Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 378 Where Did Shangguan Jueshi Go?

Chapter 378 Where Did Shangguan Jueshi Go?
"Sister, are you okay!"


There was another burst of gunshots behind him, and the bald man was about to walk towards her, when the bald man fell to the ground with an incomprehensible death on his face.

"Baldhead!" Ye Qingxin exclaimed in shock.

She didn't want him to die, after all, it fell into his hands, and the bald man didn't abuse her, on the contrary, he treated her very well.

Ye Qingxin's face was pale, this was the first time she saw someone die in front of her, her mind was pounding, all she could see was bloodstains on the ground, with a strong smell of blood, the air seemed to be very heavy, she began to have difficulty breathing up.

"Shangguan Sir!"

Her eyes were blurred, and she tried to open her eyes, as if she saw Shangguan Jueshi, and he came to rescue her. In the end, Ye Qingxin couldn't stand the stimulation, and she fainted.

When she woke up, two days had passed, "Haoxuan, why did you become a doctor, and why didn't your sister wake up until now!"

In the ward, Ye Maosheng's worried voice came. Ever since Jue Shi sent this girl to the hospital the day before yesterday, there was nothing else on her body, only her face was severely swollen, but she didn't know what happened, she just hadn't woken up yet. , and what was even more outrageous was that after Jazz sent her to the hospital, he never appeared again, and he would not be able to contact him for a while.

I don't know if there was some conflict between the two of them, but Jue Shi didn't care about the girl. He could only ask the girl after she woke up.

"No, no!"

But at this moment on the bed, Ye Qingxin was sweating profusely, as if she had dreamed of something terrible, which made her cry out in fright.

She kept yelling all the time, but she just didn't wake up.

"Haoxuan, come and have a look, Qingxin seems to be waking up."

Zhang Feiya sat on the side of the bed, holding her hand all the time, Ye Qingxin was having a nightmare, as if she was afraid of something, she kept holding her hand tightly, and it hurt a little bit from her grasp.

"Qingxin, wake up!"

"Xin'er, I'm Big Brother, wake up!"

"Girl, wake up quickly, don't worry me, your bones are always strong, why have you been lying here for two days, if you lie down again, your bones will be useless."

As soon as they heard that Ye Qingxin was about to wake up, everyone gathered together to see the situation.

And Ye Haoxuan listened to her heartbeat with a stethoscope, it was beating very fast, it was impossible to continue like this, he had to wake her up quickly.

"Smelly girl, if you don't get up again, I will beat you with a whip until your flesh is ripped open." Seeing that she hadn't woken up yet, Ye Maosheng couldn't help but utter harsh words, ready to scare her up.

You must know that this girl usually sleeps late and can't wake up. When she heard that he was going to whip her, she immediately got up from the quilt. This sentence has been effective since childhood, and it is more effective than an alarm clock.

"Old man, don't, I'll get up right away!"

It was almost a reflex action, Ye Qingxin turned over and stood up, the sudden move was like a fake corpse, it startled them.

"Dad, your words really work!"

Ye Haoxuan couldn't help teasing that the girl finally woke up.

"Smelly girl, what's the matter, do you still remember who I am?"

Seeing her waking up, Ye Maosheng touched her forehead with his hand. The body temperature was normal, and he pinched the fleshy lumps on her cheeks. This girl was usually lively and jumping around, but suddenly she lay here quietly, and he was almost caught. She had a heart attack.

"It hurts, old man!"

Ye Qingxin said with a pained face, her mind was foggy, and her memory began to recover.

But wait, where is this?

Old man, brother, and Fei Ya, did she go home safely?

"If you still know the pain, it means you're fine. You don't even know that you've been asleep for two days. I'm really afraid that you'll become a Sleeping Beauty."

Ye Maosheng said humorously, thank God that this girl can wake up safely.

"Old man, where is Shangguan Jueshi?"

Ye Qingxin looked around, but did not see a familiar figure, where did Shangguan Jueshi go?

She remembered that she saw the figure of Shangguan Jueshi before she passed out, he must have sent her back!

Thinking of the scene at that time, she watched Bei Renshan, and the bald man died in front of her, covered in blood, she couldn't help but look scared, and her body couldn't help trembling.

