Chapter 360 Overwhelmed

Liu Silian looked sad, she never expected to hear such words from him, he said he wanted to break up with her, that's right, he doesn't remember her now, how could he fall in love with her!
At first, she wanted to ask the reason, but now she couldn't ask a single word.

Because everything is forgotten, including her, and their love, what is the point of her asking these now.

But the sweetness in the past is like yesterday, how could she just forget it like him, a wry smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, because she really didn't know what to do, if she just broke up like this, how could she be willing Woolen cloth!

There were bursts of dull pain in his heart, and his heart was almost numb from the pain. He had forgotten her. What else could she vent to him? Her eyes couldn't see her expression, but she could vaguely feel the endless sense of loss emanating from her body.

"Silian, you misunderstood me. I just said that although I have forgotten some things, we can still get along well in the future. Maybe I can recover my memory!"

Seeing her so depressed, his heart suddenly tightened, and he also felt uncomfortable, so he couldn't help but speak out.

But when he said it, he frowned again, what is he doing!It's fine to speak clearly now, maybe you can dump this woman.

Hearing that he might recover his memory, Liu Silian regained his spirit in an instant. Just as he raised his head, his annoyed expressions fell into her eyes one by one, and the hope that was originally burning in his eyes suddenly dimmed a lot.

He subconsciously wanted to separate from her, but he was too embarrassed to speak out, for fear of breaking her heart!

"Do you really not remember me at all now? Don't you feel anything about me?"

Liu Silian tried her best to suppress the grievance in her heart, she clenched her teeth and insisted on saying every word, at least she didn't want to cry at this time, this was her last dignity.

She never thought that her mood would be so ups and downs today. She was so happy to see him come back safely. She wanted to show him what she had learned in the past month and reassure him, but Didn't expect him to forget her alone, so completely.

She never thought that her marriage was so short, which caught her off guard. She seemed to have fallen from heaven to hell, from the hot spring to the sea of ​​ice. The most unacceptable thing for her was that he had forgotten her, but She didn't know what to do to keep her.

Leng Yisheng shook his head, he really didn't have any impression of her, as for liking her, he didn't hate her that much, but it didn't just mean he had a liking for her, because he usually doesn't like women, who made him so Gentlemen too!

But there is still a little difference, and he can't say it for a while.

"I see, what do you want to do now!"

Seeing his reaction, Liu Silian probably knew his answer, she couldn't understand him better, since he forgot her, he should be no different from before.

"I don't want to do anything, and I'm still dizzy now."

Leng Yisheng asked in a low voice, did this woman misunderstand what he meant? He really wanted to dump her at first, but when he saw her sad expression, he didn't have that plan in his mind for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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