Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 172 Horror Game

Chapter 172 Horror Game (ask for a monthly pass)
In terms of live broadcast effects, apart from games that can drive you crazy like Digging the Ground, there is another type of horror game.

Think about it, you turn off the lights in the middle of the night, turn on your mobile phone or computer, huddle under the quilt, watch the sand sculpture anchor play a horror game, and then you are so scared that you scream, and you scream occasionally, isn’t it very decompressing? ? !
Frightened emotions + screaming loudly can effectively relieve human pressure from work and life.

From——Shaji Shuo. Mu.

So, after Mu Chen happily decided to make a new game as a horror game, he began to think about some horror games in his mind.


Do you want to choose "forest"?
Although this game focuses on survival and construction, the mutants and monsters in it are quite scary.

Especially in some maps, when there is darkness all around, a mutant or a cannibal suddenly appearing from behind you can still scare the players into screaming.

However, "Forest" is not really a horror-oriented game, and those more terrifying cannibals or mutants only come out at night.

If the players play a little bit harder, then the horror of this game will be weaker.

It seems that you still need a very hardcore horror game.

Tut tut...

What should I choose?

Do you want to directly enlarge the trick and make that game that scares countless anchors + viewers into tears?

Thinking of this, Mu Chen showed a cruel smile on his face.


A stealth action game that dominates the rankings of major horror games all the year round.

Released in September 2103 by Red Barrels, players take on the role of an independent journalist sent to investigate a reopened home for the mentally ill.

The outline of the story is roughly: In the remote Colorado mountains, a mental hospital named Mount Massive was closed due to some scandals, but after being abandoned for a long time, the mental hospital reopened in the name of charity.The company behind it is the "research and philanthropy" division of a multinational corporation called Murkoff.It has been operating in secret, and according to tipsters inside the company, independent journalist Miles Upsher broke into the psychiatric research facility, and he discovered a world between science, religion, nature, and something eternal. horror secret.

And the player in the game is the brave reporter who uses the DV records in his hand to expose the company's crimes, but with the deepening of the investigation, he discovers some extremely terrifying things.

In the game, the player has no weapons, the only thing that can be used is the guy who the protagonist eats - the camera.

Players can see the dark mental hospital clearly through the night vision function of the camera, so as to find the right path, but throughout the game, players basically can only passively escape or find a place to hide.

Because many times players have to observe the surroundings through a bright green screen, there is also an interesting setting in the game-the power of the camera.

Players will consume a certain amount of power when using the camera. If the power of the camera is exhausted, the player can only look for batteries on the way to escape.

Of course, the premise is that you don't die in a dark mental hospital while looking for the battery.

In Muchen's view, players can only use the bright green camera to observe the dark surroundings. This design creates a sense of tension in the game, and the camera uses the batteries found in the game to maintain power. The design further enhances this sense of fear and tension that makes people fall into darkness at any time.

These settings of the game "Escape" are to force the player to escape while saving limited resources. Otherwise, when you don't have a battery on your body and you run out of power in the camera halfway, emmm, The result will certainly not be wonderful.

However, it only takes a few hours to play this game well. For many veterans, basically two or three batteries are enough, because after walking (died) so many times, they can remember when and how to play. Go, know where to turn off the night vision, just go blind.

But—it cannot be denied that for novices to this game, or players who have never played horror games, the experience in the first few days can definitely make people want to die.

In addition to the gameplay settings, "Escape" from the dynamic light and shadow to the excellent soundscape, can make players stand upright every minute and every second.Every time you enter a new area, every time you open the door is a psychological struggle, because the unknown in the darkness behind the door is too creepy, like walking through a pool of blood and leaving a line of bloody footprints behind you in other games The neglected details made the experience in this mental hospital extremely real.

But, to be nitpicking, there are a few things about Outlast that aren't quite as good as they should be.

For example, the realism of the character models in the game is somewhat discounted compared to other games.These models are not bad, but some enemies that look very scary from a distance lose their scary feeling after looking closer.Also, in the second half of the game, many enemy models are duplicated.

In general, the fear of "Escape" is actually that the things that bring fear to players in it are invincible to players, and they don't even have the means to resist, they can only run endlessly or hide.

Thinking of these, Mu Chen felt a little fascinated.

Of course it doesn't mean that he wants to like being abused or something, Mu Chen just simply wants to see those anchors who are forced to play this game by the audience, it's either bitter or feel like crying.

Just do what you say, after Mu Chen recalled a lot, Mu Chen began to type on the computer the plan of "Escape", the description of important characters, the description of the main plot, and the map description of the mental hospital Wait.

Two hours later, Mu Chen stood up from his seat, stretched his waist, stretched his muscles, looked at the results of his long-term struggle on the computer screen, and nodded very satisfied.

"Old Liu, come up, there is a mission coming."

Muchen called and called Liu Jin up.

"Master Mu, what's the matter? Is there a new game?"

After Lao Liu came up, he asked without waiting for Mu Chen to open his mouth.

"see this."

Mu Chen printed out the general plan of "Escape" written by himself and handed it to Liu Jin.


After Liu Jin took over the plan, he looked at the big two words on the cover and read them in a low voice.

 Please please~~~~ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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