Especially for the bald guy, I feel unspeakable guilt.

Although the bald man caught her, he didn't do anything to hurt her, and he kept defending her in front of Bei Renshan, and even killed Bei Renshan at the critical moment when Bei Renshan wanted to kill her. Eshan saved her.

But she didn't expect to be killed by Shangguan Jueshi, facing the killing for the first time made her a little horrified.

"I was going to ask you too! What happened to you, did you have a conflict with Juzzy?"

This girl has no conscience, she was anxious to find her husband as soon as she woke up, and didn't even ask him if he was okay.

"I did have an accident. Old man, I was kidnapped by the bad guys and almost couldn't come back. It was Shangguan Jushi who rescued me."

Ye Qingxin said with an aggrieved face, she almost met the god of death, and she almost lost sight of them.

Nice to see them now!
"Girl, what's going on here?"

When Ye Maosheng heard that she was kidnapped and her life was in danger, his face became uneasy. Let me ask him that he has never had any enemies in all these years, so there shouldn't be any enemies.

And looking at **** Baidao, knowing that she is his Ye Maosheng's daughter, it should be somewhat taboo.

"That's right, Xin'er, how could you be kidnapped by someone? Did you offend someone?"

When Ye Haoxuan heard that his sister's life was in danger, he also looked nervous.

"Oh, I can't tell for a while. I just met an unreasonable convulsive chicken and beat her up. She was beaten beyond recognition by me, so she held a grudge and wanted to take revenge on me."

Ye Qingxin opened her mouth to explain, but she still concealed something, not revealing that this matter was also related to Shangguan Jueshi.

If the old man knows that she is in a dangerous situation because she has something to do with Shangguan Jueshi, I don't know what the old man will do.

"Smelly girl, I told you not to go out and cause trouble all the time, but now it's all right, it's all trouble."

Ye Maosheng couldn't help scolding her, but seeing that she was still hurt, Ye Maosheng was naturally reluctant to teach her harshly, and his tone was a little softer.

"But I can't be bullied and not fight back!"

Ye Qingxin pouted and said with an aggrieved face, it was Beiren who bullied people too much, pushed her forward, and tried to hurt her and Lu Manman, so she used violence to counter violence with violence.

"Then what happened to the convulsed chicken now? You tell Dad who she is, and I'll have her arrested and put in prison for the rest of her life."

Ye Maosheng continued to ask, he was afraid that the wildfire would not burn out and the spring breeze would blow again. If the solution was not resolved, the girl's life would be threatened at any time.

"Old man, don't worry, the convulsed chicken is dead, and she will never trouble me again."

Bei Renshan is dead, and her crisis has been resolved for the time being, but she is afraid that someone will still make an idea of ​​her and use her to threaten Shangguan Jueshi. It seems that she should be more cautious in the future, and she cannot help Shangguan Jueshi. But at least it can't hold him back.

But speaking of Shangguan Jueshi, where did he go?Why hasn't he been seen since she woke up until now!

Ye Qingxin was a little restless, as if something was about to happen.

"Dead? Girl, you didn't kill the person, did you?"

Ye Maosheng's voice couldn't help raising a few tunes, no matter how serious the other party's crimes are, they should be handed over to the law to convict her, how could this girl do it herself!
"No, I didn't kill it."

Ye Qingxin shook her head, no matter how messed up she usually is, she would only teach others a lesson, and would not take their lives.

But seeing Bei Renshan and the bald man die in front of her with her own eyes, she still couldn't calm down in her heart.

"It wasn't you who killed it, could it be that Juzzy killed it?"

"No, not Shangguan Jueshi."

"Then I'm relieved, but girl, what's the matter with you and Jazz? He hasn't been here since he sent you to the hospital, and he can't get through the phone. Are you having any conflicts?"

Ye Maosheng said solemnly, usually the girl got hurt, but the boy Jue Shi was very considerate and always took care of the girl every step of the way, but this time the girl fell into a coma for two days, but he didn't come here once. The situation made him worry.

"What! Did Shangguan Jueshi come to see me?"

Ye Qingxin was astonished, how could it be possible!

She had been in a coma for two days in the hospital, no matter how urgent his matter was, he wouldn't be able to spare some time to visit her in the hospital!

