Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 116 Relevant Departments

Chapter 116 Relevant Departments
"Call the headquarters! Call the headquarters! The turkey anchor needs air support!"

"Headquarters received! Headquarters received! Support will arrive in 20 years!"

"I don't need support anymore, I walked very peacefully, even with a smile on my face!"

"Oh! Alive again, he took out his small wooden bow, it seems that he wants to bend the bow and shoot sand sculptures!"

"Come on, impotence is about to start ejaculating!"

call out!
call out!
I saw Yang Wei, who had returned from the resurrection, took out his small wooden bow, and shot randomly at the black shadow in the sky.

"Nani!? What the hell is this? You can't shoot at all!"

Five minutes later, Yang Wei shot all the arrows in his backpack, and as a result, not even a single hair fell off!

Just when Yang Wei was scolding, the audience in the live broadcast room had a new discovery.

"Look at it, the flight path of that thing is a bit weird!"

"That's right, S for a while, B for a while, I'm dazzled!"

"Fight back!"


Can labor be shot? !Falk!

"If this thing dares to come down, labor and management must pull out its bird feathers!"

There, he said angrily to the audience in the live broadcast room.

After Mu Chen heard Yang Wei's words in the office, he smiled slightly, controlled his character to do a phase dash, and flew straight down from the air towards Yang Wei.

When Yang Wei saw that the black shadow seemed to be flying towards him, he was immediately shocked.

"No way! Can you still hear me sloppy hair?"

Don't look at the way he said it fiercely just now, but now he turned his head and ran away while marveling!


The audience on the bullet screen laughed and squealed while still not forgetting to cheer for Yang Wei.

The next second, after a loud noise, a tall and mighty figure appeared in front of the impotence.

Yang Wei looked at the unrecognizable humanoid creature in front of him, but with a strong sci-fi style, and swallowed.

"Hiss! There are aliens in this game? Is it so realistic?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, do you think this alien is going to arrest him for some shameful experiments when he sees impotence and looks good?"

"Why don't you have a beautiful face! You are too big, you come and tell me that these are all pixel people. From what you can see, this guy with impotence has a beautiful face!"


"This... this hero, we have no grievances, why did you suddenly kill me like this?"

Yang Wei took a closer look at the creature with wings on its back and a gun in its hand, which looked like a pixel man. He tried to turn on the voice and asked.

"Yang Wei, didn't you say you were going to pluck my hair?"


Hearing this familiar voice, Yang Wei almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He didn't expect that Mu Chen actually came to trouble him in the game...

"Uh huh... Young Master Mu~"

"I didn't know that you were the wise, powerful, and suave person before. Otherwise, if I had lent me ten guts, I wouldn't have said that!"

Congxin, Yang Wei decisively chose Congxin.

After Muchen revealed his identity, he gave Yang Wei a pair of jet hangers with eight hearts and eight arrows.

"Let's go, my young master will take you to see my wonderful rivers and mountains!"

So, on this day, many players saw two black shadows flying above their heads in the sky, and various sand sculpture letters flew out from time to time.

The players gave this pair of black shadows, Mu Chen and Yang Wei, the title of "Sand Sculpture Heroes".

———Sand sculpture dividing line———

After Muchen was happily playing for a few days, one day when Muchen was playing in the office, he suddenly received a call from his father, Mufeng, asking him to go home, saying that someone wanted to talk to him about something.

After hanging up the phone, Muchen scratched his head, expressing his perplexity.

He couldn't figure out who could ask his father to pass on a message to him if he wanted to talk to him. With this face, it would be more than enough to come directly to the company to fight with him~
Although very puzzled, Mu Chen returned home quickly.

After arriving home, I saw Mu Chen's father, Mu Feng, sitting on the sofa in the living room with a middle-aged man with a bit of refined temperament.

Seeing Mu Chen arrived, Mu Feng turned his head and smiled and cursed at the man, saying: "Chen'er is back, you can talk to him slowly, I still have a lot of things to do.

You said you were looking for my son and asked me to spread the word, Old Wu, you are really going too far! "

After finishing speaking, Mu Feng introduced the person on the sofa to Mu Chen who had just walked over.

"This is you Wu Li, Uncle Wu, from the cultural department, I want to talk to you about work."

Hearing this, Muchen probably knew what Uncle Wu's intention was.

"Hello, Uncle Wu, I'm Mu Chen~"

"Haha, Xiaochen, it's been a long time since I've created such a career!"

Wu Li got up and greeted Muchen with a smile.

"It's safe to say, if he bullies you when you are young and ignorant, I will help you find a place for you!"

Before Mu Feng left, he said to Mu Chen, at the same time, he also glanced at the smiling Wu Li.

"Xiaochen, let me introduce myself again. I am the chairman of the game management committee under the Ministry of Culture of Xia Kingdom, Wu Li~"

Emmm, why does this department and position sound familiar? (What subordinate household committee vice-chairman?)

"Uncle Wu, I don't know what you came to talk to me this time?"

Muchen felt that he had better get straight to the point, otherwise he would definitely talk about a lot of foreshadowing before he got to the real thing...

"Hehe, that's right, this committee is newly established by the Ministry of Culture to review and supervise the qualifications of games on the domestic market.

And Xiaochen, your Shuguang Entertainment is the leading game company in China, so this time Uncle Wu came to you to learn from you and listen to your opinions. "

Hearing this, Mu Chen was startled.

What is this called?The department that specializes in managing their own company came to him to learn from him. No matter how this matter seems to reveal a magical atmosphere...

"Uh... Uncle Wu, isn't it appropriate for you to talk to me about this kind of thing?"

Mu Chen asked suspiciously.

Wu Li waved his hand indifferently, and said with a smile:

"Hey, those who are successful come first~ Besides, the committee is just getting ready to be established, and it hasn't been listed yet. There is nothing inappropriate."

"This time, I mainly want to ask you some opinions on the domestic and international game industry. After all, we should also respond to the call and vigorously support the foreign cultural output of the domestic cultural industry!"

Hearing about cultural export, Muchen understood why Wu Li found him.

Whoever said that in the game industry, only Shuguang Entertainment has the ability to occupy a place in the foreign market.

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(End of this chapter)

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