Chapter 311

When the bell rang, Ye Qingxin packed up her things and was about to go out for dinner with him, but Shangguan Jueshi received an unknown phone call temporarily, and he walked over to answer it, his face darkened, as if it was not a good thing.

"I'll talk about it later!"

Unable to suppress the curiosity in her heart, Ye Qingxin couldn't help but glance at him, Shangguan Jueshi's voice sounded a little impatient, as if he had encountered a difficult matter.

She didn't know much about him, but this time it happened so suddenly that he didn't even have time to eat with her, which only showed that this matter was really important.

"I won't have dinner with you anymore. I'll go out later. I'll try to come back early and eat more."

Shangguan Jueshi hung up the phone in a hurry, hiding his impatience caused by the sudden phone call just now, and then walked over with a gentle face, and before leaving, he came over and warned.

He didn't want to show any bad emotions in front of her, which would affect her mood.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you!"

Ye Qingxin nodded. Although he was very calm, she could tell that Shangguan Jueshi was not in a good mood. What could have caused him to be so impetuous? He has always been as steady as a mountain and methodical.

Things at work should not be the case?Shangguan Jueshi has always been a master in the mall, like a fish in water, even if there is really trouble, he will never show such a state, maybe it is because of Shangguan Liunian's mother - the legendary old witch!
Thinking of this possibility, Ye Qingxin skipped a beat in her heart. Could it be that the old hag couldn't hold back and made a move?
Ye Qingxin's mind was a little messed up. Shangguan Jueshi told her about his past. That old witch's actions were really shameless and her methods were extremely clever. Will Shangguan Jueshi be her opponent?
Just when Ye Qingxin was in a daze, Zhang Feiya's voice sounded beside her, "Xiaoye, what are you thinking? Are you thinking so engrossed?"

Ye Qingxin was taken aback by Zhang Feiya's sudden voice.

"Xiaoye, you must have been frightened by me!"

Seeing her startled face, Zhang Feiya said embarrassedly, she had been here for a while, and even knocked on the door very loudly, what was Xiaoye thinking?So engrossed!
"It's okay, Fei Ya, when did you arrive!"

Ye Qingxin said with a calm face, she was so engrossed in thinking just now that she even forgot when it was time to get off work.

"I've been here for a while. I watched the president go out. I thought you should eat alone. I just wanted to invite you to eat together. It's cheaper and more cost-effective for two people to eat together."

Zhang Feiya laughed a few times, otherwise it would be too expensive to eat alone, and there are not many dishes, the two of them are different, they have choices.

Because everyone in the office went out with the handsome guy from the information department, she was the only one left alone. She originally wanted to go to the cafeteria below to eat, but she bumped into the president and came out in a hurry. I don't have time to eat with Xiaoye, so I want to try it, and I don't know if Xiaoye is free.

Since the group office was redecorated and designed, the sisters in the department could no longer see the scene of the president working. Everyone turned grief into strength, and everyone started to fall in love. The speed was so fast that she couldn't catch up with the last train of love. She looks similar The men are all picked.

"Okay, should we call other people in the upper department!"

Ye Qingxin nodded bluntly. Anyway, Shangguan Jueshi was not free, and she was bored by herself, and Fei Ya chatted with her very well, and it would be nice to have a companion for dinner and conversation.

"I am the only one left in our department now. Since the president redecorated the office, the sisters in our department have never seen the president again. Everyone has been negative and slackened a lot, turned sadness into strength, and re-invested in a new relationship , and now work is as exciting as blood, and now all of them are going out in pairs and going out on dates, and I am the only one left."

Zhang Feiya said with an aggrieved face, but Ye Qingxin flinched, and couldn't help secretly laughing. If everyone knew that Shangguan Juesi redecorated the office for her, everyone would probably beat her up.

But it's good now, everyone will fall in love, and naturally they won't miss her man anymore. It seems that Shangguan Jueshi's method is not very good.

"Isn't there still me!"

Ye Qingxin patted her on the shoulder and comforted her, while Zhang Feiya nodded.

