Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 252 I Didn't Expect You To Have Other Skills

Chapter 252 I Didn't Expect You To Have Other Skills

The next day soon arrived. Ye Qingxin had recovered her energy and strength after a day of rest, and she was going to go to work with Shangguan Jueshi early in the morning.

She didn't stay in bed that day, the two of them got up at the same time, and now that they had a job, she naturally didn't dare to procrastinate like before, so she hurried to the bathroom to wash up.

Today is her first day at work. Although she works in Shangguan Jueshi's group, she is still somewhat nervous and wants to show her best side.

"Shangguan Jueshi, do you think it's okay for me to wear this? Is it a bit rustic?"

Ye Qingxin stood in front of the mirror, looked at her attire, and said a little unconfidently, the first impression is the most important today, and of course she has to show her best side.

Looking at her in the mirror, she is wearing a white professional suit, which looks quite neat and capable. This is the first time she has worn such a formal suit——Shangguan Juss specially brought her two sets from the group, wearing them She looks a bit small and exquisite on her body, but looking at herself in the mirror, she still feels unsatisfied.

She felt that she could do better, but she couldn't see anything wrong for a while.

Shangguan Jueshi saw her rushing in and out for this job. He asked him to teach her some basic operation methods since yesterday afternoon, and even kept asking about everything about the group when she went to bed at night. It seems that she She took it very seriously this time, and she is usually full of confidence, but today she still feels very dissatisfied.

Shangguan Jueshi usually wears a black suit, which outlines his tall and slender body. Now he is standing behind her, looking at them in the mirror. They are a good match. There is always a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. .

Shangguan Jueshi wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, rested his chin on her shoulder, and inhaled deeply the fragrance that belonged to her body. This was the first time he saw her serious side. Her unruliness and eccentricity fascinated him. No end, it gave him a different and fresh feeling every day, and now her serious side gave him an unexpected surprise.

Her family's little wild cat is really full of tricks, and it will always make him feel fresh and delicious. If she is serious, she will really devote herself to it.

"Shangguan Jueshi, what are you doing? Don't mess with my hairstyle."

Ye Qingxin turned her head away and pulled a little distance away. What she cares about most now is the appearance of today, but she has no intention of joking with him.

Before she knew it, her hair had grown. If she hadn't dressed up specially today, she wouldn't have noticed it. She didn't pay much attention these days, and now she can tie it into a ponytail.

"You really surprise me every day."

Shangguan Jueshi whispered softly in her ear, then stood behind her and helped her take a look, "You look good with long hair, keep it!"

Shangguan Jueshi caressed her hair. Now her hair is a lot longer, and it is a bit messy without trimming. Now it looks better when it is tied up, so that it will match this suit more perfectly.

"I just cut it off because I thought it was too troublesome to tie my hair." Ye Qingxin said, it was because she had long hair that she found it troublesome, because she didn't know how to tie her hair at all, so she always cut it off for convenience. She will have less troubles when she comes here, just use a comb to comb it.

"Just keep your hair long, and I'll tie it up for you in the future."

Shangguan Jueshi smiled, she would definitely not be able to do light work like this with her irritable temperament, it's no wonder she kept cutting her hair short.

In fact, according to her face shape, long hair is more suitable for her. From now on, she will just keep her hair long, and let him do the hair tie.

"You? Shangguan Jueshi, do you know how to braid your hair? Don't be kidding, you messed up my hair, or I'll cut it in a few days."

Ye Qingxin turned her head and pointed at him, she couldn't tell that Shangguan Jueshi would be the one to do such a thing.

She still believed him when he said that he cut his hair. How could a person as cold as him do such a delicate job of tying hair!

But after what he said, she found her own problem, that is, her hair has grown now, and it is not as fixed as before, but a bit messy, no wonder she is not satisfied no matter how she looks at it.

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Jueshi pointed out her problems at a glance, this man's vision is really poisonous!

But what she didn't know was that she was the only one in Shangguan Jueshi's eyes all the time, so he knew everything about her so well.

"Don't cut it, just treat it as a long one for me, and I will help you get it done."

Shangguan Jueshi looked serious. Before she could react, he had already opened a small cabinet, took out a comb from the side, took off the tiara she was wearing just now, and tied a ponytail for her skillfully. , holding a hair rope to help her form a ball head, and picked out some fine pieces of his short hair from the hair to shape his bangs, and helped her wear a small silver hair tie, his movements were as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water, without It took a few minutes to help her solve the hairstyle problem.

Ye Qingxin looked at the hair accessories in the grid, when were they prepared and why she didn't know!When did he buy it?Or is it for other women.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Ye Qingxin couldn't believe it. Because of her shock, her small mouth grew so wide that it could almost stuff an egg.

She never thought that Shangguan Jueshi's hair-tying skills are so good, and she can solve her troubles in one go. Is this the cold Shangguan Jueshi she has seen?Why do you suddenly feel a little strange, and there is shock in the strangeness.

"Shangguan Jueshi, why do you have these hair accessories? Which woman does it belong to?"

Thinking that these might have been used by his former women, Ye Qingxin felt a bet in her heart, and her tone was a little tasteless. It must not be bought for her, because she has short hair and doesn't need it at all.

"I am a woman other than you, where else would I go to find a woman? I bought these from some stores I passed by. I think you will definitely use them one day, and now they will come in handy." Shangguan Jueshi explained, Now as soon as he sees some beautiful things, he wants to buy them back for her.

These hair accessories are just for her to use when she grows her hair long, and they can also be used when she goes to work today.

"You are so sure that I will grow long hair, you are not afraid that I will cut it off."

Ye Qingxin laughed and said that he was so sure that she would have long hair. Looking at the dazzling array of hair accessories in the grid, the most eye-catching thing was a small crown. Not to mention that the things Shangguan Jues chose were all her favorites.

(End of this chapter)

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