Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 130 The Unshakable Pot

Chapter 130 The Inescapable Pot

This time, Mu Chen really wronged the old horse.

Because this time Ma Teng really went out during the production of the game (to his thigh EG game company) because he had something to do.

In his opinion, making such a game that has been prepared for so long will not go wrong without him watching.

However... who the hell knew that the group of programmers in the company still added krypton gold in the same way as before.

But in the end, this blame still has to be counted on Ma Teng's head.

Although he is not good at making games, and he doesn't have any good ideas, but he is very good at how to get money from players.

Just look at the knight lords who are still not cold and still have a lot of water every day.

So before that, he had arranged and decided the level of krypton gold in the game by himself.

But this time when he went to Europe, he forgot to tell the people in the company not to add krypton gold elements into it. Anyway, this is a game that the higher-ups should focus on.

So... In the end, Ma Teng had to bear the blame.

Originally, when he saw that Shuguang Entertainment's new game was so fraudulent, he had no hope of winning, but he still wanted to use this game to make a good impression on the game management committee.


This time, because of being reported for krypton gold, although it didn't cause any substantial damage to his fire game, the invisible damage was huge, which can be said to be the kind that hurts muscles and bones.

After all, this time their fire game was completely recorded in the small notebook of their immediate boss.

In the future, they don't need to think about taking care of them in the fire games. It is the Lord Buddha's blessing not to be troubled.

Ma Teng's trip to Europe this time was actually quite rewarding. As a result, his good mood was washed away immediately after returning to the company.

He had already discussed with Griffin of EG Game Company how to deal with Shuguang Entertainment in the past this time, and under the analysis of the two and the European think tank over there, it was extremely feasible.

Even if it can't be said that they can completely defeat Shuguang Entertainment and turn over to be the master, but it is still possible to force a serious salted fish to turn over.

Although a salted fish is still a salted fish, it is a salted fish that has been turned over, and it is more expensive to sell than a salted fish that has not been turned over~
And after their discussion, the most likely way to make a comeback this time is - plagiarism, which is called borrowing.

Suguang Entertainment has so many games, if you find some ideas and combine them, you can come up with one or more good games.

Emmm, although so many people have been discussing for a long time, they just came up with a plagiarism, which sounds very... that kind of method, but this is indeed the most suitable method for Xinhuo game at this stage.

After all, EG’s Griffin is using Knight Lord and Diablo (every mistake, this game is actually obtained by the old horse from Griffin, but it is claimed to be their own) are two games to test After two battles with Suguang Entertainment, he found that he alone was no match for Suguang Entertainment in the field of PC games.

Therefore, Griffin called his partners who were far away in Xiaguo to discuss countermeasures.

And the reason why they felt that plagiarism was the most appropriate method after discussion was because they were inspired by Suguang Entertainment.

Griffin said at the time, since your Shuguang Entertainment’s own game is so good and has such great appeal to players, then I will combine your advantages and make an enhanced version of the game.

In the end, Griffin, Ma Teng and his team finally decided which games to combine after another large number of brain cells died.

No way, in their eyes, they have to admit that every game of Suguang Entertainment is so excellent.

Even, when they were choosing a game, something called "happiness troubles" appeared at one point.

In the end, they chose League of Legends and CS!

That's right!

This time they also want to combine an online game that can occupy a place in PC online games.

As for the previous knight lord?
Haha, this game can only be said to be barely at the level of online games, and Griffin himself knows that it is a fantasy to threaten or even affect the status of the two world dominant online games, CS and League of Legends!

Combining the hero battle elements of League of Legends and the fps shooting game elements of CS to create an fps game in which players use hero characters to shoot.

Moreover, the heroes controlled by the players can not only perform basic shooting, but also use active skills to attack or defend, and even have passive skills like the heroes of League of Legends.

When Griffin and Ma Teng combined these two borrowed ideas together, and then said it out.

They seem to see a golden road spreading out under their feet, with RMB and British pounds all over it, and then extending to far, far away.

Later, after the two parties established the project, Griffin sent many excellent game producers from their company to Xiaguo with Ma Teng.

As for him, he was waiting for Mu Chen and Shuguang Entertainment in another, more advanced realm.

At that point, Griffin feels he will transition from a challenger role to a defender.

After all, in the field of virtual games, he can pat his chest and say that EG Games is definitely three or even five years ahead of Suguang Entertainment.

That's why he racked his brains to ask Ma Teng to entertain Shuguang as much as possible and create trouble for Muchen.

As for himself, he will continue to lead EG Games in the field of virtual games to study the weapons (games) they use to defend or defeat Suguang Entertainment.

As for our young master Mu, he hasn't noticed the movements of the old horse next door for the time being, let alone know that Griffin and the old horse have already made an amazing game through the two games of his Shuguang Entertainment.

Now Mu Chen is frowning looking at a report brought by Lao Liu.

"You mean, there are many handheld devices similar to Switch on the market now?"

While looking at the very familiar handheld phone on the report, Muchen asked this old Liu.

"That's right, Master Mu, these handhelds only have handheld mode, and most of them can't have detachable handles like our switch, let alone be able to make decisions.

But their prices are lower, generally between 150RMB-400RMB, and only a few of them exceed 400, or 500. "


Isn't this the PSP?There is no such thing here? !

When Mu Chen first thought of handheld games, he only thought of the extremely high-end Switch or Xbox, and finally he chose the Switch which has a wider audience.

But he didn't expect to forget this kind of game console that once dominated the low-end handheld market.

Looking at the report, Muchen slowly fell into deep thought.

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(End of this chapter)

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