Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 283 Don't Forget To Trick Her

Chapter 283 Don't Forget To Trick Her


She was really hungry, and she took a big plate of mixed fried rice and a pot of seafood soup all by herself, and her stomach was full, like a hydrogen balloon that might explode at any time when it encounters an open flame.

Her stomach was about to explode right now, and she couldn't sit still, so Ye Qingxin stood up and digested.


The husband and wife were one after the other, and Shangguan Jueshi was also very full from the porridge. On the one hand, Ye Qingxin was afraid that he would starve and force him to drink, but because she boiled it for her, he naturally wanted to drink it all, not to waste it. Bit by bit, too full to drink.

Hearing that Shangguan Jueshi was also hiccupping, Ye Qingxin couldn't help but chuckled. It seemed that the husband and wife really had a good understanding. The hiccups were all together. This was the first time she saw Shangguan Jueshi. She had no image in front of her, but just because he unreservedly showed his indecent side in front of her, she felt that the relationship between the two of them was closer than before.

It is said in the book that the closest two people, even if they fart in front of each other, they will not feel embarrassed at all, and even feel more comfortable. Now she feels that the relationship between her and Shangguan Jueshi is a little closer.

"Honey, why don't we go for a walk by the beach now?"

Shangguan Jueshi suggested, otherwise, both of them are full of food now and need to take a walk to digest.

"Shangguan Jueshi, do you forget about the pain after your scars heal? You don't know that you have just returned from the fever. Besides, what time is it at night and the sea breeze is so strong outside? Do you want me to send you to the hospital tomorrow?" Emergency room?"

Ye Qingxin interrupted his thoughts, he really thought that his body was made of iron, if he had a fever again, it would be troublesome.

This is not the time to be romantic!

"Is it that late now?"

Shangguan Jueshi looked puzzled, he felt as if the night had just begun, because he hadn't done anything yet!

In his consciousness, every minute and every second counts for him, and when the time passes, it means that the things he expected are basically completed, but tonight he has not started to start other than being in a coma for a while!
But she was right, it was really not suitable for him to blow hair now, and found that the so-so little wild cat before had learned to pay attention to these details and cared about him.

It seems that this disease is still a good thing!

"Keep your eyes open and look at the wall. It's almost early morning, and everyone is under the covers now!"

Ye Qingxin pointed to the big clock on the wall. She slept for three hours as soon as she fell asleep. It seemed that he had a fever and was confused.

It's cold outside now, almost frozen like a dog, how can I even think about going for a walk!

"Then you don't do anything, are you afraid of breaking it?"

Shangguan Jueshi hummed and asked, his eyes dimmed.

"It's fine to walk back and forth in the living room. It's too cold outside now, and I don't want to go for a walk. If I catch a cold and have a runny nose tomorrow, I'll be uncomfortable."

Ye Qingxin said indifferently, then stood on tiptoe, and began to fall up and down, the movements were not too big, and it was better for digestion.

What she hates the most is catching a cold, her nose is stuffed, and her head is heavy all day long.

"I have a method that can help you digest quickly without going outside, do you want it?"

Shangguan Jueshi follows the path of kindness, this method can also help him at the same time, the way to kill two birds with one stone, but I don't know if she should try it?

"What else can be done?"

Ye Qingxin turned her head to look at him with a look of anticipation on her face. What good solution could he come up with, except for strolling at home, she couldn't think of any good solution for the time being!

"This method requires the cooperation of you and me! It's exhausting, maybe it can make my illness heal faster?"

Shangguan Jueshi said with a half-smile, his eyes were bright.

Ye Qingxin saw his eyes with unclear meanings, every time he needed something, he would show such eyes, could it be that he thought...

"Fuck you, you're going to die if you don't think about it all day long?" Ye Qingxin said sullenly, didn't he know that eating too much is not suitable for strenuous exercise?Besides, he still has a cold and fever, she doesn't want to be infected!
"I didn't think about it, you really don't want to give it a try?"

Shangguan Jueshi continued to joke, and couldn't help but want to tease her every time.

"Try you big-headed ghost, I think you are really a golden bug." Ye Qingxin stood a few steps away from him, and she still honestly strolled in this living room.

"It's really not what you think!"

Shangguan Jueshi walked towards her and said seriously.

"Shangguan Jueshi, if you dare to act recklessly, don't blame me for turning your back on me!"

How could Ye Qingxin believe what he said, there was no other way but that method.

He is clearly playing tricks!
"I'm talking about the two of us with our backs to our backs, our hands hooked together, and the two of us are carrying each other's backs hard, so that it can consume energy without being too intense. After all, it's easy to digest. What do you want to be, little wild cat?"

Shangguan Jueshi explained, and now that he has a cold, he really needs to exercise, and the cold will heal faster if he sweats a little.

Did she think too much, besides, he has a cold and a fever now, so he is powerless!

"Hmph, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to wash the dishes and I'll digest it standing up."

Hearing his explanation, Ye Qingxin's face turned red from ear to ear, and she blamed Shangguan Jueshi for saying a good way, which made her daydream wildly.

Ye Qingxin walked back, cleaned up the dishes on the table, and prepared to wash the dishes.

The whole little face is powder puffed, very cute.

"Honey, it's not fast to digest while washing dishes, you really don't want to try the method I just said?"

Shangguan Jueshi came over and said tirelessly.

"Shangguan Jueshi, I'm really angry if you do this again."

Ye Qingxin held a plate, spoon, bowl and chopsticks, and said with a serious face.

Knowing that she was so ashamed that she wanted to find a hole in the ground, he was still in the mood to joke, if he had known, he wouldn't have cooked food for him, wouldn't have given him water to drink, let him have a fever, otherwise he would always be in a coma when he woke up. tease her.

"Okay, don't try, don't try."

Seeing that her ears were red and her face was red, Shangguan Jueshi compromised, if this was played too far, it would not be fun.

So far!

Only then was Ye Qingxin satisfied, and Shangguan Jueshi continued to speak, "Honey, I'll do all these things, why don't you take a walk in the living room?"

She has been busy working for him all night tonight, worrying all night, and must be tired. Now that he is almost healed, naturally she can't see her doing these things. Her white and smooth little hands should be protected.

"I'll do it myself. You're still sick. Anyway, if you don't fully recover from your illness, I'll take care of everything at home."

Ye Qingxin declared loudly that he was not allowed to have the slightest objection.

Seeing her thinking about him so much, the smile on the corner of Shangguan Jueshi's mouth melted little by little, he looked really good when he let go of his smile!
Oops!I was almost fascinated by him, and hurried to wash the dishes.

Afraid of being laughed at, Ye Qingxin hurried to the kitchen with the bowls and chopsticks.


(End of this chapter)

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