Chapter 290 Where Did You Go?

At this time, Ye Qingxin was resting in Lu Manman's room. The tossing just now really damaged her image a bit. You must know that today is an important day for her, so she naturally needs to tidy up.

"Lu Manman, do you think I can do this? Is there anything wrong with it?"

Ye Qingxin combed her hair by herself, and her scalp is still a little tingling!Fortunately, her hair is fine, otherwise she would really have to cut off the hair on the heads of those two mad dogs.

"Don't worry, it's great, but I'm surprised that Bei Renshan is walking with Ruan Mianmian."

This chick Ye still doesn't forget her smug beauty, with her unconvinced strength, how could she be bullied!

She used to be a good fighter at school, and Ye Xiaoniu was there, so they never had to worry about being bullied.

"It's the same smell! Wait, Lu Manman, you said they also came to Hengdian for this drama, don't say that the other protagonist of this drama is her."

Ye Qingxin let out a cry, and suddenly thought of this possibility.

Otherwise, how could Bei Renshan and Ruan Mianmian come to Hengdian for no reason? This possibility is very high.

Thinking of this, she has one head and two big ones.

"When you say it like this, I still think it makes sense. According to Bei Eshan's current status, it seems that she is the protagonist! Oh my god! If these two mad dogs are put on the table, what will happen to us in the future?" It's not that there have been no good days, but troubles continue!"

When Ye Qingxin said this, Lu Manman cried out inwardly, "It's too bad, you must know that Bei Renshan who is bright can't deal with them, but those who come secretly, they should be on guard!"

They used to be the representatives of Magic Clothes, but the two of them had a face-to-face dispute once, and now with Ye Xiaoniu's account, it seems that the days after that are really not peaceful.

"I knew I should have maimed the two of them just now."

Ye Qingxin said regretfully, after all, in this circle, Bei Renshan is still quite popular now, coupled with today's turmoil, this problem has been forged.

"But Bei Eshan was completely unrecognizable by you just now. It will take a while for her to recover her appearance! And this drama is about to start according to the investor's request. Now that Bei Eshan has an accident, I don't know what will happen. Can't change roles? If the director changed his mind and changed roles, then we can avoid this disaster."

Lu Manman prayed, but felt that things were not as simple as she thought. You must know that Bei Eshan is very popular now, and the first protagonist determined by the investor is her. Maybe she will delay the drama for Bei Eshan Not even shooting.

"Lu Manman, why don't we go to the director now and find out about the situation!" Ye Qingxin suggested, she still doesn't know if the director is willing to admit her!
"Okay then, let's go now."

After finishing speaking, Lu Manman took Ye Qingxin to the front hall.

Seaside villa.

Fearing that this little wild cat would be too lazy to cook at home and starve to death, Shangguan Jueshi rushed back after work.

But when he walked into the living room, there was still no sign of her. Could it be that he was still sleeping?

Shangguan Jue went upstairs and went straight to the bedroom. He looked at the sofa and bed. They were filled with her clothes, but there was no sign of her. Where did she go?

Shangguan Jueshi yelled a few times, but it was still empty.

Where did she go?Could it be that he went out.

Shangguan Jueshi put aside some clothes, sat on the sofa, and called up the surveillance video. As expected, he saw the little wild cat in the video dressed up quite delicately, and drove out in the car.

Shangguan Jueshi frowned, she was dressed so freshly, who was she planning to meet?

In front of him, he had never seen her dress herself up so specially. Shangguan Jueshi's blue eyes were full of displeasure. Although he didn't know who she was meeting, but seeing her carefully dressed for other people, he His face was covered with the words "depressed".

If it was to meet her best friend, it wouldn't be so violent. Shangguan Jueshi raised his brows, feeling a sudden sense of crisis.

Shangguan Jueshi took out his mobile phone and called her, but he never answered, because Ye Qingxin's bag was left in Lu Manman's lounge.

Who was she going to meet? As for being so happy that he didn't even answer the phone, Shangguan Jueshi simply took out the computer beside him, and a login interface popped up on the screen. He quickly entered the login number and password, and an A On the map of the city, a red dot appeared on it, Shangguan Jueshi clicked on it - Hengdian on West Ring Road.

