Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 195 I Call You Dad! ! !

Chapter 195 I Call You Dad! ! !
"Feng Zi, isn't your little Nima said to be able to evolve into that Arceus? Why is it so cowardly?"

One of Feng Xia's companions looked at the shivering little Nima (the name Feng Xia gave his own Pokémon) hanging on the poke ball, then pointed to Diosis not far away, and said teasingly.

"Little Nima, look at your ancestors, it's in this video! Why don't you say that you didn't cheat like this?"

Another bad friend of Feng Xia took the mobile phone in front of little Nima and shook it, as if this muddy Pokémon could understand what he said.

"Okay, don't be poor!"

Feng Xia said angrily.

"Now how to deal with the boss in front of me is the last word. Why do you think about those who have it?"

Looking at the luxury Pokémon named Dior (Sith) in Lujiazui, Feng Xia frowned, like a podduck.

"Um... how do you do this thing?"

Damaged Friends No. [-] frowned.

"How about we quietly find the power supply and turn off this holographic projection, and eliminate the boss from the source?!"

emmm, this is a proposal from No. [-], Feng Xia thinks this proposal is quite constructive, and almost couldn't resist kicking him out of the group chat...

Just when a group of people had no choice but to take this boss there, many players who had already GG had a falling out on the Internet.

"Waterfak! The alpaca in the imperial capital is so fierce! My big rock snake can't hold it down like that."

"Fuck~ Is there still a different boss in each city? Why is Dioxys in our magical capital?"

"Dior? Bag?"

"Your sister! It's Dioxys. According to the background story, this is a virus from the universe that mutates and can change into three forms."

The player who was emotional before explained to the netizens who thought that Diosis was a bag.

"Four forms? Then it's been more than an hour, this thing hasn't changed a bit, just waving those two whips and doing S and M to the players!"

Another Magic City player said that he had never seen this Han Dior change form, and he kept whipping the players.

"Fuck? The bosses in both the demon capital and the imperial capital have all kinds of ways! It's not luxury bags, or beasts, grass and mud horses, why is the one in our Yangcheng always a big bird? The key is that these things can't be eaten yet. !"

Just when the players from the two places were discussing fiercely, a player from Yangcheng expressed his strong complaint against Shuguang Entertainment, that these bosses should not be eaten.

Even if you want to try something new!
"What to eat? Do you think it's a kun? It's the kind that can't be stewed in one pot!"

"Rongcheng players said they don't know what this boss here is. It looks like a hairy belly... Hiss, let's not talk about it, my friend told me to eat hot pot!"

Just as players from all over the country reported their city's boss one after another, a player suddenly said that their boss had already GG, and they were asking Shuguang Entertainment if they had any rewards.

"I don't know if there will be any rewards after winning the boss? Our place is small, so the boss is not too powerful. Two minutes ago, this mutant fire-breathing dragon was knocked down by my vast crowd of players."

Seeing this, the players were completely shocked.

"Wori! What do you mean? It's only been two hours, and it's over?"

"Emmm, brothers, are you sure it's a boss? It's not something like an elite monster?"

"Didn't the announcement say that there would be rewards? Brother, you can come closer and see if there are explosive equipment out there."

"6666, what an explosive equipment, why is it not legendary 9999, don't worry about equipment ingots!"

Just when the players started talking nonsense again, a little brother's speech below "Yoyou" touched the hearts of netizens again.

"Damn it? Why don't we have the legendary boss here! The player's activity is just to double the experience, which increases the refresh rate of the surrounding wild Pokémon."

This sentence seems to be complaining about the unfairness of Shuguang Entertainment, but in fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is a proud face hidden behind the tone of complaint.

"Ahhh! What kind of fairy event is this! Why does the boss beat you alone all the time in our place, and double the experience in other people's place, and the refresh rate of Pokémon increases!?"

" seems that there is really no reward for defeating the boss!"

The player who defeated the city boss said solemnly again.

"Real-name envy!"

"I really want to report Shuguang Entertainment's favoritism with my real name! Unfair treatment of players!"

"Exactly! Typical regional discrimination, shouldn't our small place deserve to have a boss? Why is there only double experience? Can't there be three times?"

emmm, well, at first everyone thought this person was a friend, but in the end he came to show off.

Show off the dog!
They should all be burned!

ah ah ah...

In the end, this group of idle viewers naturally ran to Muchen's Weibo to cry.

All of them turned into beeping heroes who could only beep, crying and screaming, dying or living.

At the same time, Mu Chen, who likes to work on Weibo for nothing, also saw the audience who went to his Weibo to cry.

Emmm, to be honest, although he had anticipated this situation from the beginning, when this day came, Mu Chen still didn't expect these sand sculptures to be so excited.

Moreover, they didn't give Mu Chen any hard work this time, they just cried on Weibo, saying how pitiful they are, and how pitiful they are that their Pokémon don't have a chance to level up.

What's more, he also said that his Koda Duck was hungry and thin because he had no experience to upgrade...

I really believe you ghost!

( ̄Q ̄)╯︵┴─┴.

However, although Muchen knows that these people are really pretending to be pitiful, there must be an explanation, otherwise if they hurt the hearts of the leeks, who will pay for the games of Shuguang Entertainment in the future?

"Emmm, let me explain. Players will be rewarded after defeating the boss, but they will be rewarded after the event is completely over three days later; as for players in the area with double experience and increased refresh rate, since you are so satisfied now, Then I have no choice but to cancel your follow-up event rewards."

After Mu Chen finished posting on Weibo, he continued to dive into Weibo to read comments from players.

As for the players, many of them began to admit their mistakes after seeing Mu Chen's response.

Especially those double-experience players who had been very proud before, it was like changing their faces, they were almost called Mu Chen's father.

"Wrong! Wrong! I'm not proud, Mr. Mu, let's talk about the event rewards later, shall we?"

"That's right! Look, we are so pitiful, the boss has no chance to fight, and there is no reward for winning, so follow-up activities are still needed!"

"Dad! Can't I call you Dad? You must get a reward!"


(End of this chapter)

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