Chapter 293

Ye Qingxin had a mournful face, seeing such a jealous Shangguan Jueshi was a little scary, for fear that if he couldn't control himself, he would throw her aside.

You must know that this is related to the dignity of a man. If any man can stand his woman saying good things about other men in front of him, she is digging her own grave.

Thinking of her unintentional words just now, Ye Qingxin felt regretful, and wished that she had a special ability to delete Shangguan Jueshi's memory.

Staring at those cold and frightening eyes, the chilly breath keeps coming out, the temperature is getting lower and lower, there is no rhythm of stopping at all, her whole body is frozen, reminding Shangguan Jue from time to time Please calm down, he hasn't hit anyone yet, which shows that his self-control is not bad, and there is still room for negotiation.

"Do you think I can drink water now?"

Shangguan Jueshi coldly snorted, his wife is always thinking about the faces and figures of other men, and even said that her figure is far inferior to others. May I ask him what mood he can drink? Shangguan Jueshi turned his face away and tried to suppress it With the anger in his heart, it would be difficult for this little wild cat not to make him angry for a day.

It's no wonder that she insisted on filming because she was thinking about it. It turned out that she had some other purpose. Thinking that she was dressed so freshly today because she wanted to meet other men, Shangguan Jushi couldn't swallow the pain in his heart.

But there was nothing he could do about her, and he wished he could give this heartless little girl a good beating.

"Peerless dear husband, calm down! Just treat what I said just now as fart, don't take it to heart."

Ye Qingxin breathed a sigh of relief seeing that his anger had subsided a bit, and took the initiative to hold his arm to show his weakness.

Comforting him is the top priority now, as for the male god, put it aside and just think about it in your heart.

"Come out and take a look now, and I'll believe what you say."

Shangguan Jueshi made a request, but Ye Qingxin opened her mouth wide and her head was a little confused.

"Why, you won't let go?"

Shangguan Jueshi snorted coldly, he would not believe her loyalty until she farted.

"Wait, wait, I'm brewing!"

Ye Qingxin never thought that Shangguan Jueshi would follow her words and make such an unreasonable request. She just said that he really wanted her to fart.

She raised her head and glanced at Shangguan Jueshi again, and he swept over with a stern look, insisting that she fart now.

Ye Qingxin looked like she wanted to cry, but she couldn't let her go, she couldn't pass the hurdle of Shangguan Jueshi.

He is absolutely perfect!


Ye Qingxin's little butt stood upright, imitating the sound of farting in her mouth, and she pretended to be lifelike.

She stared at Shangguan Jueshi with a pitiful face, let's go to the head office now!

She really can't fart, but the effect of this simulation is similar, and I don't know if the old man is satisfied.

Fearing that Shangguan Jueshi would be dissatisfied, Ye Qingxin farted a few times in a row. Her small mouth was poked high, and her buttocks were raised high in order to imitate the realism. In order to make him happy, she went all out.


Shangguan Jueshi stretched out his palm, and patted her little butt lightly, it wasn't embarrassing enough!

Seeing her working so hard, he let it go for now.

"Peerless good husband, you are the best."

Ye Qingxin said sweetly, the most important thing now is to coax him well, otherwise it will really be useless for her to meet the male god.

"I'm good, that rainy is better!"

Shangguan Jueshi asked again, breaking the casserole and staring at her blankly, insisting that she speak out without hesitation.

If there is any hesitation, then she will definitely have no good fruit to eat.

"Of course r, my dear husband is the best."

Ye Qingxin laughed a few times, and seeing Shangguan Jueshi's complexion improved, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, just now she almost made a mistake inadvertently, but fortunately she changed her mouth in time, otherwise it would really be endless.

"Is he in good shape?"

Shangguan Jueshi asked back, this time he didn't compare himself with himself, he stared at her with a faint smile in his eyes, but the latent coldness could erupt at any time.

Ye Qingxin naturally knew that this was Shangguan Jueshi's thoughts, if she answered well, it would be no wonder he wasn't angry!
He is testing her in a different way.

"It's not that good either. You don't know how much better than him. Your figure is the best I've ever seen."

Ye Qingxin kissed and flattered her, and if she didn't flatter her now, she just waited for her to be flattered.

At this moment, it would be foolish to tell the truth!

"Then let you appreciate it when you go home."

Shangguan Jueshi pursed his lips with satisfaction.