What is she doing there?If he didn't guess wrong, that's where the filming took place, so why would she go there!Still dressed so fresh!
She wanted to go filming, and this idea popped into his mind immediately.

She is going to film without saying a word?He didn't even inform him, Shangguan Jueshi's face was gloomy and uncertain.

He didn't care about eating, so he took the car keys and went downstairs without thinking.

He wants to see, what can she say when she sees him later!

Shangguan Jueshi had a gloomy expression on his face, and the speed of the car was very fast, as if he was floating and could not touch the ground.

At this time, Ye Qingxin and Lu Manman were sitting in the front hall, chatting and laughing with the director, very happy, but they didn't know that Shangguan Jueshi was on his way.

"Director, Ye Xiaoniu is an acting professional. You have seen her impromptu performance just now. What do you think?"

Lu Manman was the first to ask. The director made a few requests just now. Ye Xiaoniu improvised. She cried when she wanted to, and laughed when she wanted to.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xiaoniu is usually careless and crazy, her acting skills have reached such a superb level, even she was brought into the scene just now, feeling as if she was there.

"Miss Ye's acting skills can be said to be the most lively and chic performance I have ever seen. It is very good!" The director commented pertinently, with a look of optimism on Ye Qingxin. However, he just made a few requests casually, but he never expected that her ability to adapt could be so fast, and she was able to change back and forth between great sorrow and great joy, which made him amazed.

You must know that he has been in the industry for so many years, and he has never seen such a spiritual little girl. If this girl puts all her energy into this acting career, she will definitely have a bright future in the future.

With such a smart girl, coupled with such professional acting skills, it was really aggrieved for her to play a small role. He felt that she was a bit overqualified.

"Then director, has Ye Xiaoniu passed the test?"

Lu Manman asked, while Ye Qingxin looked at the director expectantly.

Just now, she has already brought out all her housekeeping skills. She thinks it is good, but she feels useless. The key depends on whether the director nods and agrees!


The director thanked her. Although Lu Manman is not from an acting background, she has a unique aura. If she practices more, she can be competent. One of the twin flowers this time is very suitable for her. As for the other protagonist, he I think this little girl in front of me is quite suitable.

It's a pity that the investor specially named Bei Eshan to play the role, which is a pity.

Another role needs to be played with such agility and charm like the girl in front of me. No matter how hard Bei Renshan plays, he will never be able to achieve this point. As for the actress Bei Renshan, although she is well-known in the circle, it is a pity that she just do not like it.

She often played big games, saying that she would meet at the appointed time today, but she was late because she was a celebrity, and she hadn't been seen until now, and she didn't have a good impression in his heart now.

"Ye Xiaoniu, did you hear that the director said you passed the test?"

Lu Manman was happy for her, and Ye Qingxin nodded with a smile.

The tour guide saw her smiling so brightly, and his eyes were startled. It has been a long time since I saw such a pure smile in this circle. You must know that when you come to this circle, it is indeed quite pure and charming at first, but it is a pity that Vanity These two words have blinded many people, and of course there are some who have been sticking to their original dream, but very few.

"Little girl, you are too happy too early. This time you are only playing a small role, and you don't have much role in it."

The director couldn't help poking at her. He thought he would see the word "lost" on her face, but Ye Qingxin smiled silly, with an indifferent expression on her face.

It really made him a little surprised. Normally, other people would feel a sense of loss when they heard him say that, but this little girl had a look of indifference, but she was still enjoying it.

"Director, I'm so happy that you can let me take part in the role! Although it's only a small role, I will try my best."

Ye Qingxin said seriously, besides, she is just a newcomer, so she should start from the grassroots level and strengthen her acting skills.

"Not bad!"

The director praised with a satisfied face, and appreciated Ye Qingxin even more.

"By the way, director, didn't you say that all the actors gathered here today? Where is the other heroine?"

Lu Manman couldn't help asking, wanting to find out from the director's mouth, to see if it was Beirenshan.

