Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 231 1 piece of scorpion cake

Chapter 231 The Scorpion's Baba

In the end, under Liu Jin's series of examples, Muchen still temporarily cancels the desperate battle with the female players in the fire game.

After all, Suguang Entertainment's top priority is to steadily increase the production of virtual game warehouses in order to quickly increase the number of players in World of Warcraft.

Otherwise, for such a big game, there will only be [-] to [-] players online at the same time.

If it has been like this, when the players reach the later stage of the game and start the confrontation between the tribe and the alliance, maybe no one can find a few to fight, so it's still a chicken feather.

So, just like that, both Shuguang Entertainment and Xinhuo Games fell silent.

There is quite a pair of Yazi who does not violate the water in the well.

Muchen is now a manufacturer called Shuguang Entertainment, which is working hard to produce virtual game warehouses; on the other side, Ma Teng and Li Zhi are racking their brains to figure out how to please those female gamers .

Although it is said that licking a dog is not a good death, but...

When a company, everyone, goes up, down, left, right, and all directions to lick thousands of female players, then the female players should be overwhelmed.

All kinds of fairy dresses dazzled the girls.

Then... those male players who had other ideas had to pay with tears in their teeth.

Such a scene reminded them of the days when they were once dominated by pedestrian streets.

Suddenly, they missed Suguang Entertainment's World of Warcraft very much~
Think of those green orcs, those dwarfs like winter melons...

Thus, without Mu Chen's knowledge, the number of online players in World of Warcraft quietly increased again.

Of course, even if Mu Chen knew about it now, he wouldn't care so much.

Because now he and Yang Wei are debugging a new ship equipment produced by Shuguang Entertainment in a copy of World of Warcraft.

"How is it, brothers, is there any picture, is it clear?"

Yang Wei was looking seriously at the virtual screen that he exhaled at this time. The data page that should have been a page of game data had turned into a live broadcast room full of barrage.

And when Yang Wei was talking to the front of him, the barrage in the live broadcast room of the virtual interface was also frantically swiping the screen.

"Fuck! There is really a picture!"

"Look at Brother Monkey! There are monsters!"

"Wori, this shit is completely incomprehensible, and the virtual game is also given to you to complete the live broadcast. Young Master Mu is a bit of a slut!"

"Yang Wei, quickly turn your dog's head in the other direction, labor and management want to see me as a handsome, suave, elegant young master Mu!"

emmm, and then, this sentence was swiped in Yang Wei's live broadcast room.

Those who didn't know thought it was some live broadcast anchor named "Master Mu" who came to smash the scene and swiped the screen.

However, Yang Wei still followed the audience's request and turned his head to Mu Chen.


The audience in the live broadcast room saw a... black and white panda.

"Damn it! I told you to watch Mr. Mu, didn't I tell you to go to the zoo? Is impotence grd stupid?"

"The previous IQ is estimated to be similar to impotence. Where did the zoo come from in this f*cking game? This should be a race in World of Warcraft."

"I know, this is the hidden race of pandaren! According to the official background story of World of Warcraft, the pandaren are the most mysterious race on the continent of Azeroth. It is said that they all come from the kingdom of pandaren - Pandaria."

"Ah, it's true that my own game is different, even the race can be so different."

"Hiss~ why, I can't control my hands when I look at Young Master Mu's bear, I want to masturbate!"

"That's right, I also have this terrible idea, I want to lick Young Master Mu's bear ears!"

"Hehe, then you will be blocked from the entire Shuguang Entertainment network!"

"I don't care, the old man's teenage heart is about to explode, so I'll buy a game and masturbate Mu Chen immediately!"

"Go together, go together, fuck together!"


Because it was a holographic game, Mu Chen couldn't watch Yang Wei's live broadcast at any time like before, and he couldn't see those bold bullet screens in the live broadcast room.

Naturally, he didn't know that his panda-man appearance had already been missed by countless netizens.

Beast ears and the like are the most imaginative.

As for Yang Wei, he must be able to see the barrage, but he didn't dare to say it, and he didn't dare to ask more.

"How's the situation?"

Mu Chen stared at a pair of big panda ears, dark circles under his eyes, and asked Yang Wei, a blood elf mage next to him.

"It's okay. According to the audience, the picture in the live broadcast room is still very smooth and clear."

Yang Wei then nodded and said.

"That's good, this set of equipment will be given to you. If there is any problem with the equipment, remember to call me or Lao Liu."

This set of live broadcast equipment specially developed by Suguang Entertainment for the virtual game warehouse is currently in the testing stage, so Mu Chen directly found Yang Wei and asked him to test the water with his company's new products.

"Ah? This, this is not very good, is it? Master Mu!"

When Yang Wei heard Mu Chen said that he would give this set of fraudulent virtual game warehouse live broadcast equipment to himself.

Yang Wei, who always considered himself extremely thick-skinned, immediately felt so embarrassed.

"It's not asking you to use it for free, remember to give us feedback on equipment problems!"

Muchen's pandaren image is very humane, rolling his eyes with his small black eyes.

"Hahaha, after working on it for a long time, it turned out to be an experimental product. Baboon, be careful that your game room is blown up like a certain star's Seven model!"

"Look at the expression of impotence, does it look like a male baboon who failed to mate?"

After hearing the conversation between Mu Chen and Yang Wei, the audience in the live broadcast room all mocked Yang Wei.

"Uh... Young Master Mu, then... are we going to fry this experimental product? Don't do it~ I have a beautiful daughter-in-law in my family! I haven't had a child yet, and the old Yang's family is only me. A single seedling! Young Master Mu~"

Yang Wei originally lowered the blood elves' appearance line because of his own appearance, but now the crying appearance is even more unbearable to look at.

"Get out, what do you think it is? It's not a certain star's phone, you're afraid of a chicken feather!"

"If you don't want me, I'll give it to someone else!"

Mu Chen turned his head and pointed his fat panda butt at Yang Wei.

"I want it!"

The fragrance is still really fragrant, after all, this thing is the first in the entire live broadcast industry, and no matter how many people ask for it, they can't get it.

"Hey hey hey..."

Yang Wei looked at the back of Mu Chen leaving, with an extraordinarily wretched smile on his face.

 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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