Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 101 My World

Chapter 101 My World
Five days later, the new game "Knight Lord" represented by Xinhuo Games was officially launched.

Although Ma Teng used to be the kind of game manufacturer who desperately wanted money, but since he was rubbed on the ground by Mu Chen's Shuguang Entertainment, he has also come to his senses and understood that his previous self played a good hand of cards to the end. How stupid.

After a crushing defeat, he directly moved the company to Shanghai, and then, like the game companies he squeezed out before, he started to make some mindless money-making games while concentrating on making high-quality games. It's good to come back out of the rivers and lakes.

However, for more than a year, he has not produced a high-quality game of Xinhuo Games, but his share in the game market is getting smaller and smaller.

Just when Ma Teng was about to continue dormant for a while, suddenly a European game manufacturer came to him and wanted to acquire his Xinhuo game.

At first, Ma Teng refused very much.

After all, he spent a lot of time and energy building the Xinhuo game, and Ma Teng was really reluctant to sell it easily.

However, after the two met at the hotel that day, he was persuaded by the European company, the boss of EG Games, Griffin, and then sold part of the shares in Xinhuo Games.

Emmm, to put it bluntly, Ma Teng hugged his thigh happily after seeing the strength of EG Game Company.

After all... Persistence is a good thing, but it can't be ignored. Ma Teng's salary, entertainment and employees' wages have to be paid, and Ma Teng himself has to make ends meet.

So, after watching the new game video brought by Griffin that day, Ma Teng decisively chose to hug his thigh.

Although the previous games made by Xinhuo Game Company were not very good, Ma Teng still has an eye for games.

After seeing this European medieval style game of lord and mount and slash, he was immediately shocked.

In Ma Teng's view, the game "Lord of the Knights" is a good game even compared with CS and League of Legends, and the gameplay is also very innovative.

So, this time, five days before the game went live, that is, when he released the promotional video, he tried his best to use all the resources of his Xinhuo game to promote the new game.

Fortunately, judging from the data of game downloads and online players so far, "Knights Leading" is still very promising for now.

For example, now, Ma Teng looks at the comments of those players on the Internet, with a long-lost smile on his face.

"Diaoda's friends come out and tell me, is this game fun?"

"That's right, Xinhuo Game actually acts as an agent for foreign games. This is the first time in history!"

"Hehe! I guess it's better to play Kun~ Do you think that if you switch to European Kun labor, you will buy it?"

Seeing someone asking if "Lord of the Knights" is fun, immediately some "loyal" players from the previous Torch game came out to make a conclusion.

"Calm down upstairs, I just downloaded and played for half an hour, and found that this game is really good, riding a horse and hacking, the kind of feel that sees blood, tsk tsk tsk, it's really not too exciting!"

"That's right, that's right, this is a hack and slash game that men must play!"

"It's brothers! Let's chop together!"


Many "players" on the Internet are reading how much fun "Knight Lord" is.

Because of the crazy praise on the Internet, and the high quality of the game itself, it really attracted a lot of players to enter the game.

On the other side, Suguang Entertainment.

Liu Jin and Mu Chen are also paying attention to the first-day data of the new game "Knight Lord" represented by Xinhuo Games.

"Young Master Mu, according to the news and data released by Xinhuo Game, this game has really taken off~"

Hearing Liu Jin's firm words, Mu Chen was very curious, and asked, "Oh? How about it, what happened to their data?"

Liu Jin looked at it and said: "The current download volume on the first day has reached more than 20, and the highest online number is also more than [-]. Although the data is still not as good as our Suguang Entertainment's CS and League of Legends, but this data is also worth it. It can make this game run smoothly, and even make a lot of money!"

Mu Chen also nodded when he heard this data, obviously agreeing with Liu Jin's words.

Seeing that Mu Chen just nodded without saying anything, Liu Jin asked hesitantly, "Uh...Young Master Mu, should we also start a new game project?"

Obviously, Liu Jin thinks that Xinhuo Games, or the game company behind Xinhuo Games, should not be allowed to develop wantonly in China.

"Hehe, don't worry, Lao Liu, I've already thought about what I'm going to do with the new game."

Muchen chuckled, comforting Lao Liu who was slightly anxious.

"Let's go, gather in the conference room, remember to call that boy Lin Sen, he will be very interested in this game!"

After that, Mu Chen said to Liu Jin again, and told him to call Lin Sen.


