Chapter 326 I Am Your Man

Seeing that she was about to run, Ye Haoxuan walked over quickly, grabbed her hand, and hugged her back horizontally, "Where do you want to go with your foot hurt like this?"

This woman can't be more peaceful, if she keeps running around like this, her feet will be crippled, and she doesn't even know how the word "seriousness" is written. When the time comes, she really can't walk. tears.

"I don't care about you, this is my foot, not yours, I can do whatever I want!"

Zhang Feiya wanted to get up again but was pushed down by him again, she was so angry that her little face bulged up, she slapped off Ye Haoxuan's hand on her shoulder, and stared at her, he must have been too lenient!
This foot is her own, it grows on her body, she can walk as long as she wants, shit!

If he is responsible, she has to accept it, and she has the right to refuse, okay?


Is this woman unreasonable!Kindness is like a donkey's liver and lungs. If he hadn't been responsible for her, he wouldn't have cared about her life or death!

"I'm just unreasonable, who wants you to take care of it, who are you to me!"

Zhang Feiya roared and said, her family didn't care that she was so generous, who is he?

She didn't cry and beg him for help, why is he still such a dick!
"Just because I'm your man."

Ye Haoxuan couldn't help blurting out, when he finished speaking, he himself was taken aback, but he soon came to his senses, this is also true, he is indeed her man, or her first man.

This identity is enough to control her affairs!
"You are not!"

Zhang Feiya strongly denied, with a flash of shock in her eyes, when Ye Haoxuan said that it was her man, her heart stopped suddenly, she was extremely shocked.

"Do you know in your heart, sit here and don't move, I'll get the medicine for you."

Ye Haoxuan hooked his lips and said with a smile, Zhang Feiya looked at him unnaturally.

How much does this woman want to argue? Her youthful reaction last night and the bed sheet just now are not enough to show that he is her first man. He seems to like this recognition in his heart.

"Why should I listen to you? If you want me to sit, I will sit. I am stupid, and I will just go."

Zhang Feiya just didn't want to listen to what he said, and wanted to compete with him. After she finished speaking, she was about to stand up and leave. Ye Haoxuan just walked a few steps and saw that she was about to leave, and his face suddenly became ugly. This woman can't listen carefully, be quiet one time.

He felt that the patience in this life was almost worn out by her, so he walked back and shouted, his voice was not as gentle as usual, but filled with anger, "Zhang Feiya, take another step and try."

Zhang Feiya was taken aback by him, and she couldn't help but pause, why is she so useless, she won't leave after being shouted at by him so loudly, Zhang Feiya silently despised herself for being worthless.

Although her back was facing the quack doctor, she could vaguely feel the angry gaze behind her.

This is the first time she has seen him get so angry, but she has long disliked this quack doctor, and she has always been gentle and smiling towards other girls, but she is the only one who always argues with her.

Thinking of this, she felt depressed, she raised her feet and continued walking, why should she be afraid of him!She didn't do anything wrong.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feiya walked more confidently. Ye Haoxuan thought she had listened to what he said, but when he saw her leave again, his soft face became serious again. This woman is really endless.

Ye Haoxuan glanced at the rope hanging on the wall, walked over and took it down without saying a word, it seems that only by tying her can she not wander around.

This woman insisted that he use this method to be obedient. Seeing that her figure was about to disappear from sight, Ye Haoxuan quickly chased after her.

Zhang Feiya walked with a limp, afraid that Ye Haoxuan would catch up, but her foot was injured and she walked in a hurry, who knew that a rope was thrown towards her just after she left the hall door, she was wondering about the rope Where did she come from? In less than a moment, her body was tightly tied up with her hands, and she hadn't even realized what was going on.

Then she turned her head along the rope and looked at the culprit. Ye Haoxuan was holding the rope in his hand. When he pulled it, her body couldn't help but backed away. He didn't listen to what he said, and he had to use this method. .

"Quack doctor, are you sick? Why are you tying me up!"

Zhang Feiya struggled vigorously, but in vain. She never thought that he was so powerful that he could tie her up from a distance. She couldn't suppress the curiosity in her heart and wanted to ask how he did it.

