Chapter 266 Naturally I Went With You

"What are you laughing at? Could it be that you want to cheat behind my back?"

Ye Qingxin suddenly raised her face and said, looking at him with a half-smile, made her feel a little flustered and a little edgy.

His little face was hot, and he was a little embarrassed.

Suddenly realized that she had overreacted a little, the jealous vat in her heart seemed to be overturned, sour.

Look at the smile on Shangguan Jueshi's face, she is so obviously jealous, no wonder Shangguan Jueshi is happy.

"With your wild cat guarding the house, I, a mouse, can't do anything if I want to steal!"

It's rare for Shangguan Jueshi to be humorous, and besides, he only has feelings for her, but it's a pity that her little wild cat is so full of vinegar that he can't be active for a while.

Seeing her jealous, the smile in his eyes widened even more.

"Yes, if you dare to mess around, I will definitely bite you to death."

Ye Qingxin teased and said, suddenly leaving the colleague next door staring at this side, if she continues to say this, it will make people suspicious.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to work."

Ye Qingxin returned to her seat and continued with the work just now.

The first day of work was quite fresh, and the time passed quietly, and the bell for getting off work rang.

Ye Qingxin stood up, with a happy face, and finally got off work. She remembered that the administrative department was going to hold a welcome party for her at the same time.

"Where are you going?"

Seeing that she wanted to leave without explaining, Shangguan Jueshi couldn't help asking, why did she leave in such a hurry as he was going to take him to the cafeteria for dinner.

"My colleagues in the administrative department are going to hold a welcome party for me. I have to go find them and establish a good relationship with everyone, so that we won't be awkward when we meet in the future! You can go to eat by yourself first!"

Ye Qingxin turned her head and said, she had no intention of bringing him along at all.

Ye Qingxin packed her things, took her bag, and was about to leave the office when a big hand behind her suddenly grabbed her small hand.

"What else is there for Shangguan Jueshi?"

Ye Qingxin turned her head and asked with a puzzled expression.

Everyone is waiting for her in the office. She can't wait too long, lest she offend people too much.

"Aren't you taking me with you?"

Shangguan Jueshi asked, sounding a little unhappy.

He brought her to the group just so that he could see her every second. She is doing well now, so he left himself so cruelly.

"What are you going to do!"

Ye Qingxin was stunned, she never thought that Shangguan Jueshi would make such a request, and she never thought of bringing him along.

Besides, he has gone, can this dinner get off to a good start?When everyone sees his iceberg-faced paralyzed face, no one will be happy anymore!

Maybe it's the same as the atmosphere of working here, lifeless.

In fact, she also has selfish intentions, that is, so many women in the administrative department are thinking about him, if he follows, what will those women do if they attack him!

If it was normal, when those wild flowers and weeds entangled him, she would definitely trample them to death, but now it is different, he is her uncle, what name does she use to trample those wild flowers and weeds to death? !

"Of course I'm with you."

Shangguan Jueshi said with a matter-of-fact face, with an attitude that he must go.

"I don't need you to accompany me. Besides, the dinner party won't take long, and I'll be back soon."

Afraid that Shangguan Jueshi would follow her, she hastily shied away.

(End of this chapter)

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