"Speaking of this, I'm really angry. I've never seen such a big-name actor be late repeatedly."

Speaking of this, the director said with a dark face that he was very dissatisfied with Bei Renshan.

And Lu Manman and Ye Qingxin looked at each other, holding back a smile secretly, who else is playing big names in the circle except Bei Renshan, but today she was really wronged, because she was beaten up by Ye Xiaoniu, and she was beyond recognition.

If you come out now, wouldn't you want to scare people to death!

The director was getting angry about this, when the phone on the table rang suddenly, he picked up the phone, went to the side to answer the call, and did not forget to tell Lu Manman and the others before leaving.

After the director left, Ye Qingxin had a good time, "Lu Manman, this director is really good, very amiable. I was worried that what I saw before would be someone with a dark face all day long and a serious demeanor. It seems that I want to too much."

She often sees in the news that some directors dislike actors who can't meet his requirements, not only cursing and sometimes being violent!It's chilling to think about it, but fortunately she met a decent director today.

"Director Wang is well-known in the entertainment circle as a good talker, a good director, serious and responsible, and very polite to actors. Because of this, my boss knew that I was taking on a play for the first time, so I was afraid that I would be worried. The director is Director Wang, and I was suggested to take over."

At this level, Qi Jue gave her a lot of advice and helped her a lot. Next time I have a chance, I must invite him out for dinner.

"Lu Manman, isn't your boss young and promising, a single golden man, he treats you so well, he must be interested in you, right?"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help gossiping, she always heard Lu Manman mentioning this handsome boss, a man treats him so well, it must not be because of ordinary employee relations, it must have other plans.

"Ye Xiaoniu, what nonsense are you talking about! We are just an ordinary subordinate relationship."

Lu Manman said with a grumpy face.

"Really? Lu Manman, who would believe what you said? You are now in a hidden marriage. Maybe people think that women are unmarried and men are unmarried. Do you have this idea?"

Ye Qingxin continued, she felt that things were not that simple anyway.

"Ye Xiaoniu, save yourselves. Our company has a clear policy not to engage in office romances. Besides, we all have contracts in hand. During the contract period, we cannot violate the regulations."

Lu Manman never thought about this at all, because Qi Jue has always been a very principled person, and he will not destroy his principles.

"Contracts are dead, people are alive, and who can control emotional matters!"

Ye Qing did not give up, but Lu Manman felt that this possibility was unlikely, because she and Qi Jue had been getting along like this for so many years, it was like this before, it is like this now, and it will be like this in the future.

"It's a pity that you don't write novels. You always think about something, but this time the other protagonist is undoubtedly Bei Renshan. Ye Xiaoniu, you said that when Bei Renshan comes back to see the two of us, Will it tear us apart!"

Lu Manman said with a smile, of course, saying this does not mean that they are afraid of Bei Renshan. She and Ye Xiaoniu have always been strong when they are strong, and they will not let others take advantage of them.

"It's hard to say! Anyway, I'm not afraid. If she dares to be rough on me, I don't mind hitting her face again."

Ye Qingxin said indifferently, even if Bei Renshan is a celebrity in this circle, so what, she also has a peerless husband to support her!
Speaking of Shangguan Jueshi, it's too bad, I don't know if he has called, her mobile phone is still in the lounge!
"Lu Manman, I'll go to the lounge to get my phone first."

Ye Qingxin hurried back, fearing that Shangguan Jueshi would not be able to contact her later, maybe he would go home, and it would be bad if he didn't see her.

"Look how cowardly you are!"

Lu Manman rolled her eyes, seeing that Ye Xiaoniu, who was fearless in the past, has become Shangguan Jueshi's kitty now.

Speaking of Shangguan Jueshi, she thought of her family's Gu Changye, and made a surprise attack to see what he was doing!
Ye Qingxin returned to the lounge, and when she saw the display of [-] missed calls on the phone, her mind was about to explode, and she called back without thinking.

While Shangguan Jueshi was on his way to Hengdian, the cell phone beside him rang, and seeing that it was her call, he picked it up, "Where are you?"

His tone was low, and he didn't seem so happy.

(End of this chapter)

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