Chapter 223

"Who caused this! I didn't know how good my life was. If you hadn't always forced me to get married, would I be lying here now?" Ye Qingxin said angrily. She knew that the old man was doing it for her own good, but She couldn't swallow the breath in her heart.

Ye Maosheng was so blocked by her that he had nothing to say.

"Xin'er, I know you are angry now, and nothing I say will work, but it's about your life and safety, let's not be arrogant, okay! Don't you think that the child will be noisy after birth, so you Responsible student, I am responsible for helping you, okay, I will never interfere with your freedom, you can do whatever you want in the future, your father will not stop you, and if you don’t want to go to the entertainment circle, your father will not hinder you Yours." Ye Maosheng lowered his attitude and said, Ye Qingxin was indeed a little tempted, but when she thought of a kid following behind her in the future, she shook her head.

Even if the old man didn't agree, she would go for it, and don't even think about having a baby.

"Old man, I won't listen to your nonsense anymore!" Ye Qingxin turned her head away, as if she didn't want to pay attention to her, she didn't believe it, and she would be in bad luck if she didn't have children.

"Girl, stop messing around, listen to Dad's advice again, look at my age, if something happens to you, tell me how to live!" Ye Maosheng began to plan, this girl cares about the feelings of her family the most , as long as he lowers his face a little, she will definitely consider it.

Upon hearing his words, Ye Qingxin felt uncomfortable immediately, but she really couldn't do it if she wanted to give birth suddenly!

Seeing that she was hesitating, Ye Maosheng continued to work harder, "Girl, you brothers and sisters were brought up by me pissing and shitting since childhood. It doesn't matter if something happens when I'm old, but you are still young. , you are in the prime of life now, and your dream has yet to come true! If something happens to you this year, wouldn’t it be a pity in your life, what can you tell me to do! "

"Old man, what you say is quite reasonable."

Ye Qingxin agrees with him, she hasn't accomplished anything now, if this year is really likely to be unlucky, then she has to hurry to realize her dream, so that if something happens to her, she won't regret it Acridine.

Hearing what she said, Ye Maosheng thought she agreed, so he tried to ask, "Girl, so you agree to have a child?"

"Who told you that I'm going to have a baby? I won't think about having a baby for the time being." Ye Qingxin immediately denied this idea. She is going to pursue your dream now. As for the baby matter, it's over. It was thrown into the back of her mind.

"Then what do you mean?" Ye Maosheng looked puzzled, she didn't agree with his point of view just now, what's going on now.

"As you said, old man, I have already decided to realize my dream while I am young. I want to find my dream, and no one can stop me." Ye Qingxin made up her mind. Life is up to you.

"Girl, do you owe it to me to smoke? I don't care if you have ignored what I said. Your husband and child will realize your ideals."

Ye Maosheng was livid with her anger. He said so much just to let her have a baby quickly, but this girl wants to realize her dream, regardless of her own safety.

"Old man, I won't listen to you again this time, even if you beat me to death, if you don't let me get married, I won't be in bad luck, and I won't be lying here and suffering now, oh my god , Look at the good things the old man has done!"

Ye Qingxin started whimpering again, Ye Maosheng got a headache from her chanting, it was more tormenting than Sun Houzi's magic spell.

Especially as soon as she mentioned her marriage, he felt so guilty. This stinky girl clung to his weakness, and there was nothing he could do about her.

"Forget it, you can do whatever you want in the future, I don't care, sooner or later you will be pissed off by you, a stinky girl." Ye Maosheng spread his hands, and walked out after speaking, his head was so angry with this girl Dizzy, he wants to go out to relax.

Seeing the old man leaving in anger, Ye Qingxin suppressed a smile to herself. In fact, she was really angry when she first heard that it was an oolong. Although she had a new life, she could realize her dream now. It doesn't matter anymore.

There is a wrong move, wait for her to recover from her injury before she goes to find a job, as long as the old man doesn't intervene, everything will be easy to handle, and as for Shangguan Jueshi, there is no reason to control her.

