Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 198 Azeroth

Chapter 198 Azeroth
According to legend, the universe opens.

A group of races with supernatural powers, the Titans, formed the Pantheon and began their journey of creation.Sargeras is the Titan warrior responsible for defeating many evil creatures on the journey of creation.

The Titans created a world called Azeroth.

After the titans established many laboratories in Azeroth and created their own servants, they set orders for the entire system to develop on its own and then left.

After the Titans left Azeroth, a group of extremely powerful special parasites invaded Titan's laboratory in Azeroth. They ruled the chaotic elements there and became the leader of the planet, the Ancient One. God, referred to as - Ancient God.

After the appearance of the ancient gods, they gradually corrupted the planet Azeroth.

And Azeroth appeared creatures and flesh other than stone.

A group of worm creatures were transformed into a worm race named Aquil by the Old Gods, and the Aqir people established the Aziaki Empire in the southeastern part of the Kalimdor continent.

The Legion of the Old Gods grew stronger and stronger, and while they ruled Azeroth, they also infected many of the titan's creations and servants, turning them from inorganic creatures to organic creatures, which later generations called the curse of flesh and blood.

Azeroth was extremely chaotic under the rule of many ancient gods, and three of them, C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, and N'Zoth, fought endless civil wars.

Then, the Pantheon formed by the Titans returned to the planet Azeroth and found that the laboratory was seriously infected by the Old Gods. After a fierce battle, the Pantheon barely defeated the Legion of the Old Gods in the internal strife.

After the Titans came to fight the Old Gods.

The four generals of the ancient gods, the four lords of wind, fire, water, and earth, were beaten to their own planes.Titan sealed the ancient god, but the ancient god is still doing underground work.The five-color dragon is the Titan's subordinate, red represents life, green dreams, blue magic, black earth, and bronze time.The black dragon was turned bad by the ancient gods, and then defeated by other dragons and ran away.

Then, another titan named Sargeras turned bad and wanted to destroy all the laboratories that the previous titans had built on the planet Azeroth, and finally established the Burning Legion.

After that, there is Infinity War between Azeroth and the Burning Legion.

But it is mainly the invasion of Azeroth that organizes the Burning Legion.

Then, there are those of the Alliance and the Horde.

This is one of the fragments of the background story of World of Warcraft that Muchen gave to the game developers of Shuguang Entertainment.

This was because he was bored before, and he often went to the World of Warcraft forums and the posts of the post bars, and finally saw it in a post called "The Chronicle of World of Warcraft".

Although some of the statements in it were controversial, Mu Chen still chose to use this version which was the most detailed and convinced the most players.

Of course, if you want to talk about the details, you still have to count those leaders in the National Geographic of Azeroth who spend every day in World of Warcraft. (National Geographic of Azeroth: It is an unofficial World of Warcraft forum, one of the many World of Warcraft fan sites in China, and the only Chinese site in mainland China where Mu Chen was located in his previous life that has passed the official certification of the Blizzard special website plan. English abbreviation NGA.)
Closer to home, after Mu Chen brought out the background story of World of Warcraft, the younger brothers were amazed and shouted for a masterpiece.

All kinds of rainbow farts came one after another.

Of course, Muchen didn't get lost in this kind of flattery, he was just simply complacent all morning, and then he returned to normal.

After all, World of Warcraft has always been borrowed (plagiarized) by him, not original.

of course……

The fragrance is still really fragrant, after all, Mu Chen also needs to have a good meal, he can't really be a rich second generation who eats and waits to die.

Two months later...

On the second day after the birthday of the motherland, office workers and student parties all over the country began their second day of drunken life.

Those who should go to nightclubs go to nightclubs, those who should pick up girls, and for someone like Gao Cheng who has been dating a girlfriend for two years, the above two items are completely irrelevant to him.

This year, he is already a glorious senior who is about to enter the society and become a society prostitute.

However, internship and graduation are not important matters for Gao Cheng, who has a girlfriend whose family owns a mine.

In fact, he is not the kind of man who eats soft food. Although Gao Cheng's own family is not a wealthy family, they are well-off anyway.

But unable to stand up to his girlfriend's soft-heartedness and the kind invitation (threat) of his future father-in-law, he still went to the same internship company as his girlfriend Li Qingqing.

——Mushi Group.

No way, who told the future father-in-law to be a minority shareholder of Mu's Group.

Of course, this small is relative to Mu Chen's Lao Zi Mu Feng.

On the day of October 10nd, Gao Cheng dragged his exhausted body, with a look of lovelessness on his face, and came to Mu's Group slowly - working overtime.

After saying hello to his boss, Gao Cheng was about to go directly to his small desk to catch up on his sleep quietly.

As a result, as soon as he turned around, he was stopped by his boss.

"Xiao Gao, wait a minute, come here and let me ask you something."

Although Gao Cheng wanted to sleep very much, he still went to his boss's place.

After all, you can't cause trouble for your future father-in-law, right?

"Boss, are you looking for me?"

The slightly bald head of the department nodded, smiled kindly at Gao Cheng and said, "Xiao Gao, do you usually play games?"

Emmm, although he didn't know what his immediate boss meant, Gao Cheng still nodded truthfully.

After all, this is not a big deal, nothing to admit.

"Then do you know Shuguang Entertainment? It's the game company run by the prince of our Mu Group!"

The supervisor continued to ask.

"I know, I usually play games produced by Shuguang Entertainment."

"What's wrong? Boss?"

Gao Cheng's drowsiness until now was mostly disappeared by his supervisor's questioning, so he continued to ask patiently.

"Hehe, it's like this. Shuguang Entertainment plans to find some employees within our group to experience their latest games. Two people will go to each department."

"In our department, I plan to let you and Xiao Li go. After all, you are still college students. You have been exposed to many new things and have strong adaptability."

"How? Did you say your opinion?"

But after hearing his supervisor's words, countless nouns flashed through his mind.

Virtual game room.

World of Warcraft.

closed beta.


"Yes, boss, I am willing! When are we going to Shuguang Entertainment?"

After thinking for 0.38 seconds, Gao Cheng agreed without any hesitation.

"Don't worry, you go to work first, it's probably a few days away, I'll let you know then."

After dismissing him, the bald supervisor showed a knowing smile on his face.


  I want a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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