.

"Shangguan Jueshi, let's see what I can do first!"

Ye Qingxin took the initiative to lean over, and watched with him with her mobile phone. It provided several recipes that were easier to practice. It was easier for novices to learn, but she didn't know which one to cook first.

"None of these will work. The most important thing for you is to learn to master the heat. As long as you learn to master the heat, you will not be troubled by any dish."

Shangguan Jueshi said sharply, as for these recipes are only on paper, they are of no benefit at all, and they will only be useful when you really master the fire, but seeing how she wants to learn so much, it shouldn't be difficult for her.

"Then how can I learn to master the heat?"

Ye Qingxin asked curiously, these recipes are very detailed and specific, but Shangguan Jueshi said that they are worthless, and what he refers to is how to master the heat?
Not enough. He was right, she fried so many dishes, but none of them were outstanding, it was because she didn't master the heat well enough.

"Put all this down and follow me!"

Shangguan Jueshi held her hand and stood up, heading to the kitchen.

And Ye Maosheng was about to leave the table after eating, when he saw the husband and wife holding hands and going into the kitchen, he couldn't help asking, "Jazz, what are you doing?"

"Dad, I'll teach her how to cook."

Shangguan Jueshi said indifferently, while Ye Qingxin who was at the side watched her father staring at the two of them with ambiguous eyes, and she quickly pulled out her hand.

"Okay, okay, I'm relieved if you teach her, hurry up, you'll have to go to work after Juzzy!"

Ye Maosheng smiled so brightly, the two of them taught one and learned from the other, and the cooperation between the two made it easier to warm up their relationship.

The relationship between the two of them is tepid, and what they need most is a fire boost.

"Old man, wait until I learn to become a chef and cook delicious food for you."

Ye Qingxin spoke freely, and then walked straight in, while Shangguan Jueshi followed behind her.

When the two came to the kitchen, Ye Qingxin didn't know what he was going to teach her, she stood aside and didn't know what to do, she opened her mouth to break the peaceful atmosphere, "Shangguan Jueshi, how are you going to teach me?"

I saw Shangguan Jueshi went to the refrigerator and took out a plate full of raw eggs from the refrigerator. Seeing this, Ye Qingxin said, "You don't want me to learn how to scramble eggs, do you?"

"Well, once you learn how to scramble eggs, you can basically master the heat." Shangguan Jueshi said succinctly, then took out an empty bowl, knocked on the outer edge with the egg, put the egg liquid in the bowl, and then used After mixing with the chopsticks, the round egg yolks in the bowl were evenly mixed at once.

Ye Qingxin had a look of disbelief, as long as she learned how to scramble eggs, she learned how to control the heat, but Shangguan Jueshi seldom joked, so it might be true as he said.

"Don't think that scrambling eggs is easy. If you heat too high, the eggs will definitely be burnt. If you heat too low, the eggs will not be cooked, and you may even spoil the shape. So make a color The scrambled eggs with full flavor can basically verify that you have passed."

Shangguan Jueshi explained, and solved the doubts in her mind at this time. What Shangguan Jueshi said was not unreasonable. This egg is indeed a test of the ability to master the heat. If you don't take advantage of it, you may fail.

"Let me demonstrate it to you first."

Shangguan Jueshi took out an apron from the side and tied it on his body, and then came over to help her tie it on.

Ye Qingxin stood aside, it was the first time to watch him cook at such a close distance, seeing his meticulous expression, the handsome side face outlined soft lines, even if he was cooking, the movements of his hands were elegant, It added a bit of charm, it is said that men who are serious look the most manly, this sentence is indeed true, her heart couldn't help beating faster, and she ran wildly like a deer.

"The amount of oil should also be proportional to the amount of oil. Now, an egg only needs so much oil. If you are really not sure, then you would rather have more than less, because too little oil will stick to the pan later. Bottom, this burns more easily, hear?"

Shangguan Jueshi poured oil on his face, turned his head and did not forget to talk to her.

Looking at those tender blue eyes, her heart skipped a beat, a little tempted.

"can you hear me?"

Seeing that she didn't respond, Shangguan Jueshi asked patiently again, but Ye Qingxin was stunned for a moment before realizing it.

Oops!She was fascinated by Shangguan Jueshi just now, and she was really fascinated by him, her little face was flushed, she nodded perfunctorily, "Got it, got it!"

The tone was very unnatural, for fear that Shangguan Jueshi would find out that something was wrong with her. If Shangguan Jueshi knew that she was fascinated by him, how embarrassing it would be!So this face can't be lost even if it is killed.

"Listen carefully and don't get distracted."