Ye Qingxin was in a daze, what did he mean?Isn't he going to work later?And what is there to see about his figure, she is tired of seeing it.

"You are not my best figure. I specially asked for leave this afternoon. I will let you see enough when I go home and meet your requirements."

The corners of Shangguan Jueshi's mouth was half a smile, especially when he saw her in a daze, the corners of his mouth even raised.

"No, no, your work is important! We will have time to appreciate it in the future..."

Ye Qingxin shied away, but Shangguan Jueshi's sharp eyes swept towards her, and she didn't dare to say anything, who made her climb the wall first.

Now being caught by Shangguan Jueshi, I can't accept it!

But if she had been admiring his figure all afternoon, her head would almost go numb thinking about it, even if she looked at something beautiful for a long time, her eyes would get tired, okay?

Ye Qingxin could only shrug her face, not daring to have any opinions.

"Let's go!"

"Where are you going!"

"Go home and let you appreciate me and get to know me better!"

Shangguan Jushi held her hand, ready to leave.

Ye Qingxin hugged the big pillar on the side with one hand, and refused to leave desperately. It would be strange if she didn't be taken apart to eat when she got home, she didn't want to!

"Shangguan Jueshi, I haven't finished this dish yet! Can I still eat it?"

Ye Qingxin pointed to the dishes at the side, trying to delay the time.

You know what time it is now, and she will definitely not be able to get off the ground when she is at home all afternoon, so she will procrastinate no matter what.

"It's okay, you like to eat, I'll send someone home to eat for you later, and you will eat more later."

Shangguan Jueshi said with a face of nothingness, Ye Qingxin listened to his words, with a face of wanting to cry, he was making it clear that her way of life was completely blocked,

"Shangguan Jueshi, I haven't been home for a long time. The old man said that he misses the two of us a little bit. Why don't we go back to my house when we have time in the afternoon?"

Ye Qingxin rolled her eyes, and thought of another way to hold him back.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, and it is not too late for us to go again tomorrow."

Shangguan Jueshi said indifferently, the haze in front of Ye Qingxin's eyes once again blocked her way of life.

"Shangguan Jueshi, look at how good the weather is today, why don't we go on an outing!"

Ye Qingxin did not give up and said that she would not be able to go home anyway.

"Do you like outings?"

Shangguan Jueshi asked deeply, if she likes to be outside, that's fine!

"Well, well, the picnic is good! I haven't had a picnic for a long time."

Seeing that Shangguan Jueshi seemed a little tempted, Ye Qing nodded heavily, as long as he didn't go home outside, it would be better than anything else!

Seeing her expecting so much, Shangguan Jueshi really couldn't bear to poke her, so let her be happy for a while!

Don't think that he doesn't know what she's thinking, but as long as he wants to do it, no matter at home or outside, he can get his wish. Since she wants to change her environment, it's not bad.


As soon as he heard that Shangguan Jueshi agreed without hesitation, Ye Qingxin was so happy that he didn't think too much about it at all, only thinking about being able to procrastinate outside.

But when he knew that going out for an outing, he couldn't escape his thoughts at all, and was even torn apart, which was worse than usual, Ye Qingxin wanted to hit her head to death.



Ye Qingxin's cooperation got into the car without even thinking about it, with a cheerful expression on her face.

But if she knew it was a stolen car, she would never get in it.

"Shangguan Jueshi, where are we going!"

Looking at the road going to the outskirts of the city, where is he planning to take her.

"You'll know when it arrives."

Shangguan Jueshi said with a mysterious face, and Ye Qingxin didn't think much about it, anyway, as long as he doesn't go home, it doesn't matter where he goes.

Ye Qingxin looked at the scenery outside the window, and was so bored that she prepared to go out to play with her mobile phone, but she didn't expect a call just after using the mobile phone.

It was that ungrateful guy Lu Manman who called, but she was fine by herself, slapped her butt and slipped away, leaving her to face Shangguan Jueshi alone, and if she met one day, she would definitely beat her up.

The phone was answered, and Lu Manman's kind greeting came from the phone, "Ye Xiaoniu, how are you? Can you still move?"

Lu Manman couldn't help trembling when he thought of Shangguan Jueshi's horrifying eyes just now. You must know that it was her idea that Ye Xiaoniu came out to accept the show. up.

Fortunately, she ran fast enough, but she didn't know what happened to Ye Xiaoniu?

