Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 263 Rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of the nest

Chapter 263 Rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of the nest

"Since you work in the group, you naturally have to follow the rules of the group, just call me like everyone else."

Unable to bear to see her sullen look, Shangguan Jueshi had no choice but to speak for her, calling him president was more pleasant than calling him uncle.

"That's right, why did I forget, President, thank you so much!" Ye Qingxin practically used it very quickly, and called her immediately.

After being told by Shangguan Jueshi, she immediately realized that she was still troubled by this matter just now, but now that it was all resolved, her little face was as happy as a little flower.

Shangguan Jueshi turned his chair around and looked at the transparent glass. He really couldn’t do anything he wanted to do. It seemed that the decoration company had to redesign it. Of course, it wasn’t just his office that was renovated, but the whole group.

In the name of nature, it is natural to provide a better environment for all employees. As for him, he naturally enjoys more tenderness.

"Then how do you say you thank me?"

Shangguan Jueshi turned his head and looked at her meaningfully.

This is what she said, how can I thank him!

Ye Qingxin was dumbfounded, she just said it politely, and he really wanted to ask for benefits, and besides, she couldn't thank him even if she wanted to be here now.

"We'll talk about it when we get home in the afternoon, and I'll definitely give you a big gift bag then."

For the sake of his consideration for her, he must make it up to him when he returns home.

"Then I'll wait and see!"

Shangguan Jueshi raised the corners of his mouth with satisfaction, considering that she was quite interesting.

"Shangguan Jueshi, I have a question that has always puzzled me."

Ye Qingxin stood with a little sore feet, pulled out a chair from the side, and sat opposite him.

"Tell me about it?" Shangguan Jueshi crossed his legs and looked leisurely, waiting for her question in a leisurely manner.

"I just can't figure it out. You look at the colleagues in the opposite department and they are all pretty good-looking. They are quite interesting to you. Why have you not been interested at all for so many years?"

This question has been perplexing her for a long time since just now, not only the administrative department, but girls who look at the whole group, the chance is so high, why is he not tempted!
"You should have heard the saying that rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests. I have a clear distinction between public and private affairs, and I don't know how to talk about office romances. Besides, they don't attract my interest. My interest is only you."

Shangguan Jueshi looked at her with deeper eyes, and the love in his eyes was obvious.

Facing his affectionate eyes, Ye Qingxin's heart skipped a few times, her little face blushed involuntarily, because what others said was good, but it was her head again.

Always on the ground, never forgetting to tease her.

Facing his scorching blue eyes, Ye Qingxin couldn't help but look away, afraid that if she took one more look, she would be attracted to him.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, tell me what kind of job you will arrange for me! I can't just sit here and do nothing, I'm here to exercise and improve myself, not for your eyes."

Feeling that this topic is not suitable for this occasion, Ye Qingxin quickly changed the subject.

Seeing her running away, Shangguan Jueshi pursed into a smile, and her skin became thinner and thinner.

"You tidy up those reports on the table. The sofa is where you work. I'll ask someone to relocate you."

Shangguan Jueshi pointed to the sofa at the side, Ye Qingxin looked satisfied, she would feel more relaxed working there, at least no one would stare at her anymore, so she could be more natural.

 Recommend a friend's new book: "Zimo Hongchen: The Fragrance of Flowers", a good essay.


(End of this chapter)

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