Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 143 PUBG Mobile

Chapter 143 PUBG Mobile
August 8th, Friday, sunny.

As a gaming nerd who lives at home, Shangguan Yi sat in front of his computer as soon as he woke up at noon.

emmm, as for why Shangguan Yi didn't go to work on Friday and stayed at home...

Of course, it's because besides his identity as a gaming geek, he also has another identity that is even more jarring to put it bluntly—that is, he is a rich, very rich... gaming geek!

So he doesn't have to work~
As a qualified second generation, he only used to go to his old man's company occasionally when he thought of it. Anyway, he didn't plan to inherit the family business. After all, he still had an elder brother whom everyone praised.

Especially after Shuguang Entertainment released more and more games in the past two years, Shangguan Yi, an excellent second generation who used to go out to clubs and race cars from time to time, is now addicted to games every day and cannot extricate himself. So like a qualified second generation.

Today, after Shangguan Yi opened the Shuguang game platform as usual, the little rooster first chose a game from his full game list.

"CS? It's okay, it's been a few days since the last time I played, ACE-5 lost, and it seems that even the players have lost a lot?!"

While talking about the changes in CS these days, Shangguan Yi clicked on the CS he had selected.

"Here comes baby, my big sniper is already hungry and thirsty!"

After loading the game, Shangguan Yi became a little excited.

Ran goose ...

He was about to click to start the game when he suddenly saw a questionnaire pop up on the screen.

Originally, he planned to cross it out directly, but under his eyes, he found that there were two words in the title of the questionnaire that he was more interested in.

Ship new version...

New fps game...

Then, he clicked in, and spent a few minutes filling out the questionnaire with all kinds of questions.

After that, Shangguan Yi happily went to use his CS full-skin account to find abuse.

Today, all CS players received prompts to fill in this questionnaire when they went online, but there are still many people who directly forked out the questionnaire just like Shangguan Yi's first choice.

The next day, Mu Chen, Liu Jin, and Lin Sen were sitting in the office, a combination called the Dawn Triangle by the company's employees.

"Young Master Mu, according to the results of the questionnaire survey, 70% of the players are still looking forward to our new fps game. Many old players also said that although CS is fun, after playing for more than three years, they are not interested in the game. The popularity of the game is not as good as before, at most, I go to the entertainment bureau every day to relax."

Liu Jin told Muchen and Lin Sen the results of Shuguang Entertainment's questionnaire in detail.

Mu Chen was still mentally prepared for this result.

Although the CS in the previous life was still a small fire from the time it was launched to when Mu Chen passed through, its influence was indeed not as good as before.

As for this life, it is reasonable for the popularity of CS to drop, especially after the Xia Guo team lost the world championship this time, many players really said they would quit under disappointment.

Therefore, Mu Chen took this opportunity to launch a new, phenomenal fps shooting game.

Of course, even if the results of the questionnaire are not satisfactory, Mu Chen will still release new games.

That's it!
"Young Master Mu, what are we going to do with our new shooting game this time?"

Lin Sen couldn't wait to ask Mu Chen.

"Hehe, it's the type you like, and it can be regarded as a game with a high degree of player freedom."

Mu Chen smiled mysteriously, and said to Lin Sen.

"The degree of freedom is very high? How can the degree of freedom of fps games be so high? Could it be that players are playing blindly in the game?"

"Puff~ cough cough cough..."

When Mu Chen heard Lin Sen's analysis, he coughed until he couldn't breathe.

Is this guy a woman?Intuition so accurate? !
"What's wrong? Young Master Mu, is there something wrong?"

Seeing Muchen's reaction so intensely, Old Liu asked.

"Ahem, it's okay, what Xiaolinzi said is right, the new game is the kind that puts players into the game to fight and shoot each other!"

"Oh?! Really?"

When Lin Sen heard Mu Chen's affirmation, he also looked at Mu Chen in great surprise, he didn't expect that his wild guess would be right.

"The new gameplay is roughly like this: Throw a hundred players into a relatively large map, which contains various supplies, such as guns, bullets, knives, medical supplies, etc.; the players need to Enter the battlefield empty-handed on the plane, then search for supplies to arm yourself, and finally kill all the enemies to win!
Of course, this game can have team games, up to four people. "

As soon as Mu Chen finished speaking, the three-good student Lin Sen couldn't help it.


"Tell me..."

"Then what if the players can't meet each other? I choose a place where no one can find and hide, and then leave my hands from the keyboard. If this is the case, how will the game be won or lost?"

Lin Sen asked an extremely critical question.

"Yes, Xiao Linzi hit the nail on the head!"

Muchen first praised Lin Sen, and then continued: "The next thing I want to talk about is the core of this new game—the poisonous circle. It can be called the radiation grid if it is more humane. Anyway, it will make the players Something that bleeds."

Then, Mu Chen spent an entire hour explaining the concept of the poison circle to Lin Sen and Liu Jinzai carefully and earnestly.

"In this way, players will no longer be able to find a place to shrink their heads. After all, they will die sooner or later. They will definitely choose to fight~"

After finishing speaking, Mu Chen let out a long breath.

"Emmm, Master Mu, if, I mean if, if there are players who are really lucky and can always be brushed in the poisonous circle, then they can also be a TMNT who can't move me! "

Well, Lin Sen's mind has already thought of the extremely metaphysical thing of the circle of destiny.

"It's up to you and Lao Liu. As long as the law of refreshing the poisonous circle I mentioned is made extremely complicated, or there is no law at all, it can minimize the number of things you said about Xiao Linzi. This is the case."

Mu Chen, who had already prepared a draft, said to Lin Sen and Liu Jin.

Seeing that both of them had no problem, Mu Chen continued to talk about other game elements.



weapon system...

And... that excellent physics engine!
This time, he wanted to ensure that the Suguang Entertainment version of the game would not be in a situation where Mr. Newton's coffin could not be overwhelmed.

But... Mu Chen was reluctant to delete some things that made sense, so he chose to keep them.

Metaphysics tricycle...

Eight-level frying pan...

Finally, the new game of Suguang Entertainment——

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds!

The project is officially approved!
 It's the end of the month, take your buddies to vote for the recommended votes, monthly tickets, etc. that you haven't voted for!Don't waste it!QAQ QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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