Chapter 321
Just when he was about to reveal his secrets, Shangguan Jueshi's call came in time.

"Manman, I'll answer the phone first!"

Gu Changye heaved a long sigh of relief, and facing her again, it was really hard for him to guarantee that he would not reveal his secrets, it was really too risky.

"Jazz, what's the matter?"

Gu Changye asked, feeling grateful for his timely call.

Otherwise, if Manman knew that he had tampered with secretly, she didn't know what she would do according to her temper. Now that she is pregnant, it is really hard to get angry. When she gives birth to the child and takes care of her body, he will take the initiative To be honest, so he has to hold back for a long time, and he tenses up from time to time.

"Qingxin, are you at your house?"

Shangguan Jueshi asked in a low voice, his tone could not help revealing a bit of nervousness, he could not find anyone at Yisheng's place, and now he was not very sure that she would be at Changye's house.

Maybe she was so angry that she deliberately found a place to hide.

"Not here, what's the matter? Did you two quarrel?"

Gu Changye asked, this is the first time I heard Jue Shi's anxious tone, maybe there is some conflict between the two.

"It's okay, that's it!"

"Wait, Sir, is she going home? You can call her home and ask if you can see it. Besides, you didn't give her the blue diamond. You can find her whereabouts anytime, anywhere."

As soon as he heard that Jazz was about to hang up, Gu Changye promptly reminded him that he might be too worried and might even forget the purpose of that blue diamond.

You must know that the little wild cat has a lot of influence on Jazz, especially at this very moment, there really can't be any mistakes, the safety of the wild cat is the most important thing.

However, the reason why Jazz called home to ask was that it was not because he was kidnapped by someone with a heart, but because there was a gap between the two of them.

"Good! Bye!"

After Gu Changye's reminder, Shangguan Jueshi remembered that there was still Lan Diamond who could check her location, and he forgot about it just now because he was worried.

As Chang Ye said, she might have gone home, so she should call Ye's house first and ask.

After Shangguan Jueshi hung up the phone, he immediately dialed the number of Ye's family. Ye Maosheng was sitting on the sofa, and the corners of his mouth twitched when he heard the phone ring.

He was sitting here specially waiting for this call, after answering it, he should wash up and go to sleep.

"Hey, who is it!"

"Dad, it's me. Did Qingxin go home?"

As soon as he heard Ye Maosheng's voice, Shangguan Jueshi's tone was full of respect.

"Jazz, I finally waited for you to call. The girl in Xin'er didn't tell her because you didn't come back. She was panicked and drank all the time. She was so drunk that she fell asleep now."

Hearing that Jazz was so worried about this girl, which meant that nothing happened between the two of them, Ye Maosheng also heaved a sigh of relief.

Let's just say that this girl is always thinking wildly, Jazz must have been caught up in something so he didn't have time to reply to her, seeing that Jazz finished his work, he came to her immediately.

"Dad, I'll go there now!"

As soon as he heard that she had gone back, Shangguan Jueshi walked out without saying a word, ready to go to Ye's house.

"Jazz, please drive carefully, don't drive too fast, just explain to her when you wake up, and she won't make trouble for no reason."

Ye Maosheng did not forget to remind him that he was afraid that the child would not care about his safety in order to come here.

"Dad, I see."

"The password at home is the girl's birthday!"

Ye Maosheng did not forget to say, this remark reminded him of this matter, isn't it the girl's birthday tomorrow!

Should he remind Juzzy that by taking this time to surprise that girl, most of her anger will probably disappear.


"Jazz, do you remember what day is tomorrow?"

Ye Maosheng asked tentatively, from this question, it can also be seen whether this kid, Jue Shi, has any feelings for his girl.

"Dad, I know!" Shangguan Jueshi replied, and Ye Maosheng smiled when he heard what he said, and he was even more satisfied with him in his heart. This child looks cold, but he is very careful. He is really a rare child. Good boy.

He is usually busy with work, and he can still remember the girl's birthday, which shows that he really cares about the girl.

"Jazz, please drive carefully. There is hangover soup in the kitchen. When you get down, remember to bring a cup to that girl, and then the two of you can calm down and chat!"

"Got it, Dad!"

After speaking, Ye Maosheng hung up the phone, since he had nothing to do now, he should wash up and go to sleep.

