Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 281 Don't Scare Me Like This From Now On

Chapter 281 Don't Scare Me Like This From Now On
"Gollum, Gollum!"

My stomach is drumming again, so hungry!

Look at the food on the table again, it has not been touched, it can still be eaten if you go to reheat it now.

Shangguan Jueshi must be hungry too, but he has a fever now, and these are too greasy for him to eat. She wants to cook some porridge for him, so as not to starve him to death.

Because he was in a hurry just now and his forehead was sticky, Ye Qingxin took off his coat and covered him instead. Now that his fever has subsided, he can no longer be blown by the wind, so he picked up a blanket from the side and covered him again.

"Fool, why didn't you tell me earlier if you were uncomfortable!"

Ye Qingxin touched his face, kissed his forehead lightly, and then walked to the kitchen with these cold dishes.

Because her coat was covered with her aura, Shangguan Jueshi no longer felt as uncomfortable as before, and fell into a deep sleep.

Ye Qingxin walked into the kitchen, and the first thing he did was wash the rice and put it in the pot. Now he has a fever and can only drink porridge. Fortunately, she learned cooking skills, which just came in handy, otherwise she really didn't know what to do.

The porridge in the pot was simmering slowly, and Ye Qingxin started to stir fry the dishes that Shangguan Jueshi had cooked for her just now, smelling the aroma in the pot, she couldn't help swallowing, this time she was really hungry .

Because the rice was cold, Ye Qingxin simply poured beef, rice, and other carrots, meat, shiitake mushrooms, mixed and stir-fried. The colors were various. She tasted it, and the taste was quite good. It looked like seven or seven Most likely, she turned off the stove.

She scooped up the rice on a large plate, and then scooped up a bowl of seafood soup, which tasted delicious. She originally wanted to solve it on the spot, but when she thought of Shangguan Jueshi outside, she was still very worried.

So she put her food on the serving plate, because she didn't pay attention, she wanted to put the hot soup on the serving plate with bare hands, but the noodles in the bowl were too hot, she couldn't hold it steady, and the fresh soup arched out toward the mouth of the bowl, It burned her hand.

She had quick hands and eyes, and quickly put the fresh soup back, "It's scalding to death!" She said with a face full of pain.

Ye Qingxin shook her hands, bit her lips with annoyed expression, and then looked at her red hands, she was really stupid, she couldn't do such a small thing well.

Thinking of these days, it was Shangguan Jueshi who took care of her meticulously, but now that he fell ill, she suddenly lost her mind.

Now that I think about it, it's really great to have Shangguan Jueshi by my side. As long as she's around, she doesn't have to worry about anything, just eat, drink and have fun.

Thinking of this, her eyes became moist, and a teardrop dripped from her eyes, but Ye Qingxin raised her head and bit her lip stubbornly, so she wouldn't be so fragile!

After calming down, Ye Qingxin blew on her hand, and it didn't feel so painful.

It's not too late to know now, she will tell him when Shangguan Jueshi recovers from his illness.

After going through this sudden accident, she almost scared her out of courage. Fortunately, Shangguan Jueshi is fine, so she has to go outside to see how he is doing.

She learned a lesson once, and this time she learned it well. She surrounded the bowl with a damp cloth and put it on the end plate. Then she walked out of the kitchen with the end plate. Lower the heat.

Even though she was hungry, she still didn't rush to eat. She put it on the table, then walked to Shangguan Jueshi's side, touched his hand and forehead, and she felt relieved when he saw that his fever had subsided.

Shangguan Jueshi has always been omnipotent in front of her, but he suddenly fell ill, and she was frightened just now.

She never thought that Shangguan Jueshi is also an ordinary person. Although he is indifferent on the outside, he is still vulnerable sometimes, and sometimes he needs to be taken care of.

Seeing him sleeping soundly and deeply at this time, Ye Qingxin's hand gently smoothed his frowning brows. If you didn't look carefully, you really didn't realize that he was really haggard a lot these days.

Shangguan Jueshi, I feel a little distressed.

Do you feel tired when you are with me? I always make trouble for you. Apart from working every day, you also have to take care of me who is so troublesome.

Usually she is careless and only cares about herself, but never considers his feelings, does not consider that he is a human being, he will be tired, he will also get sick, he is not as hard as Transformers, and machines are also degraded one day.

"Shangguan Jueshi, get well soon, I will definitely be your wife and not cause trouble for you."

Ye Qingxin sat on the ground, held his hand, and said softly.

"You said that you want me to have a baby, and I agree to you. If you like a daughter, we will have a daughter."

Ye Qingxin continued to speak, and the sleeping Shangguan Jueshi frowned. Although his mind was foggy, he could vaguely hear the sound of his little wild cat whispering in his ears, and it was difficult for him to sleep well.

This is the first time he has seen her so obedient, it seems that it is not bad to be ill once, otherwise he really does not know that she cares about him so much.

Still willing to give birth to him a child, a daughter, his heart was full of joy, and Shangguan Jueshi's closed eyeballs couldn't help sliding.

"Shangguan Jueshi, please wake up soon, otherwise what I just said won't count."

Ye Qingxin demanded that she just wanted to wake him up, so it was fine if he didn't speak, or opened his eyes and looked at her, at least to let her know that he was fine.

When Shangguan Jueshi heard that she was about to repent, he couldn't help but snorted. Ye Qingxin was delighted when he heard his voice, and then knelt up and looked at him, "Shangguan Jueshi, are you awake?"

Shangguan Jueshi slowly opened his eyelids, it was nice to wake up and see No.1 as her, but seeing her worried face, even bleeding from biting her mouth, he felt distressed.

He didn't even know what happened to her during his fever, but she was undoubtedly worried, and she was really wronged.

"Shangguan Jueshi, you finally woke up, woohoo!"

Seeing him wake up with his eyes open, Ye Qingxin happily lay on his body and burst into tears.

She had restrained herself when Shangguan Jueshi didn't wake up just now, but when she saw him wake up now, she cried instead.

Do you know that she was really worried just now, in her heart Shangguan Jueshi has always been a body of iron, and he suddenly fell down, she was really worried.

"Stop crying, I'm fine! Don't be sad."

The weight of her whole body was on him like this, even though she was a little uncomfortable, Shangguan Jueshi still didn't say anything, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder, this time must have frightened her!
Otherwise, according to her temperament, she seldom cries.

It's just that I've been a little tired recently, and passed out just now while lying down.

"Shangguan Jueshi, don't scare me like this in the future, please!"

Ye Qingxin said with tears and snot in her nose, her courage was shattered by fright.

"It's all my fault, it's okay."

Knowing that she was trembling with nervousness, Shangguan Jueshi hugged her tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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