And Liu Silian returned to the room, tossing and turning, as soon as she closed her eyes, the image of Leng Yisheng hugging other women appeared in her mind, unable to calm down to sleep, Liu Silian hugged her head with a uncomfortable expression on her face.

Ye Haoxuan went upstairs, gently pushed the room open, and walked in, there was a faint sobbing sound from inside, it was Si Lian crying.

Thinking of this, Ye Haoxuan hurried over, "Si Lian, what's wrong with you? Is there something uncomfortable?" Ye Haoxuan walked to the bed, squatted beside her, and asked with concern while holding her hand.

Fearing that he would find her crying, Liu Silian pulled out her hand and quickly turned her back, "Brother Haoxuan, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

"Silian, there will always be a solution to things. I know you are upset now, why don't I light some incense for you to help you sleep!" Ye Haoxuan said softly, she must be feeling very uncomfortable now, but she is such a She can only think wildly quietly, it's better to let her have a good sleep, maybe after waking up, everything will be resolved.

"Thank you, Brother Haoxuan!" After sorting out his emotions, Liu Silian turned around and said gratefully.

Every time she was sad, brother Haoxuan was always by her side to comfort her and take care of her. The better he was to her, the more guilty she felt.

"Brother Haoxuan, don't be so kind to me in the future, I don't deserve you to be so kind to me." Because of guilt, Liu Silian lowered her head and bit her lip.

Ye Haoxuan walked to the side, lit the incense, bursts of fragrance came in, and spread throughout the bedroom, unknowingly, the body began to relax, and the heart gradually calmed down.

"Fool, you call me brother Haoxuan, so I will naturally take care of you. Well, now close your eyes, try to let go of everything in your mind, and slowly relax your body..."

Ye Haoxuan sat at the side, and said calmly, while Liu Silian followed her instructions, closed his eyes, and bursts of drowsiness slowly struck, and after a while, a burst of even breathing followed.

Ye Haoxuan raised a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth, covered her with the quilt, looked at that quiet little face, wanted to reach out to touch it, but suddenly thought of something, and put it back.

Si Lian, let me take care of you and protect you in the name of my brother from now on. Although it is not my wish, but this way you will not have any more burdens, and our relationship will not be embarrassing because of it. As for your happiness, I will help you You chased.

Fearing that she would suddenly wake up later, Ye Haoxuan sat aside and quietly accompanied her for half an hour, seeing that she was sleeping soundly, he closed the door and went downstairs.

At this time in the hospital.

"Take it easy!"

Leng Yisheng kept yelling, never thought that he would be injured so badly, especially since the glass shards were inserted into his buttocks, the buttocks had the most flesh, and it would naturally hurt when they were pulled out.

Just now I was so sad that I didn't feel any pain, but now I don't know what happened, and I started to feel pain.

"Who called you! You deserve it!" Gu Changye said with a downcast look on his face. This lunatic was so self-abuse just now, and now he is awake, and the pain is beginning to be unbearable. Let's see if he dares to mess around in the future.

He joked about his body at every turn, thinking of seeing him looking like he was dying just now, it was as if he was stimulated at the beginning, but fortunately he is fine now.

"Chang Ye, why didn't you come to stop me earlier! But you said, you want to help me get Si Lian back, you have to keep your word!" Leng Yisheng did not forget to say, Chang Ye said that he would help Done, all his hopes were placed on him.

"Got it, got it, you're going to stay in the hospital for two days this time, by the time you leave the hospital, Liu Silian's anger might have subsided, and I'll go and talk to you about it then." Gu Changye scolded him There's no way, I've become like this, and I'm still thinking about Liu Silian in my heart.

If I knew this earlier, why did I do it in the first place?

"Chang Ye, do you think Si Lian will forgive me? I'm so uncertain!" As soon as this matter was mentioned, Leng Yisheng looked worried. He did such a bastard thing and beat her. She won't hate him anymore, he must have no image in her heart now.

"Liu Silian has always been soft-hearted. As long as you sincerely admit your mistakes and correct your mistakes in the future, she will definitely forgive you. Okay, don't talk for now. Doctor, you can also fix his hands by the way."

Gu Changye did not forget to remind that this hand is the most important.

