Chapter 386 Celebrating His Birthday
"Is there anything I can do for you? I don't want to sit outside and wait, and I don't want to miss every minute of being with you. Don't worry, I don't say these words to trouble you, I just want to be with you Let's finish this sumptuous lunch together."

Seeing her doubts, Shangguan Liunian explained that they had never had a good conversation together before, or even accomplished something together. Today, they finally had such an opportunity—of course, they came in exchange for her freedom. He naturally didn't want to miss it, at least when he thought about it later, he could still remember that they had such a harmonious day.

And Xia Jin stood there, hearing his words, felt very uncomfortable. They were too stubborn with each other, and neither of them wanted to bow their heads. They missed too much time. Now they should really spend the rest of the day well. Take advantage of it.

"Help me break the eggs in that bowl, and remember to separate the egg whites from the yolks."

Xia Jin said lightly, and started to work.

"it is good!"

Seeing that she was willing to help him, Shangguan Liunian's smile deepened, this little thing won't bother him.

He picked up an egg, and just when he was full of confidence that he could separate it successfully, because he could not grasp the strength well, he saw a "bang", the whole egg yolk was incomplete and mixed with the egg white.

Because it was his first time cooking, I was afraid that he might not be able to control the strength well, Xia Jin was about to ask him to remind him to pay attention to the strength, but it was still a step too late. Look again, the eggs in his hand were all broken.

"How could this be?"

When she saw his embarrassing side, Shangguan Liunian's face was slightly unnatural, but he, who has always been studious, couldn't help asking.

He didn't use much strength just now, how could it be like this.

Seeing his state of affairs at this time, Xia Jin smiled, but she still reminded, "You are too strong, just touch it lightly."

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Liunian, who has always been omnipotent in the mall, would not be able to deal with even an egg at this time.

"Okay! I'm going to be less energetic!"

Shangguan Liunian smiled, seeing her smiling, felt that it was no big deal for him to lose face.

He was about to throw the broken egg in the trash can in one fell swoop, when Xia Jin saw this, he stopped and said, "It can be used later!"

"it is good!"

Anyway, no matter what she said, Shangguan Liunian agreed. Knowing that she was always thrifty, he knocked the egg into the bowl.

He brought another egg, with a cautious look on his face, he didn't believe that he couldn't touch the egg with his wisdom.

He was very gentle this time, touched the egg, and the egg was successfully cracked, and the yolk was still intact. He was trying to separate the egg yolk from the egg white, but who knew that the egg white would be so slippery, uncontrollable, wrapped in the yolk They fell into the bowl together and failed again.

He could only pour this failed egg into the bowl just now, ready to start again.

He has always had a deep obsession, and there is nothing he can't do if he wants to do it. The more he fails, the more he wants to challenge. He starts to pick up eggs one by one and knock on them, but they still fail one by one.

Seeing his crazy behavior, Xia Jin couldn't stand it anymore.

"Don't do it, I'll do it!"

Xia Jin walked over and took the eggs from his hands. If this continues, he will knock out the whole basket of eggs. Then look at the failed products in the bowl, what should I do now!It would be too wasteful to dump it, it seems that she has to find a way.

"Let me try again, I will definitely succeed."

Shangguan Liunian said with a serious face, now he is going to compete with this egg.

"Let me demonstrate it for you first!"

Knowing that his obsession is deep, if he doesn't succeed, he doesn't know how many eggs he will waste.

Just like he used to treat her, but now he is willing to let go.

"it is good!"

Shangguan Liunian nodded and said yes, now he was standing beside her, staring intently at her step by step, secretly remembering it in his heart.

"Okay, try it!" Xia Jin said to him, and stood aside to give him his seat.

"it is good!"

Shangguan Liunian picked up an egg again, this time he followed the steps she had just done step by step, and avoided the wrong technique just now, and successfully separated an egg.

"Successful, Xiaoxia, I finally succeeded."

