Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 138 Losing a Crown

Chapter 138 Losing a crown

Looking at Liu Jin who was still shaking hands with a forced smile, Muchen and the others all showed gloating smiles.

Uh...Zhou Pin is not a silly boy.

He is now looking at those players around Liu Jin with extreme envy, wishing he could go back and shake Liu Jin's thick hands a hundred and eighty times~
"Okay, after you officially join the job, you can hold it every day, why are you so envious!"

Muchen hated Zhou Pin's envious and jealous look.

"By the way, don't miss the progress of your work when you are in charge of the MC competition during this time. Although it is not considered a competition work now, it can still attract many players!"

Muchen first vaccinates Zhou Pin who is about to take office.

By the way, let him continue to complete the unfinished mc computer. If that is the case, it will definitely cause a great sensation among the players.

After all, being able to play another game on the computer in one game sounds quite exciting.

Finally, after another half an hour, Koi Liu finally finished his pick-up trip.

"Young Master Mu, do we have any new projects? I'm going to make money right now, er no, to design a more perfect krypton gold system.

I was afraid of them, everyone thought that I was really the reincarnation of a koi, and holding my hand would really increase the success rate? "

With an angry face, Liu Jin expressed that he would continue to work hard on his krypton gold skill points.

Seeing Liu Jin like this, Mu Chen suddenly felt that those players who ganked Old Liu became cute.

This is the first time that Lao Liu has actively expressed that he wants to work hard on krypton gold skill points. Before that, Mu Chen called him, and Liu Jin was reluctant to think about how to make players more willing to spend their small money. .

And first...

( ̄y▽ ̄)~*
In the days to come, when the players found that their pockets were becoming more and more dry without knowing it, they realized what they had done in the first place.

The parties expressed their regret.


Sure enough, the next day our old Liu didn't go to watch the match with Muchen and Ye Shengge.

He expressed that he would use the reason of this competition to launch a wave of krypton gold activities in the entire Shuguang Entertainment's games, so that these players who came to rub his European spirit would bleed a lot.

"I believe everyone must have been looking forward to this game for a long time!"

On the stage, the host began to incite the emotions of the audience.

"Next, let us applaud and welcome the champion from the Xiaguo Division——Team WJ, and ~ the champion from the European Division——Team GOD!"


Not only the live voice yesterday, but even the audience in the live broadcast room of the game were excitedly posting barrage there.

"( ) The blockbuster! It feels like the final is ahead of schedule!"

"Thinking too much, this is just a group match, and it won't be GG if you lose, so it must not be as intense as the final."

"How is it possible? Look at how fierce the WJ team was last year. No matter which game they played, they were all straight-up!"

"Cut! A bunch of stupid fans! Didn't you watch the previous domestic games? The current WJ team has started to focus on operations because of the injury of the captain Wang Tianqi, what kind of hot games do you want to watch?!"

"Hey! I don't care! Wang Tianqi is the most handsome!"


Afterwards, the game did not go as expected by some spectators on the previous bullet screen. The two teams played weakly.

Mainly on the side of the WJ team.

Their whole team chose to fully develop first, and then they fought small-scale team battles with the opposing GOD team.

In the end... because of the lack of brain development, the equipment of the WJ team is slightly ahead of the GOD team, so they defeated the opponent with an extremely slight advantage.

In this game, except for a few brainless fans of the WJ team, some other rational fans basically saw their problems.

"What's the matter? I feel that this year's WJ and last year's are completely two teams!"

"Same! This year they seem to only be able to operate and not dare to fight!"

"Last year's WJ was brave and resourceful, but this year they lost the courage to fight!"

"Fart! Why didn't I see that they had lost their courage? One by one spoke so mysteriously, if you can do it, go ahead, if you can't, don't force it!"


Although WJ won the game.

But...their fans got into a fight because of this.

While eating melons, many players who followed the competition also discussed the League of Legends teams participating in the competition this year.

"Let me tell you~ The final champion is probably our Xia Guo Division's WJ team!"

"Maybe, the domestic LT (Thunder) team will also make a comeback this year!"

"There is also king, the king team is very strong this year, although they are not the champion of the competition area, but I think they are much stronger than the champion of the competition area, GOD!"

"Hehe, the upstairs said that Europe is making money. How often do they peck each other with the American team?"

"WJ is cheating!"


During this period of time, as long as players who pay attention to the game are discussing who will win this year's League of Legends champion.

Last year, because of the disparity in strength, there was nothing to argue about.

But this year is different.

Last year's champion team WJ's legendary captain, e-sports Hall of Fame player, this year due to injuries, his dominance in the mid laner has decreased a lot.

Therefore, although WJ still has a lot of supporters who believe that they will win the championship this year, there are still many people who slander them.

Plus their three major opponents this year.

The LT team, a veteran domestic team, has reemerged strongly; the school team ENG, the second school team of Wannian;

These four teams are the teams that stayed to participate in the semi-finals after half a month of group matches and knockout matches.

And because the CS game ends a few days earlier than League of Legends, the champion of CS has already won before the semi-finals of League of Legends has started.

And the champion of the CS project of the third SG global e-sports competition completely blew up the emotions of the domestic audience.

"Why? ACE-5 actually lost?!"

"Ahhhh! I'm crying! Three consecutive championships! It's only two seconds away!"

"Sigh~ Fade Chen has tried his best. The main reason is that two members of the team are older, and their reactions can't keep up with the rhythm!"

"I know! But it doesn't stop me from crying, they used to be my faith! But now..."

"What used to be belief? ACE-5 will always be my belief! Since I watched them win the first championship in the Internet cafe, I have completely fallen in love with this team that never gives up! Even this year He lost!"

"Because of Fade Chen, I played AWP for three years!"


That's right, the champion of CS this year is not the previous two consecutive championship team ACE-5, but a young team from Europe:


 Keep asking for votes! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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