Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 118 Is the Dungeon Fun?

Chapter 118 Is the Dungeon Fun?

Just like that, Muchen came to Shuguang Entertainment the next day with the plan he had written for Legend of Sword and Fairy.

"Old Liu, how is the progress of my Arad Continent and Celia?"

Muchen first went to find Liu Jin and asked about the progress of the poisonous milk powder. After all, this game is also a game with strong gold-absorbing ability and high stickiness to players. Muchen still pays more attention to it (for small money~).

"Young Master Mu, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the character models are all done, but because there are many maps, there are still some unfinished."

"That's fine, I have to prepare a new game too, Nimeng, come on ⊙⊙!"

After Mu Chen said a few words, he left Liu Jin's place, leaving Liu Jin alone in the wind.

At this moment, Liu Jin understood that the dungeon he and Lin Sen were making in Mu Chen's heart should belong to his stepmother~
My 800 million warriors expressed dissatisfaction!

emmm, but the game hasn't come out yet, the number of warriors is currently only Mu Chen, but it's not an egg~
On the seventh day after Shuguang Entertainment started the project of Legend of Sword and Fairy, all major domestic game companies received documents from the game management committee.

In Xinhuo Game, in the boss's office, Ma Teng fell into deep thought while looking at the documents from his boss in the game industry.

Independent creation, traditional culture, and at least one in two years, these words undoubtedly make Ma Teng Jio feel a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, at the end, there will be corresponding cash rewards and promotions for outstanding works.

Seeing this, Ma Teng felt somewhat comforted.

The 1000 million cash reward is not very attractive to Ma Teng, mainly because of the later promotion of film and television adaptations.

This thing made Ma Teng extremely greedy!

Although an excellent game, as long as the theme is suitable, there will be no shortage of opportunities for film and television adaptation.

But this film and television adaptation + promotion is not ordinary.

The adapted film and television company is designated by the government, of course it is the best one, and the promotion is also the promotion of the official channel, that is, the advertisement on the platform that many people watch every night ( ̄y▽ ̄)~*.

Tsk tsk tsk, this is the first time this kind of situation has happened in the game world, Ma Teng is lying if he says he is not envious.

But every time this kind of moment, he will think of Mu Chen and his Shuguang Entertainment.

There is no way, the pressure brought by the two is too great.

Before, he thought that the new game introduced from EG Games Company could win back the game, or even if it was not good enough, it would be able to draw with Shuguang Entertainment.

In the end, although the final result was good, but compared with "Minecraft", this result is simply ruining people's mood!

Whenever Ma Teng felt that the results of "Lord of the Knights" were very good, he always involuntarily wanted to check the statistics of "Minecraft".

emmm, it's not Ma Teng's fault, I guess he just wants to practice Jian~
After thinking about it until his brain hurts, Ma Teng called Griffin for air support!

Although independent production is required, it is not against the rules to borrow some technicians~

Half a year later, Mu Chen and Tang Xiaomo went out to play during the Spring Festival, and then went to live in their respective homes for a few days.

The rest of the time he spends at the company...

Tsk tsk tsk, that's a pain~
Turkey live broadcast, room 6612138.

"Impotence, isn't the Ni department out of favor?"

"That's right, I, Young Master Mu, haven't appeared in your live broadcast room for more than half a year!"

"Hmph, Mu Chen has been reckless and abandoned all the time, he abandoned our poor little anchor's impotence so quickly!"

"Emmm, don't you just read the announcement on Shuguang Entertainment's official website? Shuguang Entertainment is making a new game, and of course Young Master Mu doesn't have time to visit his concubine!"


In Yang Wei's live broadcast room, many bullet screens were discussing about Muchen, and the audience was saying that Yang Wei had fallen out of favor and was no longer Muchen's favorite.

Yang Wei also looked at the barrage and said:

"Hey~ You guys don't like it when you say that! Let's play, let's play, don't make fun of me, Master Mu! If Master Mu leaves the customs at that time, it will be me, Yang, who will suffer, not you!"

"What are you talking about?"

"That's right, what are you talking about? My army of tens of millions of baboons doesn't just eat bananas!"

"The Baba Army!"

"Mu Chen posted on Weibo, everyone, go check it out!"

Just as the audience cheered Yang Wei on the barrage, someone suddenly said that Mu Chen had posted on Weibo.

After finishing speaking, I saw that Yang Wei's popularity in the live broadcast room was as high as more than 1000 million before, and it quickly dropped to 800 million, then 500 million, and then 200 million... and then, it can't drop anymore~
Looking at the scattered barrage in his live broadcast room, Yang Wei couldn't laugh or cry.

He felt that his audience was probably all fake, or they were all Mu Chen's fans, so he just ran out of a Weibo post!

Immediately, he clicked on Mu Chen's Weibo, hehe~
"The new game, Dungeon and Warriors, is a 2D side-scrolling fighting + development online game. You only need to spend some trivial time on your part to experience a different world!"

"Seria and Arad Continent need you!"


Mu Chen's Weibo, which had been silent for a long time, finally had a new update, and also brought a new game, which excited many players who wanted to change their taste.

Little did they know, they were about to fall into the hands of a woman named Celia and couldn't extricate themselves...

But this time, the players also found that after Mu Chen released the news of the new game's launch, there was no movement immediately, and he didn't even interact with the players to like or anything, which made people very puzzled.

The same is true for Ma Teng of Xinhuo Game, extremely puzzled.

Because he knew that Shuguang Entertainment would definitely produce the traditional cultural games mentioned by the game management committee before, but this Dungeon and Warriors knew at a glance that it could not be a game that promotes traditional culture!

"Could it be that Shuguang Entertainment really ignored the request from above?"

Ma Teng said to himself there.

No way!

Even if Mu Chen is Mu Feng's son, he can't just ignore the official request!

"Or, they still have a game that meets the requirements in production, but they just released this game first?"

Not to mention Ma Teng who is still guessing there.

After the players saw that Shuguang Entertainment had a new game online, they all ran to download it impatiently, and then went to save that poor girl named Celia~
"This game looks very ordinary! Just swipe, keep swipe!"

"I jio so much, I feel like playing old arcade games!"

"Haha, I just like this kind of lawn mowing game!"


Many players have started a heated debate on whether "Dungeon and Warriors" is fun or not.

 Ask for votes, beep! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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