When it came to healing his hand, Leng Yisheng was the first to object, "Don't worry about this hand, just let it run its course."

This hand that hit Si Lian, why bother to heal it!Just let it go away.

"Leng Yisheng, if you mess around like this again, I don't care about your crap. I don't have so much time to waste on you." Gu Changye said with a blunt face. What to say.

Besides, he is not alone now, he has to go home to take care of his own wife!No time to spend on him.

If it wasn't for seeing him being abandoned, pitifully, he wouldn't care about it!

"Don't, I'll just treat him." Upon hearing that Gu Changye let go of him, Leng Yisheng hurriedly compromised, if even Chang Ye didn't ignore him, he would really be left to fend for himself.

Under Gu Changye's threat, Leng Yisheng had no choice but to heal his hands, put them in a plaster cast, and couldn't sit up, so he could only lie down on the hospital bed, dripping on drips to reduce inflammation.

"Chang Ye, you said that I hurt Si Lian so deeply this time, will she really forgive me?"

Leng Yisheng said with a worried face, while Gu Changye who was at the side had heard these words more than a hundred times, and he was getting impatient.

"Leng Yisheng, can you stop asking this question? I've been sitting here listening to your complaints all afternoon, and my ears are tired. If you continue like this, I won't care about you."

Gu Changye covered his ears and simply put on the earphones. There was a notebook on the table, and he was working against the clock. The whole day today was delayed by this boy.

If he hadn't seen that he was broken in love now, and he was alone in the hospital, thinking wildly, he would have left long ago.

This afternoon, I heard all his complaints, and I didn't know how many times he repeated them. His mouth was not sore when he said it, and his ears were tired of hearing it.

"Chang Ye, don't be like this, you didn't see that I am already like this now." Leng Yisheng felt disgusted, and his mood became gloomy again. The matter of longing for love has been weighing heavily on his heart, and he feels uncomfortable if you don't ask him. .

"It's your own fault! Well, I have to go back to cook, you stay here by yourself, and wait for me to bring the food! If you run out of suspenders, you ring the bell, and naturally a nurse will come and change it for you."

Seeing that it was about the same time, Gu Changye closed the notebook, his wife would be back soon, and he had to go back to cook, lest she get hungry later.

"Changye, don't go, it's fine to go outside to buy things, why bother to go home!"

When he heard that Gu Changye was going home, Leng Yisheng grumbled like a little girl. If Changye left, no one would listen to him, wouldn't it be very boring.

"Brother, I have a family now, so I'm different from you!" Gu Changye said, and Leng Yisheng gave him a blank look. This ungrateful guy, knowing that he is single now, Also show affection in front of him to stimulate him.

"Changye, you're still not a man! You've done all the washing and cooking, don't you think it's useless?"

Leng Yisheng said bluntly, this one and the two are strictly controlled by their wives, Chang Ye is like this, Jue Shi is also like this, they are both wife slaves, they don't feel aggrieved!

Where is the dignity of their men!

"Yisheng, you don't understand before you have a family. On the contrary, I feel quite happy." Gu Changye smiled, and the meaning of happiness was beyond words. Yisheng couldn't understand this kind of feeling. able to perform.


Leng Yisheng gave a cut, seeing how complacent he was, he has become a wife and slave, what happiness is there to speak of.

"Okay, I'll go first, you just stay here."

Gu Changye packed his things and prepared to leave.

"Chang Ye, what you said is to bring me some food. Don't forget me brother because of love." Leng Yisheng reminded Gu Changye loudly. If you don't remind, Gu Changye, the wife and slave Maybe he was just trying to please his wife and forget about him.

Gu Changye left, and he was left alone. The two of them now have wives and their own families, so they put him aside as a brother. He has failed too much in life.

Thinking about it carefully, Jazz and Changye really have a characteristic, that is, they dote on their wives and are willing to do anything for her, but he also dotes on Si Lian, but he can't cook, he just He can only cook Western food, but he doesn't know Chinese food.

Could it be that he lost at the starting line, saying that grabbing a woman's stomach is equivalent to grabbing a woman's heart, it must be true!
(End of this chapter)

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