As soon as Shangguan Jueshi hung up the phone, he started the car, turned the steering wheel, and drove towards Ye's house quickly.

When he came, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. At this time, everyone in the Ye family was asleep, and it was very quiet.

Shangguan Jueshi pressed the password for the gate, and drove the car in.

The lights in the hall were still on, because Ye Maosheng knew he was coming, so Ye Maosheng kept the lights on.

As soon as he entered the living room, Shangguan Jueshi went straight to the kitchen, scooped up a bowl of hangover soup and went upstairs to Ye Qingxin's room.

He entered the room, put the tray on the table, and then sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Ye Qingxin who was sleeping soundly on the bed, his face softened for a moment, a rare smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, blue pupils The smile showed happiness, seeing that most of the tiredness on her face was also driven away.

His big hand gently caressed her small face, seeing her blushing face, she must have drank a lot of wine, she seemed really angry!

But when she was angry, it also meant that she was worried about him. Thinking of this, Shangguan Jueshi's face was full of satisfaction.

"Little wild cat, wake up, I'm back!"

Seeing her sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to disturb her at first, but this matter can't be postponed until tomorrow, it has to be resolved face to face, he understands the truth that husband and wife don't have an overnight feud, and besides, he has prepared a surprise Gift for her.

"Don't quarrel with me, quarrel with me, I can't stop talking to anyone!"

Ye Qingxin muttered, expressing her dissatisfaction, she turned over and continued to sleep.

It's really heavy to wake up!There was no way, Shangguan Jueshi could only lie down and hugged her from behind, his hands were never free, it would be much easier to know where her door was.

There was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and he started to do it.

"Itch! Itch! Stop scratching, stop scratching!"

Shangguan Jueshi's hand was on her back, scratching it non-stop through the fabric, Ye Qingxin couldn't sleep peacefully, because she was most afraid of others tickling her back.

She could only escape this move by turning over and facing him.

But her eyes kept dozing off, she closed her eyes and wanted to continue to sleep, with an expression of not wanting to bird him.

"Little wild cat, I'm back! Now I'm right in front of your eyes, you can beat and scold if you want!"

Shangguan Jueshi leaned towards him and murmured.

Shouldn't she get up and scold him now?Why did he still sleep so soundly, or did he scratch her hard enough to wake her up completely.

Ye Qingxin closed her eyes, her eyeballs moved, as if she heard his words, but she didn't respond, and continued to sleep with her head curled up like a turtle.

Only come back now!He didn't answer the phone, and disappeared immediately. Since he disappeared for so long, why are you still coming back now!
Ye Qingxin was sulking in her heart, and she didn't feel sleepy at all!
But because of anger, she doesn't want to pay attention to him now, so she pretends to be asleep on purpose.

Don't think that she won't be angry if he says that.

"Little wild cat, if you don't reply, I will continue to tickle you."

Shangguan Jueshi watched her eyelids move, and knew that she was awake, but she deliberately pretended to be asleep and didn't want to talk to him. He had no choice but to use this trump card.

And when Ye Qingxin heard his words again, her body couldn't help but tense up, Shangguan Jueshi's hand was about to reach her back, at this moment she couldn't pretend anymore, and suddenly opened her eyes.

"Shangguan Jueshi, don't go too far!"

Ye Qing glared at him angrily, and said dissatisfied.

"I thought you would continue to sleep!" Compared to Ye Qingxin's brows and eyes, bristling with anger, Shangguan Jueshi looked very tepid, and there was still a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which made Ye Qingxin look at him. I was very angry.

She is angry now, but he is still laughing!
"Aren't you not coming back? Why are you still coming back now! I slept soundly, why did you wake me up! You can forget about coming back by yourself, why do you want to wake me up on purpose? Are you perverted?"

Ye Qingxin yelled at him, he refused to answer her calls, and now he will wake her up when he comes back, what on earth is he trying to do!

Knowing that she is angry now, no matter what he says now is wrong, it is better to wait until she is satisfied with scolding, Shangguan Jueshi is silent.

What he said at this time would only annoy her, and they could calm down and chat after she finished venting.

"You didn't come back, why are you still coming back now! Didn't you answer my phone, then why are you still looking for me now! I slept well and you woke me up on purpose, do you f*ck think I'm really If I fall in love with you, I really can't do without you. Do you see that I rely on you so much, you feel so proud, you feel that you have won, let me tell you, I, Ye Qingxin, say love is love, say no Love is not love, I will not love you from now on, you f*ck get away from me, I don't want to see you now."

