Chapter 376 Fighting wits and courage
Shangguan Jueshi fell into the abyss of guilt and self-blame. Just when he was devastated and at a loss, this news came very timely.

He quickly withdrew from his painful thoughts, now is not the time to worry about this, he should try his best to find her whereabouts and rescue her safely before the situation reaches the point of no return.

Shangguan Jueshi regained his senses and quickly picked up the mobile phone on the table. He thought it was a surveillance video, but unexpectedly it was an unfamiliar number. There was no words on it, only a picture - he gave it to her sapphire ring.

His face changed, his face was vigilant, and his eyes were full of doubts. Could this be a warning from the person who kidnapped her, it shouldn't be!

Since it was done by Fei Dali's people, with Fei Dali's temperament, if he really wanted to threaten him, it must not be such a simple picture, so who would it be?Friend or foe?
Because the ring was set with a fingerprint code, no one could take it off her hand without his opening it. Of course, there was a cruel possibility—that is, to cut off her hand, which he couldn't even imagine. This kind of result.

If it wasn't Fei Dali's person, then who would it be!
Are you giving him some secret hint?Shangguan Jueshi fell into deep thinking, because he was worried about her safety, he still couldn't completely calm down and think.

The more nervous he felt, the more he would not be able to make a good judgment. Shangguan Jueshi got rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind and went through his thoughts again, the ring!ring!Tracking system!

A cleverness flashed through Shangguan Jueshi's mind, his gloomy face just now was stained with a rare smile, he actually forgot the most important thing - there is a tracking system on this ring, as long as the ring is not taken off Come down, then he can find her whereabouts at any time.

He felt more and more that the owner of this strange message was here to help him, and a familiar face came to his mind, could it be him?
Because only he knows him so well, knows that he is in a daze, and knows that the more he cares, the less he can think calmly, so he will reveal the information to him at this important moment, just like the news he got last time, and he will fight alert.

But didn't he say that no one would help?

But now is not the time to think about it, but to quickly find out her whereabouts. Shangguan Jueshi turned on his mobile phone, entered a login URL, and a login password. Smiling, the red dot is still there - it means that she is fine, and the ring is still on her finger.

Because the red dot keeps going around, these people are very cunning, they keep going around in circles, and they can't determine the target. If he rushes out at this time, maybe they will see through it, and her situation will be even more dangerous by then, but again Fearing that they would start moving again when he confirmed the destination, Shangguan Jues calculated almost all the possibilities.

Holding the mobile phone in his hand, he walked out of the underground building, and at the same time ordered to master all traffic arteries, and then drove his car to find the location of the red dot.

He is alone now, with small goals and not easy to be discovered.

East Coast Wharf, in a small warehouse.

"Bei Renshan, how many drugs have you given her? Why hasn't she woke up yet?"

Now this is his territory, if someone finds out by then, it will be very convenient for him to escape.

Ye Qingxin's hands were tied to the pillars, and she was still unconscious. The bald man kept squatting down to look at her, with a baby face, and kept holding Ye Qingxin's hand.

It's been a long time since I saw such a cute little doll, he really hit the jackpot.

"Hurry up, Young Master Jin, I advise you to be careful, this rose has thorns, and Ye Qingxin's kung fu skills are extremely high, I have been defeated by her several times."

Bei Renshan opened her mouth to remind her that she was afraid that Ye Qingxin would play tricks when she woke up. After all, she had learned Ye Qingxin's cunning several times, so she seemed to be just in case.

Bei Renshan walked aside, brought a box of injections over, knelt down, stroked Ye Qingxin's arm, and prepared to give her an injection.

And the bald man looked at such a white and tender little arm, and his saliva was about to flow down, especially when he saw that Bei Renshan was about to insert a needle hole into this little arm, he stopped him and said, "What are you doing!"

Bei Renshan is really ruthless!Such a white and tender little arm is flawless in white jade, if it is pierced with pinholes, it will simply destroy the beauty.

Sure enough, this woman has the heart of a snake and a scorpion. When she sees someone who is prettier and younger than her, she looks jealous.

But even if he has this little cutie, he won't let her go, after all, she is so proficient in a certain aspect.

