Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 190 Where?dog barking?

Chapter 190 Where?dog barking?

Ever since Shuguang Entertainment released the holographic version of Pokémon, many young men and women wandered around in various parks, small lakes and other places in major cities every day.

This surprised many old men and women who were used to the desolate appearance of the park.

When did this group of young people like going to the park and looking at the mountains and rivers so much?

And there is a small board in his hand, and some are holding a red and white ball.

Is it popular among young people to play like this?
Do you want to ask my kid to buy one for me to play with?

Although we are getting older, we still need to keep up with the pace of the times!
Although the behavior of these young people seems very weird to older people.

But these young people are happy.

They turned on the switch or the elf ball in their hands in some places where these old men and women could not see
After that, they started their hasty upgrade journey.

There's no way, they were mostly playing and leveling in the Buddhist system before this.

Especially those office workers, basically only on weekends can they take the Pokémon they bought with a week's or half a month's salary to go out for a stroll.

But now, the reason why so many young people are wandering around with balls in the park in the early morning or evening is all caused by an announcement from Suguang Entertainment.

Just the night before, Shuguang Entertainment mentioned in an announcement on the official website that after a week, Pokémon will have a huge event, asking players to improve their Pokémon as much as possible. grade.

It is precisely because of this that today there are so many people holding switches and poke balls, wandering around in the streets, in parks, and in various streets and alleys.

Sometimes two players meet on the street by chance, and even take out their own switches or Poké Balls to let the Pokémon of both sides communicate with each other.

Emmm, this is why Mu Chen set up low-level AI for Pokémon.

Although the level of AI at this level is not enough for advanced communication between Pokémon and players, it can only recognize some basic action commands.

However, this level of AI intelligence allows Pokémon to communicate with each other that players cannot.

For example, hug each other, nod and say hello, or verbal provocation.

emmm, of course, Pokémon don't speak Chinese, nor English, but their own dialect.

Uh...well, stop bragging.

In fact, it was just some instructions that Mu Chen and the others had set up at the beginning.

In the entire Pokémon game, there are 802 Pokémon, and no two Pokémon faces that are different will have different voices or other body communication.

Of course, the voice is just an abstract term. When we actually encounter it, there is no specific voice, but some Martian Pokémon language that no one of the players can understand.

Of course, what Mu Chen didn't know was that the Pokémon language in this game is still being researched by many "planing scientists" transformed from soul scientists.

Since someone in the "Planer" connected Arceus with the grass mud horse mythical beast, this group of "Planer" felt that their research on Pokémon seemed to be very good!

As a result, their magic hands extended from the League of Legends to the Soul of Darkness, and then extended to Pokémon.

There was a lot of interest in Pokémon, a game with a thinner backstory.

And now, the research project of these people is Pokémon language.

When the "planers" discovered that the voices of different elves after they met were also different, these people thought about it with their duodenum, and felt that there must be some mystery in it.

Maybe these voices hide HTC's worldview and background stories.

Therefore, even though Shuguang Entertainment will have player activities (that is, boss battles) a week after the announcement, they are still tirelessly studying the voices of these Pokémon.

Emmm, Mu Chen still doesn't know about the matters between these players, otherwise, he would definitely die laughing.

You know, as I said before, these Pokémon languages ​​are all strange sounds, not languages ​​in the traditional sense.

To put it more bluntly, these voices were actually recorded by Mu Chen randomly looking for something.

Or cats, cats, dogs, chickens, ducks, frogs and other various animals, combined with post-synthesis.

After all, in Pokémon, most of the prototypes of Pokémon come from various animals.

Emmm, there are even voices of canine Pokémon in these voices, which were recorded by Mu Chen's silly dog, Mu Xiaosan.

That's's Erha who rarely appeared on the stage but has always been in Mu Chen's life.

So, if these "planing scientists" who study Pokémon language know that what they study are actually the sounds of some animals, they don't know how they should feel.

Erha: Maybe I'm scolding you, but you don't understand, and you're even studying my words vigorously!
Emmm, heartbroken!

On the night of August 8st, the Shuguang Entertainment forum, which was already very active, became even more heated because of the announcement made by Shuguang Entertainment.

"Pokémon has made friends. My Pokémon is Water Arrow Turtle. Now I want to find a Pokémon that is also a turtle-type water-type Pokémon. Let Pokémon make friends and chat with each other. ~"

This is currently the most popular post in the forum, and it is a post about making friends with Pokémon.

"Uh... Upstairs, do you really believe that Pokémon can make friends?"

"I also believe that those Pokémon researchers have said that these Pokémon should have unique communication methods."

"Fart! Why do I hear that my Katie dog barks a bit like Erha's bark?"

Someone posted a question that was infinitely close to the truth in the comments below.

"Hold the grass! Brother, you don't belong to a husky, do you? Otherwise, it's just a dog barking. How can you tell it's a husky barking? What if it's Alaska?"

Some players expressed disbelief in this statement, and expressed doubts that they could specifically hear the cry of Erha.


Immediately before that person posted another post to refute.

"Hehe, because my husky is quarreling with me every day now, telling me to let Katie out to chat with it! But Katie won't do it when it doesn't meet other Pokémon. Talking, it makes me have to spend money to buy battle balls to relieve my dog's boredom!"

"And don't talk about it, it really sounds more and more like it!"

 Today I officially received my certificate and graduated. Because of moving things, the update time for these two days will be very late. After I go home in two days, the update time will be earlier, and I won’t owe a chapter from time to time~
  emmm, if possible, strive for three shifts a day

  So... one more thing today is to ask for leave, I hope the bosses will forgive me, who just graduated and became a jobless vagrant...

(End of this chapter)

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