But is now the time to ask this?Zhang Feiya wanted to vomit herself.

"For disobedient people, some alternative methods must be adopted."

Ye Haoxuan said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, only the rope can bind her, he turned around and dragged the rope, Zhang Feiya had to follow him.

"Smelly quack, stop, why do you tie me up, you illegally restrict my freedom like this."

Zhang Feiya refused to leave, but when the rope was pulled, she could not leave.

This bastard!

Ye Haoxuan walked straight forward, ignoring her, and if he said a few more words to her, he would lose a few years of life.

But concerned about her injury, he deliberately slowed down.

"Smelly quack doctor, what do you say about a doctor's parental heart, do you treat patients like this?"

Zhang Feiya complained, what is he doing like this!

"Special treatment for special people! Besides, you walked very fast just now." Ye Haoxuan rarely replied to her. If she really treated herself as a patient, she would not have been walking forcefully regardless of her injury.

"You, count yourself as ruthless."

Zhang Feiya had nothing to say on her face, and if she continued to talk to him, she would suffer.

Ye Haoxuan dragged her to the living room, and then tied the rope to the big pillar, so that it would be difficult for her to run away.


Ye Haoxuan glanced at her, originally wanted to put on a soft face and wanted to say a few words to her, but he didn't expect that she would not appreciate it, so he had nothing to say.

Ye Haoxuan went upstairs to get the medicine instead, and he didn't forget to look back when he went upstairs.

He couldn't help sighing, if this woman was willing to listen to his words, he wouldn't treat her like this, and their conflict seemed to be even greater.

And Zhang Feiya looked at his leaving back, stomping her feet angrily, this stinking quack, one day she will come back with revenge.

She couldn't figure it out, she was no worse than others in appearance, but why did this quack doctor treat other girls so well, but he was not a gentleman at all to her, and now he tied her with a rope.

If they were really together with him, they wouldn't be arguing every day.

No, the two of them don't like anyone, so how could they be together!

Ye Haoxuan went upstairs, took down his medicine box, and then looked at her sitting below, with her head lowered all the time, not knowing what she was thinking, a rare moment of silence.

I don't know why, but when she sees him, she always makes trouble for him, which makes his patience run out.

He thinks that he usually has a good temper and is good at dealing with people and things, but why does he become a bad person when she talks about it.

"What are you thinking about?"

Ye Haoxuan walked down and walked to her side, but she didn't even notice, he couldn't help asking softly.

A familiar voice came from above, Zhang Feiya quickly withdrew her thoughts, and looked at Ye Haoxuan with a bad face, she glared at him angrily.

Seeing her appearance of wanting to quarrel again, Ye Haoxuan let out a long sigh, it seemed that he was overthinking, how could this woman be quiet.

He went to the big pillar to pick up the rope, and then sat next to her, "Back your back and untie the rope."

"Hmph, you can explain it if you explain it. I don't understand it now."

Zhang Feiya insisted, if he said tie him, he would tie him up, and if he untied him, he would untie him, he really thought she was easy to bully!

Now she doesn't understand, he can help her and!
"As you please."

Ye Haoxuan spread out his hands, with a smile that you can do whatever you like.

Anyway, he wasn't the one who was tied up. Since she wanted to tie her up like this, she could do whatever she wanted, so she wouldn't even think about leaving.

Whoever gains more than loses does not know.


Zhang Feiya snorted, you bastard!
But wait, she's going back!How can she go back if she is tied up like this, but she has already let go of her words just now, so it's so embarrassing to change her words now, and instead give the quack doctor a chance to make fun of her.

Anyway, when Uncle Ye came back and saw her tied up, the stinky quack doctor would be scolded and taught a lesson. This time, even if he was beaten to pieces, she wouldn't even blink.

Why did I do so many things just now? It would be better if this bastard was beaten to death. Zhang Feiya regretted her overzealous behavior just now.