"Don't worry, this injection can't kill anyone. Besides, Mrs. Fei Dali wants me to take her to Europe, how dare I kill her! It's just that Ye Qingxin is too cunning, this injection will only make her weak and weak. In case she wakes up and makes up her mind later, let alone I won't be her opponent if we don't join forces."

Bei Renshan said cautiously, if possible, I really don't want to say one more word to him, it would be a waste of her tongue.

Thanks to this bastard, he thought she was jealous because of him, it was a joke, no matter how bad she was, she would never fall in love with him.

The only man she wanted was him——Shangguan Jueshi, that high-ranking man, the man who murdered him, why couldn't she forget it!
Mrs. Fei Dali said that as long as Ye Qingxin was brought back, she would reward her with the Shangguan Lordship. Thinking of this, Bei Renshan's eyes were full of longing.

"Then we have to wait until she wakes up. What if the medicine is full and she dies! Give her a call after she wakes up."

The bald man spoke, but Bei Renshan didn't want to waste his time talking with him, so he put away the injection and got up, anyway, the injection would have to be given no matter what.


Ye Qingxin snorted, and her closed eyeballs moved, as if she was about to wake up.

"Little beauty, you are awake!"

The bald man was drinking a small wine, when he heard Ye Qingxin's muffled groan, thinking that she might wake up, he quickly put down the small wine in his hand and walked over.

Bei Renshan, on the other hand, walked over with the injection in his hand.

Ye Qingxin shook her head, she still felt a little dizzy, the strong smell of strong alcohol made her unable to open her eyes, wait, why she couldn't move, realizing the crisis, Ye Qingxin suddenly woke up.

"Ah! Ah! Bald Qiang!"

The moment she opened her eyes, she saw such a bald head for the first time, and Ye Qingxin screamed in fright, what's going on!

She's making an idol drama!It's not a children's animation!Why is Bald Qiang here!

No, with her current posture, it was obvious that she had been kidnapped, and the image just now flashed through her mind - Bei Renshan.

She remembered that she went to the toilet just now, and then smelled a strange smell in the air, and saw Bei Renshan's triumphant smile, she was drugged and passed out.

No wonder she always felt restless at that time, it turned out to be like this, and looking at the surrounding environment at this time, this place seems to be a warehouse, and I can vaguely hear the sound of ships coming from outside, could it be that this is a pier!
Ye Qingxin remained calm, observing the situation around her from time to time.

"Little beauty, how do you know that my nickname is Bald Qiang?"

The bald man approached Ye Qingxin, and when he spoke, there was a pungent smell of alcohol in his mouth, and the stench was so strong that Ye Qingxin subconsciously turned her head away.

Look at this person's face again, he is fat and fat, especially the tattoo engraved on that half of the face, it is gloomy, and the golden tooth is shining when he speaks, he is simply a local boss.

This man looks thoughtless, but he is quite easy to deal with. Wait, there is also that woman Bei Renshan.

She fought against that woman Beirenshan time and time again, thinking of her jealous eyes just now, she wished to kill her, this crazy woman is not easy to deal with.

"Little beauty, what are you thinking about? Don't worry, brother Qiang, I won't hurt you. On the contrary, I will provide you with good food and drink."

The bald man stared at Ye Qingxin intently, his eyes were shining brightly, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, especially those piercing eyes, which were watery, made his heart beat.

"Are you talking to me?"

The ringing kept ringing in her ears, Ye Qingxin had to pull back her thoughts, and then looked at the local boss in front of her, the look in her eyes clearly had malicious intentions!

But she could take advantage of this and find a chance to go out, Ye Qingxin secretly planned in her heart.

"Of course, besides you, who else is so beautiful here!"

Whoops, there is also this voice, which is so soft that the ears can hear it smoothly. Seeing that Ye Qingxin was willing to talk to him, the bald man became even more excited.

"Thank you, bald-headed brother, for your compliment! But bald-headed brother, why are you arresting me? I don't seem to know you?"

Ye Qingxin chuckled, pretending to be stupid.

In fact, she has known for a while that there are many people around her who are secretly protecting her—Shangguan Jueshi was afraid that something would happen to her, so he specially asked someone to protect her secretly. Shan made a hole.