Shangguan Liunian took the successful product in the bowl and showed it to her in front of her, holding her hand with an excited expression on his face.

Either he doesn't do it, or he has to succeed if he does.

He has never been so excited to win a project worth hundreds of millions, but this time he is happier than anything else.

"you succeeded!"

Xia Jin was taken aback by him, such a Shangguan Liunian was so kind, he could reveal his joy at any time for such a trivial matter, and she was fascinated by seeing it.

"I'll try again!"

This first one succeeded, and Shangguan Liunian continued to think about it more and more, and he succeeded every time in the next one. Seeing him knocking down like this without restraint, Xia Jin hurriedly opened his mouth to stop it.

"Enough, enough, don't need so many!"

If this continues, they will eat eggs for the next meal.

"Okay, that's it, what else do I need to do?"

Looking at his victories, there are indeed too many, and he forgets everything when he is so excited, especially when he is with her, he always makes embarrassment.

"Why don't you wash the vegetables first, and peel off the shells of the shrimp?"

Xia Jin pointed to the food in the vegetable sink at the side, it's better to let him make these first, otherwise, with him here, I don't know when this cake will be done, and she will have to cook later, it's better to let him cook first. It will be much more convenient for him to start when she cooks later.

"it is good!"

Shangguan Liunian looked at the ingredients on the side, washing and peeling the vegetables is not difficult for her, as long as he can work with her, he will be very satisfied.

Shangguan Liunian went to wash the vegetables, and when he walked away, Xia Jin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. With him watching, she always felt stressed, and now he was busy with other things, and she started to work Handy.

Because he doesn't like sweet ones very much, she made matcha cakes. The strong tea aroma can block the sweet taste.

Shangguan Liunian was standing on the side, washing the vegetables, his eyes fell on her from time to time, seeing her skillful hands busy all the time, making food for him, the smile in his eyes widened even more.

I really want time to stay at this moment forever, she will always be so kind to him.

Because her hair blocked her view, she couldn't help but put her hands behind her ears, and accidentally got flour on her face, which turned white, but she didn't notice it, and kept working on the cake in front of her.

It was almost done, she put the cake into the oven, set the time, and finally it was done, she went to the side to wash her hands, ready to start cooking.

As soon as she finished washing her hands, she raised her head and met his scorching gaze. A look of unnaturalness flashed in Xia Jin's eyes. He just kept staring at him, and he could even see a playfulness on his face.

This is the first time I have seen her so cute. She has always been serious, and it is difficult to make fun of her, but at this time her appearance is really different from her usual.

"What are you looking at, is there something on my face?"

Subconsciously, Xia Jin touched her face and asked.


Shangguan Liunian went against his will and didn't want to tell her.


Why did she always feel that there was something wrong with what he said, but she didn't think too much, took the vegetables from the side, put them in the basket, prepared various ingredients, and started to fire.

Her movements were done in one go, very skillful, Shangguan Liunian stood aside, it was like admiring a beautiful painting at this moment, she was always so serious in doing things, people couldn't help but take a few more glances.

This meal was completed with the cooperation of the two, and the speed was faster than expected.

"You take some dishes out first!"

Xia Jin asked, while Shangguan Liunian followed his orders and brought out the dishes one by one.

No one has ever ordered him to do things, and she was the first one. The feeling of being ordered by someone is really interesting.

Of course, the person who ordered it was her, so he would be so willing.

And Xia Jin looked at his leaving back, feeling inexplicably strange, today she always called him this and that, but he did everything one by one, she looked at a loss, what kind of person is he? , why she couldn't understand more and more.

If he is ruthless and self-righteous, but who is this man who is always called by her to come and go!
Forget it, don't think so much, anyway, she will leave tomorrow.

"Didi" sound, the cake is ready.

Xia Jin turned on the oven, and a hot aroma filled the air. Looking at the finished product inside, she looked satisfied.