"I just saw that the president left in a hurry, as if there was something urgent. Fortunately, he has something to go out, otherwise I will be left alone now." Zhang Feiya smiled happily, she couldn't figure it out, She doesn't look too bad, why is no one chasing her until now!

It's fine if no one pursues her, but I didn't expect it to be even more unlucky. I met a quack doctor, and her feet became more and more swollen, causing her to walk with a limp and die of pain. Now there is no one to pursue her.

"What about Manager Liu?"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help asking, it's fine for other people to go on a date, but Liu Linda shouldn't have it, after all, she still doesn't give up on Shangguan Jueshi!
Usually, Liu Linda would come close to her from time to time, quizzing her, asking about Shangguan Jueshi's hobbies and hobbies, coveting her husband.

Although Liu Linda behaved very cautiously, and could even be said to hide it deeply, but a woman's intuition is very accurate, especially a woman who is still coveting her husband, this intuition is so accurate.

"Manager Liu, I have business, so I'm having dinner with a client!"

Since she had a big fight with Liu Linda last time, Liu Linda's attitude has changed a lot, and she has become easier to talk a lot. Now most of the people in the department are almost on her side, anyway, she doesn't like it.

"So that's the case! Let's go out to eat now!"

"Well, I'm almost starving to death."

Zhang Feiya nodded quickly, this is what she was waiting for, after taking those broken medicines for the past few days, her body has become much weaker.

"Then let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Qingxin walked out of the office with Zhang Feiya with her bag on her back, and suddenly saw her walking with a limp, something was wrong!

"Fiya, what's wrong with your foot?"

Ye Qingxin paused, and couldn't help caring, her foot seems to be injured!Why are you still wearing high heels!

"Hey! I've had bad luck recently. I was sprained when I went down the stairs a few days ago! It's still swollen and painful!"

Zhang Feiya said with an unlucky face, it still hurts to walk now, but nothing is more important than eating!

"You'd better go first, sit down!"

Ye Qingxin looked at her ankle, it was so swollen that she felt a little scary, but she still wanted to go down to eat, her ability to endure pain was too strong, and she secretly admired her in her heart.

"It's okay, it's been like this for the past few days, and the swelling won't go away if I walk any longer. I'm so hungry now, let's go eat first and then talk about it!"

Zhang Feiya looked at her feet and said with a calm face, she couldn't believe that her feet could still swell to the size of the sky.

Anyway, it's swollen and swollen, and it will disappear automatically in a few days.

"Fiya, this can't be underestimated! You should sit down, and I'll help you buy what you want to eat! Your feet are so swollen that you can no longer walk."

Ye Qingxin looked worried for her, her feet were swollen like this, and she was wearing high heels, how could she not cherish herself so much!

"Xiaoye, to be honest, it's okay, this little pain is nothing."

Zhang Feiya chuckled, her face was calm, her smile was a bit forced, even bitter.

Ye Qingxin could see the gloomy and sad glimmer in her eyes. Zhang Feiya was not as strong as she appeared on the surface. Perhaps it was because they had similar temperaments, so she could easily understand.

"No, you listen to me, sit here and buy whatever you want!"

Ye Qingxin insisted that Zhang Feiya was a friend she rarely got to talk to when she came here, and even helped her a lot in work, how could she turn a blind eye to it!

"I want to eat the Korean food next to our group, and my mouth is watering just thinking about it."

Zhang Feiya laughed, acting very strong.

"Okay, I'll buy it for you now, just sit here and stop walking."

Ye Qingxin smiled, and then hurried downstairs, while Zhang Feiya looked at her leaving back, with a layer of steam in her eyes, and she kept showing a smile with warmth on her face.

She looked at her feet, then a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she kept raising her head to pour back the tears from her eyes. After being injured for so many days, she never thought that Xiaoye would be the first person to care!
Her family didn't mention it at all, and her sisters who were usually in the office, just asked, and then asked nothing more.

I didn't expect that the last person I cared about would be Xiaoye, who spent the shortest time with her. Thinking about these years, her interpersonal relationship is really bad.

At this moment in the office corridor, everyone was off work, and it was very quiet. Zhang Feiya dropped the smile on her face and put on a wry smile instead.

