Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 328 Happiness needs to be fought for by oneself

Chapter 328 Happiness needs to be fought for by oneself

"Quack doctor, let me down, I can go by myself."

Seeing that she was about to arrive at the station, being hugged by him all the way attracted so many eyes that she didn't dare to raise her head to meet people, so she could only half-cover her hands.

Look at the bus stop not far ahead, there are so many people waiting for the bus, and she will take the same bus later, she doesn't want to be the topic of others.

"It's almost here, besides, I don't cry tired, so you don't have to worry about me."

Ye Haoxuan continued to walk with her in his arms, and it seemed that he would arrive there, so why bother, of course he would not think that she cared about him, and he didn't expect this woman to have any conscience towards him.

"Who is worried about you, stop being so sentimental!"

Zhang Feiya said with a grumpy face, he had a pretty good idea, no one was worried about him, she was just afraid of being joked by others.

"I don't even dare to think about it!"

Ye Haoxuan smiled, this woman is really not polite at all, there is no room left.

Zhang Feiya raised her head with a smug face. What this guy said made her seem heartless, but it was also true.

But seeing that his smooth forehead was covered with a layer of sweat, he must have been too tired from holding her all the way, Zhang Feiya couldn't express the feeling in her heart, and she didn't seem to hate him anymore.

"Come down quickly, don't you see so many people staring at us? It's fine if you are a man and shameless, but I am a girl being watched by so many people, no matter how thick I am, I can't resist it!"

Zhang Feiya began to struggle to get down, but Ye Haoxuan had nothing to do with her, no matter how strong his arm was, he would almost be unable to support him after spending such a long time, let alone she was still struggling now, thinking that there were only a few steps left, he simply Just put her down.

Zhang Feiya fell to the ground, and immediately kept a certain distance from him. Ye Haoxuan watched her actions and could only follow behind her. This woman really has no conscience. Anyway, he was too tired to carry her all the way. She Immediately, she was in a hurry to separate herself from him.

"The car hasn't come yet, go slowly!"

Looking at her walking posture, even if her foot is injured, she still turns so fast. Needless to say, her pace is usually in a hurry, and she is in a hurry.

"I'm used to it."

Zhang Feiya walked with a limp. Even if her foot was injured, she would not walk slowly. She was used to it. In the past, she was always rushing to work part-time. speed.

Ye Haoxuan found that his eyes seemed to always fall on her, and he began to observe her from every move in order to get along with her.

After arriving at the bus stop, Zhang Feiya said to Ye Haoxuan, "Quack doctor, now I've arrived at the bus stop, you can go back."

Seeing that there was an empty seat beside her, Zhang Feiya sat down and waited there.

I thought Ye Haoxuan would leave, but she turned around after sitting for a while and found that he was still at the side, she was already at the station, why didn't he leave.

"Quack doctor, why don't you leave?"

Zhang Feiya asked in a low voice, is it possible that he still wants to go home with her? Startled by her own thoughts, Zhang Feiya stared at him with wide eyes.

"It's not too late to leave when the car arrives!"

Ye Haoxuan smiled lightly, and looked at her nervous expression, he was not so stalking, he just wanted to see her get in the car safely before leaving.

"No, you have to go back first!"

Zhang Feiya waved her hand and signaled him to leave quickly. She didn't see many eyes around the two of them. It felt weird. She didn't like the feeling of being stared at by strangers. It felt like being played like a monkey. .

Seeing that she wanted him to leave so desperately, Ye Haoxuan frowned and thought for a while, forget it, with her aggressive temperament, who would dare to bully her!If he doesn't leave, maybe she will get angry again for no reason, and then the relationship he managed to maintain will become stiff again.

"Well, be careful yourself, and remember to call me when you arrive."


Zhang Feiya nodded, her tone couldn't hide her joy, and Ye Haoxuan took a look at her, then turned and left.

Zhang Feiya looked at the snacks in her hand, and then looked up at the back of the leaving person, she was so engrossed that she didn't even know the bus had arrived.

There was only the sound of the bus beeping. Others had already boarded the bus one after another. Zhang Feiya was still watching the direction Ye Haoxuan was leaving. If the driver hadn't yelled at her, she might have missed the bus.