She looked at the time, presumably they should have been home for a while, just wanted to care about her.

"Lu Manman, do you still have the nerve to say it? Can you touch your conscience and say that you are loyal enough?"

Ye Qingxin's face was filled with resentment. She saw Shangguan Jueshi smeared oil on the soles of her feet during the long journey, and she didn't even give any prior notice.

Is she still a good sister?He only cared about running for his life and left her behind.

"Ye Xiaoniu, you can't blame me! If I was caught by Shangguan Jueshi, I would die then, and you would be different. You are his wife, and he wouldn't do anything to you .”

Lu Manman said with an innocent face, Ye Xiaoniu is Shangguan Jueshi's darling, he naturally would not do anything to his treasure, but she is different, she is an outsider to Shangguan Jueshi.

"Fuck you! You left me behind, and you said it so grandiosely, how dare you!"

Ye Qingxin cursed, luckily she got Shangguan Jueshi in time, otherwise she would really be unable to eat and walk around.

"Ye Xiaoniu, how are you doing now?"

Lu Manman tried to ask if he would be dragged home by Shangguan Jueshi to give him a good lesson.

"Who is my old lady? I'm very well. I'm going on an outing now!"

Ye Qingxin boasted, but some words were said too early, and Shangguan Jueshi sat beside him and drove the car, he did not forget to listen to her words with a smile on his lips.

"Excellent, Ye Xiaoniu, I thought you would have to be taught a lesson when you go home, but I didn't expect you to finish Shangguan Jueshi so quickly, so I knew I was worrying for nothing."

Lu Manman boasted bluntly, it seems that one thing is one thing!

"It's up to you to say it!"

Ye Qingxin smiled and said, Lu Manman heard that she was fine, and the guilt in his heart was gone.

"By the way, Lu Manman, is there any news about Bei Renshan? What happened to the mad dog?"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help gossiping, she must be in a hurry to have plastic surgery now after being beaten like that by her!

However, Bei Renshan is not well for a day, maybe they can't film, just dragging on like this, I should have known that she would act softly, thinking of her Ouba and not being able to meet each other, Ye Qingxin's heart is bleeding up.

"Being beaten so hard by you, I can't do it without going abroad for plastic surgery!"

Lu Manman said with a chuckle, just now I saw in the newspaper that Bei Eshan was photographed by the dog team at the airport, and she covered her tightly for fear of scaring people, but she was recognized by others.

"Grandma, I knew I wouldn't be so heavy handed. This is great. I don't know how long our drama will be delayed."

Ye Qingxin couldn't help complaining, because most of this movie has Bei Erenshan's part in it, so I can't do it if I want to shoot first!

"I'm also in a hurry. We can only endure it slowly. When the mad dog recovers and goes home, we can meet our Oppa."

Lu Manman said helplessly.

Shangguan Jueshi, who was driving beside him, listened to their conversation verbatim, especially when he heard that she was fighting with someone, his brows frowned.

"Okay, Ye Xiaoniu, I have nothing to do this afternoon, and I'm driving home too, since you're fine, let's do this first."

"Okay! That's it, bye!"

Ye Qingxin hung up the phone, and was about to turn on the game to play, when Shangguan Jueshi's voice came from beside her ear.

"Did you get into a fight?"

"Shangguan Jueshi, there is a reason for the incident! You also know that the artificial beauty Bei Renshan you saw last time, she did it first, and I was forced to defend myself!"

Ye Qingxin hastily explained, she didn't expect Shangguan Jueshi to listen to what they said without making a sound while driving.

If she knew that she had caused so many troubles when she went out, she might not be allowed to go to the entertainment circle in the future.

"Win the fight?"

"I won the fight. That Bei Renshan was not my opponent at all. I beat her to the ground in a few strokes. You don't know what she looked like at that time. Her face was crooked and her eyes were protruding. She was almost frightening to death." gone."

Speaking of this, Ye Qingxin was in high spirits and eloquent, thinking of Bei Renshan's ghostly appearance, she was so happy.

But he didn't expect that Shangguan Jueshi's face darkened, "Are you injured?"

"I was pulled by someone's hair. It hurt to death at the time, but I also pulled it back twice."

Ye Qingxin said nothing on her face, but when Shangguan Jueshi heard that she was being bullied, the chill in his body once again spread.

(End of this chapter)

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