Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 219 As long as you are happy!

Chapter 219 As long as you are happy!
Just when Liu Jin and Muchen were staring at the office because they didn't know what game to play, Muchen's Weibo was blasted again.

emmm, as for the reason for the explosion...

Without him, I become angry from embarrassment!
Because, after discussing for a long time what new game Shuguang Entertainment will make this time, and even fighting for a long time...they suddenly came to their senses.

We seem to come to ask if the virtual game Internet cafe can be opened, and how much it charges, why the fuck are we quarreling among ourselves?

How can it be repaired!
Despicable stranger!

You actually used a new game to seduce us!
"Fuck! Mu Chen is getting more and more sinister!"

"I didn't expect this guy to use tricks, it's becoming more and more inappropriate!"

"So...we still haven't asked the most critical answer! After all, the new game will have to wait until next year, or even longer!"

"Down Mu Chen! Give me back the game!"

"Royal Macau..."

emmm, play tricks~
In Shuguang Entertainment Office, Mu Chen and Liu Jin stared for a few minutes, and finally Liu Jin spoke first:

"Master Mu, what about the Dark Souls style game you mentioned?"

For Liu Jin, since the fps game hasn't been decided yet, he decided to choose the same version as the legendary Black Soul.

Although Dark Soul is only a stand-alone game, it really attracted a lot of fans back then, especially the "Fastest Man" Black Soul clearance game officially organized by Shuguang Entertainment. Until now, there are still players tirelessly playing it. Challenging the customs clearance record is bound to win the title of "The Fastest Man"!

And Liu Jin's thoughts are also very simple.

After making this Dark Souls-style game, when the time comes, the announcement will directly use news with a strong UC style such as "Shock! The Black Soul style is making a comeback", "Shuguang Entertainment's game is not good enough?!" and other news with a strong UC style. That effect is awesome!
As for the legendary fps game that has no shadow yet, Liu Jin said that it's better to stay in the mind of his own boss.

If Mr. Mu asks again, I'll say just choose this Black Soul style game!

After Lao Liu asked Muchen, he immediately thought a lot in the little theater in his heart, and made his own decision.

As for Mu Chen, after hearing Liu Jin's question, he frowned and thought about it every day, and said:

"It mainly tells the story of a disabled ninja wearing a prosthetic limb, and then holding a fire stick and picking up all kinds of broken props to complete the task for his lord."

"The core gameplay of the game is actually similar to that of Dark Souls. It is the order of killing mobs first, and then fighting bosses."

"It's just, emmm, I have to adjust the difficulty of this thing a little higher!"

Hearing what Mu Chen said earlier, Liu Jin really felt that this game could be called Black Soul II once the background was changed.

However, when he heard Mu Chen's last sentence "I have to increase the difficulty a little...", Liu Jin became a bit Spartan.

Back then, the biggest feature of Dark Souls was the difficulty factor of the game.

You may have to be beaten to death by mobs when you fight mobs, and you can beat the boss to death many times before you beat the boss [-]%.

What the hell, if this is raising the difficulty factor, will the players still be able to play?

Does it just become: you have to be beaten to death by the mobs several times when you fight a mob, and you have to be beaten to doubt life before you can live with a boss?Or simply can't pass?

"Uh... turn it up? I think Dark Souls is hard enough?"

Liu Jin said something weakly.


"Especially the bosses. The bosses in Dark Souls are still a little weaker. They can't kill players in seconds. It's a disgrace to the boss world!"

Don't look at Mu Chen's categorical statement, but he made the f*cking game, so of course he is speaking outrightly when he complains about it.

If it was someone else... beat him to death with a stick, and then added the sentence "You can do it!"

Liu Jin was also choked by Mu Chen's self-sarcasm, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes subtly, and then continued to listen to his boss's dressing up, ah no, it was self-analysis.

"This time, the boss in the game must have the ability to kill in seconds, otherwise it will still be like Black Soul. Players can beat it a few times, and it will be so boring!"

"Of course, since the boss has the ability to kill people, the player, or the protagonist in the game, will naturally have a corresponding way to kill the boss, but it is more difficult to master."

"But it's definitely not like what you think, Old Liu, that you won't let the players survive!"

"Besides, such as the very distinctive pedicure in Dark Souls and the map killing technique, this game will definitely continue to use it."

Having said that, Mu Chen smiled slightly as if he had thought of something interesting.

"Ahem, besides, I also plan to use the magic skill of map killing for the boss. Otherwise, only the player can use it, but the boss cannot use it, which is still a bit unfair!"

After finishing speaking, Muchen tried his best to put on a look of compassion, but the slightly raised corners of his mouth exposed his unknown purpose.

And Lao Liu grasped a problem in the setting that Muchen mentioned.

"Young Master Mu, can you kill the boss with a map? It's impossible to just force a skill and throw the player out, right?"


Old Liu was so full of doubts that he guessed that Mu Chen was taken aback.

Because the method he said is basically the same as what Mu Chen said about the boss map in the game.

It's just not forced. As long as players pay attention to their positions, they will not be killed by the map.

But this guess really shocked Mu Chen.

"Uh... what's wrong, Young Master Mu? What's the problem?"

Liu Jin saw that Muchen looked like he had seen a ghost, so he couldn't help asking, he thought that Muchen thought there was something wrong with what he said.

Mu Chen cleared his throat.

"Cough cough..."

He continued: "There's no problem, it's just that your thoughts, Old Liu, coincide with mine."

"Of course we have to change it. Mandatory map kills are definitely not allowed. It's just that when certain skills of certain bosses are cast, if the player happens to be thrown off a cliff and dies.

This is mainly to test the player's position during the battle, because their benevolent Master Mu will definitely set the boss, as long as your position is wrong, 100% use the map to kill! "

"Hey hey hey hey..."

At this time, Mu Chen was smiling like a weasel who had successfully stolen a chicken, his voice was weird and obscene.

Liu Jin even said that he couldn't bear to look directly at this boss...

"Then, does our new game feel like making this Dark Souls-style game?"

After complaining quietly to his boss for a while, Lao Liu spoke.

Muchen: "Of course...not!"

"I still want to make an fps game!"

"A man should pick up the Vulcan Cannon and reap the lives of the enemy on the battlefield!"

Liu Jin: ( ̄ー ̄)... as long as you are happy~
 Weekend five updates...

  Something is delayed tonight~
(End of this chapter)

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