Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 135 "Minecraft" Competition Area

Chapter 135 "Minecraft" Competition Area (For Order)
In the next few days, Mu Chen came here to watch the game every day, and occasionally he used his trumpet to send out some unreasonable barrage in the live broadcast room of the game.

For example, "Mu Chen is so handsome!" "Mu Chen cheated!" and other extremely shameless words, Ye Shengge who was watching from the side rolled his eyes.

And after the wild card teams were finally eliminated in the previous few days after they were amusing and making blind comparisons, the competition between the teams gradually became more and more intense and exciting.

Although the matches played by the wild card brothers Meng were wonderful, but what the audience most wanted to see was the wonderful operations of these professional players on the field.

After all... it's popular to learn by watching, isn't it!

Of course, in the past two days, apart from the League of Legends and CS competitions, the "Minecraft" creative competition mentioned by Mu Chen is also going on simultaneously.

This competition is played by competitors on the first day of the previous competition day.

Participants are required to complete a work independently in the Minecraft creation mode within the entire SG Global E-sports competition day.

The selection of works is varied.

It can be a character model, or high-tech such as a spaceship aircraft carrier, or something that the contestants imagined by themselves, etc., whatever.

Even if it's just a random ball, as long as the players are willing, no matter how simple it is, that's fine.

Emmm, of course, due to the nature of the competition, the results of all contestants' works are determined by the votes of the audience.

There is no intermediate platform to make the difference, and the audience can only vote on the spot, and each person has only one voting right per day.

Although at the beginning Lao Liu and Ye Shengge expressed doubts about Mu Chen's addition of this competition, but when they saw some spectators who came to watch the competition sign up for the competition the next day, they became Spartans...

At that time, Mu Chen kindly explained to them that as long as this competition is not over, everyone can participate. Of course, the premise is that you must be a player of "Minecraft".

So, after watching a League of Legends European and American battle today, Mu Chen leisurely came to the "My World" Creative Competition with Lao Liu and Ye Shengge.

There is no way, watching the game live is indeed more atmospheric, but these big European and American brothers are really a little enthusiastic, making the atmosphere a bit too lively.

So Mu Chen came here after watching the game to wash his eyes.

The "Minecraft" Creative Competition has a special competition venue, and the contestants are actually players.

They can create in the game on the computer or mobile phone provided by Suguang Entertainment; and their works will be displayed in real time on the display screen of the works in this competition area in turn.

In this way, viewers who come to watch the game can find their favorite works by looking at the display screen of the works, and then vote.

At this time, Mu Chen, Liu Jin, and Ye Shengge mixed with the audience and walked into the "My World" competition area.

Emmm, as for why these three were not recognized by the players, just look at their outfits.

Peaked caps + glasses, plus their heads that are not raised very often, the three autistic children are alive and well.

Who can connect them with the boss/leader of Suguang Entertainment?
However, during this period, Lao Liu was still very worried that he would be recognized by the players. If the imperial capital in August was not so hot, he would have planned to wear a mask and scarf.

Anyway, he was frightened by those players. The three of them were walking on the road to the venue two days ago, and players would send chocolate blades from time to time.

Among them, players in the dungeon gave gifts most frequently, and many people even gave Mu Chen gifts.

After delivering the blades, these people did not forget to say in their mouths: "Master Liu and Young Master Mu please bless me, I have gathered all the booster materials today, I hope I can pass it in one go!"

When hearing this, Mu Chen who had already opened the chocolate and ate the blade almost didn't spit it out on the spot.

Why did this group of people treat this blade as a tribute?Please bless!
So, this time, Mu Chen and Liu Jin unanimously decided to come over after some disguise.

As for Ye Shengge, of course the minority obeys the majority~
It is said that after entering the venue, the three of them began to search around on the display screen of the works, and they would comment on interesting works when they saw them.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this person has a big brain!"

"That's right, there are indeed frauds!"

"I just don't know if I can make this thing work in the end. If it can't work, it's actually no different from the normal shape!"

"Yo heh~ you can do it, can you go?"

"I do not!"

"Spicy chicken!"

"Knock your mother!"


The three of Mu Chen heard the voices of the audience greeting each other in front of them, so they walked over to see what happened.

When the three arrived, the sound of greetings had stopped. It should be that the surrounding audience had a friendly communication with the two greeting each other.

However, the audience around this area still looked at a work on the display screen and were full of praise there.

And when he squeezed in to see this area and the works on the monitor, Mu Chen also understood why so many people were surrounded here.

This area is specially used to display the top ten creative works voted by players in real time, and the two players who greeted each other before seem to be because of one of these works.

Mu Chen started to look forward from No.10 one by one.

None of the latter works particularly surprised him, they were all kinds of characters or architectural shapes, which really made Mu Chen, who was used to seeing the works of great gods in his previous life, not very interested.

And hearing Mu Chen's boring smacking sound, both Liu Jin and Ye Shengge looked at Mu Chen in surprise.

Knowing Mu Chen's strength, they couldn't understand why Mu Chen seemed to look down on these excellent works in their eyes.

After all, in the eyes of the two of them, as far as Mu Chen can turn the Leaning Tower of Pisa into a dilapidated building/demolished building, they actually have the nerve to smash it there.

emmm, the upper limit of skin thickness has been refreshed again.

Mu Chen, who looked down on these works there, didn't know that he had been silently despised by Lao Liu and Ye Shengge in his heart.

There is no way I know.

It's not that he has a high eye but a low hand, but after he has seen Minecraft version of the Forbidden City, Suzhou Gardens and other extremely fraudulent works, he is really interested in these works that are well-made but not grand enough.

However, when he saw the work that ranked first in the audience's vote, his mouth really didn't slam it anymore.

Because it has slowly become an O-type.


  Ask for votes Ask for votes Ask for votes! ! !

  Finally, thank you "Hell の Wandering Soul" for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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