Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 234 Villains

Chapter 234 Villains
Let’s talk about our young master Mu’s hard life than working overtime.

Mu Chen risked being threatened by his mother to go home with a knife, and finally on August [-]th, he killed a wolf... Uh, don't get me wrong, it wasn't finished.

I just determined the core things in the game such as the character modeling of the wolf, various weapon settings, and move settings.

In fact, if Mu Chen is only allowed to be a wolf, it is certain that these things will not take so long.

But... Who is not a real genius.

He needs Hu Feng for modeling. Although he has learned a lot over the years, it is still early to reach the level of Lao Hu.

Then the subsequent game settings, because with the participation of Lin Sen and Liu Jin, Mu Chen had to convince these two.

Especially Lin Sen.

Over the past few years, the problem of breaking the casserole and asking the end has not been changed, and there is even a growing trend.

Lin Sen: Why is the second life of the lion ape set to appear after a while after the head is cut off?
Muchen: Because I want to cheat players.

Lin Sen: When the protagonist has a second life, why can't the seeds explode after death and resurrection?No invincible time?

Muchen: Because I want to cheat players.

Lin Sen: Why can the boss use muskets, but the protagonist can only use some gunpowder, hidden weapons and so on?Can't you equip the protagonist with a hot weapon?I think it would be good to have a setting where the protagonist's prosthetic limb can be turned into a gun.

Muchen: Because I want to cheat players.

Lin Sen: Why... uh, you want to cheat players?

Muchen: ...

In short, during the process of determining the core settings of the entire game content, Mu Chen's brain cells died unknowingly, and he even felt a little bit of coolness on the top of his head from time to time.

Don't worry if you become bald before you become stronger, it will be uncomfortable...

Fortunately, the upcoming [-]th SG Global E-sports Competition can make Mu Chen come out for a while.

As for the remaining jobs of Sekiro, they are naturally handed over to our Lin · I love overtime · Sen.

Of course, there is also Hu Feng who decided to take the initiative to help Lin Sen share the pressure, Mu Chen said that he didn't want to mention it again.

This time the SG Global E-sports competition is similar to previous years.

There is a difference, that is, in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds project, the contestants have all been professional players from last year's anchor crowd to this year.

After all, like the situation last year, although the major clubs had already started to set up chicken eating divisions when PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds first came out.

However, it is obviously unrealistic to ask them to participate in the fifth competition afterwards.

That's why Mu Chen had no choice but to invite the anchor to come.

But this year is different.

This year, the major clubs in China have matured like raisins.

Whether it is a regular game officially held by Shuguang Entertainment in China, or a certain cup sponsored by various companies (mainly the live broadcast industry).

Domestic clubs have been playing for a whole year.

Even in various invitational tournaments abroad, many domestic clubs have gone to participate.

Therefore, from this year to the [-]th SG Global E-sports Competition, in the eyes of the players, it is one of the most interesting competitions.

As for the other most anticipated competition, it is naturally the enduring League of Legends.

As for other ancient projects such as CS, Minecraft, etc., compared with the previous two games, the number of players looking forward to it seems to be much less.

When Mu Chen went to discuss the details of this year's SG Global E-Sports Competition with Ye Shengge, Yang Wei, who was broadcasting the live broadcast, was also talking about the competition.

"Hey~ Brother Meng, you Meng said, what if I also set up a professional team?"

Yang Wei sat in his new home, looked at the computer screen, and asked the audience in the live broadcast room with a serious face.

"Hahaha, Viagra is so fraudulent, why not a professional team, just go to battle in person, there is no such thing as a League of Legends!"

"That's right, it's the same with eating chicken. Your impotence technique, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles style, won the praise of Brother Xiu!"

"Ahem, let me tell you something, Viagra, have you lost your mind? That's why you spent a lot of money to open a virtual game Internet cafe, and now you want to start a professional team?"

"I agree with the previous statement, don't be like Viagra, you don't have enough money, and you have to rely on live broadcasts to make a living!"

"Pfft~ It's enough for you to be cute, please tell me where is the cuteness of this competition?"

"Holding back, we are discussing very serious and serious issues now!"


For a while, there were people on the bullet screen who supported it, some people thought it was inappropriate, and there were also many people who didn't speak now, but were ready to see a joke.

Of course, the least of them are those taunting sunspots.

After all, our Yang Weiwei is a person of status anyway, and if some people like it, others will naturally hate it.

Yang Wei looked at the analysis on the bullet screen seriously, but ignored those bullet screens that were purely black for black.

"Just now I saw a viewer say that a League of Legends first-level team quota should be at least [-] million RMB, and asked me where I got so much money."

"I'm going to say something when I see this."

"I'm not saying that a top-level team should participate in a world championship like the SG Global E-Sports Competition. The entire second-tier league team is enough!"

Yang Wei seriously explained his thoughts to the audience who raised this question.

He is also very aware of how much he owns, and even a hundred million RMB is not worth that much even if he sells his entire net worth.

As for the battle quota for the second-tier league, he jio got the friendship between him and Mu Chen, not to mention how much cheaper it would be, but it's still possible to give him a quota.

After all, he had inquired about the news when he had this idea. The League of Legends secondary league was officially established last year. There are [-] teams in total, and there are still two teams that are vacant.

As for why it is vacant, of course it is not because this spot is not in demand.

On the contrary, those second-generation bosses who are willing to invest are also greedy for places in the second-tier league.

However, besides the most basic small money, there is also the official qualification review of Shuguang Entertainment.

As for the censorship, that is the part of exploring the secrets that the broad masses of the people love to see.

The twists and turns in it are enough for a domestic screenwriter to produce a prime-time TV series.

Of course, in this TV series, Yang Wei must be playing the villain role.

Thinking of this, a sweet smile appeared on Yang Wei's face, which made the audience in the live broadcast room feel sick.

(End of this chapter)

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