Beirenshan failed to catch her last time, and this time it fell into her hands again. According to the news revealed by Beirenshan last time, she should not be because of personal enmity, but because of someone else's instigation—Fidali's order , wanting to catch her and threaten Shangguan Jueshi.

No, she can't be taken away, otherwise it will bring a burden to Shangguan Jueshi, she must find a way to escape.

"Sister, it's not that I don't want to tell you, I'm also on orders!"

The bald guy kept his mouth shut and didn't reveal any news.

And Ye Qingxin couldn't help cursing, she didn't expect this local boss to have some brains, forget it, no matter who tied her up, she had to save herself.

"Brother Bald, I'm really sorry, I want it to be convenient!"

Ye Qingxin held back in pain, she couldn't believe that she couldn't find a chance to escape.

In the past, when it fell on her peerless husband, she was able to escape every time, and this time was no exception.

"Okay, but I can only untie the rope on your feet."

The bald man saw that her face was blushing, and she didn't look like she was pretending, so he readily wanted to untie the rope for her.

"Brother bald, you are really kind. Not only are you handsome, but you are also so kind. Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you."

As soon as she heard that the bald man was going to help her untie the rope, Ye Qingxin used her sharp tongue and praised him so much that he almost flew into the sky.

She has no skills, she dares to be the first in bragging skills, and no one dares to be the second.

"Although I look thick, I will always feel pity for girls, especially sister, you are so understanding and likable. Brother Qiang will untie you now."

The bald man was so praised that he smiled haha, he hadn't heard such nice words for a long time.

Without saying a word, he started to untie the rope for Ye Qingxin. Ye Qingxin watched helplessly, secretly delighted in his heart, and everything would be easy when he untied the rope.

Seeing that the victory was in sight, he didn't expect that Bei Renshan, the convulsive chicken, would come out halfway.

"Young Master Jin, what are you doing!"

Fortunately, she came in time, otherwise this thoughtless bastard would have let her go, Bei Renshan stared at Ye Qingxin, don't think she didn't know what she was thinking, it's a pity that it fell into Bei Renshan's hands, don't even think about it escape.

The last time she was lucky enough to escape, this time it will not be so easy.

And when Ye Qingxin saw Bei Renshan, she screamed in her heart that it was not good, what the hell, this convulsive chicken actually appeared at such a critical moment, it really is a narrow road for enemies.

"Little girl wants convenience, I want to untie the rope on her feet and let her go."

When the bald man saw Bei Renshan's vicious look, no different from a tigress, his expression turned pale.

Not to mention that Bei Renshan is ugly and has such a bad temper, if he didn't see that she still has something useful, he would have dumped her long ago.

He turned his head to look at Ye Qingxin, and smiled at her, it was still this girl who was obedient.

And Ye Qingxin raised the corners of her mouth towards him with a sly smile, her face was almost stiff, especially when she saw the exposed golden tooth, she almost vomited, there was no way, now she had to be under the eaves bow your head.

But she also found out that the relationship between this bald man and Bei Renshan seems not so good, maybe this is an opportunity.

"Young Master Jin, you were deceived by this woman's face. She is not such a simple character. She is clearly playing tricks."

Bei Renshan looked at Ye Qingxin with a cruel face.

"Ye Qingxin, you'd better not play tricks on me, be honest with me, or I will let your flesh and blood burst!"

If Fei Dali hadn't personally ordered her to be delivered to her intact, she would have killed her long ago.

"Brother Bald, I don't, I'm really suffocating."

Ye Qingxin pursed her mouth, and said with an aggrieved face, as she spoke, two lines of hot tears fell from her eyes, she looked very pitiful.

My old lady is a school of acting, she cries whenever she wants to, it won't bother her.

Seeing how much this bald-headed guy is interested in her, and knows how to pity and cherish jade, it would be a pity if she didn't take this opportunity to provoke their relationship.

"Ye Qingxin, pretend, pretend, pretend!"

Seeing Ye Qingxin's pretentiousness, Bei Renshan couldn't stand it anymore, and threw the whip in his hand directly, and it was about to hit her, Ye Qingxin was so frightened that he cried even harder.

(End of this chapter)

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