Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 155 I know who this is!

Chapter 155 I know who this is!
Let's not mention Yang Wei's grief for now, after all, not everyone is as good as him.

For example, Mu Chen is in a bit of pain now, and it's still a pain in the brain, no, the top of his head is smoking.

"I said, Little Yezi~ How long has it been since the Chicken Eater came out? You just want to arrange a competition? Not to mention other things, you may not be able to find all the participants, right? The competition is less than a month away , tell me what you want to do?"

Muchen held the Longjing tea that Tang Xiaomo had just brewed for him in his hand, the hot air in the teacup condensed on Muchen's head, and there was a smell of three flowers gathering on the top.

However, it is obvious that Mu Chen at this moment does not have the slightest demeanor of a superior person, but he is trying to persuade Ye Shengge, who is a bit stubborn.

And Ye Shengge, who was sitting opposite Mu Chen, was holding a cup of fat house in his hand and was about to fall into the water. After hearing Mu Chen's words, he took a sip of Kuo Luo without haste, and after showing an expression of great enjoyment, he finally He said slowly to Mu Chen: "Oh, it's hard to find a three-legged toad, but there are so few people participating in the competition! Not to mention anything else, I can pull it off for you just in the Turkey live broadcast." A hundred people come out!"

Hearing what Ye Shengge said, Muchen almost spit out the tea he just drank.

"No?! You mean it's enough to call the anchor to participate?"

Muchen looked at Ye Shengge, who was still sipping on Kuluo, in a daze, and asked with some doubts.

"Then why not? Do you think that I, the tournament chairman, can make you look like a real person out of thin air to participate in the competition?"

Ye Shengge, who turned into a happy fat mansion, continued to drink Coke, and complained to Mu Chen, the unreliable boss, without raising his head.


Mu Chen was taken aback by the words, and then patted his smoking head.

There were so many various anchor competitions in the previous life, but I actually ignored this thing.

Indeed, in this case, there is no need for professional players. At that time, the host will be changed from Turkey Live to Shuguang Entertainment, and then the competition venue will be moved to Shuguang Entertainment’s e-sports venue, it’s all right~
"That's okay, just look for it in the anchor circle of Turkey Live, and treat it as an exhibition game, after all, it's not a professional."

Muchen agreed with Ye Shengge's idea of ​​finding an anchor to play the game, which would make it easier to promote PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Anyway, his Shuguang Entertainment's SG global e-sports competition still has a lot of viewers.


A week later, there are more and more players of Shuguang Entertainment's new game, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and now many people are talking about eating chicken, 98k, [-]x mirror and so on.

He Xiu, one of the many game anchors in Turkey Live, with his superb CS skills and a handsome face, he still has a good popularity in the game section of Turkey Live, but he is not the same as the legendary Turkey The top card - Yang Wei, is far behind.

Today, He Xiu started the broadcast on time at 5 pm as usual.

CS has the top level of the small earth. Now that PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is so popular, he naturally followed the trend and switched to eating chicken, and because of his previous CS technology as a foreshadowing, now He Xiu feels even better after switching to eating chicken. It's like a fish in water.

"Brother Xiu, how many chickens are you going to eat today?"

As soon as he opened the live broadcast room, He Xiu saw the first barrage from the live broadcast room.

Just the language. . . . .Looks like it needs to be reorganized!
"Ahem, let's not talk about chickens, civilized you and me! This brother is not thorough enough!"

Before the game started, He Xiu still watched the barrage and chatted with the audience. After all, this is basically a must-have skill for every anchor.

"However, based on my previous record, no matter what I have to eat today, I will eat up to 5 handfuls!"

He Xiu uttered a number that seemed crazy, but was actually very modest.

You know, he broadcasted live a few days ago, and he could eat more than 10 chickens every day, and there were quite a few heads.

So 5 is really He Xiu's modesty.

More than ten minutes later, He Xiu's computer screen displayed enviable words: Good luck, chicken tonight!

However, the audience seems not very satisfied~~
"It's boring! It feels like the anchor alone is like a stand-alone player, killing people casually, and then eating chicken casually!"

"That's right, just for a while, I feel that I'm already boring."

"Ahem, boring brother, can I borrow one to talk to you?"

He Xiu looked at the viewers on the bullet screen who said they were boring, and he had no good idea.

After all, although he is not an autistic child, he is a technical anchor. Before the game starts, he may be able to chat and joke with the audience, but once he enters the game, he will basically not talk to the audience. The audience chatted together.

It was okay when I was live broadcasting CS before. After all, although I didn’t cool off much, I still lay down from time to time, so I could chat with the audience in the live broadcast room. But after the broadcast of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, he only Only after the game is over can we have some time to chat with the audience, and the rest are concentrated on playing games.

So this led to the fact that many viewers who watched his live broadcast did not post barrage very much, and his popularity continued to decline.

Those fans who like to watch his live broadcast also gave him advice, saying that he should talk more during the game, but. . . . .He Xiu said that the concubine really couldn't do it!
"Anchor, it's boring to play alone, the fun of this game lies in your teammates!"

"That's right, as long as the teammates are enough sand sculptures, it doesn't matter whether they are chicken or not! Have fun~~~"

"Hurry up! If you're not used to it, drive a double-cab first to test the waters!"

Seeing He Xiu's hesitation, some viewers encouraged him vigorously on the barrage.

So, He Xiu started an attempt to change his live broadcasting career.

After 1 minute, He Xiu successfully got in.

At Quality Square, He Xiu, under the reminder of the audience, turned on the team voice in advance.

So as soon as he entered the game, he heard a somewhat familiar voice, as if he had heard it there not long ago.

"Wicked! Is it a little sister or a little MM?"

emmm, the reason why I feel familiar is that in He Xiu's opinion, not everyone can have this wretched energy.

He Xiu felt the same way, and those viewers in his studio who often hang out in the game area also felt that they seemed to hear this obscene voice often.

"I'm a man~"

Although He Xiu didn't want to answer, but he was his first teammate after all, so He Xiu replied in a blunt tone.

He Xiu's teammate was not disappointed after hearing He Xiu's answer, but said in a more embarrassing tone:

"Wow! Songsui! Wotong Lei Gang, you've made a lot of money by ranking me! Did you make it? The man in front of you is—the number one in the national uniform!"

Without waiting for He Xiu to speak, his teammate continued: "Jie is not a troll, but a real troll! It's a boom boom boom troll, not a typing troll!"

After He Xiu listened to what the mentally handicapped teammate said, he barely understood, but he didn't intend to reply.

After all, judging from the current performance of this person, He Xiu thinks that he should go to the hospital for an MRI of the brain first, and then get a psychiatric number. For the sake of the familiar voice, He Xiu thinks I can introduce him to an old Chinese doctor who specializes in bragging.

After listening to He Xiu's teammate's self-praise, the audience in He Xiu's live broadcast room all stared at the screen with bright eyes, typing one after another:
"I know who this is!!!" X10086
(End of this chapter)

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