"Little girl, are you still in the car?"

After being shouted like this, Zhang Feiya came back to her senses, got up in a hurry and walked over eagerly, "Master driver, wait!"

Oops!She was fascinated by seeing quack doctors, what's going on?

Fortunately, the driver called her in time, otherwise she didn't know how long she would have to wait.

Zhang Feiya hurriedly got into the car, but because she was a step late, the seats were all occupied, so she could only stand. Fortunately, someone saw her injured foot and offered her a seat, which saved her suffering.


Ye Haoxuan walked back, his gentle handsome face showed a little smile from time to time, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

When he returned home, Ye Maosheng just came back from a friend's house. When he saw Ye Haoxuan but not Zhang Feiya, he couldn't help asking, "Where is my daughter-in-law?"

Why is this kid alone, where is his daughter-in-law?
He just asked a friend to help him choose an auspicious day. Originally, he specially asked his friend to find him a good day so as not to cause any accidents. He didn’t expect that the eighth day of the next month would be a good day, and the time slot was pretty good. .

"I sent her to the bus station just now, and she should be on her way home now!"

Ye Haoxuan sat down and looked at his father and daughter-in-law screaming. He didn't know what to say about him. They didn't know whether they would like to be with him, but he was used to it. It was really hard to break his habit. dream.

"Going back so soon? Brat, what are you talking about? Why don't you just drive Fei Ya home when you send people to the bus station? Do you have any brains?"

Ye Maosheng couldn't help cursing, why is this kid so low in EQ, sending people home can at least show his sincerity, and at the same time get along with them more and increase the chances of getting to know each other.

I really don't know what to do with this kid?Everything he had arranged for him seemed to be in vain.

Ye Maosheng was ashamed and covered his forehead with his hands, feeling a sudden headache.

"Dad, I have already said that I will drive her back, but she insists on not wanting me to take her back. I can only carry her to the bus station directly."

This was the first time he was scolded badly by his father, Ye Haoxuan looked innocent, and he also persuaded him to stay, but according to her stubborn temper, she couldn't change her original intention.

"Hold her back? Even if you have a little brain."

When Ye Maosheng heard that he was walking away with Fei Ya in his arms, he immediately smiled with satisfaction, this kid is still saved.

"Boy, this woman should be more painful! Girls have thin faces, so it won't matter if you give way to others! I just asked your Uncle Peng to count the days for you. The eighth day of the next month will be Good day, when the time comes, you might as well stop getting engaged and go directly to get the certificate, and you will only talk to Fei Ya's parents to discuss the details of the wedding in detail."

Ye Maosheng spoke, and Ye Haoxuan's face was slightly surprised, "Dad, will this be too fast?"

On the eighth day of the next month, Dad really treats marriage as a joke, and will the woman agree?

It is probably more difficult than going to heaven to get her to get the certificate.

"If you don't hurry up, it's possible that you still want to give up your wife to someone else!"

Ye Maosheng paused and said, it's because this kid has always been indecisive and timid that his feelings have been hurt. Could it be that he wants to do it all over again?
When Ye Haoxuan heard this, his face changed slightly, a little ugly.

"Dad, even if we agree, she may not agree."

Ye Haoxuan told the truth, maybe his father wanted him to tie him up directly.

"Anyway, I don't care. If you make it impossible for me to hold my grandson, just wait for me to see your mother!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Maosheng went upstairs, while Ye Haoxuan opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, with a helpless expression on his face.

However, the word "child" came to his mind, and he suddenly remembered that neither of them seemed to have taken any measures last night, and he didn't know if it was her safe period, so the possibility of pregnancy was high.

Should not be so lucky!Should he remind her?
But when he thought of his father rushing to hug his grandson, he hesitated for a while, and decided to pretend that he didn't know anything.

Since the two of them were together last night, his mind is very clear now, that is, to marry her and bring her home to give her an explanation, and the two of them will get along slowly and live a good life.

I didn't expect that she would refuse decisively. Usually, girls should yell and call the other party responsible for such things, but she was in a hurry to run away. This matter was very difficult, and it made him a little difficult to handle.

He has always been serious about marriage issues, and he has never been indiscriminate, but since he had such an intimate relationship with her last night, even he himself can't figure out what he thinks now.

