Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 277 It Shouldn't Be So Lucky

Chapter 277 It Shouldn't Be So Lucky

After returning home, Ye Qingxin didn't insist anymore, Shangguan Jueshi carried her into the living room and put her on the sofa.

"Honey, I'm going to cook something delicious for you, and you can take a good rest here."

Shangguan Jueshi put down his briefcase, tore off his tie, and took off his coat, ready to go to work in the kitchen.

"Hurry up, I'm starving to death."

Ye Qingxin nodded and urged, after the strenuous exercise just now, she has never been so hungry.

"It'll be fine soon."

Now that he is well fed, he is more energetic and energetic in everything he does.

Ye Qingxin was lying on the sofa, patting her old waist with her little hands. She thought she would cook a good meal to reward him when she got home, but now she is fine, and there is nothing to do.

But what she didn't know was that compared to her labor, Shangguan Jueshi preferred her other way of expression.

Ye Qingxin was lying comfortably, when the phone rang unexpectedly, and the voice prompt - Lu Manman.

Ye Qingxin stretched out her hand, took the mobile phone on the table, and asked lazily, "Lu Manman, what do you want from me?"

"Ye Xiaoniu, what's the matter with you, isn't it your first day to go to work? Why does it sound weak? It's not that going to work is fake, and it's true that it's not serious?"

Lu Manman's teasing voice came from the phone, seeing how weak she was, people who didn't know thought she had gone through some difficult work.

It's broad daylight, so it shouldn't be possible!
But since she was working for Shangguan Jueshi, Shangguan Jueshi would not let her suffer, but why did she look so tired to death.

"Lu Manman, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm hungry, okay! I haven't even eaten yet!"

Ye Qingxin argued loudly, she didn't expect Lu Manman to guess correctly, but if she knew that she was squeezed into such a state, she would definitely laugh at her.

Naturally, such embarrassing things cannot be said.

"Oh, there is an inside story! Ye Xiaoniu, I just said this casually, and your reaction is so big, it seems to be exactly what I thought!"

Lu Manman couldn't help joking, it seems that something must have happened between Ye Xiaoniu and Shangguan Jueshi.

Otherwise, when she joked like this, she would have jumped up long ago, but this time, apart from yelling loudly, she had no momentum at all.

"Lu Manman, stop talking nonsense, I'm starving, okay?"

Ye Qingxin beat him to death and refused to admit it.

"Sitting in an office and working without expending a lot of exercise energy, how could you be so hungry! Ye Xiaoniu, you are fooling my sister for a three-year-old."

Lu Manman laughed and said, Ye Qingxin's teeth were clenched, so she knew that Lu Manman was not so easy to fool her, so she had to get to the bottom of it.

"Okay, I'm not joking with you, but to tell you the truth, have you taken protective measures?"

Lu Manman reminded, otherwise it would be easy to get pregnant.

Fortunately, she has taken good measures, and the matter of pregnancy will definitely not fall on her, but she will remind her only if Ye Xiaoniu is not paying attention.


She had already agreed to Shangguan Jueshi, but she didn't expect it to be so sudden today, so should she take after-the-fact medicine now?

Ye Qingxin looked confused, two times, it shouldn't be so easy to win the lottery!
She comforted herself in her heart, but she still lacked confidence in her heart, not afraid of ten thousand but just in case!

"No, Ye Xiaoniu, don't you want to have a baby?"

Lu Manman's excited cry came from the phone, and Ye Qingxin's ears were almost deafened by her. Didn't Ye Xiaoniu say that she still wanted to realize her dream? Could it be that she wanted to talk about it after giving birth?
This child is not what you want, you can throw it away if you want. When you really have a child, then don't want to be free.

She is used to being wild, and has no plans to have children for the time being.

"No, I don't think it should be so lucky?"

Ye Qingxin said weakly, but she didn't even have the confidence to say this. There shouldn't be any difference between the two times this time. She promised Shangguan Jueshi, so she can't go back on it.

"It's not certain. If you don't think about it, maybe it will come. Ye Xiaoniu hurried to the pharmacy to buy it while you still have time. Otherwise, if you have a child, you will have no chance to go out in the future. "Lu Manman continued, it's not that she's alarmist, but this matter is quite evil.

"But I have already promised Shangguan Jueshi. Is it possible that I can go back on my word? I promised him not to do anything. If I promise to give birth to him in one hit, it shouldn't be a big deal if it happens one more time, right?"

Ye Qingxin told her about her promise to Shangguan Jueshi, but Lu Manman's face hurt. Ye Xiaoniu usually has a lot of courage, but she didn't expect to be so fat this time, and even blocked her favorite freedom. up.

"Ye Xiaoniu, I don't know what to say, I can only wish you good luck. If you have a child in the future, I will make an appointment to be his godmother."

Lu Manman laughed, this way, she would have children to play with and freedom, killing two birds with one stone.


Ye Qingxin really wants to vomit blood, Lu Manman's wishful thinking is quite loud, but this godmother is not so easy to be, if she really has a child in the future, if she cries all day long, she will definitely send it to Lu Manman home.

"Don't talk about me, but you have a long way to go. How is your work going?"

The more she talked about the child, the colder her heart became. If she mentioned too much, the chances of conceiving a child might increase.

Let's ask about Lu Manman's situation. After that signing conference, Lu Manman's current career should have started.

"It's in progress, and many companies have come to me to cooperate, but most of them are acting. I can only sing, how can I act! It's a bit difficult for me. Speaking of Ye Xiaoniu, you come from this major, why don't you Teach me more!"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Lu Manman became cumbersome. Except for some small performances where she was asked to sing, most of them were acting, which caused her a little headache.

The music she studied, she had some exposure to performance before, but she was not proficient. If she gave up, the opportunity in front of her would be wasted.

So now she is a little entangled, whether to continue to move forward in music or expand in other areas.

Because in this circle, there are many examples of transformation, some have transformed from models to actors, some have transformed from singers to actors, and some have transformed from actors to others, so she has been thinking about it these days.

"Okay, I have a lot of information on this, and I'll send it to you later."

Ye Qingxin said with a face of no problem, with a face of envy, she also really wants to act.

"It's really annoying. If you go, it's almost the same. Forget it. I can only think about it. Maybe it can stimulate my unknown potential." Lu Manman chuckled.

(End of this chapter)

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