Seeing that Shangguan Jueshi remained silent, Ye Qingxin became more and more frustrated, her mind was confused, and she would risk everything.

After scolding all this, most of the depression in her heart flew away immediately, and she felt much more comfortable.

Normally, Shangguan Jueshi would have lost his temper when he heard her words, but he was wronged first, knowing that she was angry now, so he didn't care too much, instead he chuckled lightly.

Because of her intense emotions now, it shows that she cares about him very much.

Even being scolded by her like this, he could still laugh, Ye Qingxin's jaw almost dropped.

"Shangguan Jueshi, are you a fool! You can still laugh when I scold you like this!"

Ye Qingxin said with a sullen face, compared to the anger just now, her tone is much better now.

But he deserved it, who told him not to answer the phone.

"It's not that there is a saying that beating is love and scolding is love. If you are still angry, hit me!"

After finishing speaking, Shangguan Jueshi held her hand and beat him. Afraid that she would not be satisfied, he held her hand very hard and beat him hard.

Is he crazy!How could anyone hit her like this, Ye Qingxin hastily withdrew her hand, she was right to be angry, but she didn't intend to hit him either!

She will feel bad even if he hits him, okay?Although she was a little cowardly, at most she just scolded him a few words to get her mouth full.

He also said it so nicely, hitting is love, scolding is love, he is really good at justifying his words.

"Aren't you angry anymore?"

Shangguan Jueshi snorted and held her in his arms, while Ye Qingxin snorted, after all the scolding just now, he was actually not angry anymore.

Her popularity comes and goes quickly, and he is still so cooperative, she can't get angry even if she wants to!

"There's a little more!"

Ye Qingxin compared with her little finger, what did he do in the afternoon.

"Then keep hitting! Hit until you don't get angry."

Shangguan Jueshi joked, and Ye Qingxin clenched her hands into fists, and simply punched him in the chest.

"Honey, you're really good at it!"

Shangguan Jueshi said with a sad face, pretending to be very hurt, and Ye Qingxin was amused by his expression.

"This is what you said, let me call, of course I'm not polite."

Ye Qingxin said triumphantly, since she was allowed to hit him, there was no reason for her not to.

If it weren't for the fact that everyone was asleep late at night, for fear of waking up others, she would have fought Shangguan Jueshi long ago. Let's see if he dares not answer her calls in the future.

Don't think that she will stop being angry after saying a few sweet words, it's still very early.

"Honey, do you still have a headache now, drink some hangover soup!"

Shangguan Jueshi got up and brought over the hangover soup on the table. Since she woke up just now, she has been rubbing her head, her head must still be hurting!

"It's all your fault. If you didn't make me angry, I wouldn't be angry and drink so much wine!"

Ye Qingxin pouted dissatisfiedly, just now she was too angry and didn't pay attention, but now that her anger has subsided, her head is really heavy.

Shangguan Jueshi brought the rim of the cup to her mouth, Ye Qingxin naturally drank it unceremoniously, and drank the whole cup, her mind cleared up a lot, and she lay down on the bed again.

"Shangguan Jueshi, if you don't answer my calls in the future and make me worry, I will divorce you!"

Ye Qingxin raised her finger, pointed to his nose and said.

"There will be no next time!"

Shangguan Jueshi said in advance, knowing that she could say what she said, it was indeed his negligence this time.

"Have you only come back now? Have you eaten yet?"

Ye Qingxin asked with a spineless face. Seeing his exhausted look, it is estimated that today's matter is very important.

"I have more appetite for you than for food!"

Shangguan Jueshi smiled, and Ye Qingxin elbowed him, "You are not serious!"

"Are you hungry or not? If you're hungry, go downstairs and eat."

Ye Qingxin said with a serious face, judging from his tone, he probably came to her when he didn't even have time to eat.

"Are you going downstairs together?"

Shangguan Jueshi asked, as if he was saying that if you don't go downstairs, I won't eat if I'm not hungry.

"Go, go!"

Fearing that she would be hungry, Ye Qingxin had no choice but to get up from the warm bed, but she was still worried that he would be hungry.

The two went downstairs hand in hand.


(End of this chapter)

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