Ye Haoxuan frowned, thinking of the tasks his father assigned him, his forehead hurt, so he had to take it slowly, there was no rush for this matter, it could only be done gradually, otherwise she would be pushed into a hurry, and she would definitely run away.

He never thought that chasing a woman would be so laborious. Ever since he experienced Si Lian, he is now more active than before. He knows what is important and how to catch her. His past passivity made him miss her, and this time he doesn't want to miss her again.

Ye Haoxuan lay on the sofa, covering his forehead with his hands and covering his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

If it were normal, he would go to the room early to do things, but today he was slack, what should I do to make her willing to associate with him.

Concession is a must. Three days later, the woman will come to him to apply the medicine. Will it be too long? By then, she will simply forget about what happened last night, and even leave him alone. clean.

No, it certainly won't work!

If you want yourself to have a sense of presence in front of the other party, you need to create a sense of presence for yourself and appear in front of her more often. Now that her foot is injured, it must be inconvenient to take the bus after get off work every day. Then he can use this reason go to her.

Ye Haoxuan drew inferences from one instance, and his EQ reached its peak in an instant. After he figured out his plan, Ye Haoxuan got up from the sofa, and immediately became energetic.

He didn't believe it. In this way, she would ignore his existence.

There was a smile on the corner of Ye Haoxuan's mouth. Now that he has a preliminary plan, he just needs to follow the steps.

In the past, he was not very enthusiastic about emotional matters, thinking that it was a matter of fate, but since he experienced the matter of Si Lian, he knew that some things were not just due to fate, and he had to actively fight for it to be able to obtain happiness.

Now he really wants to try it once, even if the result is not satisfactory after hard work, he will not feel any regrets.

It's not that he has a low EQ, it's just that he didn't bother to think about it before, and thought that his people would eventually come to him, but now his thinking has changed a little, and the people he wants can only be won by himself.

Ye Haoxuan made a conclusion in his heart, determined the goal he wanted, and he will try his best to achieve it. He can do this in career, and he will do the same in emotion.

Zhang Feiya!This time I hope you can see my sincere efforts.

Ye Haoxuan smiled, it was much easier to think about everything, and to sort out his emotional affairs, he naturally had to start working. He was about to go upstairs, but unexpectedly the phone on his desk rang.

Ye Haoxuan looked at the phone that was ringing on the table, that woman shouldn't be here so soon!
Thinking that it might be him, he quickly picked up the phone, and saw that the name of "girl" was displayed on it, and it was the girl Xin'er calling.

This girl ran away early in the morning, and she didn't even inform him of her father's purpose last night. This girl has no conscience.

"Hey, Xin'er, what can I do for you?"

Ye Haoxuan's tone was a little uncomfortable, but Ye Qingxin, who was opposite, heard that his tone was not very good, so naturally she had to be careful when speaking.

"Brother, hehe, are you okay?"

On the phone, Ye Qingxin kept laughing dryly. My brother was probably angry with her, but there was no way. She really wanted to stop it last night, but she ended up getting drunk.

"Xin'er, what do you say!"

Ye Haoxuan asked back, this girl has become father's accomplice, and now she dares to ask him if she is okay!

But think about it carefully, although what happened last night was not what they wanted, but the result seems to be good.

"Brother, it's not my fault. The old man forced me. I wanted to tell you last night, but I was depressed because of Shangguan Jueshi and drank a lot of wine. When I woke up, I wanted to It's too late to stop, brother, how is Fia?"

Ye Qingxin tried desperately to explain, shifting the responsibility to her father.

Listening to the tone of my brother's voice is not so good, I must be very dissatisfied with this matter, I don't know what happened to Fei Ya, will she cry in fright.

Thinking of Fei Ya, she felt guilty in her heart!

It's a mistake to drink!

"She's on her way back now. As for her emotional problems, you can ask her yourself, and then tell me."

Ye Haoxuan didn't tell his sister what happened to the two of them this morning, and he didn't know what Zhang Feiya thought. After all, a girl's chastity is very important. Although she said she didn't care, it didn't mean she didn't care ah!

Xin'er is her good friend, the two of them can chat well, and Xin'er can help him find out what she thinks.

(End of this chapter)

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