She was holding a wet cloth from the side, and was about to take out the cake when Shangguan Liunian came in and came across this scene, fearing that she would be scalded, he took the wet cloth from her hand without saying a word, and expressed it directly with actions.

"It's fine if I come, you take out these meals first!"

Seeing how eager he was at this moment, Xia Jin couldn't help but start beating her heart again. In order to relieve the strangeness in her heart, she turned around and did other things.

Only then did Shangguan Liunian carefully take out the cake she made for him with a damp cloth, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Xia Jin went outside, looked at the food on the table, and wanted to see what was missing. When she saw the unstoppable joy on his face when he came out holding the cake, her eyes were involuntarily attracted to him.

It's just a cake, and it's not that delicate. It's not like he hasn't seen anything before. As for being so happy?
"The cake you made is my favorite."

Facing her eyes, Shangguan Liunian opened his mouth, the affection in his eyes was unobtrusive, the expression was so direct, he answered the question in her heart.

Although he has seen all kinds of more exquisite and high-end ones than this, he doesn't like them all, he only likes to make them - because she made them for him with her own hands.

Being guessed, Xia Jin looked uncomfortable, "I'll go see if there are any candles!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and left, her pace was a little hurried.

After she left, the corner of Shangguan Liunian's mouth raised a wry smile, what's the use of saying this now!
If he hadn't used the wrong way at the beginning, the matter would not have come to this point. He wondered if she would be very angry if he told her now that he had repented.

Will he still ignore him as before and choose to ignore him directly.

In the few short hours he spent with her, he had never felt warmer than before. He wanted to let her go, and he felt even more reluctant to let her go.

"I only found this, let's replace it temporarily!"

Xia Jin came out, holding a wax table in her hand, with three big red candles stuck on it, because I couldn't find any candles, so I had to use this.

Breaking his thoughts at this time, Shangguan Liunian calmed down and smiled, "This is already very good."

It doesn't matter what kind of candle or not, she is the brightest candle in his heart, as long as she is with him, his heart will be bright all day long.

"Let me borrow your lighter!"

"You sit down, I'll just have some."

Shangguan Liunian helped her pull out the chair with a gentlemanly face, let her sit down, while he got up and lit a candle.

She was sitting opposite him, and at this moment the two of them were looking at the candlelight like this, each having their own thoughts.

"Xiao Xia, do you want to sing birthday songs for other people's birthdays? Why don't you sing for me?"

Shangguan Liunian took the initiative to say, breaking the quiet atmosphere, he seemed to have never heard her sing, and Xia Jin couldn't help trembling when he called her name.

"I do not know how to sing!"

Xia Jin told the truth, because among the four of them, she sings the worst. She is good at everything else, but singing is her shortcoming.

Others sang along with the rhythm, but she sang as if she was reciting aloud.

"Then skip this link!" Shangguan Liunian said with an embarrassed face, somewhat disappointed, she was still unwilling after all.

And Xia Jin naturally saw the disappointment on his face, but this time he really misunderstood her, she really couldn't sing.

After all, today is this man's birthday. No matter who it is, this day is the most important day in life. Even if she had so many grievances with him, she doesn't want to see him disappointed at this moment.

"That, I can hum!" Xia Jin said in a timely manner. Although she couldn't sing, she could hum that tune.

"Okay, as long as you are willing to celebrate for me, anything is fine!"

The deep eyes couldn't suppress the surprise, he thought she was unwilling.

But seeing her embarrassed face at this time, it seems that she really can't, and it's not because she hates her.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help secretly delighting in his heart.

"Clang, clang, clang..."

Xia Jin cleared her throat and started humming slowly. A birthday tune flowed out slowly, and Shangguan Liunian looked intoxicated.

"Blow out the candles and make a wish!"

After humming the birthday tune, Xia Jin said, this man is usually busy with work, so he must have never played these things before!
"it is good!"

Shangguan Liunian blew out the three candles in one breath, closed his eyes and made a wish!
(End of this chapter)

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