Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 121 Flick, Then Flick

Chapter 121 Flick, Then Flick
In the end, it is estimated that the sincerity of the audience moved the God of Europe. Yang Wei's 14-increase weapon, under the prayers of the audience in his live broadcast room, was still on the way to a 15-increase.

May God fool you~ Amplify forever!


On July 7th, Mu Chen looked at the data of Dungeon and Fighter (the little money he earned), and showed a satisfied (aunt-like) smile.

The gold-absorbing ability of Celia, a beautiful girl, is really unreal. Countless warriors are willing to spend a lot of money on her.

Of course, this is still thanks to the commercial (krypton gold) routines set by Lao Liu and the extremely precise (low) burst rate and success rate designed by Lin Sen.

Judging from the current statistical data, nearly 5000 players have already spent more than [-] RMB in the dungeon. This is because Dungeon and Warriors has not been online for too long, otherwise the data will only be more terrifying.

After all, there are still many people who haven't experienced the "fun" of playing a team and the joy after a successful increase (explosive luck).

"What happened to Diablo from Firewood Games?"

While looking at the data panel of the dungeon, Muchen asked Old Liu.

After all, the Diablo in Muchen’s previous life has been popular for a long time, and the replayability is still very good. Anyway, the picture quality, gameplay and occupations are just 999 for fun. .

"There are a lot of people who play, but because of the sudden charge for playing, many players were persuaded to quit by the sudden meal method of Xinhuo Game.

After all, the players are excited to play, but in the end they have to spend a small amount of money. Although it is not expensive, it is indeed a bit disgusting..."

Lao Liu, a simple and honest person, couldn't help complaining + gloating about the blind comparison operation of the old horse next door.

Muchen didn't expect that Ma Teng would be exactly the same as the charging method of Blizzard's father in Muchen's previous life.

But... Blizzard in the previous life was able to succeed with this model, because there were basically no interesting computer games on the market at that time. It was only 1996 at that time, and most people were still holding red and white machines, or Nintendo's. The handheld is playing a small game, and the players are naturally very excited about the sudden appearance of "Diablo".

And because some of the previous small parts are free, it is enough to attract many players.

And after the white piao, even if the players find out that there is a fee, in order to play a good game, they probably gritted their teeth and passed it.

But now...

What time is this? !
Although Xinhuo Game uses this mode, it will attract many people in the early stage just like Blizzard.But now, since the players have more choices, they can play in a different game after a while.

For example, the dungeon of Shuguang Entertainment next door is very good. It is healthy and environmentally friendly. It doesn’t burn oil or electricity, and it doesn’t cost money at all. It’s just that you occasionally feel a little bit of coolness on the top of your head.

But these are small problems, aren't they?
In the words of the warriors, the liver is over!
"Old Liu, go and ask Lao Hu to make the promotional CG of Legend of Sword and Fairy a bit cooler, and add any special effects to it. This time, I will surprise these people's attention!"

"Good Master Mu!"

After Liu Jin agreed, he went to find him, Laohu, a good engine oil, to explain the task.

Five days later, Muchen posted a CG video of the game "Legend of Sword and Fairy" on Weibo.

This time he was even more aloof, he posted the video without even mentioning the name of the game, and only Mu Chen's Weibo revealed the news of the new game, the rest of Dawn Entertainment's platforms were silent.

"Guigui! Longevity! Mu Chen is alive!"

"Please take care! QAQ QAQ!"

"Young Master Mu, let's discuss something, can you ask Celia to return the money to me? I accidentally used up the money I bought Wusan to increase the rate!"

"emmm, Dungeon is a good game!"

"That's right! I just don't know what's going on, the dark circles under my eyes are getting heavier and heavier recently, and the top of my head is getting colder and colder!"

As soon as these people saw Mu Chen posting on Weibo, they didn't read the content directly and started to praise (??) that Dungeon and Warriors is a good game, Celia is a good girl!

"Squeeze the noise! ​​Go watch the video! There seems to be something in this new game!"

After watching the video, some people commented under these Tucao comments.

Sure enough, after 2 minutes, the painting style in the comment area completely changed.

"Emmm, thank jio I'm going to abandon my wife Celia..."

"Hehe! I'm diabetic, I can wake you up!"

"If Seria is your wife, wouldn't you green our eight hundred warriors? Think about the consequences, kid!"

"I'm digressing! After reading it, I also feel that my hands are no longer suitable for holding guns, and Yujian is more suitable!"

"That's right! Suddenly, I feel that Summoner's Rift is boring~"

Looking at the exaggerated admiration of these people, some people who have not watched the video expressed disbelief.

"Damn it! Did Mu Chen give you all the ecstasy or the love potion? You all abandoned your beliefs and wives?!"

"Could it be that Shuguang Entertainment has also followed the example of Ma Teng, who has been promoted?"

"Haha, Ma Teng, the captain of my navy, condemns Shuguang Entertainment's plagiarism!"

After a while, the netizen who was the first to question these amazing comments spoke again and said:

"Fart sailor, go and see for yourself, I take back what I said before!"

"Damn it! It was bought so quickly? What's so good about it?"

Someone immediately asked again.

"Don't say it, don't say it~ This kind of thing can only be understood but not expressed in words! Anyway, it's very exciting to watch!"

"That's right, especially a man, that's what makes the blood boil!"

After a while, many people said some gaudy words under the comment of the netizen who asked the question to confuse others.

And after that person saw these specious comments, he wondered (blindly) in his heart, immediately showed a wretched smile, and clicked on the promotional CG sent by Mu Chen.

Then... Although this person was very disappointed when he saw the video for the first time, he was attracted by the cool skills and the dazzling scenery in the video.

In this way, the promotional video of Shuguang Entertainment's new game "Legend of Sword and Fairy" was frantically reposted by fans, and even many netizens who did not play games were also promoted by this. I was attracted by the video, and said that I would try it after the game was released.

After that, those loyal game fans of Shuguang Entertainment urged Muchen to launch new games every day.

For this currently only one promotional video, which seems to be a fairy-like game, the players seem to be a little impatient.

 Ask for a ticket...

  This book will be on the shelves tomorrow, so I created a py group for readers, and if you are interested, you can add it!Thank you very much for your support!

  Skirt number: 424796405
(End of this chapter)

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