Chapter 123
Emmm, I didn't expect that as a gai, I would have a day to write a testimonial on the shelves. I am very grateful to the editor-in-chief who signed me at the beginning and the editor-in-chief after that. The pointer is great.There are also my few readers, thank you very much for clicking in to read this book, and thank you even more for your collection, recommendation tickets and rewards.I still remember how excited I was when I received the first tip.

It’s on the shelves today, the little thief doesn’t ask for much, and those who are able to continue to support it, I hope you will support subscriptions or votes in the future, friends who are going to other amazing websites (the author is also a person who has experienced it, and understands), I still hope that everyone I can support today's first order. If you still feel that it is a good deal, I hope you can vote for a recommendation or something.

Thanks again to all the friends who read the book, after all, I can’t go on without you (hahahaha).

That's pretty much it for the testimonials.

There are at least five updates today, take your time, if the results are passable after it is put on the shelves, basically there will be one or two more chapters two days a week.

emmmmm, if the result is really crazy. . . . .

Really fragrant~~~ I will continue to make more!

Finally, I once again solemnly ask for a top spot, a recommendation ticket, and. . . .I finally got my coveted monthly pass! ! !

Thanks guys! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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