Chapter 371 I'm Jealous
"Si Lian, are you back? I'm fine, you don't have to come back so soon, are you full yet?"

Leng Yisheng opened his eyes, with a calm expression on his face, his words were a little weak, but his hand kept holding hers.

"I'm full, how about you? Have you eaten yet?"

Seeing that he was still thinking of her so much, Liu Silian felt a little uncomfortable when he thought of how alone he was at home just now.

The goal was achieved, and seeing worry on her face, Leng Yisheng's sullen heart felt better.

"I haven't, just now I fell asleep accidentally while waiting."

Leng Yisheng said in a muffled voice, holding her hand, feeling her warmth, the big stone in his heart finally fell, he was afraid that she would not go home because of her anger.

But when he thought of how she left him at home and went to Ye Haoxuan's house for dinner, and the two of them chatting and laughing happily, his heart felt like a fish bone was stuck, and he felt very uncomfortable.

"Ah? You haven't eaten yet. I didn't tell you not to wait for me. Are you hungry now?"

Liu Silian looked surprised, never thought that he hadn't eaten yet, he must be starving now, and felt sorry for him for a moment, a little regretful, he shouldn't be angry with him on the spur of the moment, he is still a patient.

He just lost his memory, not trying to anger her.

"Yisheng, I'm sorry! I'm going to cook something delicious for you now."

Liu Silian's small face was wrinkled, with a look of guilt, afraid that he was too hungry, she immediately got up to cook, but she didn't expect that his hand would be held even tighter.

"Silian, I'm fine, I don't feel hungry at all... Gulu Gulu... I seem to be really hungry now!"

Leng Yisheng originally wanted to say that he was not hungry, after all seeing her sullen look, he felt that his behavior was a bit despicable.

But I didn't expect my stomach to growl so vigorously here, it's really good!
Looking at Si Lian's regretful face again, the corners of Leng Yisheng's lips twitched slightly, and a little smugness flashed across his eyes.

"Yisheng, sit down now, I'll cook for you!"

"Si Lian, you just came back so don't bother, you didn't cook a pot of pork bone porridge, I want to drink this now."

Although he wanted to see that she felt so guilty towards him in her heart, but she didn't want to see her tire herself out by busying herself, so Leng Yisheng changed her mind.

"Okay, I'll get you a bowl now, you sit down!"

"it is good!"

Leng Yisheng let go of her hand, and Liu Silian got up and walked to the kitchen.

Seeing Liu Silian walk away, Leng Yisheng got up, stretched his waist, his face was full of energy, it was still the same dying and sickly look just now.

Isn't it a little despicable for him to do this?

Leng Yisheng tilted his head and thought, after all, he took advantage of the little guilt that Si Lian felt towards him, and always felt that something was not so upright.

No, he did it to protect his own interests. Besides, he was indeed dizzy from hunger. This was the actual situation, but he exaggerated it a little bit.

After thinking everything through, Leng Yisheng felt that what he did was more confident and reasonable.

"Yisheng, this porridge is a bit hot, you have to wait a little longer."

Liu Silian came over with a large bowl of pork bone porridge, there was still steam on top, but there was a burst of fresh and sweet smell, it smelled very good, it should be delicious.

Fearing that he would starve him, she put cold water on the bottom to cool down the porridge so that he could eat it quickly.

"It's okay, anyway, I've been waiting for so long, it's not about waiting for this moment... Um, Si Lian, what's in this porridge, it smells very good."

Realizing that he had said something wrong, Leng Yisheng quickly changed the topic. He leaned over and smelled it with his nose. It tasted very good. He was so hungry that he was almost drooling.

"I put pork bones in it, as well as scallops and shiitake mushrooms... the taste should be almost the same now, you should drink it quickly."

Liu Silian spoke with gusto, while Leng Yisheng listened to what she said, saw that she was cooking for him so hard, and felt quite full even before eating, and the depression in her heart suddenly dissipated.

To be honest, it felt like his whole heart was sweet and greasy, he couldn't help but smile, and kept smirking at the porridge on the table.