Ye Haoxuan ignored her, but squatted down and lifted her feet up, not wanting to be touched by him. Zhang Feiya's next move was to retract her feet, but he held her back. He looked at her with a sullen face and said, " Don't move around, you can't be quiet for a moment, if you walk on this foot, you won't be able to walk in the future even if you want to."

Although these words were meant to be reproachful, they revealed more concern, and struck the soft string in her heart. She froze for a moment, and suddenly became quiet.

You must know that besides his sister Xiaoye who was the first person who cared about her, he was the second. She looked at him with complicated eyes, and she couldn't seem to hate him anymore.

Zhang Feiya was a little confused about what she was thinking about this change in her mind.

She just kept looking at him, and seeing her calm down rarely, Ye Haoxuan also calmed down, as long as she didn't make him angry, his patience was always there.

Now that she has calmed down, it will be easier for him to heal, "I'm going to twist your foot for you, it might hurt, bear with it."

Ye Haoxuan held her little ankle, her feet were really not ordinary, they were as big as his hand, this size can only be bought for children's shoes.


Zhang Feiya gave a little grace, his big hand was very warm, and there was a stream of heat flowing from the place where she held it, reaching her heart, and her face turned red.

Ye Haoxuan held her ankle and twisted it with his strength. This time he pulled the painful places around her, and she couldn't help but let out a muffled pain.

"Try to walk as little as possible during this time, do you know! You must never wear high heels."

Ye Haoxuan took a look at her, couldn't help lowering his voice, and warned again, and then helped her press lightly to dissolve the bruise.

If she had listened to his words earlier, her foot would have almost recovered, and it wouldn't be as swollen as it is now. What a pain!
I was still walking forcefully just now, why didn't I feel sorry for myself at all!The ankle is so swollen that it must have caused a lot of pain. Ye Haoxuan felt uncomfortable seeing it.


Zhang Feiya pursed her mouth and nodded, she looked like a child who did something wrong and became more obedient after being taught a lesson, and Ye Haoxuan couldn't help but widen his smile when he saw her quiet appearance at this time.

If she had been quiet and talked, their relationship would not have been so tense.

And Zhang Feiya looked at him smiling so deeply, thinking that Ye Haoxuan was making fun of her, "Smelly quack, I know you have no good intentions, seeing my feet swell like this, are you very happy now!"

And Ye Haoxuan expressed his innocent face, how could she see him making fun of her, why is this woman so unreasonable, just now she thought she was obedient, but within a few minutes she wanted to find fault again.

Besides, her feet are swollen, why is he happy!Even if he is not a doctor, he will not sprinkle salt on other people's wounds. Could it be that in her heart, he is just so bad and has no bottom line.

How did he offend this aunt? What happened last time was that she didn't obey the doctor's orders. Can he be blamed?
As for the fact that she keeps it in mind all the time, besides, she scolded very high at that time, isn't she still discouraged?
"Zhang Feiya, why can't you see my goodness! I'm not so bottomless. Besides, I'm still a doctor. If I really took pleasure in other people's misfortunes, why should I bother to help you treat it now!"

Ye Haoxuan said patiently, holding back his anger, at this moment he didn't want to cause further conflict with her.

Why can't this woman have a good talk with him? He is so sincere, can't she see it at all, and always regard other people's good intentions as bad intentions!

"Who knows what bad intentions you have!"

Zhang Feiya pouted angrily and rolled her eyes.

Who knows if he's making her feet worse now.

"You, Zhang Feiya, I don't want to quarrel with you right now. Then when your feet are healed, you can see if I am a good-hearted person or a bad-hearted person."

Ye Haoxuan pointed at her, and let it go again in anger. This woman is simply unreasonable. If he continues to tell her, he can't guarantee that he will knock her out with a palm. It is simply unreasonable. He has never I have seen such a ignorant woman.

"Who knows!"

Zhang Feiya shrugged and said indifferently.

And Ye Haoxuan took deep breaths again and again, this woman was almost hopeless.

If he was really wicked, he would have broken her foot long ago, and made her deserve it to death.

Forget it, now is not the time to get angry, heal her feet first, and let this woman see who is being unforgiving and who has been holding grudges.

(End of this chapter)

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