Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 192 Hot Sky?

Chapter 192 Hot Sky?

On the other hand, when Mu Chen explained the frequently appearing bosses to Lin Sen, the outside players also talked about it.

Of course, the players didn't really guess what the player activities of Suguang Entertainment would be like, as Lin Sen was worried about.

The line of sight returned to Shuguang Entertainment.

When Lin Sen took the opportunity of this event, he proposed to make World of Warcraft.

To be honest, Mu Chen was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that Lin Sen, an honest boy, had learned to play tricks, and even made indirect remarks in front of him that he wanted to work.

Emmm, for this kind of employees who take the initiative to ask for more burdens on themselves, our Young Master Mu certainly welcomes them very much.

Immediately, he took out a relatively thick planning book from the drawer, and handed it to Lin Sen who was looking at him eagerly.

"Here~ This is the plan for World of Warcraft. First, model the images of the key characters in it according to my requirements. When the time comes, let me see if you are suitable for this game!"

While Mu Chen handed the proposal to Lin Sen, he babbled on it, looking like an old woman sending her daughter off to get married.

When Lin Sen took over the planning of World of Warcraft, the expression on his face was quite exciting.

Afterwards, he, who was not very good at talking, slapped Mu Chen fiercely while holding the World of Warcraft planning book.

Of course... a bow.

"Young Master Mu, I will definitely be able to complete the game well, and I will not disappoint your trust in me!"

Looking at Lin Sen who spoke and acted with sincerity in front of him, the corners of Mu Chen's mouth couldn't help twitching.

This kid seems to be too deep into the drama...

If in the end he knows that the plan he took away is just a copy of World of Warcraft, will he come and kill me, the boss?

And another insider, Liu Jin.

He was also looking at the excited Lin Sen in the office, stroking his half-bald forehead, not knowing how to express it.

"Ahem~ Let me tell you, Xiao Linzi~"

Mu Chen cleared his throat and said:

"World of Warcraft is the first game in our Shuguang Entertainment Virtual Game Warehouse, so don't be careless!"

"And there are many problems that will not appear on the PC side, but will inevitably appear in the virtual game."

"Of course, you don't have to stress~ Although we don't know if World of Warcraft will be the world's first virtual game, it must be the first batch of virtual games. This represents the international ranking of our Shuguang Entertainment. noodle."

"Remember, we don't have to fight for the first place, but we can't lose the top spot!"

Emmm, what Mu Chen said seems to be comforting Lin Sen not to worry, let's not fight or grab, take your time.

But... Seeing Lin Sen's solemn face and Yazi's determined eyes, he knew that Mu Chen's purpose was actually to stimulate Lin Sen.

"Yes! I understand, Master Mu! I will definitely not let you down!"

After Lin Sen finished speaking, he hurriedly ran out, ready to start the long journey of game production.

After Lin Sen was tricked out, Liu Jin looked at Muchen and said, "Young Master Mu, isn't it a little too good for us to do this?"

Although the current old Liu is no longer the honest person who trembles three times when talking about health care under the influence of Mu Chen for several years.

But in his heart, he still felt that it was inappropriate for Mu Chen to fool a young man.

"Then if I directly give all the planning of World of Warcraft to Xiao Lin, Lao Liu, don't you worry?"

Mu Chen asked Liu Jin directly.

Liu Jin was also left speechless by the question.

No way, at Shuguang Entertainment, the employees questioned Mu Chen’s diligence (from time to time, he would take salty fish and lead the company’s employees to play hacks), questioned Mu Chen’s game strength (leading employees to play hacks, basically they would lose points ).

But... after so many years, no one can question Mu Chen's strength in game production.

So, if Mu Chen gave Lin Sen all the plans for World of Warcraft this time, and asked him to take full responsibility, maybe Lao Liu would be the first one to jump out and stop Mu Chen.

After all, his family knew about his own affairs. Although Liu Jin still recognized Lin Sen's level, he was never at ease in his heart.

You know, this child has learned skills from Mu Chen for a long time, but while learning skills, he also learned a lot of Mu Chen's bad habits.

Among them... What worries Liu Jin the most is that both of them like to add some weird things to the game, which can be called easter eggs.

But, the reason Mu Chen made Liu Jin trust him so much, he felt relieved.

It's because the easter eggs he added to the game, although they are a bit blind to Jill, still have logic to be found and can make sense in the game.

For example, this time the grass mud horse Pokémon of Pokémon was added by Mu Chen.

Not only did nothing go wrong, but it also aroused extensive discussions among players.

But Lin Sen was different.

This child's brain circuit is so strange that it explodes when making games.

Since the beginning of The Legend of Zelda, every time Lin Sen participated in the production of a game, Mu Chen had a headache for a long time.

Because this means that my workload will increase a lot.

In The Legend of Zelda, Lin Sen quietly added a small setting - Link can pick up animal flesh for cooking.

The most coquettish thing is that the cooked Rexiang can actually add some attributes.

Moreover, different attributes will be added according to the type of Xiang.


This famous hot shovel incident happened not long ago. If it weren't for the popularity of Pokémon, Link might not know how many shovels he ate now.

Mu Chen was also puzzled.

The Legend of Zelda has been on sale for so long, but only now did someone think of giving it to Link.

Is this because the players' brains are not big enough, or is Lin Sen's setting too much?
And the occurrence of the Rexiang incident this time also made Muchen nervous.

He was thinking, what if this kid Lin Sen also made some fancy things in other games, and suddenly broke out one day...

skr, skr, what a skr surprise!

"Then what if Xiao Linzi makes some weird settings in this dungeon again? Will there be any bad effects?"

Liu Jin probably was the same as Mu Chen, thinking of Lin Sen's feat, he ignorant of his conscience made disgusting out of the ordinary.

"That's not true. After all, it's a dungeon. If he does a good job and has enough brains, he can use it as a special dungeon in the game!"

"Of course... If it's still like in The Legend of Zelda, give me some messy things to pass the copy, then he is purely itchy!"

On the other hand, Lin Sen, who returned to his office, just thought of a good idea, and suddenly shivered, and then he dismissed the idea.

 Ask for a ticket~~~
  I owe one update tomorrow or the day after tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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