Five minutes later, in the meeting room, Mu Chen asked a question to the people sitting below.

"Tell me, what is the selling point of Xinhuo's new game "Knight Lord", or what attracts players?"

Hearing the question raised by Mu Chen, after everyone in the audience thought for a while, someone raised their hand and said:
"Is it because of the combination of knight games and lord games?"

"It should be that the players have a lot of choices. You can choose the lord to farm, explode soldiers, and conquer; you can also choose to be a knight and go out to take risks!"

Mu Chen listened, shook his head with a smile, and said:
"It's very close, but this is not the core key!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Chen looked at Lin Sen who was thinking with his head down, and shouted:
"Wood, tell me about it?"

Lin Sen who was touched by Mu Chen raised his head, paused, and said word by word:

"It's freedom!"



Hearing Lin Sen's answer, the rest of the people were very puzzled.

As for Mu Chen, he smiled and watched as Lin Sen and the turbulent people in the audience did not speak, and motioned for Lin Sen to continue.

Lin Sen organized his language, and said:

"Although the superficial selling point of this game seems to be the same as what the previous two said, the combination of lord and knight has a variety of choices.

However, its core thing is freedom!
Because the plot of this game is basically the same as The Legend of Zelda, which is extremely weak.

It is a story about how a knight becomes powerful and then goes to revenge. Players only need to defeat a boss, and the main plot is basically over.

But because this game is an online game, it doesn't mean that players have nothing to play after the plot is over.On the contrary, in my opinion, the game really begins after the plot ends!
Because after that, the players will be completely free from the constraints of the plot, and they can do whatever they want!
Lord players can slowly develop their territories, slowly build troops, slowly farm, and can also burn, kill, and loot all the way; knight players can fight various monsters, or find players to PK as they like, and even You can join the territories of lord players, achieve cooperation between lord players and knight players, etc.

All the conditions to achieve all this, is freedom! "

Hearing Lin Sen's explanation, Muchen smiled and applauded.


At first, he thought this game was the same as the Mount and Blade series in his previous life.

It turns out that this European company still has two brushes, and they have come up with this kind of strange-looking game, but the gameplay is very novel.

Although the core of the game seems to be the players' mutual conquest or slashing, but these can only be achieved when the degree of freedom of this game is high enough.

There are no rules and regulations, the lord player can fight whoever he thinks is not pleasing to the eye; the knight player can be a hero, or burn, kill and loot, specializing in PK!

Because of this, after the release of "Lord of the Knights", under the propaganda of the Salary Army, players will go from questioning, to trying, to liking this game from the beginning.

Otherwise, even if you invite more sailors, if the game quality is not up to standard, it will be useless.

And Mu Chen also explained these truths to everyone sitting in the audience.

After listening to what Mu Chen said, they suddenly realized that there are so many twists and turns in it.

This is not to blame for their stupidity, after all, the main duty of these people is to embody the good game that Mu Chen has in mind, not to develop a game independently.

But Muchen still intentionally trains these people to look at and analyze the game from a deeper angle.

After all, there will be a day when the games in his head will be exhausted. At that time, Shuguang Entertainment will not be able to survive without him!

Fortunately, so far, his training is still effective. At least Lin Sen, a young man with a lot of flirtatious ideas, has a strong plasticity.


"Master Mu, what game are we going to do this time?"

Lin Sen looked at Mu Chen and said.

"Hehe~ Since their core is the degree of freedom, let's make a game with a higher degree of freedom than theirs, one without a plot!"

Looking at Mu Chen's face full of smiles, and hearing what Mu Chen said, Lin Sen and the others were extremely shocked!
No plot, what kind of concept is that!
Players are completely free, with [-]% freedom!

"Really? More freedom than The Legend of Zelda?"

Lin Sen feels that the game with the highest degree of freedom currently on the market is The Legend of Zelda.

"Hehe, that's natural. When you were working on The Legend of Zelda before, didn't you still look like you were still unfinished, and felt that the degree of freedom was not enough.

Then let's make a real game this time, where the players decide.

emmm, it's the kind of game that can be played blindly! "

Like a devil from hell, Mu Chen whispered the seductive whispers to Lin Sen.

"what game?"

Lin Sen asked anxiously.

"The name is - My World..."

 Something happened today, only a 3000-word chapter.

  My world is coming soon!
  Ask for a ticket!

  Thank you ",......." for your tip!
(End of this chapter)

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