Chapter 275
Are you really angry?Ye Qingxin pursed her lips, she can't be blamed for this, forget it, we can wait until we get home to talk about everything.

Ye Qingxin pressed the button he just pressed, and the curtains were pulled up at once, and the light was restored again, and then she began to sit and continue working.

After sitting for a while, her waist was still sore, Ye Qingxin stood up, stretched her waist, in order to attract his attention, she deliberately magnified the movement, but Shangguan Jueshi kept his head buried in his work, pretending that he didn't hear anything No bird would bird her.

I remember that in the morning, as long as there was any movement from her, he would turn his head to look at her, but now he didn't even look at her, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart, which was very unpleasant.

But she didn't do anything wrong, why should she bow her head and admit her mistake first, no matter what, he can do whatever he wants, who wouldn't fight coldly!

Ye Qingxin felt very uncomfortable, so she simply ignored him and continued to sit down, typing on the keyboard sullenly.

But she didn't know that when she sat down, the pen in Shangguan Jueshi's hand was put aside for a while, and when he heard the sound of keyboard beating from behind, he had no choice but to continue working with a cold face.

It seems that without his concern, she is still doing very well.

But damn it, why is he so depressed in his heart, he can't vent his anger, she is obviously doing a good job, and she is also very good at taking care of herself, isn't this what he wants to see the most, so why is he still angry?
Angry that she didn't have his reminder, maybe he is not by her side, can she still be happy, for her, is he dispensable!
Shangguan Jueshi glanced at the cigarettes on the table beside him, and took them over with a troubled expression. Since being with her, he has changed a lot of habits, but he just doesn't want to allow anything that hurts her to happen.

But now the cumbersomeness in my heart can't be eliminated at all. Instead of reducing, it has become more and more enlarged, affecting his rationality. He is afraid that he will not be able to control his anger at her later, and now he needs something to vent. It couldn't be better.

Shangguan Jueshi opened the cigarette, and Ye Qingxin who was behind him was stunned by the rustling movements, but when he thought of the cold war with her without saying a word, Ye Qingxin simply continued to tap the 1 keyboard vigorously to vent his unhappiness.

The movements of Shangguan Jueshi's hands paused, he thought she would be the first to speak to break the stiff atmosphere, but she didn't, and his face turned a little colder.

He pressed the lighter and lit the cigarette in his mouth. The white smoke was surrounded by sparks and enveloped his whole body. He was smoking the cigarette as cold as ice.

The room was filled with the smell of vanilla, Ye Qingxin sniffed her nose, she didn't like the smell very much, then raised her head and looked in his direction, he actually started smoking.

He actually smokes!Ye Qingxin was very angry, who wouldn't smoke!

She smokes when she is angry, and she is also very angry now, okay? Then she will also smoke.

Ye Qingxin put down her work and stood up, angrily walking in the direction of Shangguan Jueshi.

Despite the expression on Shangguan Jueshi's face, he always pays attention to Yi Ren's movements. Seeing her stop suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in his dark eyes. Could it be that she is here to care about him?
He looked expectant, but he didn't know that Ye Qingxin's next action would make him happy in vain.

Ye Qingxin didn't speak to him, she just took the cigarettes and lighter from the table, turned around and left.

If you are angry, you can smoke, and she will too!
Is she caring about him?She didn't want him to hurt her body, but at the thought of this possibility, Shangguan Jueshi had a look of joy in his eyes, it seemed that she still cared about him.

Now that she took the initiative to care about him, he naturally stopped bothering with her. Shangguan Jueshi was about to turn around when he heard a sharp coughing sound from behind.

When he looked back, he saw that she was holding a cigarette in her mouth, her face flushed red from the choking, and she looked very uncomfortable.

Damn it, he knew it wasn't that simple, yet he even got into a fight with him, he didn't know how to smoke at all, and he was still trying to be brave.

Shangguan Jueshi's face was darkened, he pinched the cigarette in his hand to the cigarette jar beside him, walked over eagerly, snatched the cigarette in her mouth, and threw it on the trash can.

Seeing her coughing so badly, he reached out and patted her back, trying to make her feel better.

Damn it, he lost, and he would be defeated when he met her. He even complained in his heart why he smoked just now.

If he hadn't smoked, she wouldn't have messed around with him.

Seeing her suffer so badly was torturing him forcefully.

Ye Qingxin was choked by the heavy smoke, her throat was uncomfortable, she kept coughing, her lungs were also uncomfortable, she never thought that the smoke was so hard to smoke, her eyes were red from coughing, and her heart was full of grievances.

"It's okay, hurry up and drink a glass of water."

Shangguan Jueshi helped her pour a glass of water and put it in her hand, his tone softened a lot.

Ye Qingxin pursed her mouth, coughed dryly in her throat, and quickly drank it. After this glass of water went down, her throat was moistened a lot, and she recovered.

"Is there any other discomfort?"

Shangguan Jueshi took the cup in her hand, put it on the table, and asked softly.

Ye Qingxin lowered her head and didn't want to talk to him. She didn't do anything wrong who made him fight her coldly.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have a cold war with you and make you feel wronged."

Shangguan Jueshi's face softened a little, and he stretched out his hand to embrace her, his eyes full of guilt.

Knowing that she has a fiery temper, he is still fighting her.

Listening to what he said, Ye Qingxin didn't feel uncomfortable immediately. In fact, she also knew why he was angry, and most of the reason for his anger was because of her.

"I'm not okay with that either."

Ye Qingxin raised her head and said to him.

Instead, she took the initiative to hold his handsome face, and leaned against his face, her tender lips were as tender as a dragonfly's touch, immature...

The sudden enthusiasm surprised Shangguan Jueshi. This little wild cat is really loved and hated, and there is no way to be angry with her.

Ye Qingxin took the initiative to please him, and knew that he had indeed been wronged for a while, so Shangguan Jue held the back of her head with his hands, fearing that she might not get used to it, so he pressed the button next to him with one hand, and the curtain slowly fell.

After finishing this fragrance, Shangguan Jueshi let go of her, not wanting to force her or wrong her.

Unexpectedly, her little hands actually came towards his shirt, slowly unbuttoning him, what was she doing.

Shangguan Jueshi was stunned for a moment, not daring to guess, she didn't want to!

"Shangguan Jueshi, why are you still standing there! Don't wait for me to change my mind."

Seeing that he still had time to be dazed, Ye Qingxin couldn't help cursing.

Only then did Shangguan Jueshi react, his face was full of joy.


(End of this chapter)

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