Ye Qingxin ran downstairs to buy Korean food at the place designated by Zhang Feiya, because there were too many people, she had to wait in line.

Thinking of Zhang Feiya's swollen ankle, Ye Qingxin still felt a little uncomfortable, so she might as well ask her brother if there is any way to reduce the swelling.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxin took out her mobile phone while she was waiting in line, dialed a number to Ye Haoxuan, and the call was connected immediately.

"Brother, brother, where are you now?"

"Working in the hospital, Xin'er, what's the matter?"

Ye Haoxuan's gentle voice came from the phone, and he could vaguely hear the sound of someone eating next to him.

"Brother, I want to ask you, the ankle is very swollen, how can I quickly reduce the swelling?"

Ye Qingxin thought about Zhang Feiya's injury and asked.

"Xin'er, your foot is hurt."

Ye Haoxuan was eating, when he heard Ye Qingxin ask such a question, he thought she was hurt, immediately put down his chopsticks, and asked anxiously.

"Brother, it's not me, it's a friend of mine. Her ankle is very swollen. How can I help her reduce the swelling!"

Upon hearing Ye Haoxuan's anxious voice, Ye Qingxin hastily explained.

"Go to a nearby pharmacy to buy some medicinal wine, and then massage her according to the massage method I taught you. This will reduce the swelling. If it is serious, let your friend come to the hospital for a look."

Ye Haoxuan said carefully, and Ye Qingxin nodded.

"Also remember, tell your friend not to walk all the time and rest more!"

Ye Haoxuan especially emphasized this point. Thinking of a female patient who came to the hospital these days, he had clearly told her not to walk, but she didn't expect that the girl would not listen to him. She was still wearing high heels and her feet were swollen. Instead, she came to the hospital Looking for him and scolding him as a quack doctor, thinking of this, he is now very impressed.

He even remembered what the girl said before she left, saying that if she becomes disabled and no one wants her, she must come to the hospital to ask him to take responsibility. Know how she is.

"Okay, brother, the deadline that dad gave you is coming soon. Have you found a girlfriend yet? Otherwise, dad will choose a wife for you himself?"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help gossiping when she saw that she hadn't been lined up yet.

"If you don't tell me, I really forgot, too bad! Tomorrow is the deadline, Xin'er, you usually have a lot of tricks, so hurry up and help brother find a way!"

After she mentioned it, he remembered this important matter. In the blink of an eye, a week has passed, so what should be done.

Thinking of this, Ye Haoxuan felt a slight pain in his forehead.

Normally, even if he had surgery all day long, he wouldn't feel such a headache, but now when he mentions his father, his head hurts faintly.

"Brother, it's not easy? There are many female nurses and doctors in your hospital, you won't pick one at random!"

Seeing my brother in such embarrassment, he must have been so busy with work that he forgot about it.

This is terrible!Ye Qingxin couldn't help but giggle, with a gloating expression.

"It's not as simple as what you said, according to Dad's temperament, what if he really finds him in the hospital!"

Ye Haoxuan suddenly felt a little difficult, because his father is very smart, it is easy to find anyone in the hospital, but if his father really came to the hospital to find a wife, the situation would really get out of hand.

"To be honest, last time I went to your hospital, I saw that the female nurse and the female doctor looked pretty good. Don't tell me you don't like any of them? You should at least try!"

Ye Qingxin tried to ask, could it be possible that she still has thoughts about idiot Liu.

"Xin'er, you know, this is where I work, I don't want to break up in the future, how embarrassing it is for the two of you to face each other!" Ye Haoxuan said with a serious face, this is also the reality that he doesn't consider dating the hospital girl.

"How did you know you were going to break up before you tried it! Brother, have you been hit too hard by idiot Liu and haven't recovered yet!"

Ye Qingxin said with concern, it seems that the matter between idiot Liu and Leng Yisheng has indeed hit my brother a lot, and it is really her fault, thinking about it, she feels so guilty.

"It's been so long, so naturally I forgot."

Ye Haoxuan mentioned it in one sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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