"Yisheng, didn't you say you were hungry? Eat quickly? Or do you not like it?"

Liu Silian watched him take a sip, but didn't move, thinking he didn't like it?

After all, she was still impressed by what happened at noon. He disliked the ugly food she made and didn't really believe in his craftsmanship.

But this time, she thought it was okay, besides, didn't he say it smelled good just now?Why don't you eat it?

"Why don't you like it? The ones you make are the most delicious, and I'll show you how to eat them now."

Knowing that her mouth was too poisonous at noon, and her merciless words made her doubt her cooking skills, fearing that she would be overwhelmed, Leng Yisheng stuffed it into her mouth without saying a word, because she ate too fast , he choked and coughed.

"Cough cough!"

"Yisheng, don't eat too fast, you're choking on it."

Seeing him like this, Liu Silian hurriedly stretched out his hand to pat her on the back, why is he so eager to eat like a child, there is still in the kitchen, he can eat as much as he wants.

"Si Lian, I'm fine, it's just that the porridge you made is so delicious, I drank it too fast for a while, would you like some?"

After Leng Yisheng finished speaking, he subconsciously took a sip and put it near her mouth, with a sweet look on his face.

Liu Silian giggled, and drank it without hesitation. The two of you took a spoonful of each other, and ate happily.

"Si Lian, are you in a hurry to come back to see me, are you not full at Ye's house?"

The two almost drank the whole pot, seeing that she still drank a lot, Leng Yisheng couldn't help asking, thinking it was possible.


Liu Silian nodded, just now because she was worried that he would be alone at home and no one would take care of her, she could barely eat this meal, but now that she came back, she drank a lot of porridge with him.

"Si Lian, I want to explain to you what happened at the hotel today."

Leng Yisheng took this opportunity to say, this matter must be explained clearly, otherwise the stones in their hearts will be blocked.

And Liu Silian's face changed slightly, a little unnaturally.

"Yi Sheng, I understand you about this matter, you have lost your memory now, I can't force you to be as considerate as before."

Liu Silian said lightly, but when Leng Yisheng heard her say that, instead of feeling happy, he became more worried.

"Si Lian, that's not the case. What happened today was my fault. I shouldn't have gotten close to those women just to get angry with you! That's because I saw that you have a strange relationship with Ye Haoxuan, and I was jealous, so I just wanted to stimulate you with that woman, but when I saw you shake your head and leave, I regretted it all. I really have nothing to do with that woman, and I didn't mean to humiliate you, I just wanted to We need to see your reaction." Leng Yisheng confessed, because it would be too late if he didn't say anything else.

After doing all this, the moment he saw her sad and turned away, his heart was also broken, and his intestines were full of remorse.

"Ah? Yisheng, what are you talking about?"

He said he was jealous?Still jealous of her and Brother Haoxuan?how is this possible?Didn't he forget her?

Has his memory recovered, otherwise how could he do such a thing to stimulate her.

"Si Lian, I really didn't mean to tease you. I was really wrong about this. If I knew that you would make me feel so uncomfortable, I would definitely not have done that."

Afraid that she would not forgive, Leng Yisheng pleaded.

If he had known that stimulating her would also make him feel so uncomfortable, he would have given up on it.

"Yisheng, did you remember something?"

Liu Silian asked softly, his behavior made her think of this.

Because only the former Yisheng could do this, but he actually did it now.

"No, my mind is still confused. Although I can't remember the past, when I am with you, every moment I feel very warm and sweet, especially when I deliberately make things difficult for you, you look uncomfortable. , I felt uncomfortable in my heart unconsciously; and the relationship between you and Ye Haoxuan was unclear, and if you didn't explain it clearly to me, I became even more dizzy, Si Lian, I know you must be to me It's very important, otherwise I won't become so worried about gains and losses, unlike myself."

Leng Yisheng honestly expressed his feelings in his heart, just to let her know that even if he forgot her, he still cared about her very much, his emotions fluctuated with her, he was happy when she was happy, and she was happy when she was happy. Sadly, he is not much better.