A faint smile flickered across the corner of Shangguan Jueshi's mouth, so shallow that he could only notice it himself.

He continued the steps just now, turned on the stove, and Ye Qingxin gave him a blank look behind his back, can she be blamed for this?When someone made him serious, she was so handsome that she was dumbfounded.

"See, the oil is boiling hot, so you can lay it in. Remember to put the egg down, don't touch it, or it will lose its shape."

There was only a sound of "噗嗤", and the egg liquid quickly spread around, forming a circle. The outer layer was easy to cook, but the middle was slower.

"Seeing that the bottom layer in the middle is cooked, it is necessary to turn it over quickly. This layer does not need to be fried for too long. It is enough to see that the color is basically the same."

I don't know how Shangguan Jueshi did it, but he flipped the egg over with a quick hand. The egg was still in its original shape, without any wrinkles. The movement was too fast, so she couldn't see it clearly.

But I have to say that he is really good, Ye Qingxin admired him sincerely for the first time, but of course she won't tell him, so as not to make him too proud.

"That's fine."

Shangguan Jueshi turned off the stove, scooped up the scrambled eggs, and spread them evenly on the plate. Looking at the golden scrambled eggs, which smelled like egg yolks, what was even more admirable was that the scrambled eggs in the pot There is no oil left at all, just right.

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but tsk-tsk a few times in admiration, this is the strength, I don't know when he will reach his level.

You must know that a best cook not only has to make the food taste delicious, but also has the important point of grasping the amount of ingredients so that it is just enough not to waste. Shangguan Jueshi has achieved these two points at the same time, let alone Two points, it is difficult to achieve one point, she still lowers the standard.

"Did you hear what I taught you just now?"

Shangguan Jueshi asked patiently, ready to let her start, and if she didn't like it, he could give another demonstration.

"Listen clearly, let me do it myself! Shangguan Jueshi, you just watch from the side, and if I don't do well, you can point it out."

Ye Qingxin nodded, it's useless to listen to it, the key is to practice more, if one fry is not good, then fry two, if the two fry are not good, continue, she doesn't believe that the basket of eggs is used up, She has not been able to complete a successful
Seeing the determination on her face at this time, Shangguan Jueshi's mouth was filled with satisfaction, and he aimed at her determination, which would get twice the result with half the effort.

Ye Qingxin took an egg by herself, and knocked it, because she had never knocked an egg before, her hands were stronger than the average person, she used too much force, and she put the bowl with the liquid and the shell together, she looked embarrassed and couldn't believe it. Said, "What's the matter with Shangguan Jueshi? Why was it okay when you knocked, and why did I become like this when I was in the queue? I followed the method you just did."

Ye Qingxin looked in the bowl, the eggshells were all stained with egg liquid, she picked it up with chopsticks, but it was too broken, there was still inside.

"You are using too much force, don't waste this. You can practice your hands first." Shangguan Jueshi said with a half-smile, she used the force of a rock to knock an egg, and the result can be imagined.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner! If you had told me earlier, I would have paid attention, but wait, what do you mean by this sentence, you said let me practice my hands first, you mean that I can't Once you succeed, you will fail, right?"

Ye Qingxin said angrily, this is clearly cursing her for not being able to learn.

Look at the smile on his face again, he thought he was manly just now, but suddenly he felt very obtrusive, making her feel as if he was deliberately laughing at her.

Seeing what he said, can't she win the jackpot?It was obvious that she was looking down on her, so she didn't believe it. She, Ye Qingxin, couldn't even handle an egg. A hen can lay eggs, and Ye Qingxin can also scramble eggs.

She must strive for one-time success, let Shangguan Jueshi see her ability, and see if he dares to laugh at her and make fun of her.

"You know that's not what I mean."

Seeing that she was in a hurry, Shangguan Jueshi explained that he didn't mean to laugh at her, looking at her swollen little face, she regarded him as an enemy.

"I'm not the roundworm in your stomach, how do I know what you mean? Hmph!"

Ye Qingxin turned her head away, with a ungrateful expression on her face, she must show Shangguan Jueshi how powerful she is, how dare she look down on her, her self-esteem was hurt, Ye Qingxin turned on the fire, poured oil into the pot, she She is full of confidence, if Shangguan Jueshi can do it, so can she!She can do it by herself without his help.

But she forgot an important point: haste makes waste.

Ye Qingxin saw that the oil in the pan was about the same, the eggs in the bowl fell down, and there was a slight sound, although she had overcome the oil extraction, she was still a little scared, if she didn't pay attention, the eggs in the pan were almost burnt .

"Shangguan Jueshi, quickly help me turn it up!"

(End of this chapter)

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