Ye Qingxin was a little apprehensive, what was going on!

"Old man, bring me your phone, I'll call him!"

Ye Qingxin urged that only by hearing his voice could she calm down.

Seeing that she was in such a hurry, Ye Maosheng had no choice but to bring her the phone on the table. It seems that this girl is also unclear, that is, there is no conflict between them at all, it's just about this kid.

Ye Maosheng frowned, thinking deeply, could it be that what happened today was not aimed at the girl, but him!
If this is the case, then he will have to make it clear to Juzzy in person that he does not want his daughter to be involved in any danger.

"Okay, Fei Ya, go back to the office with Haoxuan, you are tired after taking care of this girl all day and night!"

Ye Maosheng said to the two of them, with a worried expression on his face, he thought he could rest assured that the two children were married, but this girl still didn't let him worry!

"Then Dad, we're going out first, you stay here with Xin'er."

Ye Haoxuan embraced Zhang Feiya, and the two walked out.

Ye Maosheng sat on the side, watching her keep talking on the phone, it seemed that he had to have a good talk with this girl.

The girl's eyes flickered just now, she must be hiding something.

"Pick it up, why don't you pick it up!"

Ye Qingxin kept calling Shangguan Jueshi's number, but there was no answer. She almost thought she dialed the wrong number, but she had already memorized his number by heart.

The call to him was not answered, so Ye Qingxin simply called home, but no one answered except for the beeping sound!
Where did he go?Why don't you answer her phone!

He was still angry, angry that she didn't listen to him - he didn't go to a safe place with Lu Manman, so he fell into a dangerous situation, it must be like this, Shangguan Jueshi must be angry with her!
But she just thought that she has kung fu foundation, and others should not be able to hurt her, but she didn't expect to be plotted against by someone.

Shangguan Jueshi, even if you are angry, you have to answer my call, I will be worried.

Ye Qingxin looked restless, and Ye Maosheng, who was on the side, saw her upset, and comforted her, "Girl, stop beating, he will come to you if he wants to find you, now it's just the two of us, just be honest with me." , is it related to Jazz that you are in danger this time?"

Now there are only their father and daughter, this girl can tell her the truth.

"Old man, I don't understand what you are talking about, and I just told you the whole story."

Ye Qingxin pretended to be stupid, did the old man think of something.

"Smelly girl, do you think I have Alzheimer's? Your father has been a soldier for so many years, do you think I can't even see through your tricks? Tell the truth, is it because of Sir? "

As he was talking, Ye Maosheng said with a serious face, how long will this girl want to hide from him, do you think he really can't see it at all?

Just because Feiya was present and didn't want her to be frightened, he cooperated with this girl in acting. Now there are only father and daughter left. Should she give him an explanation?

He has seen ups and downs, and he knew at a glance that this kid is not simple. He also investigated his family background at the beginning, but he didn't find any clues.The reason why the girl was handed over to him in the first place was because he really cared about this girl, and secondly, he thought that this girl always went out to cause trouble. If he married him, his family background was strong enough to help her clean up. It's a mess, unexpectedly, it's not as simple as he thought.

He will terminate the relationship with anyone and anything that puts his precious daughter in crisis one by one, and Jazz is no exception.

Seeing her old man's attitude, Ye Qingxin knew that this matter could no longer be concealed.

"Dad, the thing is actually like this... It doesn't matter about Guan Jueshi. He also told me to hide in a safe place before, but I didn't listen. If I have to start a career, I will be plotted against by Bei Renshan. You can Don't blame him! He has always protected me very well."

Under Ye Maosheng's persecution, Ye Qingxin had no choice but to tell the whole story, fearing that the old man would have a bad opinion of Jue Shi, Ye Qingxin hastily explained.

When Ye Maosheng heard the ins and outs of the matter, he looked worried. He never imagined that the internal strife in the Shangguan family would be so chaotic, full of guns and bullets, and extremely dangerous.

His girl actually has a target for others to attack, no, he absolutely can't see her being threatened in the slightest.

And look at how protective this girl is of Jue Shi now, it seems that this matter is difficult to handle.

The reason why this kid, Jue Shi, didn't come to see her was because he felt guilty!Looks like he'll have to talk to him in person.

(End of this chapter)

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