Hearing his sincere words, Liu Silian covered her mouth in surprise, feeling indescribably happy.

She was really happy at this moment, even if he forgot her, but his heart never really forgot her, this fool!She really didn't know what to say to him.

"Si Lian, do you want to say something? Show your attitude? If you are still angry, hit me and beat me hard."

Seeing her silent, and not knowing what she was thinking, Leng Yisheng became anxious.

She said something, if you are still angry with him, you can beat him to vent your anger, don't say nothing like this, it will make him flustered.

After finishing speaking, Leng Yisheng held her hand, and wanted to hit him hard in the face, but Liu Silian withdrew his hand in time, "You big fool!"

Liu Silian couldn't help laughing, she was too happy, how could she hit him.

Although he forgot her, his heart was still with her, knowing that it was too late for her to be happy, and he was the only one who always did those annoying and out of tune things.

"Si Lian, you laughed, are you angry with me?"

Seeing her smile, Leng Yisheng also smirked like a child, just being happy for no reason.

"You fool, don't do this again in the future. If you have any questions in your mind, just ask me, and stop figuring it out by yourself."

Liu Silian held his hand and said seriously.

If she knew that he would misunderstand her relationship with Brother Haoxuan, she would have told him the truth long ago, but she just thought that he has a bad temper and just recovered from his illness, so she didn't plan to tell him everything, lest he would not be able to accept so much news for a while Unexpectedly, it caused a gap in his heart and misunderstood her.

"Aren't I depressed at the time? Si Lian, tell me, what is your relationship with Ye Haoxuan?"

Leng Yisheng asked in a low voice, subconsciously trying to figure out what was going on.

"Do you really want to listen?"

Liu Silian lowered her head and asked, if he wanted to know that much, she would tell him everything.

"Of course, I want to know everything about our past now. You tell me everything, and I can accept it."

Leng Yisheng nodded heavily, just wanted to know, if he couldn't figure out what was going on for a day, he couldn't calm down, and couldn't help being suspicious. In order to prevent such misunderstandings from happening in the future, he should hurry up. Make it all clear.

"Then you promise me, listen carefully, even if you hear something, don't be irritable."

Liu Silian explained in advance that after knowing his temperament, he was afraid that he would misunderstand half of what he heard and walk away, then everything would be for nothing.

"I promise to sit here and listen quietly, and I will never be jealous and make trouble."

Leng Yisheng raised his hand and assured with a face, Liu Silian couldn't help laughing at that serious look.

Since he is ready to accept the news, it is good to tell him, lest he always misunderstand.

"The two of us met like this... At that time, I was dating Brother Haoxuan and was about to get engaged. I knew you liked me, but I always refused to admit that I was also interested in you, although you made people feel very close , but you made me feel insecure and unable to make me depend on, I naturally chose brother Haoxuan, but you found me that day, told me that you liked me in front of me, and made me admit that I liked you, but I didn't admit it He also said that he would be with Brother Haoxuan. At that time, you went back in pain. After that, you recovered and changed a lot. It also gave me a new understanding of you. Brother Haoxuan knew that I like you. The person is you, he made us perfect in the end, I have always felt very sorry for him."

Liu Silian then told him everything that happened to the two of them before, how many times Leng Yisheng wanted to speak, especially when he heard that she and Ye Haoxuan were going to get engaged, his whole heart felt like a fatal blow , felt very bitter and sad, and almost couldn't listen anymore, but she kept holding his hand, so he calmed down slowly and listened.

Fortunately, the final result didn't disappoint him. He didn't expect Ye Haoxuan to know the beauty of adults, but no matter what, he was still a little unhappy with him.

This Ye Haoxuan was a thorn in his heart, and he couldn't pull it out.

"There's nothing to be sorry for. He knows that we love each other sincerely, and no one can break it up. If he doesn't let go, he will be the one who will be embarrassed, and he is considered sensible."

Leng Yisheng said disapprovingly, counting this Ye Haoxuan as being sensible, otherwise, according to his temper, he would lose face even more if he went to the wedding to snatch people.

(End of this chapter)

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